I Subscribed to the Channel of Transcendents Chapter 328

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Episode 328.

[Dear Solomon, Reborn.]

The Buddha spoke to Solomon.

But Solomon is said to be a reborn being.

Well, that wasn’t wrong.

But that doesn’t mean it’s true.

Should we really say that this is like Shakyamuni?

That was all I could think about.

[Before we begin the argument, I would like to call upon the parties and witnesses in this trial.]

[I will allow it.]

Solomon nodded slightly.

Soon, as Sakyamuni nodded, a woman came out from one side, hesitantly.

Judging from his young age, he seemed to have died young.

And for an Asian, his hair was blonde.

But the atmosphere was too oriental for a Westerner.

[Witness rebirth.]

None other than the parties and witnesses of this trial.

The Buddha asked the woman.

But the woman had no answer.

He just looked around with a very timid look on his face.

Isn’t that probably the case for everyone?

‘Because Shakyamuni is right before my eyes.’

Even all the gods of Godtube were gathered around him.

Even Siwoo was overwhelmed by the momentum.

It was definitely not an atmosphere in which a normal person could survive while remaining sane.

Could it be that you didn’t know that fact?

[Don’t be so scared. We are not trying to harm the witness.]

Shakyamuni smiled compassionately and comforted the woman.

And is it true that he is definitely ranked number 1 in the Nirvana Craftsman Rankings?

“Ah… . Yes, that’s right. Thank you.”

The woman came to her senses and answered.

And his face looked much more peaceful than before.

Shakyamuni said with a compassionate smile.

[First, let’s check the witness’s information. Is the father Korean? Is the mother Greek?]

“yes that’s right.”

[The place of birth was Korea and the place of death was also Korea.]


[Did you have any particular religion while you were alive?]

“Oh, no. I’m not really religious… .. Oh, I did believe in a little bit of superstition.’

[What do you mean by superstition?]

“That’s why… the number 4 is considered unlucky, or it’s bad to write your name in red… Oh, and I also believed in tarot cards a lot.”

He was a truly ordinary person.

He could be said to be a person commonly seen in Korean culture.

[Thank you for your testimony.]

The Buddha spoke to the woman with a compassionate smile.

Then he turned and looked at Solomon and the many gods gathered in the judgment hall.

[Dear Solomon, and all the many beings gathered here. As you have heard, this woman is of mixed Korean and Greek descent. And her father is Korean.]

Shakyamuni continued speaking calmly.

[Those who have been gods since birth may not know this, but since ancient times, humans have had a custom of tracing their roots to their father’s side. A representative example of this is taking the father’s surname.]

Shakyamuni was also a human being in the past.

He was from India and his status was that of a prince.

Unlike the beings of Godtube who were gods from birth, he knew well what human life was like.

[So, what is the root of this witness? If you ask, of course it is the Korean side of his father.]

Shakyamuni knew human customs well.

[Also, I would like to ask you a question. However, I cannot hear the answer from all of you…]

Shakyamuni slowly turned his gaze to the side.

[I would like to ask a question to Zeus, the witness.]

Brother of Hades and the supreme god of the Greco-Roman gods.

Shakyamuni spoke to Zeus, who was present as a witness for the defendant.

[A certain evil spirit has invaded the territory of Olympus and slaughtered countless people. So who do you think should punish that evil spirit?]

[Of course we must punish him on Olympus.]

Zeus answered without hesitation.

In fact, it was a question that didn’t even need to be asked.


[Isn’t this a crime committed on the land of Olympus? And the people of Olympus have suffered damage. Naturally, I must personally step forward and punish it.]

[That’s right.]

Shakyamuni nodded as if he agreed a hundred times.

[The witness is also the same.]



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Shakyamuni opened his mouth again.

[The witness has lived in Korea his entire life.]

After a while, Sakyamuni slowly turned his gaze.

I looked at Hades, who was sitting in the dock.

[But why does the defendant Hades claim that this witness is from the underworld?]

[… … .]

[Are you saying that the criminal souls who committed crimes on Olympus can be sent to our Buddhist hell?]

[… … .]

Hades said nothing.

Right to remain silent.

Hades simply kept his eyes tightly shut and exercised his right to remain silent.

Shakyamuni slowly turned his gaze away from Hades.

[Dear Solomon, Reborn.]

Then he looked at Solomon.

[It is said that in the Greco-Roman culture to which the accused Hades belonged, there is a saying like this.]

Shakyamuni said.

[When in Rome, do as the Romans do.]

