I Raided the Devil’s Treasury Chapter 547

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547. Episode 547

“Master, is that the place?”


“I guess so, since the Master said so… … .”

The red swirl. It was so unreal.

It was clearly a whirlpool in the middle of the ocean, as if it was going to suck everything in, but nothing around it was getting sucked into the whirlpool.

It was just swirling around, proudly maintaining its own form.

“There are no monsters, so it’s safer than I thought.”

Just a moment ago, the monsters that had been rushing to overturn Diablo’s ship disappeared as if it were a lie.

Thanks to this, Diablo’s ship was able to leisurely approach the front of the whirlpool.

Just in case, I checked the information Seun had provided, and information about Abijiok immediately came to mind.

[ Hidden dungeon, ‘Abi Hell’ discovered. ]

[Abi Hell is a dungeon that can only be entered alone.]


Seun’s plan went awry from the start.

I thought the minimum number of people to enter the last eight-row hell was 32, with a probability close to 100%.

That’s what I thought and gathered my guild members and brought them here, but it turned out to be a dungeon that only I could enter alone.

It was so disappointing.

And at that moment.



Seven torn scriptures fell out of Seun’s arms.

They soon flew towards the vortex and sank into the bottomless abyss, dyeing the vortex orange.

Immediately afterwards, a number of messages appeared before Seun’s eyes.

– From now until the end of the strategy, the entrance to Abi Hell will be activated.

– The activated entrance to the Abyss will swallow everything around it, harassing the challengers of the Abyss.

– All players except the first challenger of Abigail will take greater damage the closer they get to Abigail.


The whirlpool that had been sitting proudly on the edge of the red sea, not sucking anything in, began to become active in earnest.

“Oh, oh, oh!”

“Everyone, hold on tight!”

“The wind is being sucked into the whirlpool! I guess I should row too.”

The calm currents characteristic of the Mahe Sea swayed violently toward the whirlpool.

Thanks to Mammon’s Noble Phantasm ‘Ship of Theseus’ used by Seun, he was able to hold on, but if things continued like this, he would be sucked into the whirlpool and the ship would be torn apart.

“I’ll try to stop you from getting sucked in somehow.”

– Player Choi Su-chang uses ‘Dawn Tide’.

As Choi Su-chang used his power, seawater gushed out from the bottom of the ship, pushing the ship out of the whirlpool.

Although he was not normally this powerful, in the ocean, his strength increased to more than twice his usual strength.

“I’m sorry, but I cannot participate in battle in this state. So… … please proceed.”

“What are those things?”

The area around the previously quiet whirlpool was filled with chaos.

This is because the monsters that had been avoiding the whirlpool rushed in as if they had been waiting.

The guys hesitated as if they were afraid of the whirlpool, but they did not forget their hostility towards Diablo’s ship.

In the midst of the chaos, Se-Woon nodded and said.

“Everyone, run away.”

“Huh? Master, that means… … .”

“Anyway, I’m in a one-man situation. Since the plan has gone awry, you should all stay away from me for now. I’ll take care of the Eight-Year Hell.”

“But, Master. According to the system notification, if you leave those, Master’s strategy will… … .”


Seun leaped from the deck of the ship, spread his purple wings, and flew towards the whirlpool.

Without even having to flap their wings, convection currents, including ocean currents, were sucking everything in the air into their vortex.

[ As of now, a powerful physical force is applied to all players who are sucked into Abi Hell. ]

As Seun disappeared, the entrance to the Abi Hell began to swirl even more violently.

Diablo’s ship is also at a level where it is difficult to move forward even though Choi Su-chang is unleashing his power.

As evidence, the monsters were also unable to withstand the sudden current and were being sucked into the center.

[ Living monsters will enter the Abyss and face off against challengers. ]

Harry nodded, understanding the system message.

“Let’s defeat as many monsters as possible here.”

“Huh? What are you talking about! My brother told me to run away!”

“Aren’t we all here to help the Master? Even if we can’t help directly, can’t we at least reduce the things that are bothering the Master?”


Park Jeong-pil stepped forward and screamed, but the others nodded with serious expressions.

Harry was right.

They didn’t come here to disturb Seun.

In order to repay a favor that I could never repay in my lifetime, I followed you here to help Se-Woon.

And now you’re telling me to run away?

Even after seeing that system message?

That couldn’t be possible.



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“Of course it should be like that!”

“Everyone, prepare for battle!”

“Eww, you guys are crazy! Everyone! My brother told me to go!”

“Brother, shut up and do something!”


The system message was honest.

Monsters that died in the Diablo Guild’s attack were torn apart the moment they were sucked into the whirlpool, but living monsters were absorbed into it intact as if it were a lie.

The more monsters you send alive, the more difficult it will be to conquer Seun.

