I Stole the Number One Ranker’s Soul Chapter 171

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Seo Ji-han, who had been quietly listening, quietly joined in.

Thinking back on those words, I think it was roughly around that time that I stopped being intimidated by other boss monsters.

This was around the time when I officially took over the dungeon from Elfanis and started to attack boss monsters with Seo Ji-han.

I wasn’t paying attention at the time, but from then on, whenever I appeared, a notification message dedicated to the boss monster was attached to me. Is this it?

“Did you get that message when I came? “Why didn’t you tell me until now?”

“It didn’t appear to me. In fact, not all hunters saw the message, and even among them, only weak hunters saw the message.”

“Hmm, actually, I’ve never been intimidated by a boss monster.”

Seohu Ban and Seo Jihan answered one after another.

I see, now that I think about it, I think I was suffering from a condition up until the time I captured Jirgis.

After that, after eating Jirgis’ horn and upgrading the Chungwang Cannon, those abnormalities completely disappeared.

“I guess I’ve become quite strong too.”

When I muttered proudly that I felt like I had become a decent hunter, Seo Ji-han made an absurd expression.

“Newly? You are very strong. “It’s been a while since that happened.”

When I heard Seo Ji-han say that, I became even more embarrassed.

Is it because I was recognized as number one in the rankings? No, I’m probably happier that I heard those words from Seo Ji-han more than anyone else.

“Ah, did you say this article was embargoed earlier?”


Seohu Ban nodded calmly.

It’s an article that feels like a scoop just by writing it, but it’s under embargo?

From their point of view, there is no reason not to announce it, right?

“After hearing the testimony that I was at the scene, someone I know in the industry contacted me. “I first negotiated and requested that it be handed over to an embargo.”

Seohoo Ban, you have really wide feet.

“But did you obediently listen to that?”

Mr. Ban Seo-hoo, surprisingly, there are a lot of people who know.

If the hunters in all the fields I went to  had heard the ‘Nioh Son Moa’ message, there would have been more than one country that would have had to negotiate.

“okay. “I guess they thought there was no good thing to be done by talking about it for no reason.”


“Because it’s high-level information. Only some of the hunters in the country you went to would have obtained this information, and since it is a confusing time, they want to keep to themselves any information that seems advantageous. “The Korean media won’t know anything.”

If it’s true, it’s really fortunate.

“Oh, well, monsters don’t appear in Korea, so I’ve never been there, so if other countries keep quiet, I won’t know anything about Korea.”

“That’s right. And the hunters in that country are currently at a 100% deployment rate, so it seems like they are just covering it up because they don’t have the manpower to separately investigate this matter. Moreover, they probably don’t want to mess with this side that is helping for no reason in an emergency like this. “I’m trying to please you.”

Seohu Ban said, rubbing his forehead with his index finger as if he were tired.

“Aha, then how long will this embargo remain in effect?”

“It won’t be a long time since we won’t be able to stop rumors from spreading in the private sector. “We have negotiated so that even if it is reported, it will not be in a disadvantageous direction for us.”

For some reason, when I woke up earlier, I thought I couldn’t see Seohu Ban, but he seems to have been busy underwater.

Personality-wise, he may not be a good match, but Ban Seo-hu still had a trustworthy side.

“Someday, the guild will find out that I’m alive. “I need to evacuate my family.”

“That would be a good idea.”

After answering briefly, Seohu Ban said he had more work to do and quickly left.

I’m a little worried because I’ve slept for a few hours and he doesn’t seem to have slept at all.

“By the way, will Ban Seo-hoo’s family be okay?”

If my family is threatened, my acquaintances, such as Ban Seo-hoo and Yoo Eun-dam, who are active similarly to me, will not be safe.

When I opened my mouth in worry, Seo Ji-han nodded calmly.

“Well, you don’t have to worry about that. If I were to do something wrong in the Daehan Guild, I would have to deal with all the people connected to me through my relatives’ association, my numerous relatives’ acquaintances, my social network, and my personal network. “I’m not going to invade the beehive.”

“Somehow, he seems like he comes from a really great family. “I’ll feel safe.”

“hmm. yes. However, if an order to return from home is given, you must return immediately. Fortunately, I don’t know if that hasn’t been said so far, or if he’s just ignoring it.”

“There are pros and cons.”

Even though Ban Seo-jin was from a very suffocating family, it seems that it wasn’t all bad.

Well, if there are only bad points, why would you want to keep it?

Since there is a benefit to everything, I guess I will keep following it.

“yes. At least in the networking department.  “I heard that there were quite a few relatives who fled abroad because that family was suffocating, and I think I got this information through them.”

“You have relatives living scattered across so many countries?”

“I don’t even want to live in the same country.”

“If you hate it so much, why did you listen to Ban Seo-hoo’s request?”

Is this a subtle bond between family members who hate each other but help each other?

Hmm, well, I guess if a relative asks me something, I will help them if I can, even if it’s someone I don’t like.

“No matter what he looks like, he’s always polite to his superiors.”

Seo Ji-han smiled.

“Are you the type that older people like?”


“I think it would be wrong to marry someone your own age, Mr. Ban Seo-hoo, but if you find someone older, you might have a good chance of winning.”

