I was Reincarnated While Trying to Climb the Mountain Chapter 337

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Episode 337

Episode 337

Rohan furrowed his brows at Charon’s words.

It’s not wrong. Rather, it was closer to the truth. You must attack before more monsters gather at the purple tower.

“You can’t possibly know that it’s easier said than done, right?”

“Because I know it well, I am making a stronger claim. “I agree to some extent with the statement that it needs to be resolved as quickly as possible.”

The biggest problem currently is abnormal weather. The most important thing in growing crops is soil management. It was suddenly snowing and raining, and there was no way the soil for growing crops would be in good condition.

“… … Even if you have something in stock this year, what about next year? What after that? Even skilled hunters are unable to hunt animals in mountains and forests infested with monsters and monsters. Even cutting down trees requires risking one’s life. It’s not that I don’t know that it’s easier said than done, but that the situation is that serious. “I would rather starve or freeze to death than sit still and wait for the end to come.”


Rohan could not refute Charon’s words. Because every single word was correct.

To lighten the now heavy atmosphere, Jeron placed his palms together.


“I’m not saying either of you are wrong, but let’s take a more realistic approach. What should I do if this is correct and that is also correct? “We need to reach an agreement on a midpoint that suits both.”

“Then there is only one conclusion.”

“that’s right.”

Charon and Rohan nodded at the same time and talked intently.

Jeron, who was listening to the conversation, stood blankly and fell to one side.

‘I hate troublesome things.’

Those two are in the position of giving orders with their heads turned, and I am the one that works hard to cut.

It’s a pain in the ass to listen to.

After a while, Charon and Rohan found Jeron, but he had left the hall.

* * *

Count Schrombel and Duke Furion spied on each other.

Those two people were in charge of positions called heroes in the Western and Northern continents, respectively. Duke Furion was much older, but there was no significant difference in appearance.

This is because Duke Furion achieved rejuvenation(?) by reaching the level of Grand Master.

The two people who had been spying on each other for a while simultaneously admired each other. Additionally, there was a clear hierarchy of who was above and who was below.

The higher-ranking Duke Furion asks with a faint smile.

“How old are you?”

“I turn 49 this year.”

Count Schrombel, who was lower in rank, answered politely.

Duke Furion stroked his short beard and reminisced about the old days.

“When I was your age, I could barely pull out an Auror sword and ran around like a colt with a tail on fire. On the other hand, you have reached the highest level of Auror Master, which is truly amazing.”

“Excuse me, but Yonsei… … ?”

“I’m 93 years old this year.”

Count Schrombel swallowed his saliva. He doesn’t look like a 93 year old man. He looks like you’d believe he’s in his mid-30s.

“If you don’t mind, may I ask how you got younger?”

“I don’t know either. “When I hit the wall, only my hair turned black, but after I broke through the wall, my skin became firmer and my strength surged every morning.”

“ah… … !”

I feel energized every morning!

As a man, what could be happier than this?

But the problem is that we don’t know how.

Count Schrombel’s face darkened.

“Hmm. “I don’t know how, but I can roughly guess what happened.”

“What is that?!”

“This is what happened when I followed that guy around.”

“… … !”

I’m talking about Jeron.

Count Schrombel realized this fact immediately.

‘Now that I think about it, I also became stronger while accompanying him than when I fought the barbarians in the snowy mountains, right?’

As I searched through my past memories, it seemed like that was the case.

The barbarians trying to cross the snowy mountain were very numerous, but not strong. The strongest one was an intermediate level Auror Expert. There was no way there was any enlightenment to be gained from fighting those guys.

‘I can’t even warm up.’

However, ever since Jeron came to the North Continent, he has been fighting against extremely strong guys.

Just then, a general offensive by the barbarians began.

‘I did get stronger.’

Compared to when there was no progress, you can be confident that you have moved up a few steps.

But strangely, I felt uncomfortable.

The barbarians struggled to cross the snowy mountain, but when Jeron appeared, they launched an all-out offensive. He even showed up and caused a stir.

‘They said something happened in the West Continent as well.’

For some reason, it seems like wherever Jeron goes, something happens.

“You two are here.”

Just as Count Schrombel narrowed his brows and was about to think, he heard Geron’s voice.

“oh. “Are you here?”

“You look younger.”

“Thanks to you.”

Xeron and Duke Furion exchange friendly greetings.

Count Schrombel felt uncomfortable for no reason.

“What did I do? “I’m glad to see Count Schrombel looking healthy too.”



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“choux… … .”


“Hmph. “It seems like your father-in-law is doing well.”

A happy smile appeared on Count Schrombel’s lips. Although his power was the lowest among the three, he was not inferior to the others.

“okay. “I am your father-in-law.”

When I look at Duke Furion with a look in my eyes that says I am superior to you, he frowns, plays with his short beard, and asks:

“Have you finished your meal?”

“Not even an engagement… … .”

Count Schrombel stretched out his hand and covered Geron’s mouth.

His hands were so fast that Jeron could not react.

“I plan to hold an engagement ceremony soon.”

