I was Reincarnated While Trying to Climb the Mountain Chapter 2

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Episode 2

Episode 2

“hmm… What should I say?”

Airi whispered quietly in a soft tone.

Now that she has become a mother of two children, or even three children including the one in her womb, her personality has become much softer, but in the beginning, Airi was so talkative that she even beat up men.

It was Giupetto who loved even that look of her.

“Your hands are warm.”

Giupetto smiled and waited for his beloved woman to gather her thoughts and speak, and gently placed his hand on her hand caressing her swollen belly.

The hand stroking my swollen belly became slower.

“What’s surprising is… “This time, unlike other children, he only got morning sickness at first and hasn’t had it ever since.”

When you become pregnant, morning sickness usually starts around 5 to 6 weeks.

It is most severe at 9 and 10 weeks and begins to disappear at 16 weeks.

In severe cases, morning sickness can last up to 18 weeks, but there are cases where it lasts longer than that.

Airi was the last case.

When I gave birth to my first child, I suffered up to 20 weeks of morning sickness, and when I gave birth to my second child, I suffered up to 24 weeks of morning sickness, breaking the kingdom’s morning sickness record (?).

However, my third child had morning sickness at 5 weeks, but no longer had morning sickness at 8 weeks. He became anxious, so he called a healing wizard to diagnose whether she might have had a miscarriage, and was only able to feel relieved after hearing that she was growing very healthy.

“And strangely, I feel like my body is getting healthier. It’s not just my mood, the mana in my body is actually increasing. Little by little, but steadily. “It’s really amazing.”

“Mana… “Is it true that it is increasing?”

Giupetto’s eyes widened.

* * *

While such a conversation was taking place outside of Airi’s stomach(?), Yoo Min-hyeon was on the verge of falling asleep, unable to overcome the drowsiness that came over him.

‘hmm. good. I finished the lucky breakfast safely again today.’

The reason why Airi’s mana increases little by little.

That was the effect of Yoo Min-hyeon’s fortune-telling!

Yoo Min-hyeon was not only building up his energy in the upper division by eating fortune-telling breakfast, but was also sharing energy with Airi-Mother through the umbilical cord.

Later, when it was time to give birth, he gave it to her in hopes that she would be born safely.

‘If you make the lower part before birth, it will grow healthily… ji… … ?’

Let’s just grow well like this.

Yoo Min-hyeon could not bear the pouring water and fell asleep.

Eight months passed by repeating the fortune-telling breakfast every day.

Including the previous 8 weeks, a total of 10 months have passed and the time of birth is imminent.

* * *

“baroness! Just a little more strength!”

“… … !”

Airi bit her lower lip and gave strength. The old woman lifted the silk covering her lower body to check the situation. Her hair came out slightly.

“Almost everything is out. Just a little more, just a little more strength!”

“Ahh! “You bastard!”

Airi couldn’t bear the pain and ripped Giupetto’s hair with one hand.


Giupetto winced, enduring the pain of having his head ripped off. Still, it’s better this time. When giving birth to her first child, she pulled out her hair with both hands and ended up with two small welds on the back of her head.

It was the same when my second child was born. It’s a shame because my hair grew back before I gave birth to my third child. If we are not careful, there is a risk that the number of soldering irons will increase from 3 to 4.

“hey! this! bad… … !”

Airi, who was screaming almost like a scream, suddenly fell limp.

Giupetto hesitated and tried to urgently approach her, but the old woman stopped him with a wave of her hand.

The old woman’s status was as a commoner, and it was unimaginable that she would dare to block a nobleman with a wave of her hand, but at least when it came to helping a woman giving birth, she boasted an omnipotent power that even the king would envy.

Now was the time to exercise omnipotent power.

“I’m sorry.”

Giupetto was aware of this fact, but when Airi suddenly became limp, he approached her without realizing it. She apologized with a small nod and stepped back.

The old woman nodded that it was okay and carefully took the newborn out from under the silk covering Airi’s lower body and wiped off the blood with warm water and a soft bristled cloth.

“ha. ha.”

Airi looked limply at the lump of blood in the old woman’s hand. Even though she couldn’t open her eyes and her wrinkles were wrinkled, her eyes only looked cuter and lovelier than anything else in the world.


“Children, children don’t cry.”

The old woman said with a slightly stiff expression.

* * *

‘oh my. My head hurts.’

Yoo Min-hyeon understood how Son Goku felt about suffering as an orphan.

I don’t know how many times my head hurt as if it was trying to escape to the outside world.

If he could move his body, he wanted to crawl away, but his short arms and legs still couldn’t move like he wanted.

Above all, I can’t do that because I’m worried that my mother might get hurt in some way. Thanks to her, Goku suffered as an orphan for a long time, which she had to endure, and it was only after 30 minutes of her disappearance that she was able to escape to the outside world.

‘Ha, not being able to move my body was really frustrating.’

Finally born!

I slept for more than half of the day and ate a healthy breakfast the rest of the time.

I thought I was going crazy because I was so frustrated.

The fresh air tickled my skin, and even that was a pleasure.

I wanted to smile, but the muscles around my mouth didn’t even move.

‘Whatever! ‘It looks like he was born safely, so that’s it!’

I was worried that there might be something wrong with my body, so I checked with Won Young-shin. It was very strong and healthy. All you have to do is grow healthily like this.