“Association? “Over the age of 50?”

“I didn’t mean that….”

We continued talking nonsense for a while.

There was occasional laughter and jeers.

These brief laughs were invaluable as we had a long fight ahead of us.

“Soon, let’s call my mom and go fight. Oh, please tell Mr. Elfanis that someone else will be coming. He tells other people that they can rescue him and send him back.”




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While Seo Ji-han opened the gate and disappeared, I immediately contacted my mother.

The communication lessons I shared with my mom before were still quite a bit left behind.

Come to think of it, I haven’t heard from my mom at all since the dungeon broke out. Something’s going on, right?

Suddenly, with a feeling of anxiety, Chimi cautiously bit into the fruit of communication that connected her to her mother.

The effect of ‘Item: Communication Benefits’ is applied.

‘Item: Communication Skills’: Duration 10 minutes 00 seconds 

After checking the system message, I cautiously opened my mouth.


“Oh my, what a surprise! Oh my, Moa? “Moani?”

I was so surprised to suddenly hear my own voice that I heard my mother’s voice startled.

Mom’s voice was very bright, ignoring the momentary worry.

“I was already trying to contact you, but I thought you were busy so I held back. I thought no news was good news. are you okay? Did you eat? “Are you hurt?”

“Yes, I’m fine. “Mom, everything’s going well, right?”

“Korea is quiet. It’s so peaceful that it’s actually a little scary, man. “People need to know who this is all thanks to!”

Although she clicked her tongue, it didn’t seem like she was truly angry.

“Yes, Mom. I’m sorry, but I think my name will become known sooner or later. Then, since the hunters who hate me could harm my family, would you like to gather Seungju and the others and stay away from the dungeon? Sorry, the internet doesn’t work and it must be inconvenient… … .  “But it’s the safest there.”

“I see what’s coming. Okay! I’ll get it and leave as soon as possible. Do I have to go right away?”

I thought she would hate it, but surprisingly, my mom responded very willingly.

From the words that it was coming, I had a vague idea of ​​how many situations my mother had been thinking about and preparing for.

“No, I have some leeway. “If it’s as short as one day, if it’s as long as three days?”

“That’s enough. okay! I’ll be in the dungeon with Seungju. Are you coming that way too?”

“Yes, but I’m fighting right now so I don’t think I can go right away. I want to see Seungju too… … .”

It’s been so long since I met my younger brother.

As I trailed off, my mother pushed me back in a loud manner.

“I’ll see Seungju later! Would you mind if your family held you back when you were going to do something big? But now I can tell Seungju that you are safe.”

“Have you told me yet?”

“You said before that you wouldn’t talk.”

“Yeah, that’s true, but….”

Let’s see, roughly, how long has it been since the news that I died?

I think it’s been a month to a month and a half, but Seungju must have been in a lot of pain.

After finishing the conversation with my mother, Seo Ji-han came back just in time.

It reminds me of Seungju, so I want to see her more.

I feel like I want to wait and see and go, but the world is moving too quickly for that.

I tore through the scroll again.

Thinking back to the image of the most urgent scene I saw on the news.

Still, I feel good because I go to fight with my mom’s encouragement.

“Ugh, there are two bosses again. “What kind of monster movie is this?”

I don’t even know where I am because I just looked at the picture.

What is certain, however, is that the city is truly devastated.

It will take a really long time and effort to rebuild this place.

“Shall I catch it?”

Seo Ji-han quietly spoke.

Considering the scores on the ranking board, that would be correct.

When I nodded, Seo Ji-han took out a lion’s scythe from his inventory.

The boss monsters this time were both King Chung.

One looked like a wart with lots of red fluff, and the other looked like a very colorful flying grasshopper.

Seeing as they aren’t fighting, it looks like they’ve already reached an agreement here.

Looking at this, I understand why so many King Chung escaped.

Except that they are a bit warlike and do not take care of their own people, the kings seem to quickly end their relationships with each other and form a group.

Come to think of it, the two bosses you killed by penetrating with the Chungwang Cannon were also Chungwang, right?

“While Seo Ji-han deals with one, I will keep the other one in check so they don’t die.”

After briefly sharing the strategy, we immediately narrowed the distance towards the two kings.

I flew, Seo Ji-han ran, and suddenly the two kings turned to look at me.

“Uhm, I don’t feel good.”

Feeling a little anxious, I immediately raised my magical power and prepared to use the Chungwangpo at any time.

The two bosses tilted their antennae towards each other and exchanged something… … .

has disappeared.

“What? Where did you go? “Where is the boss monster?”

When I came down to the ground in bewilderment, I looked around in all directions, equally bewildered, and shook my head.

“I think he ran away.”

“yes? why?”

“Maybe he recognized you.”

“How do you recognize me? This is your first time meeting me?”

“Hmm, it seems like rumors about those guys are spreading faster than I thought. “I don’t know in what form information is exchanged, but one thing is certain.”

“Which one?”

“It won’t be easy to catch the boss monster from now on.”

What Seo Ji-han guessed was true.

After that, I met many boss monsters, but the only one that ran away as soon as it spotted me.

No, what… … .

romance, fantasy,

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