I Subscribed to the Channel of Transcendents Chapter 204

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Episode 203.

A suffocating atmosphere descended on the hospital room.

The air in the hospital room became chilly and almost freezing.

Han Min-ah was so flustered that she didn’t know what to do.

First of all, a man that Lee Min-jung is interested in.

Han Min-ah was greatly embarrassed by the fact that the man was Si-woo.

But that wasn’t what confused Han Min-ah the most.

Chaerin is standing in front of the hospital room now.


Chaerin stood in front of the door without saying anything.

He was looking at Lee Min-jung with eyes filled with a cold chill.

On the outside, she didn’t look much different from her usual self.

A blank, indifferent expression.

But it wasn’t without emotions.

To be more precise, Chae-rin’s expressionless face right now could be said to be an expressionless face that stemmed from some emotion.

I couldn’t quite figure out what kind of feeling it was.

But there was an inexplicable coldness in Chaerin’s eyes.

Maybe that’s why.

“Chae, Chaerin…?”

Han Min-ah didn’t know what to do.

That moment.

“Did I make a mistake…?”

Lee Min-jung tilted her head and asked.

And of course, Lee Min-jung did not make any mistakes.

That is why Chaerin’s behavior now falls into the category of being rude.

Could it be that you didn’t know that fact?

Chaerin’s mood changed with a sudden exclamation of surprise.

The cold air that had seemed freezing just a moment ago had disappeared without a trace.


Chae-rin offered an apology to Lee Min-jung.

But that was only for a moment.

“But is what you just said true?”

Chaerin asked Lee Min-jung directly.

“What are you talking about…?”

“I’m saying that I’m interested in you, Siwoo.”

Chaerin’s words came straight into my body.

Perhaps because of that, Lee Min-jung looked slightly embarrassed.

“Ah, that’s….”

He looked quite embarrassed, not just a little embarrassed.

Lee Min-jung’s pure white face turned red again.

The cynical atmosphere of Lee Min-jung was now completely gone.


Lee Min-jung ultimately did not give an answer to that question.

But that could actually be a sufficient answer.

Once again, a strange atmosphere settled over the hospital room.

Unlike before, the atmosphere wasn’t cold.

But why on earth is that?

Han Min-ah thought that she liked the cold atmosphere from just now better.

After a while, Chaerin started walking slowly.

He went back to his bed and sat down as if nothing had happened.

“You don’t have to worry about me.”

And then I heard Chaerin’s voice.

“Huh, huh?”

“Didn’t you two have something to do?”

“Ah… right…?”

Han Min-ah answered with an awkward smile.

And then, he glanced at Chaerin’s face.

To Han Min-ah, Chae-rin was an incredibly lovable niece.

Chaerin always looked cute no matter what she did.

But why now?

“Is this something I shouldn’t hear? Should I go out again?”

Today, Chaerin was a little… scared.

Han Min-ah hurriedly waved her hands and said.

“Huh? Oh, no. We were just about to leave anyway. Right? Team Leader Lee Min-jung?”

“Oh, yes. That’s right.”

Lee Min-jung nodded slightly and answered.

“The director and the team leader together?”

Then Chaerin’s question was heard again.



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Chaerin looked at Han Min-ah and Lee Min-jung alternately.

“I see.”

Chaerin said that and turned her gaze away.

As expected, it was no different from usual Chaerin.

A dull and expressionless look.

But why is that?

What kind of betrayal…?

I don’t know why I think this way.

The fact that Han Min-ah does something with Lee Min-jung.

It seemed like Chaerin felt betrayed by that fact.

“Oh, no, Chaerin. I’m just going out with you for work. There’s no reason for you to misunderstand…”

“I didn’t say anything.”

It was scarier that he didn’t say anything.

“And when you say misunderstanding, what kind of misunderstanding are you talking about?”

Han Min-ah became dumbfounded by Chae-rin’s question.

If you think about it, isn’t it all a result of Han Min-ah’s delusion?

Nothing has been confirmed as fact.

When Han Min-ah didn’t respond, Chae-rin looked away again indifferently.


Han Min-ah wondered what to do about this.

Also, I felt like if I stayed here any longer, my nephew would hate me.

More precisely, Han Chae-rin and Lee Min-jung.

It seemed like these two people shouldn’t be in the same space.

“Okay, then. I’ll go out for a bit. Rest, Chae-rin. Let’s go. Team leader.”

Han Min-ah dragged Lee Min-jung out of the hospital room.

* * *

On the way to Han Gwan-guk’s house.

Han Min-ah sat in the back seat of a luxury sedan, lost in thought.

And the thought was not about Han Kwan-guk’s arrest or the future of SH Group.

Han Min-ah glanced at Lee Min-jung, who was sitting next to her.

‘Why is the man that Team Leader Lee Min-jung is interested in Si-woo?’