“From now on, I will cut off the lifeline of every monster I see!”

“Let’s not let even one of them live!”

The Diablo Guild has taken up arms.

But the whirlpool wasn’t a one-way street.

There were fewer monsters being sucked in on the other side of the ship, but even so, the range in which the ship could block monsters was at best one of the four directions.

And in one of them.

“Oh my, it was good that you followed me~”

A woman in a red dress sat with her chin resting on a card.

He covered the bundle of cards with a wide smile, his legs swinging leisurely, like a child who had just discovered something interesting.

“I guess I’m lucky, after all?”

The bundle of cards she threw transformed into a brutal weapon that began to slaughter the monsters sucked into the vortex.

* * *

[You have entered the hidden dungeon, ‘Abi Hell.’]

‘This is the last of the Eightfold Hell.’

I was in the center of the whirlpool, but I felt no current.

No, there was not even a slight moisture around, to the point where it was difficult to feel that you had entered the sea, let alone any currents.

All I could feel was the hot wind touching my skin.

‘It’s too dark.’

Se-un’s eyes can faintly distinguish the shapes of objects even in fairly dark spaces.

But nothing was visible here.

I couldn’t even see the floor I was standing on, so I wondered if I was even standing on the right floor.

– The attribute power of ‘Light’ increases according to the secret of the White Tower.



I tried to create a light with magic to distinguish the field of vision, but no light was created.

There is still only pitch-black darkness.

I thought the magic wasn’t working properly, but surprisingly, the circle was running normally.

‘Is it a curse?’

Just in case, I tried casting a purification spell on myself.

I tried various healing magics as well, but the results were the same.

Seun’s magic was not visible at all, and not even the sound of it being activated could be heard.


It’s as if all my senses are blocked.

It feels like even my barely surviving sense of touch is slowly diminishing.

Seun Lee picked up the Durangdal and tried to deal with the surrounding situation.

‘… … This won’t work either.’

No matter how much I swung the back of the sword, it wouldn’t reach anything.

Even when I tried to strike the ground, the sword sank downwards as if the ground did not exist.

‘I see. This is hell.’

The situation was quickly recognized.

It’s not like I’m under some kind of curse, it’s just a characteristic of hell.

So, what should Se-un do in this place where even his sense of touch is gradually diminishing and his five senses are blocked?

The conclusion came quickly. As I stretched out my hand and moved around, I caught something that looked like a ladder.

When I swung the sword, I definitely didn’t feel anything.

‘Are you telling me to go down?’

Even when I raised my hand above my head, there was no handle to grab. There was only a handle pointing downwards.

However, although it was a downward ladder, it was standing straight up on the ground, so I wondered how I could get down from there.


I grabbed the ladder and put my foot down, but strangely enough, my foot caught on the ladder instead of solid ground.

It felt like my feet were digging into the ground like a ghost.

‘The messages from the demons were also blocked.’

It is highly likely that Seun is unable to perceive the message because his vision is obstructed and his hearing is blocked.

However, I felt a little lonely because the messages that usually bothered me completely disappeared.

Se-Woon shook his head as if clearing his mind of distracting thoughts and headed down without thinking.

Thud, thud.

As I continued to go down like that… … .

“Oh… … .”



When I entered the Abyss, I heard a sound for the first time, and at the same time, I felt a huge shock on my back.

The shock continued to grow stronger, and I even felt a sharp pain in my back.

I thought my five senses were blocked, but the pain felt just as strong as before, if not stronger than before.

“Ohhh… … .”

A faint cry is heard once again.

Seun grabbed the ladder with one hand, turned his body, grabbed the back of the ladder, and swung it forward.

Naturally, the feeling has not yet returned.

If I had to express it with a sense, I would say it’s a sixth sense.

I felt a slight resistance as I swung the sword, relying on a sense close to intuition.

‘Did you knock it down?’

I didn’t hear the sound of the monster being cut, nor the sound of the monster being knocked down.

I can only guess that because no matter how long I waited, there was no next attack.

Since Se-Woon couldn’t be seen anyway, he closed his eyes, turned around, and went back down the ladder.

But it doesn’t go down very far.



I felt a sharp pain in my calf.

Perhaps because my other senses were blocked, even a small injury felt more painful than usual.

‘It’s clearly a place where the ground doesn’t exist.’

Just in case, I stepped off the ladder and looked around, but there was nothing there except the ladder.

However, unidentified monsters continued to approach and attack Seun.

As if they were standing on sound ground and had their senses fully intact.

Although it was an extremely unreasonable situation, Se-Woon calmly held onto the sword and used his intuition.

Blaming the irrationality here will only make you stop in place.

What Seun has to do.

– The third technique of the Blood Wolf Sword Technique, Blood Wolf Attack, is strengthened through internal energy.


Just keep moving forward.

Episode 548

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