I was Reincarnated While Trying to Climb the Mountain Chapter 137

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Chapter 137

Episode 137

“… … .”

Malcolm glared at the handsome man wearing scale armor. There was clear hostility in his eyes. Erdin was slightly surprised and glanced sideways at Malcolm.

‘What happened with that person?’

Leon Pratz, a fine-looking man, appeared to be the leader of a mercenary group. He paused and made eye contact with Malcolm. His lips turn tingly and he slowly goes to the mercenary guild with the leadership of the ‘Lion Hearts’ mercenary group guarding him.

As the doors to the mercenary guild close, the scattered mercenaries gather again.

“Do you have Kingbam in your stomach?”

“The look in your eyes just now was very… … Ahu!”

King Bomb was a giant snake monster with a body length of 10 meters and a thickness of over 2 meters. It is a scary guy that terrifies its prey with its magical eyes and chews it up whole before swallowing it.

The reason the mercenaries compared Leon Pratz to King Bomb was because his eyes became shiny like snakes when he made eye contact with Malcolm.

I heard people mumbling that those eyes were like King Bomb’s magical eyes.


Erdin was also next to Malcolm and witnessed the look in his eyes.

It was a creepy color.

I don’t know why Malcolm got involved with such a person, but I thought it wouldn’t be a good thing.

‘If it was a good relationship, there wouldn’t have been any hostility.’

Malcolm’s hostility was real. It wasn’t just that he met someone he didn’t like; he had the murderous intent to kill him.


‘The opponent is not good.’

To reach the position of mercenary leader, you must be the strongest in the mercenary group. Leon Pratz was a powerhouse that could not be compared to Malcolm. Even now that he had become a top-level Auror Expert, he still didn’t really feel how strong he was.

‘I have surpassed the level of expert.’

Suddenly I looked at Jeron.

I couldn’t feel anything from Jeron, who was grinning as if he was interested in something. I don’t even know that I’m strong. I just feel like I’m seeing an incredibly handsome young man.

‘Why is that so?’

The moment Erdin thought something was strange, Jeron spoke.

“It’s because I didn’t hide it.”

“ah. But how do you hide your prayers?”

“You don’t need to know yet. There is no need to teach it. “You will realize it when the time comes, so don’t worry about it now.”

Erdin nodded slowly.

I ask soon.

“How strong is that person just now?”

“Am I a combat power meter?”

Jeron grumbled slightly and answered obediently.

“He’ll be like the old Simur Khan.”

“If you are Simur Khan, you are the master of 50 Aurors!”

“You have to fight in person to know the exact truth. That guy wasted a lot of useless energy. He had a thin reputation. “I don’t know what that guy is like.”

“Still, is it surprising that there is an Auror Master among the mercenaries?”

Erdin looked at the mercenary guild building with a new look.

Just then Malcolm spoke.

“Now they have received titles and have become nobles, but many of them were originally mercenaries. They say that the two Auror Masters from the North Continent were originally leaders of a famous mercenary group. Well, as everyone knows, it is better to live as a noble than to continue to be a mercenary.”

Malcolm’s expression as he said that was as normal as before, when it was life-threatening. But the excitement in her eyes had not subsided yet. The steps back to the inn are heavy.

That day, Malcolm locked himself in his room and did not come out.

* * *

The next morning, when I went down to the restaurant, Malcolm was sitting down first.

“Good morning!”

“Have you been waiting long?”

“no. I also came down a while ago. What’s your schedule today? If possible, I hope I can be of some help.”

“It’s already helping enough.”

“Then I’m glad. To Mr. Aaron… … .”

He conversed as usual and called the waiter to order a meal.

Malcolm said as we finished the food.

“I want to learn the Auror practice I mentioned yesterday.”

“Why did you suddenly change your mind?”

Jeron asks.

I told Malcolm that I would teach him how to practice Auror practice. But since he asked to talk later, I never spoke again.

The favor may have come as a burden.

In reality, it was like that.

So I was paying attention. Anyway, it didn’t matter one way or another. But suddenly I changed my mind.

I was curious about the reason.

“I have something I want to do. It takes strength to do that. however… … .”


“… … uh? “I haven’t told you everything yet.”

Malcolm looked puzzled.

Jeron shook his head.

“I was curious about why you changed your mind. “I didn’t want to hear the detailed story.”

“and! “You speak really badly.”

Erdin gave a small exclamation.



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When Jeron looked at him with his eyebrows furrowed, the guy looked the other way with an expression that said, ‘I don’t know anything.’

“Let’s end the conversation here and move on.”

“huh? Where?”

“You can’t teach Auror exercises at an inn.”


Malcolm nodded in agreement.

But he didn’t know.

The Auror practice that Zeron is trying to teach is from the Myth Age – the Myth Age is included in the Ancient Age – and was learned by the Grand Master of the Amyar Empire.

‘I need to see if swordsmanship can be used with a shield.’

It was the origin of the mercenary king who would stand above the heads of mercenaries across all continents in the distant future.

* * *

“I’m not telling you without anything in return.”

“ah… … .”

Erdin looks at me with eyes that say, ‘I knew it would be like that.’ But she said it was strange that Malcolm didn’t have anything in return, so she asked Geron what he wanted.

“It’s simple. “Become my own person.”