Han Min-ah let out a deep sigh.

In fact, Han Min-ah didn’t have much to worry about.

So I wasn’t too worried that Chae-rin and Si-woo weren’t actually dating.

I thought that if it was Chaerin, the two would get along soon.

If it’s a face, then it’s a face.

If it’s a body, then a body.

If it’s ability, then it’s ability.

Chaerin wasn’t lacking in any of them.

If anything, I could point out personality.

As a woman, she had very little charm.

But it was really just a little bit.

Other than that, Chaerin was the best girl.

The woman that all men in the world desire.

That’s why Han Min-ah had no doubt that Chae-rin and Si-woo would eventually get together.

But now, my thoughts have changed a little.

More precisely, I felt that it was dangerous.

Lee Min-jung, who is sitting with a posture that is not at all sloppy, made it like that.

If it’s a face, then it’s a face.

If it’s a body, then a body.

If it’s ability, then it’s ability.

Lee Min-jung also had nothing to lose.

Of course, Chaerin was one step ahead in terms of appearance.

At the same time, Chaerin’s ability was one level higher.

Not to mention the background.

However, Lee Min-jung had charm as a woman.

I could tell just by looking at Lee Min-jung, who was blushing and feeling embarrassed earlier.

Unlike Chae Rin, Lee Min Jung had a certain amount of charm.

As a woman, Lee Min-jung was several levels ahead of him.

That moment.

“Excuse me, sir.”

Lee Min-jung asked Han Min-ah.

“I know this may be a bit presumptuous, but can I ask you one thing?”

“What are you talking about?

“I’m talking about Hunter Han Chae-rin.”

Han Chae-rin Hunter?

It wasn’t wrong, but it sounded quite awkward to Han Min-ah.

“Why Chaerin?”

“…Are you dating Hunter Maeng Si-woo?”

Han Min-ah was speechless.

How should I answer this?

Of course, Siwoo and Chaerin were not dating.

But to tell the truth, I felt uneasy.

But that doesn’t mean I can lie.

A moment of thought.

“We’re probably not dating yet.”

Han Min-ah answered with the word ‘not yet’.

We’re just kind of in a relationship.

Han Min-ah gave off that kind of nuance.

Then Phew.

Lee Min-jung let out a sigh of relief?

It seemed similar to how Han Min-ah felt when she realized that Baek Seon-je and Lee Min-jeong had no relationship.

“What was that just now? That sigh of relief?”

“Huh? What are you talking about?”

Lee Min-jung changed her expression as if she had never done that before.

He was acting all cynical and dismissive, with his usual cynical expression.

At that very moment.

“Sir, we have arrived at Director Han Gwan-guk’s residence.”

I heard the driver speak.

Han Min-ah had no choice but to get out of the car.

As I got out of the car, a huge mansion came into view.

And the black-suited bodyguards surrounding him.


Han Min-ah shook her head.

As she approached the mansion, some of the bodyguards blocked Han Min-ah’s path.

And did you recognize Han Min-ah’s face?

“Director Han Gwan-guk said he would not meet anyone.”

“I just wanted to talk for a moment.”


The bodyguard did not step aside.

Well, that was quite expected.

As Han Min-ah glanced to the side, Lee Min-jung took a step forward.

“I am Lee Min-jeong, team leader of the Seoul branch inspection bureau’s 4th team.”

Then, Lee Min-jung held out her ID card.

The bodyguards who confirmed their identities flinched and trembled.

There was no mercy for the guards who protected the people or for the criminals.

Criminals who threaten people are killed with one blow.

Hence the name, the human slaughterer.

“Go, why is the person who went here…?”

The bodyguard’s words as he asked trembled.

The guards were called human slaughterers, but they wouldn’t have reacted to that extent.

Because to the common people, they were just watchmen.

That’s why he’s shaking like that towards Lee Min-jung.

This means that they also have some knowledge of Han Gwan-guk’s crimes.

“I visited to investigate Director Han Gwan-guk’s reference case regarding the disaster in Seoul.”

There was great commotion among the bodyguards at Lee Min-jung’s answer.

“…I’m sorry, but no matter how far you go, you can’t come to my house like this… .”

Lee Min-jung took out a piece of paper from her bosom as if to interrupt the bodyguard’s words.

In Han Min-ah’s field of vision, the contents of the paper were not clearly visible.

However, I could only vaguely see the words “arrest warrant” or something.


The bodyguard kept his mouth shut.

“Then let’s go in.”

Lee Min-jung walked past the bodyguard.

And no one could stop her.

There was no reason to stop it, and there was no way to do anything by force.

Although she looks like a delicate woman, Lee Min-jung is actually a team leader.

Even if all the bodyguards here rushed in, they couldn’t do anything to Lee Min-jung.

