I was Reincarnated While Trying to Climb the Mountain Chapter 141

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Episode 141

Episode 141

Before the mercenaries arrived, Jeron came to the Everlost Mountains and moved quickly using stealth skills. The monsters continued to fail to notice his presence or noticed him a beat late, and he took advantage of that gap to stab him in the vital spot or cut off his head in an instant.

After shaking off the blood from his sword body, Jeron disappeared again.

Monsters wandering around smelled the blood and came over to eat the corpse.

“It’s Nero.”

[…] … .]

“huh. sorry. “Keep working.”

Xeron tried to ask about the Everlost Mountains, but gave up when Nero’s paw scratched his face. He separated the troll’s flesh from its bones, vowing that he would definitely change this guy’s habits.

‘Is this too much?’

I can’t even go a few steps and we keep running into each other.

It takes too much time to process them one by one.

He sheathed his sword and spurred on the Divine Law.


The monsters passed right in front of Jeron, but they did nothing other than tilt their heads and wonder. She passed so quickly that her scent did not even reach her nose.

‘I should have done this a long time ago.’

Instead of traces of monsters, traces of people began to appear. My guess is that it belonged to a group of thieves. The Black Wizard has some kind of relationship with the bandits. So, if you find the bandits’ base and overthrow it, they won’t show up and you won’t be able to betray them.

Jeron’s idea was quite plausible. But there was a problem.

Every year, many adventurers, treasure hunters, and archaeologists climb the Everlost Mountains to find undiscovered ancient ruins and dungeons.

In the end, there were many traces of them being reduced to a meal for monsters.

“Are you saying you’re not afraid of monsters or Bahur bandits?”

Actually, it wasn’t that I didn’t understand.

Adventurers are people who take risks and take on challenges in pursuit of honor, faith, adventure, and the thrill that comes from it rather than financial gain or life.

If I was afraid of losing my life to monsters or Bahur bandits, I wouldn’t have become an adventurer. The same was true for treasure hunters and archaeologists. Risking his life to obtain treasure, he travels across the continent crazy about archaeology.

“Whew. “I can’t help it.”

Jeron paused for a moment and spread his energy widely. She didn’t want their presence known so she didn’t, but it was better than continuing to waste time.

* * *

“… … !”

The warlock suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction where Jeron was.

“Someone found this place.”

“what? who?!”

“I don’t know that either. … … Maybe it’s Duke Furion. Or it could be a being with equivalent power. What’s certain is that it’s strong enough to make your skin tremble.”

The warlock showed his trembling fingertips to the demon beast. The force that passed through his body just moments ago was powerful enough to make him excited, even if it was only for a moment.

The demon beast twisted his lips as if he was sure that the power belonged to Duke Furion, but the warlock, who knew more hidden strongmen than the officially known strongmen, was sure that it was not Duke Furion.

‘Who has this level of power?’

Duke Furion is counted on one hand among the officially known strong men on the current continent. However, if unofficial strongmen are included, 20 more people could be ranked above him. In the warlock’s mind, there was no such thing as an assumption about Xeron. This is because he has not yet seen it with his own eyes.

“It doesn’t matter who it is.”

The warlock told the demon beast to prepare, then went to the temporary shelter and relayed the situation through the ‘Nightmare Executioner’s’ dedicated communication bead.

[Huh. okay. I’ll take a look.]

An alluring voice answered.

The warlock grumbled.

“I never thought there would only be four years like this.”

[Will I make you regret those words?]

“… … “I feel sorry.”

What was disappointing now was the warlock. I knew that, so I apologized. But when the communication bead was cut off, I gritted my teeth.

“One day I will definitely make you lick my feet and bark like a dog.”

* * *


Jeron opened his eyes and muttered. She ran towards her energy, which she sensed with her energy. Monsters sensitive to mana soon flocked to the location where Xeron was, but since he had already disappeared, they fought each other.

At that time, mercenaries including ‘Lion Hearts’ entered the Everlost Mountains. The mercenaries who had won a great victory against the monsters that attacked the village were full of spirit and had confident gaits. But it didn’t take long for the momentum to break.

“Why can’t I see a single one?”

As we entered the deserted mountains, a mercenary muttered with an uneasy expression.

Another mercenary next to me chuckled and answered to himself.

“I guess they were scared of us. They must have watched from afar as all the people who invaded the village died, so what can they do? “I guess they will quickly subdue the bandits and wait for them to disappear.”

“iced coffee. Is that so!”

“What is that tone? “I got goosebumps for a moment.”

The mercenaries chuckled.

It was that moment.


The grass swayed and a shadow passed by. The mercenaries who were giggling held their breath and turned their heads towards the shaking grass. There was silence for a moment.

“Did anyone see what just passed by?”

“Mon… … “Isn’t it a ster?”

“If it were a monster, it would have attacked right away!”

“You cowards. “I’ll go check and see if you can keep quiet there.”

A brave mercenary walked with long strides into the grass. When he cleared away the thick grass that had grown so thick that it reached his neck, there was nothing.

“look. There is nothing… … .”

The moment he looked back and grinned, a green arm studded with protrusions wrapped around the brave mercenary’s face and dragged him inside.

