I was Reincarnated While Trying to Climb the Mountain Chapter 77

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Episode 77

Episode 77


There was a clear metallic sound and the sword was pulled out.

Angel’s wings decorated the edge of the sword body above the guard with a thin, sharp tip, and a red magic stone was embedded in the center.

A fancy treasured sword was hidden in an ordinary scabbard.

“It’s a pretty good sword.”


Jeron muttered as he swung lightly. It is not just a ceremonial sword given to high school graduates, but is made so that it can be used in actual combat. It wasn’t enough to say it was a famous sword. Literally, it was quite good, which was the perfect expression.

If you try to buy it with money, should you pay a huge price and barely be able to get it?

However, the balance of the sword and the feel of its grip in the palm of my hand were very good.

It was a perfect fit, as if it had been made for Jeron from the beginning.

“I like this.”

It felt like a sword I had had for a long time.

Geron, grinning, put the sword back into its sheath and tied it around his waist. It was a little longer than the long sword, so it was still a bit long, but it seemed like it would fit perfectly in a year or two.

While Jeron was admiring the sword, his father returned from seeing the deputy off.

“Whew. “It’s hard.”

My father’s martial arts skills reached the highest level of expert in this world.

Although it was still just the beginning, just being able to overcome the wall was amazing.

When I said it was difficult, I was not saying it was physically difficult, but rather I was complaining of mental fatigue.

‘I need to give you some mental training as well.’

Jeron thought without thinking as he went behind his father, who was sitting in the chair, and gently massaged his shoulders. The strength of her hands was gentle, but she used her inner strength to relax her muscles. Soon her father’s eyes turned drowsy.

“ah! good night.”

“Don’t sound like an old man.”

“I have three children. What would I be if I weren’t an uncle?”

With dad’s languid look in his eyes, haha! I laughed.

Considering that he has three children, this is true, but he looked young enough to nod and believe that he was still in his 20s.

As I reached the top level of Expert, the imbalance was corrected, showing the same effect as becoming younger. So now my father looks younger than my mother. Well, it was a very small difference.

“Your shoulders are very stiff.”

“That’s a muscle.”



Jeron was embarrassed and tightened his hands.

When my father screamed, I quickly relaxed, but the pain had already set in. He again gently used internal energy to relieve the painful area. As his pain subsided, his father’s expression softened again.

“20 years old?”


“We’ll have to prepare a lot until then.”

It was a strangely bitter voice. But there was also a feeling of pride. When I heard that my youngest child, who had been toddling around, was going to find his dreams and goals on his own, two conflicting emotions arose at the same time.

“You, too, prepare a lot for the next four years.”

“all right.”

“Take care of your mom.”

“What about Dad?”

“I’m not taking it for granted, am I?”

Are you just trying to take good care of your mom? Her father grumbled that he was sad.

Jeron grinned.

* * *

“The next four years.”

Jeron carefully planned a four-year plan. It’s not the end to just look after your family’s military achievements for four years. Even if you cannot recover all of your past martial arts skills, you must become as strong as possible.

We also had to make Erdin stronger as an attribute in the coming months.

“Erdin is the biggest problem right now… … .”

4 years is long but short.

Even if he learns martial arts from now on, expert beginner level is his limit. The assumption was that it was taught by attribute. But it wasn’t entirely impossible. If he trains by surpassing his attributes and continuously hitting his limits, there is a small but likely possibility that he will become stronger.

“The problem is that it’s still not enough.”

The ruins, dungeons, and continents that Jeron was trying to visit were filled with all kinds of dangers. If you are weakly strong, you are likely to lose your life.

Jeron could protect her, but in the end it would only be a hindrance.

That’s not a companion, it’s just luggage. Erdin wouldn’t want that either.

“I have no choice but to watch it for four years and if it doesn’t seem to work, I just drop it.”

I plan to make this clear when Erdin comes.

Exactly 4 years.

We will be testing Erdin the day after Geron’s 20th birthday.

“Traveling alone may be boring, but it can’t be helped.”

Shaking his head slightly, Jeron began to organize Erdin’s martial arts training into an accelerated course. The reason I worked hard at the academy was to build a body that could withstand the accelerated course. Maybe he didn’t know that.

“I didn’t say it on purpose.”

Because you shouldn’t be scared even before you start martial arts training with the accelerated course.

Finally, three months later, Erdin packed his bags and came to Baron Perian.

“Mr. Jeron. “I’m here.”

“Then put down your luggage and come. “I need to exercise.”

“please… Should I?”



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Erdin’s eyes shook greatly.

Jeron said with a grin.

“If you want to come with me in four years, you have to do it.”

“I can’t help it.”

Erdin sighed softly and gave instructions to the porter to carry the luggage. In the meantime, he changed his clothes into activewear and returned.

“Are you prepared?”

“i did it.”

“You should at least be prepared to die.”

“Are you prepared to go beyond that?”

“of course.”

The determination to die is not as great a determination as you might think.

This is because most people are confident that they will not really die.

But if it gets really hard and you get to the point where you die, your resolve will change.

If you endure it, you will truly become ready to die.