“Let’s go, sir.”

Han Min-ah followed Lee Min-jung into the mansion.

The house and mansion of Han Gwan-guk that we came into like that.

The scenery inside the mansion was such that it was hard to tell whether it was a house or a playground.

It was natural, since this was where the SH Group’s director resides.

But for some reason, I also felt bitter.

“I thought I clearly said I wouldn’t meet anyone….”

Han Gwan-guk’s voice was heard from the living room.

Han Gwan-guk was sitting at the table in the living room playing baduk.

“Min-ah, what kind of rudeness is this?”

Han Gwan-guk clicked his tongue and reprimanded Han Min-ah.

Han Min-ah shouted with an expression that was not even encouraging.


But those words could never be uttered.

A man sitting across from none other than Han Gwan-guk playing baduk.

A neat-looking man wearing glasses.

It was someone Han Min-ah knew.

“Why is the Senior Secretary to the President for Civil Affairs here…?”

Senior Secretary to the President for Civil Affairs, Kim Min-woo.

“It’s been a while, Director Han Min-ah.”

Kim Min-woo gave a brief greeting to Han Min-ah.

Following that, Han Gwan-guk clicked his tongue.

“What kind of rudeness is this in the presence of the chief secretary?”

He spat out sarcastic, reproachful words toward Han Min-ah.

* * *

Hwaryujeong (Flower Pavilion).

A high-end restaurant located in Yeouido.

In fact, it wasn’t a restaurant that could be described as ‘high-class’.

High-end meant high quality and expensive.

But Hwaryujeong wasn’t just about being expensive.

Just having a lot of money doesn’t mean you can enter the Hwaryujeong.


Only those in power who moved Korean society, not just those with simple power, could use Hwaryujeong.

It could be seen that the cutoff line for that position was from members of the National Assembly who had served three or more terms.

This was Hwaryujeong, a place used by those with power that transcended money.

Is that why?

Thanks to their protection, Hwaryujeong was able to minimize damage from disasters in Seoul.

And now.

“Sir, I heard that a guest has just arrived.”

The entire Hwaryujeong was empty for one person.

The words of a female employee of the Hwaryujeong, dressed in elegant attire.

SH Group Chairman Han Tae-san stood up from his seat, straightening his body.

As I opened the door to the quaint Hanok, I saw a well-kept pond in the spacious yard and an old pine tree that gave off a charming atmosphere.

“There’s no need to do this just because of one weak old man.”

An aged voice comes in between.

An old man walked across the courtyard of the Hwaryujeong Pavilion.

“long time no see.”

Han Tae-san bowed his head at a 90-degree angle toward the old man.

The staff at Hwaryujeong looked slightly surprised at Han Taesan’s appearance.

That makes sense, who is Han Tae-san?

If you want to seize power, catch Han Tae-san.

Han Tae-san’s presence in Korean society was so great that such a joke existed.

No joke, there was no one bigger than Han Tae-san in Korea.

Therefore, the 90-degree bow that Han Tae-san received was the kind that Han Tae-san should have received.

But when I checked the face of the old man crossing the yard.



The staff at Hwaryujeong could not help but be astonished.

At the same time, I had no choice but to admit it.

Han Tae-san is the one bowing at a 90-degree angle like that.

“Isn’t this too much courtesy for an old man who is just waiting for his day to die?”

Sword Immortal, Baek Seon-pyeong.

Baek Seon-pyeong clicked his tongue once.

Although it didn’t have the same powerful energy as before.

But that didn’t mean that Baek Seon-pyeong’s achievements had disappeared.

13 heroes who saved humanity.

The nobility of giving up everything one had to save people.

“I just wanted to have a quick drink after a long time.”

Baek Seon-pyeong was still Baek Seon-pyeong.

“It’s just a small favor from me. Please come inside.”

Baek Seon-pyeong clicked his tongue again and followed Han Tae-san into the room.

Two people sitting like that.

“Uh, I’ll bring out the food… .”

Even though they were the staff of Hwaryujeong who dealt with big names every day, their nervousness was evident.

Baek Seon-pyeong and Han Tae-san.

The entire Hwaryujeong looked tense in front of these two people.

A silence fell into the room after the employees had left.

Han Tae-san silently poured alcohol into Baek Seon-pyeong’s empty glass.

Slurp… ..

The sound of alcohol falling into a glass and the scent of alcohol spreading.

“Why, you and I. It seems like we both have the same headache because of our children.”

Taesan Han’s hand, which was pouring the alcohol, stopped for a moment.

Baek Seon-pyeong, who looked up, seemed to know everything.

Han Tae-san’s eldest son, Han Gwan-guk.

It seemed like he knew what he was doing.

A moment of silence.

“What are you going to do?”

Baek Seon-pyeong asked Han Tae-san.

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