“… … !”



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The mercenaries froze in surprise.

A scream is heard soon after.


It was at least 100 meters away. The mercenaries quickly formed a formation and looked around. They weren’t the only ones who heard the screams.

“what! what’s the matter!”

“What was that scream you just heard?!”

“If you’re playing around, I’ll kill you all!”

Everyone moving from front to back heard and raised their voices and asked.

“monster! “A monster has appeared!”

“It looks like someone was just dragged away and killed!”

“You couldn’t have been watching me being dragged away, right?!”


The grass shook again. There was not just one shadow that passed this time. At first glance, there were at least two. The mercenaries were unable to answer the question asked in a loud voice and pointed their weapons at the grass.

Soon the forest became quiet.

“I asked what was going on… … Argh!”

“back! Back!”

“Everyone, don’t panic and stay where you are! Never scatter! “If you scatter, you will be punished!”

The mercenaries were embarrassed, but remained calm and guarded.

“What are ‘Lion Hearts’ doing?”

“I don’t know either. Does it matter now? “It looks like we’re all going to die?”

The mercenaries who had looked down on the Everlost Mountains had disappeared.

I swallowed my saliva out of nervousness and waited for the monster to appear.

It was then.


The sound of drums was heard and the fog slowly rolled down.

“S-No way… … “I guess not?”

“‘Hunter in the Fog’… … ?”

The mercenaries gradually began to tremble in fear due to the trademark drum sounds and fog of the ‘Hunter in the Fog’, which filled the eastern region of the Fallen Empire with fear. But they didn’t know. The fact that the ‘Hunter in the Mist’ was killed by Jeron. So fear spread quickly and threw everyone into confusion.

ridge-! ridge-!

The drum beats became faster and the fog became thicker.

The ‘Lion Hearts’ mercenary group moving at the front was also greatly embarrassed, but when Leon Pratz gave a signal with his whistle, they calmly gathered around him.

“Everyone stay calm. That’s not ‘Hunters in the Mist.’”

“Well, how did you… … ?”

“Tsk. Stupid things.”

Leon Pratz clicked his tongue and muttered.

“If he really ran away after being chased by the masked person, there is no way he would show up here. “He may be a troll, but he’s not that stupid.”

“Then I’m glad… … .”

“Even if he is a bastard, it doesn’t matter. “I will handle it.”

“also… … !”

The mercenary members were somewhat impressed by Leon Pratz’s assertion. But they didn’t know either. That Leon Pratz knows that the ‘Hunter in the Mist’ is dead.

‘The place where the troll shaman’s drum sounds is to the west. Just move east.’

Leon Pratz delivered it to the mercenaries.

The mercenary members who did not doubt the words continued to spread the word and move little by little, and as the message quickly reached the rear, the mercenaries moved slowly.

Of course, the move did not go smoothly.


Monsters continued to attack. There were mercenaries who knew how to use Aurors, but they were not enough to pierce the fog created by witchcraft. Some of them couldn’t figure out the right direction and ended up going to the wrong place.

“It can’t go on like this. Go back… … !”

“shut up.”

Leon Pratz held the face of the mercenary who said those words with his hand and spoke softly. The mercenary member’s face turned white and his legs trembled under the murderous gaze that shined like a poisonous snake. His pants were wet, as if he had just peed, but no one noticed because of his haze.

“If we just go this far, everyone will laugh at the name ‘Lion Hearts.’ Can you take responsibility for that? “If not, just shut up and follow me.”

“… … .”

“Nod your head if you understand.”

The mercenary member whose face was captured nodded.

Leon Pratz let him go and said:

“We move quickly west and emerge from the fog. Afterwards, hunt the Troll Shaman. Kill anyone who gets in your way. Even if it’s the same mercenary group! “I take full responsibility for that.”

“Oh, I understand.”

“If you understand, spread the word.”

“To the west… … .”

Leon Pratz smiled faintly after hearing the instructions being delivered.

* * *

“… … !”

Duke Furion’s countenance hardened when he noticed that part of the Everost Mountains was covered with fog. He too was thinking of ‘Hunters in the Fog’. However, when Erdin, who knew the truth, approached and told him, he said while thinking deeply.

“A troll shaman.”

“Can all troll shamans create fog?”

“right. That fog was created by witchcraft. If you look at that area, it’s not just one animal. At least 3 or more. “Maybe the warlock is leading us into a trap.”

“Then why don’t you go…” … “It would be nice, but it would probably be difficult.”

“It’s a situation where you have to jump in even though you know it’s a trap.”

Duke Furion thought for a moment.

The mercenaries became moths and jumped into the fire themselves.

Still, I couldn’t sit still and watch.

‘Is there any way?’

Although the Troll Shaman was not named, it was a special entity. At the very least, a high-ranking Auror Expert knight must come forward to deal with it. But there is someone with that level of skill here… … .

At that time, Erdin came into Duke Furion’s sight.

“… … “There you are.”


Erdin looked back.

There was no one.

The person Duke Furion was looking at was himself.

‘Mr. Jeron.’

I guess I’m destined not to be able to keep my promise.


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