I Raided the Devil’s Treasury Chapter 261

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Episode 265

265. Episode 265

Day 10 of the 39th floor ordeal.

The Diablo Guild finally has its first passer of the trials.

“It’s really big!”

“Brother Suchang, how did you find this?”

“I saw a suspicious hole on the floor… …I dug it up and found it.”

A clam that is likely to be 3m in size.

It was a clam that looked so heavy that it would have been impossible to bring it onto the ship if it weren’t for Choi Su-chang’s power to control water.

Upon inspection, I found that it was a rare A-grade shell, and the pearl inside was imbued with the power of water.

After being recognized by Shi-Ryun, Jin-Ju was set aside and asked to have Go Chang-Seok make it into equipment.

As the first passer-by came out and the ship was starting to get noisy, Yoo Seo-ah, who had been exploring the bottom of the sea with Choi Soo-chang, came up.

With a very pleasant face.

“Got it!”

“What is that, sis? It’s so cute!”

“So cute! So tiny!”

In her hand she held a teardrop-shaped jewel-like fish.

At first glance, it looks like a fish that would be very difficult to catch.

Se-un knew the identity.

‘You managed to catch it.’

Speed ​​wash.

It is a fish that is extremely difficult to catch due to its small size, speed, and unique smoothness.

It has high intelligence, so it cannot be caught by fishing or restrained by shade. It is a fish with no fighting ability, but has an extreme ability to escape.

The grade is a whopping A+.

It was a fish of such rarity that she would be satisfied.

“Okay! Then next I… … .”


As the twin sisters were admiring the speed wash, a deafening noise was heard from their left.

When I turned my head to see something, I saw Kang Han-cheol forcefully striking the small rock island next to him.

“Brother Hancheol, what are you doing… … .”


“Are you going crazy because you’re so frustrated?”

“Hey, no way.”

– Player Kang Han-cheol uses ‘Open War’.


“… … That might be the case.”

A tremendous roar that drowns out even the sounds of people talking.

Because of this, everyone had to stop talking and just blankly watch Kang-cheol’s punches.

But the island’s reaction was a little strange.


I could feel the rock island trembling every time Kang-cheol’s fist touched it.

It seemed a bit odd to think that the island was shaking simply because of the vibrations.

It’s as if the island is alive.

When the strong iron fists collided several times.

“Huh, huh? It’s flipping over!”

“What, why is the island flipped over?”

The rock island shook violently and tilted completely.

No, it went beyond tilting, it flipped 180 degrees.

Then a suspicious-looking shell appears. And along with it, a head that looks as hard as a rock jutting out from the end of the island.

‘Island Turtle.’

A turtle in the shape of an island.

Although it is on the small side, it is definitely above grade A.

Seundo hid his presence so well that he only noticed it a day later, so I don’t know how Kang Hancheol found him.


Anyway, judging by the bubbles flowing out of its head, the Island Turtle seemed to have already been neutralized.

This concludes the Strong Railroad Trial.

People were gradually completing their trials one by one, using their strengths.

‘This is beyond my expectations.’

Although they showed off their ability to catch transparent eels, I expected it would take at least two weeks for the first person to pass, as the difficulty of this ordeal was that high.

However, in just ten days, three people passed.

Judging by the atmosphere, it seemed like other people were also slowly getting a feel for what to do.


‘I need to work harder too.’

Se-un also made up his mind.

I’ve already caught more than ten Class A sea creatures, but this isn’t enough.

Anyway, there is plenty of time until everyone on the ship passes the trials. During that time, I plan to catch a sea creature with a rarity of at least S-class or higher.


While thinking like that.



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– Constellation, the ‘Hungry Prince’ praises you for the high-quality fish that keeps coming in.

Another Class A fish was in Se-Woon’s hands.

* * *

There are already more than ten people who have passed the trials in the Diablo clan.

Everyone is slowly getting a feel for what Grade A or higher seawater looks like.

Of course, it wasn’t like they were looking for and catching the same sea creatures or anything. It was extremely rare for two or more creatures of high rarity to exist in one area.

Even if that’s not the case, most marine life is difficult to catch unless you make the most of each species’ strengths, even if you know their identities.


“Can we go a little further in?”

“Well, you’ve been here too long, haven’t you?”

“It’s almost time to leave.”

“Since ten people have already passed here, the number of Class A marines must have dropped.”

Se-woon suggested moving first.

Everyone else nodded readily to that opinion.

“Mr. Se-un, do you have a destination in mind?”

“Rather than wanting to… …let’s go in a little further first.”

“Yes, everyone, get ready to go!”


It’s already been two weeks since the trials on the 39th floor began.

In the meantime, Se-Woon had been using his power of prey on the monsters recently, and he had been concentrating as much as possible on his enhanced senses to look around.

Not only that, but he also used mana scan to perfectly look around.

Even though he didn’t go into the water, he was confident that he was more knowledgeable about the creatures and terrain around here than Choi Su-chang.


‘doesn’t exist.’

No matter how much I looked, I couldn’t find any creatures that could reach S-class rarity.

Then, Se-Woon recalled his memories before his regression.

‘The direction of the journey clearly pointed into the sea.’

Seun, who was trying to enter the sea following the itinerary at the time, was stopped by the captain of the pirate group.

The inside is a forbidden area where you must never set foot.

I clearly remember the captain’s once relaxed face suddenly becoming stiff.

‘There’s definitely something there.’

The level of risk is worth it.

Now is the time to take advantage rather than risk.


