I was Reincarnated While Trying to Climb the Mountain Chapter 267

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Chapter 267

Episode 267


When I lay the agent down on the bed, he starts to chew.

Erdin looked at that and sighed softly. The thought occurred to him, “What is he doing all the way to the southern continent?” But he still felt sorry. This wasn’t enough to alleviate all of his regrets. He was worried about what he would do if he caught a cold. So at this moment, a man with a warm heart became possessed and lifted the blanket up to the agent’s chest.


The agent snuggled into the blanket. It soon turned into a chrysalis. When his breathing became even, Erdin went out, closing the door.

After that, I went down to the restaurant floor and saw Jeron and the rest of the group eating.

It seems like everyone just walked around without eating anything all day.

“Did you handle it well?”

“Mr. Jeron. “If someone who knows nothing hears that, they will misunderstand it and report it to security.”

Erdin spoke harshly, but Jeron didn’t even pretend to listen and instead focused on eating. As she looks at that scene, she sighs naturally.

‘I don’t know how many times I sigh today alone.’

I think it’s probably at least two digits.

Maybe it would have surpassed three digits.

While I was thinking about that, Jeron spoke.

“What are you doing? sit down.”

“yes yes.”

Erdin sat down and called an employee. After we finish ordering drinks and snacks, Jeron begins to talk about the information he found out while wandering around the city.

“Demon Mountain was someone’s private land.”

The reason I say someone is because I don’t know that person’s identity.

“Actually, I’m not sure if finding out this information was a coincidence.”

“Hmm. “It’s definitely strange.”

Erdin also agreed with Jeron’s words. The only information I have found so far is legends or tales passed down orally. But now, a new fact has suddenly been revealed that it was someone’s private land.

In fact, it was difficult to dismiss it as simply a coincidence.

“I tried to find out if it was a coincidence or not, but it was impossible. He was an old man with dementia. I didn’t know that at first either. I found out as we continued talking. anyway… … The old man said this. That mountain has an old owner. “When I asked him what he meant, he said that there was a nobleman who bought Demon Mountain for a large amount of money a long time ago.”

“… … “Is that the end?”

Erdin, who was waiting for Jeron to continue talking, asks when he doesn’t say anything after a minute.

Then Jeron nodded and looked at Jeanne.

“That’s all I found out. The reason I came back late was because I came back after watching the old man for a while. The doubts are still not completely gone. “Jeanne tell me what happens next.”

“I heard that there was a nobleman who spent a lot of money to buy Demon Mountain, so I went to the city’s management office and looked for information. Unless it is a frontier area, records of land being bought and sold will remain. So I looked into it and there was a record of a nobleman named Baron Arta purchasing Demon Mountain 218 years ago. I wanted to find out who it was, but because it was so long ago, only records of personal details had disappeared. … … “Maybe they destroyed the records.”

“Baron Arta?”

Jeron pondered the nobleman’s name several times. As a person from the Central Continent, there is no way he would know the nobles of the Southern Continent, but strangely enough, it is a name that does not feel unfamiliar. Soon he thought it was because he had heard a similar name somewhere and passed on it.

“When the Agent wakes up, I’ll ask him about Baron Arta.”

It is impossible for nobles from other countries to purchase land. This is because most national laws are set that way. There are occasional exceptions, but they are truly rare. He must be recognized as a war hero or equivalent. However, there was no way that a noble from another country would be recognized as a war hero, and even if it were a truly exceptional case and land was purchased, there was no way that the mountain could be purchased.

In other words, Baron Arta is a nobleman of the Peroche Kingdom.

If you are an agent, you can quickly find out about Baron Arta through the royal family.

The next day, when the agent woke up, he told him over dinner that Demon Mountain was Baron Arta’s private land.

The agent was surprised as if he had heard this for the first time, and after finishing his meal, he left, saying he would investigate Baron Arta.

“I didn’t even say anything, but you figured it out.”

“Iknow, right.”

“that’s right. “Not like anyone else.”

Jeron giggled and tackled him, but Erdin didn’t seem to notice that that ‘someone’ was him, so he just narrowed his eyes.

A few hours later, the agent returned with a fairly thick book.

“This is the noble genealogy of the Peroche Kingdom.”

“what… … “Noble family tree?”

Jeron asked back in a slightly embarrassed voice.

“yes. A noble genealogy. You may be unfamiliar with this. Because not many people know of its existence. Not for any particular reason. This is because no one is interested in the genealogy of nobles. There are many people who are not interested in the history of the kingdom, so who would be curious about the genealogy of the nobles? “I understand that this genealogy was last updated 50 years ago and is no longer updated.”

The agent convinced everyone with a short speech and began to search through the books.

It wasn’t difficult to find Baron Arta’s genealogy, thanks to the record of his purchase of Demon Mountain 218 years ago.

