I Stole the Number One Ranker’s Soul Chapter 193

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– are you okay? My face doesn’t look very good.

As I hurriedly walked in and sat down on the bed, Seo Ji-han approached me with a worried expression.

Seo Ji-han stayed by our side in silence the entire time we had a meal with his family.

And at times like now, I am very grateful for the presence of him who speaks to me without fail.

At first, the part about sticking around was quite burdensome, but now I wonder how I would survive without him.

I feel like I’m almost like a ghost of attachment.

“I’m a little tired.”

– It’s worth it.

Everything is difficult.

Everything from the responsibility of the choices given to me, the uncertain future, and even the way my younger brother hides his true feelings and pretends to be calm.

– It’s an evacuation… … .

Seo Ji-han’s voice fell like a sigh in my ear.

He sat diagonally on the desk, looked down at me, and asked carefully.

– You don’t want to do that, do you?

“… … yes.”

– hmm.

“Either save some, or bet on a gamble with a low probability of winning that can save everyone. “It’s a choice.”

– That’s right.

“If you succeed, of course it’s the latter, but you don’t know how low the winning rate is… … .”

– Aren’t you lucky to have all the information you need to make a decision?


No matter how much I thought, I couldn’t find an answer, so I lay down on the bed.

“I am hopeful that I am very strong now. Looking at Mr. Elfanis’ reaction, I don’t think there has ever been anyone with such strong offensive power.”

– huh.

“So, wouldn’t it work for me?  It makes me wonder what I could do to that predator if it were my attack. “If our attack power had been weaker, we wouldn’t have had to worry about this.”

– yes.

“And if you inherit the horns eaten by others and raise your level, your attack power will become stronger. but.”

– but?

“Nafkis. You were very strong. Nevertheless, Nafgis escaped. “I think he could have won if he had fought.”

When I thought of Nafgis, I also remembered the future I saw back then.

Why was I crying alone on the sofa?

Did I finally escape?

Did he cry from the sadness of leaving everyone behind?

“Ugh. Really, ha.”

As I rolled over, scratching my head, Seo Ji-han watched me with his chin resting on his face, laughing quietly.

How can this person always be so relaxed?

Then, you would have come to a conclusion quickly and clearly without any hesitation.

“Isn’t it frustrating?”

– what?

“I think it would be difficult for Seo Ji-han to understand my worries like this. “I thought it would be frustrating to watch it go so slowly.”

His eyes widened in surprise, but then he smiled slightly.

Then he got up from the desk he was leaning against and lay down next to me with his arms crossed.

– well? I don’t think so.


– Worrying isn’t a bad thing.

“But I envy Seo Ji-han. Seojin Ban too. “I wish I had that kind of determination.”

– I don’t think there’s any need to be jealous, though.

“is it so?”

– huh. Do you know what you’ll do if you don’t worry?


– regret.


When someone who jumped into a Kyrgyz dungeon without hesitation and even lost his life says that, it’s no joke to be persuasive.

I wanted to ask him if he ever regretted it, but the answer was so obvious that I just stayed silent.

Oh, but wait a minute.

“In the past, it was said that only weak people did things like worry.”

– I felt like you needed those words at that time.

“You didn’t mean it?”

– It may be true, or it may not be true.  Actually, my thoughts aren’t that important.

“Then what’s important?”

Seo Ji-han suddenly closed his mouth and became quiet.

He was looking at me intently and came closer with a serious face.

I flinched at the face that suddenly got closer and tried to pull away, but Seo Ji-han was faster than me.

I closed my eyes for a moment, then opened them, and there was Seo Ji-han’s face at a distance where the tip of my nose was almost touching.

As I was a ghost, I couldn’t feel anything, but my heart was beating like crazy.

– you.

At this moment, it’s really amazing that I didn’t scream like a chungwangryu. tremendous. Hands are amazing!

Even though my face was so hot that I felt like crying, I endured it. I endured it!



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“Well, uh… … .”

Seo Ji-han stared at me with a slight smile as I croaked due to a breakdown in my language skills.

Then, he lightly stroked my cheek with his touchless hand, then stood up and left.

– Take a break for today. You look very tired.

With those words, he passed through the door and left the room.

I stared at the door where he had disappeared for a while, then rolled over on the bed and grabbed the blanket.

Ah, why are you making me even more upset!

But thanks to that, the worries that were lingering in my head flew away, and I was able to sleep very soundly that day.

For about 30 hours while the second barrier was maintained, I thought and thought, using Seo Ji-han’s words as motivation.

I often gave Ban Seo-jin a sad look, asking why he was suffering so much, but I couldn’t help it.

You can’t decide that easily.

The direction of concern was focused on how to definitely increase the odds of victory rather than whether to evacuate or stay and fight.

In fact, the balance was already very tilted to one side.

While everyone was spending time with their precious people, Eundam Yoo was cleaning up after himself alone.

When I met him often and spoke to him, Eundam Yoo responded with his characteristic refreshing smile as if it was no big deal.

“I’m fine. Don’t worry.  I’m having fun in my own way.”

In his hands, Eom Yoo would always hold Secretary Eom, who looked like she was about to die, and it seemed like he knew how Eundam was spending his time.

It seemed like he was enjoying his time for revenge.