With the sails spread wide, dark clouds began to gather in the once sunny sky.

* * *

“Wow, how can the atmosphere change so drastically?”

“Isn’t it said that the weather at sea changes frequently?”

“Still. The coastal area has been sunny all week, hasn’t it?”

“That was true.”

The sea was still clear, but the sky was covered with dark clouds and no light came in, creating a gloomy atmosphere.

Then, a black shadow that was not a proper shape began to ripple around the ship.

The fish had also grown in size, so it felt like I was trapped among a school of sharks.

‘Sure, there is something.’

– The constellation, ‘The Hungry Prince’, is delighted to see that there are now more bigger and tastier seafood around him.

It’s not just that the fish around here are strong. Strength and rarity are two separate issues.

Just looking at the feeling and energy felt from the surrounding seawater, it is a higher level than before.

“Something’s wrong!”

“Oh, sir. It’s been a long time since you came to visit me.”

“But, doesn’t it seem a little heavy?”

“What kind of joke is this, sir, when you can fit your finger on the ground here?”

While moving, I saw the fishing rod that Go Chang-seok had hung up swaying.

The fishing rod bent dangerously, as if the word heavy wasn’t a joke.

A fishing rod made by Gochang Seok himself using high-quality ore obtained from the 31st floor, and strength honed through smelting.

If it weren’t for those two things, I would have lost the fish right away.

“Joe, help me!”

“Huh? Is this real? Hey, everyone, let’s help with this!”

Several people helped Go Chang-seok by attaching themselves to the fishing rod.

Sure enough, only then did the fishing line become taut and begin to move gradually towards the boat.

“I can see it! I can see it!”

“It seems a little big? No, wait. Could it be that it’s a fin… …”


Eventually, the fish, unable to overcome the power of the fishing rod, rose to the surface.

No, it wasn’t.

The guy just showed himself because he was annoyed by those who were tugging at him, and he didn’t appear because of the power of the fishing rod.

The proof was the guy’s size.

“What’s that big!”

A vicious fish that seems to be perfectly suited to the word ‘monster fish’.

Its mouth was full of jagged teeth, and its eyes were bloodshot and gleaming red.

As soon as the guy rose up, he pointed his teeth at Go Chang-seok.

– The third technique of the Blood Wolf Sword Technique, Blood Wolf Attack, is strengthened through internal energy.

– The power of martial arts is strengthened according to the secret of the ultimate deep attack.


The fish fell into the boat, splitting in two with its mouth wide open.

Thanks to this, those who were holding the fishing rods, including Go Chang-seok, had to get drenched in fish blood.

“Wow, this is no joke.”

“Still, wouldn’t this be A-class? No, at least B-class.”

“Haha, that would be nice.”

Everyone gathered around the split fish with curiosity.

However, Se-Woon shook his head and ignored it. It was because he could guess how lowly that fish was.

[Giant Piranha]

Category: Fish

Rarity: C-

Description: A fish that lives in the center of the ocean, eating the corpses of weaker creatures and other predators.

“What? Mr. C? And that’s a minus?”

See you later.

It was a level that was truly worthy of the expression ‘small fish’.

“Everyone, look over there!”

Harry shouted as he looked around from the mast.

People looked out to the sea, not having time to be disappointed by the lowly rank of piranhas.


“Crazy, what is this?”

I saw the giant piranha I had just killed.

Specifically, a school of giant piranhas.

The number of those visible above the water right now is in the dozens, and if you count the ones casting shadows below, there are easily hundreds.

The first threatening enemy you encounter after entering the 39th floor.

At that moment, lightning flashed in Se-un’s palm.

– The power of ‘Giga Lightning’ is strengthened according to the Black Tower’s magic.

– The casting speed of ‘Giga Lightning’ increases according to the magic of the tower.

– The range of ‘Giga Lightning’ expands according to the magic of the enemy tower.


Wow wow wow!!

Purple lightning flashed through the dark clouds in the sky, sending dozens of lightning bolts shooting out toward the sea.

Thanks to its powerful force, the dark sea suddenly became bright.

Phage crackle!

Piranhas that had been rushing to the ship to avenge their comrades suddenly capsized the ship and rose to the surface.

Those who had been staying deep inside survived, but they were busy running away in a panic because of the attack that was close to a natural disaster.

‘I asked you to come, so I have to take responsibility.’

In the first place, this place was a forbidden area.

They say that it is the most dangerous area among the 39 floors.

If it weren’t for Se-un’s words, it would have been a dangerous place that I wouldn’t have come to, so at least here, I plan to take up arms myself.

“Shouldn’t we go back? It seems too dangerous here.”

“That’s right. Looking at the grades, it doesn’t seem like there are any rarer fish inside.”

The people’s murmuring grew louder.

It seems that after spending a peaceful week, he felt a sense of crisis as soon as he saw the dark side of the ordeal.

However, Se-un shook his head.

‘It’s definitely here.’

I could feel it as I cleared out the piranhas from the attack just now.

No, the guy sent a killing intent towards Seun. A strong killing intent that seemed to tell him to get out of this sea right away.

Maybe that guy is the master who rules this area.

If there is such a being, its rarity will certainly be high.

“I will take responsibility. Let’s go further.”

“… … If the guild leader says so.”

“There’s no disagreement, right?”

“Hyung, bro! But this is a bit, huff! Hey, kid! What are you doing, huff huff!”

“I assume everyone agrees and we’ll start off~!”

– Constellations, look forward to the fresh seafood that the ‘Hungry Prince’ will bring in in the future!


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