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Soon a towel soaked in warm water wipes the body.

‘It’s very soft for a towel. hmm. I don’t know if it’s Moorim or Hyundai, but since he’s a newborn, I guess they’ll use the best product possible to avoid damaging his skin, right?’

Even if you were born again in the martial arts world rather than modern times, it is almost difficult to find a towel with this texture. It is impossible unless you are born as a child of a high official, wealthy person, Daemun faction, or Murim family.

‘It’s better if the family has a lot of money.’

In modern times, being able to meet your parents well is considered an ability.

The terms gold spoon, silver spoon, and dirt spoon were not created for nothing.

Moorim was no different from Hyundai.

It was also common for people with outstanding martial arts skills – the talent to learn martial arts – to be born with a spoon and live an ordinary life, or to live as henchmen of gangsters.

There are cases where you are noticed by a martial arts master and accepted as a disciple, but you literally have to be extremely lucky.

Of course, it doesn’t matter if Yoo Min-hyeon was born with a dirty spoon.

Why not keep practicing martial arts and earn a lot of money when you grow up?

Since he had been practicing martial arts since before he was born, it was certain that he would become a great expert. She also thought that it would not be even more difficult now that he was born with memories, perhaps because of his experience of becoming a self-made man twice, first to Hyundai and then to Wurim.

Still, it was natural that it would be good to be born with a gold spoon or a silver spoon.

‘huh? ‘My vision is blurry.’

I wanted to open my eyes and look around. If possible, I can also see the faces of my parents. But my eyelids were as heavy as a thousand pounds. After struggling to get up, the world looked hazy.



Someone spanked me.


Yoo Min-hyeon tried hard to swallow the scream that was about to escape.

As a man, my pride(?) did not allow me to scream after being spanked only once.

But soon.

slap! slap!

An unidentified(?) voice that sounded like that of an old woman said something in an unintelligible language and then slapped me hard in the face one after another.

‘Mo, I can’t stand it!’

Yoo Min-hyeon could not hold back his screams and vomited.

But it was strange.


It wasn’t a scream, but a baby’s cry.

‘oh my god! I’m embarrassed!’

I was so embarrassed, perhaps because I was born with the mental age of 57 years old.

* * *



The old woman wiped away the beads of sweat that had formed on her forehead.

A newborn baby has never breathed through its lungs while in its mother’s womb. This is because they have been surrounded by amniotic fluid and lived for several months in an environment similar to underwater life, like a fish living in water.

So, when they are born, they cry as a sign that they are starting to breathe through their lungs.

What happens if a newborn baby doesn’t cry when it’s born?

You die just like that.

It is for the above reason that stimulating a newborn baby’s buttocks or soles is stimulated.

That was why the old woman broke into a cold sweat. He had the experience of taking in nearly a hundred children from the Perian estate, but if a nobleman’s child was stillborn, the old woman would not be safe either.

Of course, Giupetto was not an unsophisticated nobleman who did not know the situation, but you never know.

At the very least, he might be expelled from the Perian territory where he has lived his entire life.

Fortunately, he didn’t start crying until after being spanked five times, so he almost died because his liver broke out before he was kicked out.

“He is a very healthy and strong man.”

The old woman could not hide her tired expression. I felt like I wanted to go back and sleep all day, but first I had to hand the child over to my parents.

“go… You have lived a long life. “I will give you a generous reward so that you will never run out of money.”

“Heulheul.” thank you.”

The old woman did not even pretend to be humble and refuse. It was not polite for him to refuse a nobleman’s words, but he had never suffered from such exhaustion of mental strength as he did today.

Giupetto took the third child from the old woman’s hand and watched her go out the door. Then, outside the door, I saw my eldest child, a 6-year-old son, and my second child, a 4-year-old daughter, tense with their fists clenched.

“Come in. “This is your younger brother.”

The son and daughter came inside carefully.

Before showing her younger brother to the two children, Yu Min-hyeon was given to Airi, who had regained some energy and raised her upper body.

“Pretty… “Yes.”

Airi muttered, looking at the wrinkled lump of blood with bloodshot eyes from exerting too much strength.

Those little wrinkles looked pretty.

It was cute how his stomach rose and fell every time he flapped his nose.

This was my third birth, but the feelings I felt were new each time.

I realize once again the nobility and mystery of life.

It was so precious and lovely to think that I had held this small yet large lump of blood in my arms for 10 months.

“Hey. “I am your mother.”

Airi held the bloody body as carefully as possible.

I was worried that it might break.

* * *

Yoo Min-hyeon’s vision was blurry and he couldn’t see anything. He could only feel that something warm was hugging him.

Is that why?

Only one worry filled my mind.

‘Oh, I guess your face isn’t swollen?’

If possible, I wanted to look good to my parents, whom I was meeting for the first time.

But since I cried so hard, my face was so swollen that it may have grown twice as big.

‘They say a man only cries three times in his life.’

The first time was when I was born… … .

Yoo Min-hyeon is a thief! I was surprised.

‘Now is the time, right?’

It was like that.

I’ve been eating luck since I was in the womb, but I was just born.

‘Then it was okay to cry.’

Yu Min-hyeon, smiling inwardly, entrusted himself to the horse.


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