I Stole the Number One Ranker’s Soul Chapter 172

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If humans were rational and rational creatures, things like war would not occur.

We will understand and coordinate each other’s situations, and the word environmental destruction will almost no longer be used as soon as it is born.

It would have become common sense that it would be more productive to use energy to develop oneself rather than to be jealous of and put down others, and everyone would have lived their lives understanding their own limitations and pursuing their own happiness.

However, since humans are creatures that are far from reason, they always live in pursuit of reason.

And among such people, the president, who was especially out of touch with rationality, was burning with fierce hostility in the high-rise buildings of the city engulfed in smog.

“Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!”

The president was pacing nervously in his office, swearing in fits and starts.

He chewed his nails intermittently and his eyeballs were bloodshot and shiny.

His venomous face was filled with resentment.

“Dare that dog!”

The hearts of the secretaries watching the scene were filled with anxiety that was incomparable to that of the president.

Even during the day, one person left with bleeding on his head.

Although he had a sensitive and violent personality in the past, the recent boss seemed to be better suited in prison than outside.

Of course, I’ve always been a person better suited to prison.

Secretary Eom thought of that thought without realizing it and barely suppressed laughter.

They say that when people are under too much stress, they try to smile somehow, and that was exactly the case.

But if I laughed now, I might end up in the intensive care unit instead of home.

“으아악, 이 개새끼! pup!”

While everyone was holding their breath, the president went crazy and ran wild, making it as bizarre as if he was watching a psychodrama.

The president, who had been struggling for a while because he couldn’t overcome the challenge, flopped down on his chair, wheezing as if his stamina was running low.

“what? He’s the savior? You stupid pigs and pigs! When you curse, do you immediately fawn over me without even knowing anything? Hey, what are you all doing? Why are all the comments here like this? Are you sure you are managing it? uh?”

The secretaries only bowed their heads even when they omitted their titles and called their names in rude language.

The Internet news comments section was open on the laptop on the president’s desk.

The president is usually the type of person who only receives brief reports on things like this, but this time he was checking them directly.

Thanks to this, the secretaries were unable to do any of the filtering work they always did, so they were suffering from criticism that was several times stronger than usual.

“Look, if you have eyes, look. Is this the public opinion you are managing? “You bastards?”

The president’s hand, moving passionately, grabbed the mouse and scrolled down.

The scrolling had become much longer than when the CEO checked to see if the number of comments had increased in the meantime.

  offi****  2021.06.21. 06:51:03

Where are the people who say we should keep dungeons going? Are they all dead?

⇧ 353 ⇩ 24

↳     cial****  2021.06.21. 06:51:03

It’s so quiet

⇧ 43 ⇩ 2

  lly****  2021.06.21. 06:54:08

Look at the judgment of the corporate guild. If I had listened to the Daehan Guild, I would have been screwed haha. 

⇧ 863 ⇩ 64

 miss****  2021.06.21. 06:54:08

God God Seojihan! God God Seojihan!

⇧ 756 ⇩ 29

  ing****  2021.06.21. 06:54:08

The Korean Guild did nothing wrong, right?  I decided as rationally as possible at that point.

⇧ 3 ⇩ 48

↳     you****  2021.06.21. 06:51:03

Yes, the next guild leader.

⇧ 654 ⇩ 23

 gee****  2021.06.21. 06:54:08

The Daehan Guild still tried its best. I wish Seo Ji-han had persuaded me more wisely.

⇧ 4 ⇩ 4

 eks****  2021.06.21. 06:54:08

Disband the Korean Guild.

⇧ 76 ⇩ 18

  lil****  2021.06.21. 06:54:08

Doesn’t the guild leader of the Korean guild apologize?

⇧ 876 ⇩ 47

  boi****  2021.06.21. 06:54:08

Starting today, I will boycott Daehan Group.

⇧ 86 ⇩ 12

  gae****  2021.06.21. 06:54:08

I think it would be better to give Seo Ji-han the guild leader. Don’t just apologize out loud.

⇧ 437 ⇩ 3

If it was just praising Seo Ji-han, it would have been stomach-churning, but the flow of the comments section was moving in an increasingly dangerous direction.

