I Raided the Devil’s Treasury Chapter 660

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660. Episode 660

It wasn’t a sudden appearance.

When Seun received the confirmation regarding the alliance with Olympus, he was gathering the gods of the divine realm.

When I was wondering how I could intervene in the tower as a god, he came to me first.


“It’s been a while, Player Jeong Se-woon.”

“What’s going on? Besides, isn’t the inside of the tower the only place the caretaker can go?”

“Yes, but there is one exception. It’s unprecedented and I’ve been so busy that I haven’t been able to pay attention, but normally, it’s the manager’s job to help explain the system to players who have ascended the constellation.”

When I thought about it, it was true.

In Seun’s case, Mamon explained various things to him right after he gained divinity, but what about an ordinary person?

You won’t know how to move right now, where to go, nothing.

Even if you just built it, didn’t you have to borrow Mamon’s help because you didn’t know how to observe the tower?

“If you’re busy, is it because of your outerwear?”

“Yes. Starting with Shanel, Outer’s attacks have begun throughout the tower. We are restricting Outer as much as possible through the system, but this alone has its limits… … .”

“… … Is there any place that has already collapsed?”

“Not yet. However, everyone is in a hurry. That’s why I came here to ask for help from player Jeong Se-woon.”

You could tell he was busy just by looking at the state of his tuning.

Lately, I’ve been wearing neat and tidy clothes, but now, just like when I first saw you, your clothes are all sagging and hanging.

It’s not that they didn’t manage it, but rather that they couldn’t manage it.

You could tell how restless he had been just by looking at the dark circles under his eyes.

“I can’t go right now. First… … .”

Se-Woon, who was initially planning to send him back, changed his mind.

This is the discussion that will take place going forward.

That’s where tuning knowledge was desperately needed.

* * *

“First, let me introduce myself. My name is ‘Tuning’ and I am from the Tower Management Office. I am here to give you advice on matters related to the Tower.”

“Oh, the manager.”

“This is my first time seeing it in person.”

“Well, the tower is about to collapse at any moment, so the management office can’t just sit back and do nothing.”

The gods nodded.

In fact, as this matter was related to the tower, the manager’s assistance was desperately needed.

“First of all, one of the methods mentioned earlier, ‘descent’… … is impossible.”


“The dimension has already become unstable due to the Outer’s attack. If the gods descend here with their vast power, the dimension will collapse.”

“It seems the condition is more serious than I thought.”

“Yes. Regarding the second issue, I know that there are already people who are putting forth effort in this regard.”

Several gods nodded.

The second is the way in which the Constellation empowers its apostles by giving them strength.

“This is the most realistic issue. It is the main reason why the tower is holding up right now. If possible, please give us a little more strength.”

“That’s obvious, but isn’t it impossible to completely block the Outer with the power of an Apostle?”

“Yes. I just hold on. So, I’m going to tell you the method I came up with.”

“It’s a method the manager came up with.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

“Tell me quickly. Isn’t time pressing?”

Everyone’s eyes were focused on Tuning.

No matter how much tuning it was, it was inevitable that I would feel burdened since I was receiving the attention of the highest gods.

Tuning took a deep breath and opened his mouth.

“All outers are banished here, to the divine realm.”


“Then the gods will be able to face the Outer with full force without losing their dignity.”

“Do you know what you are talking about now?”

Let’s banish the outer to the divine realm.

Regardless of how that was possible, there was one big problem.

“I believed that human’s words and came all the way here, but isn’t it ultimately about transferring the danger of the tower to the danger of the divine realm?”

The gods rose from their seats.

To risk the divine realm to save the tower? Does that make any sense?

Eventually, the noise around the oracle where the gods gathered became so loud that even Seun could not control it.

“Odin, don’t stay still and answer me. That nonsense… … .”

“I agree.”


Odin was the first to nod.

“Isn’t the manager right? It’s the only way to eliminate the source of destruction while still preserving our power.”

“One, if it fails… … .”

“Hahahahaha! I agree! I can finally destroy those guys with my own hands!”

After Odin comes Satan.

Even Tiamat, who had been silent, nodded, and Ramazer, the chief deity of Heliopolis, nodded.

However, it is still not over half.

It was none other than Satan’s provocation that turned the situation around.



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“What? Are you all scared?”


“This is our chance to destroy them with our full strength! Those who refuse, aren’t they saying that they don’t have the confidence to win even with full strength?”

“No way!”

“That statement is disrespectful to Dilmun! Cancel it immediately!”

“Then why don’t you just agree? They say an empty cart makes the most noise!”

“Ha! What are you talking about! We are just being cautious! The stars of Dilmun are ready to fight the Outer at any time!”

“Hahahahaha! Alright. Then isn’t it decided?”

Public opinion gradually turned in favor.