A Roman proverb that says that when you go to a certain area, you should follow the culture and customs of that area.

And Hades is a Greco-Roman god.

[The defendants have been acting as they please by putting forward such maxims.]

So, now.

[I believe that this mixed race being born on Korean soil and living only in Korea should follow the laws and culture of Korea. Just as the defendant’s culture claims.]

Shakyamuni drove the wedge in.

[That is all.]

Shakyamuni took a step back with a compassionate smile.

Hades offered no rebuttal.

He still exercised his right to remain silent and kept his mouth shut.

Is that why?

[Tongue, bro…]

Zeus didn’t know what to do and just watched.


[Indeed, the Sakyamuni Defense Corps!]

[This, this, Hades is cornered.]

The gods gathered in the courtroom could not help but be amazed.

Everyone nodded their heads at the defense that didn’t even create a loophole to escape.

[So, is this case a victory for King Yeomra?]

[Um… So from now on, you’ll be judging things based on your father’s roots?]

[At the same time, it will be concluded based on which cultural sphere the soul is rooted in.]

There was an outpouring of speculation about what the law would look like in the future.

But not all gods agreed with it.

[Judging by your father’s roots!]

[What kind of discriminatory remark is that!]

[It’s uncomfortable! It’s very uncomfortable!]

On one side, there was a torrent of jeers and criticism.

[We can’t even admit it! Judging by the roots of a certain culture! How many of our Christians are of different nationalities!]

[Right! Right!]

So many gods argued fiercely.

Little by little, voices were raised and a physical fight broke out.

It was only a matter of time before it became a flea market.

[Be quiet! Be quiet!]

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Solomon calmed the atmosphere by charging his hammer with powerful magic.

‘Being a judge is a really tiring job.’

Especially on Godtube.

Anyway, the atmosphere in the judge’s court has finally calmed down.

[Defendant, please rebut.]

Solomon looked towards Hades and said.

Only then did Hades slowly open his eyes.

But Hades did not take action directly.

There was a slight commotion behind Hades, and a being stepped forward.

A man who is so rough and rough that he is extremely ugly.


It was Loki, the god of trickery in Norse mythology.


[Hades appointed Loki as his defender?]

The entire courtroom was in an uproar.

Some of the gods expressed their surprise by opening their mouths.

‘What are you thinking?’

Siwoo was equally surprising.

‘Not Hermes or Athena, but Loki?’

He was truly an unexpected person.

Of course, I knew Loki’s remaining intelligence… .

[What on earth was Hades thinking…?]

[Are you saying you’re giving up on the trial?]

All the gods in the court cried out in astonishment.

And Solomon was embarrassed and did not stop the commotion.

In such a noisy atmosphere.


Loki yawned deeply and stretched.

That appearance looked like the appearance after falling asleep─.

[I thought I was going to die because the words were so boring.]

It seemed like he was really sleepy.

[Defendant’s defense attorney. Try to decide what to do.]

[Huh? Oh, sorry.]

Loki admitted his mistake, raising one hand slightly.

But where could that nature go?

[But what should I do, I’m still so sleepy.]

Loki walked towards the judge with a free expression.

Solomon was about to say something, but then he said, “Ugh.”

[… begin your rebuttal.]

I could only let out a small sigh.

Loki nodded his head from side to side a few times and then opened his mouth.

[I couldn’t hear the details because I was asleep, but I think humans usually say something about the father’s side?]

Loki continued speaking, looking at the Buddha.

[What kind of era is this that makes you say something like that?]

Right! Right!

Discriminatory remarks out!

It’s so uncomfortable!

I think that if there is someone who makes you uncomfortable, you shouldn’t make such remarks!

Everyone’s opinion is valuable!

At Loki’s words, the voices of the goddesses burst out.

Could this be a strategy to gain the public opinion of the goddesses?

[And the roots, the roots, that’s ridiculous.]

Loki continued, frowning deeply.

[If you trace back to the genetic roots of humans, are they ultimately Australopithecus? Or something?]

Australopithecus, a species of ape believed to be an ancestor of humans.

It turns out that all humans are descended from Australopithecus.

And Australopithecus was mainly active on the African continent.

[If we are to trace back to our roots, shouldn’t all humans belong to Africa?]

Then, the gods on the side of King Yeomra, including Sakyamuni, kept their mouths shut.

The gods of other cultures also kept their mouths shut.

Only gods from Africa.

[Oh, is that so!]

[African Dog Cake!]

They were the only ones who welcomed it with open arms.