“Please bear with me.”

“Can’t you just be a little gentler?”

“Of course not. “If I want to take you with me in four years, I have to do that.”

“I can’t help it.”

Erdin sighed again. Four years later, I couldn’t send Jeron off to travel the continent alone. It is not suitable for one’s temperament to leave the person who will be his lord for the rest of his life and anxiously wait for him to return.

“Is there really nothing we can do? hmm.”

Jeron was really curious when Erdin’s words would change.

The accelerated course he designed wasn’t easy enough to say he had no choice.

“Well, let’s run first.”


“Spin 100 laps and then call.”

“yes! … yes? Jeron, what?”

Jeron answered Erdin’s question with a wave of his hand and entered the mansion.

* * *

“… … .”

“Are you alive?”

Jeron stabbed Erdin’s body, which fell like a corpse, with a tree branch.

Baron Perian’s training hall is extremely small compared to the academy. However, if there are 100 laps, the story is different.

In particular, traveling to the same place 100 times is extremely tiring, not only physically but also mentally. No matter how many times you go around, you will always be in the same place, so you will be mentally exhausted.

‘But you did it.’

Although it was only the first day, Jeron felt that Erdin’s determination was great.

If he was a knight or a knight’s squire who had been trained to some extent, it would be amazing for an ordinary person to walk around the training center 100 times.

“… … .”

“I passed out.”

When Erdin made eye contact with Jeron, he seemed to have relaxed and fainted with his eyes open. She lifted his body up, carried him to his room, and laid him down on the bed. By letting her inner energy flow into her body, she expelled her stagnant energy and relaxed the muscles of her entire body.

Since I had decided to do my best to train him through an accelerated course for four years, I was willing to provide at least some light service.

As soon as the guy was breathing comfortably, I went out.

It was difficult to keep watching it spin 100 times.

‘I have to train too.’

Erdin wasn’t the only one who needed to become stronger.

Jeron also needs to recover his previous life’s strength as much as possible.

I sat cross-legged and slowly entered into fortune-telling.

While serving Erdin, the energy consumed was quickly replenished.

After finishing the Great Jucheon, I fell into meditation.

I entered a pure white world where nothing existed.

It was a world of images.

I drew a picture there.

Grass, trees, and forests.

I heard the sounds of insects and birds chirping, and finally, the refreshing scent of the forest tickled my nose.

Jeron moved there. He slowly recovered his martial arts skills.

After 10 hours, I woke up from the world of images.

In reality, the time that passed was 1 hour.

This is because the speed of time flowing in the world of images is different from reality.

In terms of ratio, it is 1 to 10.

One hour in reality was 10 hours in the world of images.

As the level of martial arts increases, the ratio increases.


Jeron slowly took a breath as he felt his internal strength slightly increase.

* * *

In the blink of an eye, a year has passed.

My father’s title was promoted and he became Viscount.

Originally, after the territory war with Baron Verond, the territory was more than doubled and grew to the size of a small viscounty, but it was observed to see if he had the ability to receive the title of viscount.

In fact, his ability had been recognized.

11 years have passed since the Battle of Territory ended. Usually, noble titles are upgraded once every 10 years after a clear investigation into the circumstances of performance and evaluation.

Other countries had different forms, but the laws of the Kingdom of Orne were like that.

In other words, according to the law, the promotion to title should have occurred in the year that Geron graduated from the Academy. However, due to factional issues, the time was continuously delayed and permission has now been granted.

“Viscount Ferrian.”


Dad blushed slightly and cleared his throat.

I was always called Baron, but now that my title has been promoted to Viscount, it feels good.

My older brother and sister were shocked when my mother watched them and muttered that they were cute.

“Viscount Ferrian, how about your meal?”

“Hmm. “That’s very good.”

When Jeron asked, Dad smiled and answered.

The corners of his mouth went up and down repeatedly, as if he was about to ascend to the sky. As her mom looked at her dad like that, she muttered that he was cute again.

My sister looked like she had lost her appetite.

“We always talk about that while eating… … .”

“… … .”

My mother raised her eyebrows at my grumbling older sister. My sister was startled and quickly looked away from her. When her mother gets angry, no one can stop her.

Jeron chuckled quietly as he looked at that.

“Jeron, you got sauce on your mouth.”

Erdin spoke from behind, holding out a napkin. Jeron took it and wiped his mouth. It looked like it was smeared while eating it while giggling.

“thank you.”


Jeron looked at Erdin, who calmly shook his head.

Dad wasn’t the only one who changed over the past year.

My mother, older brother, and older sister all improved their martial arts skills one step at a time. However, the person who rose up more frighteningly than anyone else was Erdin.

‘His qualifications and understanding are slightly better than those of an ordinary person, but his obsession is enormous.’

Erdin plans to go on a trip with Geron in 4 years – 3 years from now.

I was obsessed with it and was training in all of the accelerated courses.

Currently an intermediate level Auror user.

It was hard to believe that it was achieved in just one year.

Jeron was also very surprised.

‘If I continue to do this, I will advance to the expert level.’

Jeron thought as he stabbed the meat with a fork.


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