I Raided the Devil’s Treasury Chapter 556

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556. Episode 556

When Se-un woke up, Zaratan had already been cleaned up to some extent.

Gochangseok took all the materials that could be used as equipment materials from Jaratan, and was also able to obtain various byproducts.

Zenon trained Zaratan as planned.

– Defeated the 10th ranked demon, ‘Zaratan’.

– The number of the demon you defeated will be transferred to you.

– You have achieved a great feat. When you leave the Demon Realm, you can obtain additional rewards according to your rank.

Seun was able to steal the 10th place in the Zaratan hierarchy from the 79th floor.

‘It’s a reward based on rank.’

The ranking Seun had before returning was not that high.

When leaving the demon world.

In other words, although I did receive additional rewards when clearing the 80th floor trial and moving to the ninth shelter, the rewards I received from clearing the hidden dungeon were better.

But this time is different.

A whopping 10th place in the rankings.

A rank that is sufficiently rewarding has been achieved.

‘And that’s not the end.’

Although they are hard to find and do not reveal themselves, there are demons of higher rank on the 80th floor.

If we take them down, won’t we be able to take away a higher ranking?

While I was thinking about it, I noticed that the messages from the constellations while I was unconscious were so numerous that it was dizzying.

– The constellation, ‘The Hungry Prince’, urges you to get up quickly.

– The constellation, the ‘hungry prince’, is restless, saying that if things continue like this, all the prey will be swept away into the sea.

– The constellation, the ‘hungry prince’, is waiting for you, sucking your hand.

– Constellation, ‘The Hungry Prince’… … .

Naturally, Beelzebub is the only constellation that acts like this.

It was hard to figure out what he wanted from how many messages he sent, but from the first line I could easily guess what he wanted.

– Devoured the ‘Glutton’s Hand’.

– Absorbs nutrients and increases all abilities by 5.

Indeed, as expected of a demon ranked 10th, his abilities have increased quite a bit.

When he devoured the demon of gluttony that had reached the level of a quasi-god, his total ability value was 40, and Zaratan’s total was 20.

So, if you prey on the number 1 demon, how much will your abilities increase?

‘Even if he is number one in the hierarchy, he won’t be able to reach the level of a demigod like the devil of gluttony.’

Thinking about it that way, I wanted to meet more high-ranking demons.

The 80th floor of the ordeal was not easy for Seun to navigate before his return, so it was difficult to find high-ranking demons.

Crunch, crunch.

The remains of Zaratan were swallowed by the fangs of gluttony.

Anyway, since I had already taken out all the necessary parts, there was nothing to regret.

I thought that maybe Beelzebub would be disappointed.

– The constellation, ‘The Hungry Prince’, opens its mouth wide, saying that it has been waiting for this moment.

– The constellation, ‘The Hungry Prince’, puts every bit of flesh and shell into his mouth.

– The constellation, ‘The Hungry Prince’ smiles happily, saying that this is the taste.

Beelzebub’s reaction was rather beyond expectations.

Even though all the valuable materials have been taken out, Zaratan is Zaratan.

“Master, what do you want to do now?”

“What about other people?”

“Everyone left to find their own work. Although Yu Seo-ah hesitated until the very end, she left, worried that she would not be able to follow the Master’s footsteps while searching for the Palhan Hell.”

“Well done.”

Se-woon nodded.

If everyone had been stuck here because he had collapsed, I would have been disappointed.

In particular, Yoo Seo-ah and Kang Han-cheol were in the process of conquering the Palhan Hell, the opposite of the Palyeol Hell that Se-woon had conquered.

They also had to find the last of the eight hells here, so they didn’t have much time.


“While the Master was resting, I was receiving training from Ose-nim. Now… … I should move too.”

Harry stood up from his seat.

Although Harry joined the Diablo Guild the latest, he follows Seun more than anyone else.

Now, with his skills improving by leaps and bounds, he is a pivotal figure who has taken over from Yu Seo-ah and is leading the Diablo Guild.

‘There’s probably a hidden dungeon left, but there’s not much to do in the Mahae anymore.’

Zaratan is basically the biggest hidden piece on the 79th floor. Now that I’ve taken care of that guy, I honestly can’t think of anything else to do on the 79th floor.

Even if I go back to my residence like this, I will only be able to practice on my own.

‘Should I repay the favor a little?’

I nodded with satisfaction.

They all guarded the entrance to Avichi Hell, the last of the Eight Hells, for Seun, and also participated in the attack on Zaratan.

So Se-un couldn’t just sit still.

He may not be able to help everyone, but with Seun’s speed and skill, he should be able to help quite a few people.

And that was helpful not only to the guild members, but also to Seun.

Helping people clear the 79th floor quickly meant that it would be time to challenge the 80th floor sooner.

“If it’s okay, would you like to go together?”

“Ah, is that okay? Of course I am grateful! I will follow you as quickly as possible so as not to fall behind Master.”

Harry’s abilities are closer to exploration.



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There are similar aspects to the guidebook for Se-un’s journey, so if we move together, we will definitely come to realize something.

As I watched Harry climb onto the leopard and prepare to depart, rolling his eyes in case he should leave right away, I couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Then, let’s go right away.”

“I’ll learn a thing or two!”

Seun’s purple wings spread out.