And there were also gods who were silent in another sense.

The most representative god among them was Solomon.

[… … !!]

Solomon’s eyes opened wide.

I guess it was quite a shock.

The expression on his face was one of utter shock.

‘Is that really that shocking?’

Not to that extent, right?

But when I think about it carefully… .

‘Oh, that could be Solomon.’

That would be the case.

[Ha, so you’re saying that God didn’t create humans…!]

Because Solomon was on the creationist side.

It’s probably the first time you’ve heard that humans evolved from apes.

Likewise, the angels on the Christian side reacted in the same way as Solomon.

[So, humans evolved from monkeys…?]

[That can’t be! That can’t be!]

[Poetry, blasphemy…!]

Michael, Raphael, Gabriel.

A huge mess broke out, centered around the archangels known as the three great angels.

As a result, the court became a complete mess.

The goddesses cried out in discomfort.

The African gods were jumping around in celebration.

The angels and gods on the Christian side burst into ominous aura.

And there was no arbitration.

[Ha, so God didn’t create humans…]

Solomon, who was supposed to mediate, was in shock and couldn’t get out of it.


Loki burst into laughter and delight.

I wonder if he never intended to defend himself in the first place.

[And I remember there was a comment like, “Eat the land.” Hey! Everyone, come out and look!”

Loki shouted to one side of the court.

Then, a group of people came rushing out from one side.

They were a group of people who looked like humans at first glance.

“Hey, where am I?”

“We’re definitely dead…?”

People looked around the courtroom in confusion.

But that was only for a moment.

“Sir, no way!!”

One of the people shouted in horror.

And with those words, Siwoo was able to realize their true identity.

“Is this Shincheon…?”

“Oh, are we saved!!”


It appears that they are believers of a pseudo-religion that originated in Korea.

“Where are we going now?”

“Where is our leader?”

The believers searched for their leader with ecstatic faces.

Of course, it couldn’t have happened.

There’s no way there’s a god of a cult religion on GodTube.

So, that’s why Loki called them.

[These people now believe in their own religion and their own god. That is why it is ambiguous which underworld they belong to.]

More precisely, it was right to assume that he was not trying to take anyone to any underworld.

The number of inhabitants of the underworld was directly related to divinity.

Therefore, the increase in the number of people in the underworld meant that the divinity was elevated.

But the core of divinity was, after all, the belief in existence.

It wasn’t just a matter of the population of the underworld being large.

There had to be a lot of belief in existence.

But look at those quacks.

“Ha, hallelujah!!”

“We have been saved by the leader!”

Will they add to the faith of the underworld?

Do they trust the rulers of the underworld?

So, what if we accept them into the underworld?

“You must believe in the Tao!”

“Believe in the leader! If you believe in the leader, you will be saved!”

It was clear that there would be a bumper crop of stray dogs.

A pseudo-religion that would not even work in the underworld could have sprouted.

So, you could end up falling for a cult religion.

A situation where the underworld itself could be destroyed.

So I couldn’t accept it.

It was nothing short of a headache.


[According to the previous defense, these people would obviously belong to the underworld on King Yeomra’s side, right?]

It is a pseudo-religion that originated on Korean soil.

When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

That pseudo-religion also ultimately belonged to the Korean cultural sphere.

So Loki was speaking.

They’ve been talking about Korean land, Korean land all this time.

If you’re going to be that annoying, take these guys to your netherworld too.

[You’re not saying you’re going to throw them away, are you?]

It was only at this point that Siwoo was able to notice Loki’s true strategy.

It was a truly simple strategy that required no logic.

More precisely, the ultimate strategy that can shatter any logic.

[This is the story of Shakyamuni, who works harder than anyone else to save all living beings.]

A fight.

From the beginning, Loki intended to cause trouble, not defend himself.

So now.

[It’s uncomfortable! Discriminatory remarks are uncomfortable!]

[Now we can speak! Now we can’t stay still!]

The goddesses who cause trouble.

[All roots are African!]

[We are the ancestors and roots of all mankind!]

African gods raising their voices.

[Yahweh… . It was not Yahweh who created humans…!]

Solomon was shocked.

[It’s blasphemy! It’s heresy!]

[Everyone, take up your swords and kill that heretic!]

Christian angels drawing their swords.

“Believe! Believe in our leader!”


And even the crazy pseudo-religious people who preach to the gods of Gottube.


A sigh that escapes on its own.

‘Loki, that thing. I should have just finished controlling it during the Malbak video.’

My head really started hurting.


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