“… … It is said that the Baron Arta family served as secretaries in this county for generations until 142 years ago. Afterwards he ascended to the rank of viscount and was granted a small fiefdom, said to be near Demon Mountain. Hmm?”

The agent who was following the genealogy narrows his eyebrows toward the center.

Jeron and his companions waited for him to speak again.

“Umm. “Is there something strange?”

“… … .”

Everyone wanted to ask what was strange, but they held back. An important clue may come out. I didn’t want to break his concentration. After that, the agent searched through the genealogy for a while and kept muttering, ‘That’s strange?’ over and over again.

Finally, after 30 minutes, the agent folded the corners of a few pages and flipped them back and forth to show them to the group.

To summarize briefly.

“… … 75 years ago, the Viscount Arta family won a territorial war and absorbed the surrounding viscountries, but changed their last name. A strange new count named Count Caheron has appeared.”

Jeron said in summary. I understand why the agent said it was strange. But that won’t be the end. If that was all there was to it, there was no need to fold the corners like this to show it.

The agent said with a cautious expression.

“Not Count Caheron.”

“… … ?”

“Please see the last page.”

There was one more folded corner in the genealogy. There, written down, was the title that Count Caheron had last won 50 years ago.

“… … Duke Caheron.”

“Now, 50 years later, he is the Grand Duke of Caheron.”

* * *



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“This guy… … “It’s ambiguous.”

Maiyan glanced at the demonic beast made up of brown carapace and shook his head. Normally, she would have been satisfied and said that it was enough, but because she saw the transcendent person named Geron, her eyes widened.

“It’s clear that pheromones don’t work. It has also been proven that the carapace cannot block the Auror Blade. This isn’t enough. “The limit is similar to Fake Master.”

Fake Master refers to a created Auror Master. It is completed by selecting qualified test subjects, forcibly forming an Aura hole, and infusing enough energy extracted from a living person to create an Auror Blade.

The explanation was simple, but only 1 out of 10 people survive during the process of forming an Auror Hall, and when infusing enough energy to create an Auror Blade, only 1 out of 10 people survives. In short, this means that 1 in 100 people becomes a fake master. Since this is the standard for qualified test subjects, it is correct to say that in reality it is not 1% but 0.1% or less.

“And, he will come find me.”

Jeron was different from those clumsy guys who leave regrets alone. She seemed to know even though she had been talking for a while. She will come here. I know she has a lot of bad connections with the organization, so she will definitely come.

“I should prepare too. “It’s a good thing we have to hold our ground until the orcs unite the tribe anyway.”

I think we need to stop collecting test subjects for a while. They summoned all the demonic people and fake masters spread throughout the southern continent.

“I hope I’m lucky enough to get a piece of blood or flesh.”

Maiyan still hasn’t given up on her greed.


Because that was the driving force that kept him alive until now.

* * *

The title Grand Duke has several meanings.

In the empire, it refers to the emperor’s brothers who ascended to the throne as the new emperor, and also refers to the husband who married the emperor’s sister or princess. Alternatively, it may refer to the leader of a small country-principality that is recognized as having independent autonomy within a single country.

The Peroche Kingdom was not an empire.

In other words, it meant the leader of the latter principality.

“Demon Mountain is not located in the Principality of Caheron, but if Baron Arta purchased it in the past, it can be considered as the territory of the Principality of Caheron.”

“Does that mean Archduke Caheron could stop us?”

Although I said it in a different way, the question was whether Archduke Caheron had anything to do with the incident in the ghost town.

“Hmm. you’re right. I’m not sure, but… … “It is highly likely.”

The agent sighed and nodded. However, it was a very difficult situation for him as he was carrying out his duties under royal orders.

‘Archduke Caheron, who is not another noble, is the suspect in this case.’

It is not a subject that can be investigated under the authority of special forces.

The royal family must intervene.

Because the principality is one country.

However, at the thought of informing the royal family of this fact, an antipathy suddenly arose.

When I thought about why that was the case, I surprisingly found myself distrusting the royal family.

Although the Principality of Caheron was another small country with independent autonomy, in order to secretly commit such an act, the help of the Kingdom of Peroche, not the Church Chapter or the Magic Tower, was essential.

In short, if Archduke Caheron is a suspect, the royal family is also a suspect.

This is Go-Stop, planned and planned from the beginning.

The agent did not understand why the royal family had given this mission.

Were they trying to announce to their citizens that there would be no problem if they returned because they could not find evidence?

If that’s true.

‘They’re complete bastards.’

The agent’s teeth chattered.

Jeron, who was looking at the agent, slapped the table with his palm and said.

“Don’t think too complicatedly and act as you want.”

“… … ?”

“They are bad guys. “I have to scold you.”

Jeron said with a grin.

The agent thought blankly, looking at that smile.

‘f*ck that’s cool.’

It seemed like this man would really punish the bad guys.


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