“Are you asking me to become a vassal?”

“It’s similar.”

Jeron grinned.

Erdin mumbled something behind me, but I completely ignored it.

“If I have to be a dog, I will be a dog. “If it makes sense, it makes sense.”

“I said you were my person, I didn’t ask you to become an animal.”

“I said the same thing.”

Malcolm, like Jeron, grinned.

Since then, my daily schedule has changed a lot.

While hunting monsters, Erdin’s skills improved rapidly, and he improved his martial arts skills whenever he had time.

During each break, he taught Malcolm the Auror practice methods and analyzed the differences between the Auror practice methods of the current continent and the Auror practice methods of the mythical era.

I had to have separate individual martial arts training time, so I felt like one body wasn’t enough.

“Are you okay?”

If he looked so busy, should he ask Erdin with a worried expression?

“are you okay. “Even if I don’t sleep for a few days, my body feels fresh.”

“Then I’m glad… … .”

“You will become like that later.”

Erdin smiled awkwardly and said, ‘Even if I become like that, I don’t want to end up like Jeron.’ It was a natural progression that Jeron’s expression changed to that of crumpled paper. Fearing that the honey chestnuts might fly in, he quickly ran away, but they did not chase him. When I turned around feeling embarrassed, my forehead bounced behind her and I saw her star.

“ah… … “The stars are shining even in broad daylight.”

“Mr. Erdin, are you okay?”

Malcolm, who stands up after completing one round of Auror exercises, asks with a confused expression towards Erdin, who is staggering and muttering.

“Are you okay? What’s okay? Are you eating it?”

“… … !”

Malcolm looked at Jeron with a pale complexion.

“I won’t do this to you. “Ordinary people have their heads broken.”

“I’m more scared of those words.”

After a while, Erdin came to his senses and had him spar with Malcolm. He restricted himself from using internal energy and aura.

While the two were sparring, Jeron took out the artifact he had acquired in the dungeon and found a ring with a lightning symbol engraved on the inside of the border.

“Oh, by the way, I heard that your father’s friend lives in the Fallen Empire.”

If I don’t forget later, I’ll have to visit and tell you the news about my dad.

There was also a ring that I received from Simur Khan’s lieutenant long ago. It was an artifact enchanted with the ‘Shield’ spell, which blocks magic under 3 circles twice.

‘There are quite a few artifacts.’

The robe I am currently wearing and the earrings that made my hair black are also artifacts. If you add the 3 artifacts acquired from the dungeon, there are a total of 6.

‘I almost missed the subspace pouch.’

After correction, there were 7 in total. After diligently rummaging through my space pocket, the badge I received from senior Mayen and her saintess appeared.

“There are a lot of pieces that haven’t been recovered.”

Jeron muttered, looking into empty space. ‘Forest of Silent Fog’, one of the continent’s bans, is also located in the Fallen Empire.

“You seem like a person without measures.”

Jeron, who muttered something meaningless, held up the artifacts he had acquired in the dungeon one by one and checked them. To put it roughly, it was gloves made of silk, a crude dagger, and a key.

First, I looked at the key.

Perhaps because it was an artifact, I felt mana. But I don’t know what effect it has. Since it was a key, I thought it might be used to open something. However, since it was outside now and there was no lock or anything, it was impossible to check.

I put the key back into the subspace pocket.

Next is a crude dagger.

I had a rough idea of ​​what it was.

It is a dagger that nullifies the magic used by the last disciple when he stabbed the royal wizard in the chest.

“If it can nullify the Grand Wizard’s protective magic, it can tear most magic like paper.”

It certainly seemed very useful.

Lastly, it was a glove made of silk.

I held it in my hand and waited to see if there was any change. Soon, mana slowly seeps through her hands. It feels like her gloves and hands have become one, as if her circuits are connected. Her gloves became transparent, invisible to the eye.

“It’s a strange feeling.”

There was a slight feeling that something was being worn, but it wasn’t too uncomfortable. This may not be everything. I shook my fist in the air to see what other effects it had.


“It’s not speeding up.”

He pulled out his sword and stabbed the back of his hand. A hole appeared in his glove, and blood dripped down. It doesn’t seem like defense power is increasing.

“Only the gloves were damaged… … uh?”

The moment I was about to express my regret, the thick droplets of blood spread out as if I had been crushed. When I touched it with my hand, I found that the hole caused by the tear was gone.

“It has an automatic repair function.”

Unless the speed has increased or the defense has increased, there is only one thing left. I picked up the stone and applied a little force. Bye! The stone in my hand crumbled with a sound.

‘Is it an artifact that increases grip strength?’

After experimenting one more time, I was able to find out more specifically about the ability. To be precise, it does not mean that your grip strength becomes stronger. The pressure was magically increased in proportion to the grip force applied to the object held in the grip.

“Are there any other abilities?”

My existing abilities were good enough, but I thought I might have other abilities if I looked closely. But I couldn’t find it, and in the meantime, Erdin and Malcolm’s sparring was over and the artifacts were put in.

I soon noticed that Malcolm’s face was swollen.

“What’s wrong with your face?”

“Oh, I got beaten up by Mr. Erdin.”

“… … .”

As Jeron stared blankly, Erdin spoke with a puzzled expression.

“You said you learn by getting hit, right?”


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