The aggressive arrows were coming back towards the Daehan Guild to the extent that it seemed like someone was leading the charge.

The comment windows of other media outlets were all like that.

Although there were some who advocated for the guild, there were too few of them to change the trend.

“Are you sure you’re doing your part-time jobs properly? “Why is there no firepower like this?”

“Well, that has its limits….”



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“What about the Hunter Daily? Why are the Hunter Daily comments like this? “Didn’t you tell the boss there to take care of it?”

“I made a request, but I received a reply saying it was a bit difficult.”


“Isn’t media manipulation a bit like that? … .”


The press secretary’s back started to get wet.

Damn it, is it my turn to be carried away?

The president’s angry voice fell on his head, which was trembling with anxiety.

Thank goodness it wasn’t an ashtray.

“Now what? Ha, you’re going to cut off these bastards’ tails, right? “Don’t you know that if you show up like this, everyone will die?”

The coldly scolded president kept his mouth shut for a moment.

He was quietly thinking about something, and this time he gestured towards another secretary.

“you. “Have you received any contact from overseas?”

“I keep trying to contact you, but there is no reply. I guess they too are so confused by this situation that they have no time… … .”

“Hey, do you think I’m asking because I don’t know that?”


“yes? Yes? If you can’t contact me, you have to make it happen! That’s what I’m writing you to do. uh? Please find a way and contact us! “Go out and call me right now!”

Hearing the president’s nervous yelling, the secretary quickly bowed and left the office.

The envious looks of other secretaries gathered behind him.

I want to go out too.

The president, overcome with nervousness that made him dizzy, gritted his teeth.

The threads that made up the plan are breaking one by one.

He was in a desperate situation.

I knew that too.

But I could never, never admit it.

It wasn’t that he was pushed out because another large guild was created, but that he was pushed out of office because of something so sudden?

To do this in vain before even having a proper power struggle with the Daehan Group?

That can’t be possible.

Everything seemed perfect, but it was just a mirage?

There was no way that all of that was just Sasang Pavilion. His grand plan!

The president began pacing around the office anxiously again.

The sound of his shoe heels resonated compulsively like a metronome.

The secretaries could not even breathe properly and hid their trembling hearts.

One week since the dungeon liberation incident.

In that short period of time, the president’s position fell to the ground.

Hunters who normally wouldn’t even be able to make a noise were clamoring, and even Han Oh-su, the leader of the Daehan Guild who had been set up as a scarecrow, dared to challenge him.

All of the comrades who shared the same view turned their backs on him, and even within the Daehan Group, they ignored him, saying, “Just look at it.”

This guy and that guy are all praising the same scoundrel.

I was so angry that I was going crazy.

What did he do so wrong?

I was just trying to live a better life, but is it okay to give people this much trouble?

There must be something, a way.

The president’s shiny eyes moved here and there as if looking for a rope.

The president walked and walked around his office in search of an innovative way to save himself from this situation.

method. method. method.

No matter how much I racked my brain and read the articles, I couldn’t find a clear answer, only making me more angry.

As if they had never cursed, other countries were in chaos, but our country was talking frantically about being safe thanks to Seo Ji-han.

It’s safer?

I’m happy that it’s safe even though it’s going through such a hard time, right?

Do you think it will be safe just because it is Korea?

Are you saying that those little guys are going to stop all the monsters from overseas?

It seems like there’s a guarantee that monsters from overseas won’t come here, right?

A thought passed like lightning through the head of the president who was grumbling like that.


Yes, in the end, the reason they praise Seo Ji-han so much is because they feel reassured that they are safe.

The stronger the faith, the greater the blow when it is broken.

What happens if Korea, which was once believed to be safe, is no longer safe?

Will we still praise Seo Ji-han even then?

No, it wasn’t.

The moment Korea becomes dangerous, Seo Ji-han’s credit for protecting Korea from the dungeon incident disappears.

Gongchisa will disappear and those who praise him will disappear, and instead, only great resentment will remain.

The more relieved I felt, the more intense the anger would remain.