And finally, just before the final hall began, I succeeded in safely inheriting the horns that others had eaten after all their hard work.

I, Yu Eundam, Ban Seo-jin, Ban Seo-hu, Pergis, Elfanis, and Rodran invested all of the horns inherited from them into Chungwangpo.

Thanks to this, Chungwangpo was currently boasting a fearsome level of L3 to L17.

By the way, I thought L10 would be the end of this, but how many levels are there?

Well, honestly, I thought it would be a good idea to feed Pergis’ numerous subordinates and inherit them all, but I just thought about it and passed it on.

This is because I was concerned that Pergis’ subordinates who had consumed all of the horns might pass the horns on to Pergis rather than to me.

Right now, I don’t feel any signs of such betrayal from Pergis, but I don’t know how my mind will change if that situation arises.

Pergis’ goal is the survival of his people.

Therefore, there was a possibility that they would flee, taking care of only their own people.

The day of the decisive battle has finally arrived.

I was gathering my thoughts as I was seeing my family off at the lakeside.

Elfanis and Rodran, who usually stayed inside the dungeon, also came out of the dungeon for the first time to see us off.

“Everyone is ready, right?”

Answers to questions asked energetically came from all over the place.

There are a total of 5 subjects who can be taken to the final hall, excluding me and Seo Ji-han.

Perhaps because Seo Ji-han belongs to me, he was not included in the limit on the number of vassals.

Participating members are Ban Seo-jin, Ban Seo-hu, Yoo Eun-dam, Pergis, and Nafgis.

Since you can pre-register the vassal you want to take with you, all the procedures have already been completed, so all that’s left is to wait for the final hall participation message.

In fact, Nafgis is still in the dungeon, but it is not a big problem since it is automatically moved together when the hall starts.

However, I don’t know if we will fight together.

This means that I still have no idea what he is thinking.

The Final Hall Eve Festival has ended.

As I was warming up, a message suddenly appeared before my eyes.

Everyone raised their heads with shocked expressions and looked at me.

The final hall begins.

Final Hall participants will automatically be transferred to the Final Hall within 10 minutes.

Please be prepared to move.

Although it only took 10 minutes, I could already feel a subtle energy surrounding my body.

Other people seemed to be feeling the same way, with an awkward expression on their faces.

I caught a glimpse of Mom and Seungju with worried expressions, Elfanis smiling calmly, and Pergis eating weeds by the lake.

No, wait a minute.

Hey there, Pergis. What are you doing now? I understand that you liked the other world pool because it was so delicious, but I would like to ask you to understand the atmosphere.

“I have to collect it. Take care of yourself.”

“Good luck.”

Thanks to the sincere expressions of encouragement from my mother and Elfanis, I barely lost concentration.

The moment I nodded resolutely, my vision suddenly blurred.

The movement to the final hall has begun.

After my blurred vision was restored, an indoor space resembling an ancient ruin appeared before my eyes.

As I heard from Elfanis in advance, we were surrounded by a cylindrical, translucent barrier.

Feeling a strong sense of intimidation, I glanced back and saw that Nafgis had arrived safely in the form of the giant of light as before.

I don’t know if this boss monster, which I don’t know what it’s thinking, will fight with us, but it’s so strong that just standing still and dispelling its intimidation already seems to be quite helpful.

Moreover, when I looked around, I was almost shocked to see that while the other boss monsters were huge, we were all small, but thanks to Nafgis, the size felt somewhat balanced.

“This is Nafqish… … .”

Ban Seo-jin muttered, feeling a bit burdened. While listening to that voice, I first looked into the final hall.

In front of me, I saw a huge altar that looked like a pyramid. The surrounding area was crowded with monsters trapped in a cylindrical barrier like us.

Although I heard it in advance, the sight of all the boss monsters alive in this world gathered in one place was reminiscent of Hell.

The transition was completed for all participants.

The barrier is lifted.

The barrier disappeared immediately along with the message. I immediately used the sanctuary barrier towards the altar.

Area exclusion skills cannot be used in the Final Hall.

It doesn’t work either.

Well, if it were possible, Elfanis would highly recommend it.

Then there is only one way left.

Running with your own body.

But before that.

– Put your hands together.

At Seo Ji-han’s signal, I looked towards the altar and raised my magic power.

Now, first of all, let’s get the momentum going.

“excuse me. Please get out of the way.”

– Die, you little bastards!

With Seo Ji-han’s declaration of war contrasting with my polite words, Chungwangpo pierced the space.

I didn’t use it very hard because the hall wasn’t very wide and I adjusted the output quite a bit considering the possibility of a battle later.

However, I did not fully take into account the fact that the skill level increased from L3 to L17.

Oooh, wow!

The Chungwang Artillery, with a more ferocious force than when the L3 Chungwang Artillery was used at full power, stretched out in a straight line.

The monsters who were gathered in groups of threes and threes to search for each other were seen getting scared and retreating.

However, some who were slow to react were caught up and perished.

That wasn’t the end.

The space was distorted and shaken like a haze following Chungwangpo’s trajectory.

Then came a strong aftershock.

With the intention of filling the space that Chungwangpo destroyed.

No, I really shot it gently… … .

romance, fantasy,

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