Given the circumstances, I couldn’t help but ask for a solution.

Even if all the gods agree, it is meaningless if there is no way to banish the Outer to the divine realm.

“Actually, we need your help there too.”

“Tell me.”

“The only thing our office can do is give permission for the expulsion. We cannot use physical force. So, what we need is two things.”

Tuning raised two fingers and folded one.

“The first is the passage that banishes the Outer to the divine realm.”

“We’ll take care of that.”

Odin stood up from his seat.

“We can ask for Heimdall’s help. Bifrost alone won’t be enough… … so we’ll connect the roots of Yggdrasil to the tower.”

“Yggdrasil? Then wouldn’t Asgard be the first to be put in danger?”

“Isn’t now the time to join forces?”

“… …Thank you, Odin.”

“Even so, it is impossible with Asgard’s power alone. Asgard grows by feeding on divinity, so unless everyone lends their strength, it would be impossible for the roots to grow long enough to envelop the tower.”

“Let me help you.”

“Isn’t that obvious?”

“I ask for the cooperation of all the gods of the sanctuary.”

The first condition of tuning was achieved in an instant.

And then the second one.

Tuning continued, folding his second finger.

“Secondly… … we need someone who can exert physical force to force the outer from the tower into the passage.”


“This is the problem.”

It is impossible to exercise such physical force to drive out the Outer from a tower that is barely holding out against the Outer’s attack.

When all the gods thought so, Seun took a step forward.

“I’ll take care of this.”

“You? You may have been a player, but you are now a god. How can you interfere with the tower?”

“Oh, let me explain that to you.”

God cannot directly intervene in the tower.

However, there was a reason for this.

That’s right, the origin of divinity.

The gods each have their own incredible stories and legends, so when they fall onto the tower, they cause a huge overload.

However, all the stories Seun had were things he had accumulated from the tower.

“To put it simply, players who ascend to a constellation through the tower can directly interact with the tower.”


“Of course, there are restrictions. You can be expelled at any time at the discretion of the management office, and you cannot get involved in trials or players.”

“Even so, can God directly intervene in the tower?”

As a result, Seun was able to go down to the tower with the power he had and block the Outer.

No, beyond blocking it, it would be possible to completely banish the outer, as suggested by Tuning.

“Is it possible? Even if I could descend and intervene directly, it would be difficult to banish all the outer towers by myself.”

Se-woon nodded.

In a time-critical situation, no matter how quickly I moved, I couldn’t stop all the outer forces.

While one layer is being blocked, another layer, or even several layers, will collapse.

“You can.”

However, Seun was not alone.

I never thought this situation would arise, but I had connections that I had built up while climbing the tower.

If you borrow their power.

You might be able to save the entire tower without giving up a single floor.

“i get it.”

“I have no choice but to believe it now.”

“Everyone, follow me. We must grow the roots of Yggdrasil immediately.”

“I never thought I’d see Asgard after Olympus. It’s been a long time since my eyes have been so pampered.”

The gods began to move.

However, even though Odin took the lead, there were those who did not follow. That was the power of evil gods centered around Satan.

It’s not that I don’t want to participate.

They thought that if they followed Odin, it would make not only Odin and Asgard uneasy, but also all the gods who followed him.

So they tried to discuss ways to support them, including creating passageways and other means.

“Tiamat. Will you help me?”

“Cr… … .”

Odin stood before Tiamat.

He reached out to the great evil dragon that led the world to destruction.

“Even though we were on opposite sides, didn’t we become comrades, even if only for a short time?”

At that moment, the gods who had been following Odin held their breath without realizing it.

Odin’s actions now were no different from putting his hand into the lion’s mouth.

The moment Tiamat opens her mouth to criticize Odin for being insolent, one of Odin’s arms will surely be swallowed.

In such a tense situation.

“… … Take the lead.”

Tiamat spread her wings.

It was a true moment when the two forces, good and evil, joined hands.

All the gods who had gathered there left.

There are two left.

It was just Seun and Tuning.

‘I have to do something… … .’

Seun started to set priorities.

I was thinking of asking for help from the people I met at the top, but even so, I didn’t have enough strength.

I felt like splitting my body into several parts, even if it meant splitting my strength.

at that time.

“Player Jeong Se-woon.”

“Ah, I’ll be there soon. First, could you tell me the situation at the tower? The priority is… … .”

“No, it seems like we have reinforcements.”



A long door was created next to the tuning.

There are two people who came out of there.

“Koooooooo! Finally! Finally, this body has become a dragon god!!”

“Hey, is this the realm of the gods? It’s quite charming.”

Red Dragon, Kashalakas.

Inspector, Francis Hamel.

Two players appeared, ascending to the throne with their bodies as the players, using the tower as a gateway like Seun.

Episode 661

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