The secretaries swallowed their saliva at the sight of the president suddenly smiling.

Have you finally come to your senses?

The president, who had no way of knowing what the secretaries were thinking, began to plan step by step.

The new dungeon was overlooked anyway. There may be a dungeon in Korea again, but it would have been foolish to hope for a fluke in such an urgent situation.

“Contact overseas.”

“yes? However, our request from overseas… … .”

Secretary Eom, who received the glance, responded as if walking on thin ice.

The president clicked his tongue.

It’s because I’m so clueless.

“Do you think I’m asking for cooperation in conquering that dungeon?”

“Well, then, what kind of information are you contacting me about?” … .”

“That’s it. If there are monsters that are difficult to deal with, tell them to send them to Korea.”

Secretary Eom, who had expected talk of dispatching Korean hunters to overseas battlefields that had become a battlefield at best, was greatly surprised by those words.

What thought circuit did you go through to come to that conclusion?

Isn’t this too inefficient?

Since it is a very high-risk battlefield, the hunters will not readily respond to the dispatch, but at least the extremists who desperately want to conquer it will be satisfied.

Instead of sending hunters at this point, you’re sending monsters here?

“Boss monsters or anything else, send them to Korea first. Oh, there’s a travel portal left after our dungeon is closed, right? Open that too. If it’s too much, you can guide the monsters there and send them there. “It doesn’t matter if you send it on a large scale or in excessive amounts.”

The president continued talking happily without even noticing Secretary Eom’s astonishment.

“Yes, boss. No matter what, then Korean civilians will be in danger… … .”

“Uh huh. Do you really think I want to kill all the civilians? Place our hunters appropriately nearby. “Oh, if it’s too dangerous, you can run away.”

“Well, then…”

“Even if a few monsters escape, Seo Ji-han is still there. The great Seo Ji-han will appear, kill them all, and save the civilians.  is not it?”

Even 100 bodies would not be enough to prevent a monster outbreak occurring simultaneously in all areas.

If Seo Ji-han is a really great person and not just some idiot, he will do it before the civilians die, right?

The president glared evilly without hiding his grin.

Looking at him like that, Secretary Eom was trembling.

This guy really tasted it.

“Boss, no matter what, there is a risk of too many casualties.”

“Secretary Eom.”


Secretary Eom was a big-hearted person who spoke out loud, but when he heard a voice quietly calling out to him, he quickly shrunk to the size of a bean.

The president, who smiled ominously kindly at him, opened his mouth.

“You should help your neighbors when they are having a hard time. “How can our country be the only one able to cross the river and go to Buddhism when other countries are having such a hard time?”


“I’m not that bad of a person.”

The boss who said that and smiled was just hypocrisy.

No, it seemed like even hypocrisy was being mocked.

Secretary Eom quietly lowered his head, sticking out his tongue at the viciousness.

“If you understand, go out and proceed. Don’t forget to keep it a secret. They say don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, right? You know that good things are not something to brag about, right? “I believe you understood what I said.”

Secretary Eom bowed his head again.

His heart was filled with contempt and loathing for his boss.

However, as a helpless person, the maximum amount of defiance he could do was to pretend to trail off and speak informally, or to quietly omit greetings like he did now.

After Secretary Eom left, the president sat down in his chair with a pleasant smile for the first time in a long time.

The more I thought about it, the more it seemed like the perfect idea.

If he sees his virtue abroad with this, he will later repay his debt, and if Korea becomes dangerous, Seo Ji-han’s credit will also disappear.

However, it may become known that the Daehan Guild has brought in monsters, but if something like that happens, we will help at the group level.

If something serious like this were to be leaked out, it would also cause damage to the group.

The president smiled with satisfaction as he thought of his older brother, Chairman Kim, who had boarded the same boat without his knowledge.

Anyway, he had nothing more to lose.

In that case, we have no choice but to go to the end.

In fact, there was still a lot left to lose.

His secretaries, wealth, social status, even his life.

However, it was a possible illusion because it was so natural that I did not even think that it was something I could lose.

And the next day, reports began pouring in from all over Korea that monsters had appeared.

romance, fantasy,

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