* * *

[You have entered the hidden dungeon, ‘Mahabal Special Hell.’]

The last of the Eight Hells, Mahabal Hell.

From the beginning to the end, Yoo Seo-ah and Kang Han-cheol entered the place where only two people could challenge.


The cold air easily penetrates through the cold resistance equipment made by Go Chang-seok.

Because of that, their skin had already turned red beyond blue, and the parts that couldn’t withstand the cold had cracked and burst.

Even the blood that came out of the burst skin froze in the cold and bloomed all over the body in the shape of red lotus flowers.

“… … It’s cold.”


Every time I moved my body, it felt like my flesh was breaking.

It wasn’t an illusion, but with every movement, the frozen flesh crumbled and fell like powder.

Honestly, I didn’t even feel the cold anymore.

A feeling of complete icy numbness throughout my body.

Now there’s only one thing left.

It was terrifying.

‘Isn’t this how I die?’

‘Should I run away now?’

‘I want to rest.’

‘… … I want to give up.’

As such thoughts continued in my dulled senses, my body became stiff.

But the two did not stop walking.

“Sinner… … .”

“Give up… … .”

“Will that soul also be frozen and remain forever as an ice statue of Padma… … .”

Even in the blizzard, the guards’ voices could be heard clearly.

It was difficult to even take a single step, but the enemy’s attacks hidden in the snowstorm continued without stopping.

The messages from the two constellations that had previously whipped them in the Eight-Hand Hell were no longer visible.

“I envy Mr. Hancheol.”

“… … What are you talking about?”

“Even in this situation, you don’t waver. You quietly walk your own path, and you have the strength to do so.”

Every time she took a breath, a bitter cold air stabbed her lungs. But even so, Yu Seo-ah opened her mouth and spoke.

Because I felt like if I didn’t do this, I wouldn’t be able to hold out.

“Actually, I’m a spoiled brat. My father ran a kendo gym on Earth, and I would always follow him and throw tantrums, saying I wanted to go out and play instead of working.”

“Your skills are pretty good.”

“Whenever I got through the kendo time well, my father would praise me. If I even earned a degree, he would listen to my tantrums.”

“……is it.”

In fact, she hated kendo.

I don’t know if it’s just the place her father runs, but when she goes to the kendo hall, there are no friends her age, only adults.

But the reason I held back and swung my sword was because I could freely show off to my father who was cleaning up the kendo hall after class.

“Do you know why I use dual swords?”

“… … .”

“Our kendo school not only taught double swords but also double swords. That was the first time my father praised me during class. I was so happy to be praised for my double swords that I would hold onto them during breaks.”

“… … .”

“I heard that my father liked the way I looked, so he even made me a wooden sword that was just right for me.”

Yu Seo-ah lifted up her twin swords.

The twin swords, whose handle and hand seemed to be frozen and became one, were engraved with Seun’s enchantment magic.

Although it was completely different in size and weight from the one her father had made, it felt as if she was holding a subtle warmth, like when she was holding the wooden sword her father had made for her.

“It was the same when I came here.”

“It didn’t seem like he was being sarcastic.”

“It’s only on the surface. I can’t do anything on my own. It’s just that the person I rely on has changed. To be honest, Se-un… … isn’t good at giving compliments.”

Becoming the Vice Guild Master of the Diablo Guild.

Leading people through trials, swinging a sword until his hands were blistered and bleeding.

All of that was to be shown to Se-un.

If it weren’t for Se-un, she would never have made it this far.

Yu Seo-ah thought so.

How happy I was the last time I heard Se-un say thank you!

I couldn’t show it in front of him, but later on, memories of my father came to mind and I shed tears.

“So, do you want to go back?”

“To Earth?”

“To father.”

“No way.”


“He passed away.”

Just before entering the tower, her father died.

After losing her mother at an early age, her father had a hard time raising her on his own. As the number of members at the kendo club decreased day by day, he ended up collapsing from overwork as he had to do other things whenever he had time.

“But the good thing is that he collapsed in the kendo hall. He didn’t let go of his sword even until the moment he collapsed.”

Her lips were frozen solid. Her lungs were already freezing, making it difficult to breathe.

As soon as she stopped talking, Kang Han-cheol, who had been walking silently, spoke first.

“… … Me too.”


“I just had a goal.”

Strong iron.

For the first time since entering the tower, he had a goal.

Seun has a clear goal.

He was chasing Se-woon, gritting his teeth with a mixture of resentment and longing, but it was just as hard for him.

“I have no intention of returning to Earth either. I am… … happier now that I have a goal.”

“Haha, that’s amazing. I never thought words like happiness would come out of Hancheol’s mouth.”

“… … .”

The blizzard gets worse. The cold is so intense that you might as well cut off your fingers and toes.

And within it, a huge shadow began to appear.

It was hard to open my eyes properly due to the blizzard, but this much was clear.

That’s the last of the Eight Hells. It’s the boss monster of the Mahabal Special Hell.

That the end of a long ordeal was finally in sight.

“Well, we both have the same goal.”

“I guess so.”

“The directions are different, but in the end it’s the same path… … .”

She raised her sword.

Kang-cheol also raised his fist, his skin bursting and blood freezing, blooming like a red lotus flower.

“Let’s walk together.”


The two new models were eaten by a blizzard and disappeared.

Episode 557

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