“You mean you didn’t upload it. Then there’s still a chance.”

“I’ve been fighting with my daughter for years, so this is an opportunity?”

“You must have had to deal with it as a comrade in arms.”

As the two people’s voices grew louder, Jeron thought that they were not even here and tried to sneak away. However, the moment he took his steps, Duke Furion grabbed him with blazing eyes and told him not to go anywhere but to stand still here.

‘What did I do wrong that I have to go through this hardship?’

While listening to the two people’s argument, Jeron felt as if blood was flowing from his ears.

Occasionally, two people would ask him how he was, and each time, I felt like I wanted to bite my tongue and die.

‘Caron. Rohan. My friend is dying here. ‘What are you doing!’

I was half lost and thought about something in a daze. Just as my stream of consciousness reached the sky above, reinforcements appeared.

“Jeron! … … ah. You two are here. “I’ve been looking for it for a long time.”

“What did Count Perian come looking for us for?”

“Hum hum. “I’ll just go now.”

When Giupetto appeared, Duke Furion asked, and Count Schrombel quietly retreated.

Normally, my in-laws would hold my hand and say, ‘How nice!’ However, the reason Count Schrombel was outside the hall was because he was running away from people.

“Where are you going?”

“Suddenly something happened… … .”

“Hmm. Duke Bon suddenly remembered something he had to do… … .”

“Right now, the representatives of each kingdom are sitting in their seats, anxiously waiting for the two of you to arrive. So don’t run away again and come with me.”

Giupetto said as he grabbed the two people.

“I’m getting older, so I feel burdened by that kind of position.”

“Me too… … “The kids below will take care of it.”

“But aren’t you two representatives of the Western Continent and the Northern Continent?”

It was a voice that seemed to come from deep within.

Count Schrombel and Duke Furion lowered their heads in vain and were led by Giupetto’s hand to attend the event.

Unlike those two people, Jeron smiled brightly, feeling relieved at last.

* * *

“… … So, we are planning to go on a mission in two days.”


Duke Furion crossed his arms and gave an expression that said he didn’t like something.

“I’m going on a mission in two days.”

Talk. Talk. Talk.

Even if you don’t like it, the sign that you really don’t like it comes out in your voice and your fingers tapping on the table.

“… … .”

“… … .”

Everyone sitting in the seats looked at him.

There were kings of different countries present, but the opponent was Duke Furion, a war hero from the Fallen Empire. It was safe to say that the position of a duke of an empire was on a par with or above that of the king of a kingdom.

Because he was a duke of the empire.

However, here was a duke from another empire.

“Is there anything you don’t like?”


“This is Duke Bangre of the Carlton Empire.”

“Duke Bangre? Umm. I remember hearing this somewhere… … Hmm.”

“haha. “I cannot dare to compare to Duke Furion, the war hero of the Western Continent, but he is making a small name for himself in the Central Continent.”

Duke Bangre said calmly.

His identity was one of the three Auror Masters representing the Carlton Empire in the past.

During the Crown Prince Succession War, he stood on the side of the 4th prince, who was an illegitimate son, and was also the party who beheaded the 1st prince.

“ah! I remembered. A loyalist who made the 4th prince of the Carlton Empire emperor. “That was you.”

“haha. “I’m honored that you remember me.”

Unlike the two warm-hearted dukes, the atmosphere in the hall was bleak.

Who knew that the Carlton Empire’s shameful past could be talked about so casually?

It was also proof that Duke Furion was a big man.

“I never thought we would meet like this. Nice to meet you.”

“It’s an honor once again.”

“So what did you say earlier?”

“I asked if there was anything you didn’t like.”

“iced coffee. “Rather than saying I don’t like it, there is something that bothers me.”

“If there is such a thing, please tell me freely. “Isn’t everyone just looking at the duke?”

“I don’t think one person is watching?”


When Duke Bangre looked at where Duke Furion’s finger was pointing, Count Schrombel slightly raised his hand and nodded.

‘Guardian of the North Continent.’

Duke Vangre, who guessed Count Schrombel’s identity, nodded and greeted him with a faint smile.

“anyway… … That’s what catches me. “The question is whether the soldiers coming from each continent will be able to get enough rest until they go on a mission in two days.”

“Hmm. “I’m sure you’ll like it.”

Even though the troops gathered from the Central Continent were like that, the troops from other continents crossed the long distance over several months. There was no way my fatigue could be alleviated by just resting for a few days.

“Maybe it’s because I’m getting older, but my stomach hurts too. But what about the soldiers? It’s not like I just passed over, I fight with monsters, I fight with monsters. Preventing the apocalypse is also good. But what good is it if we can’t even use our strength when we have to fight?”

“haha. “You are right.”

Count Schrombel agreed with Duke Furion.

Duke Bangre also nodded, saying it was right and deserved.

To summarize what Duke Furion said, it was to rest for a few more days.

So the plan changed.

After the meeting, Jeron, who had heard the whole story, went to his two friends and spoke.

“You have to debate hard before decisions are made from above. “You foolish friends.”



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