I Quit the Hero’s Party Chapter 64

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EP.64 Ancient Lich, Skebal (4)

   It has lived for hundreds of years.

   It was a life lived with many things thrown away. 

   The human body was weak in seeking the truth. So I threw it away. After throwing away the flesh, all that remained were bones made of magical power.

   I was satisfied.

   I threw away some more things I didn’t need. The more I threw it away, the more the truth seemed within reach. The more I got away from humans, the closer I got to starlight.

   However, it doesn’t reach the end.

   Even if I threw away many things, the truth was still far away.

   At that point, he looked around.

   I see things blocking my path.

   This time I decided to clean it up.

   The magic I had accumulated over hundreds of years to seek the truth was this time used to destroy something.

   The kingdom was destroyed.

   He burst out laughing in a kingdom that had been reduced to ashes overnight. It was that easy for him to destroy the kingdom he was born and raised in.

   It was easy.

   Iidaji couldn’t be simple either.

   A wizard who has lived less than a hundred years is not an opponent in the first place. His opponents were always warriors. The superhumans called masters of the sword were threatening. 

   Although it is threatening.

   It’s not that I can’t deal with it.

   After dealing with him a few times, I got the hang of it. He learned how to deal with warriors. At that point, he thinks.

   ‘No one can stop me.’

   It was true.

   The ancient dragon wizard is bound by a contract and cannot touch those related to the shadows. As for opponents, there would be the Black Dragon, the Apostate, and the Sword of Death…

   They already belong to the same shaded domain as themselves.

   The rest was simple.

   It was a story that would end if we removed all the things that block the path to truth.

   Surely, that would be the case.


   My skull shakes.

   Skebal’s eyes are shaking.


   Why does it appear again and again?

   If you feel like you can reach the truth, if you feel like a star is approaching your eyes, it will definitely appear.

   Just like scales are in balance.

   Something blocks the way to achieve levelness.

   -The path you are walking is not right, Skeval.

   -What do you mean, what do you know about me?

   -The attitude of seeking the truth is highly valued. However, magicians have a taboo. Don’t break the taboo, Skeval.

   A voice rings in my ears.

   I remember the gray-haired wizard looking down at me with yellow animal-like eyes.

   -Don’t warn me, Skebal.

   -If you cross that line.

   The gray elf says.

   -Everything you have will be consumed with ashes.

   Skebal’s black eyes point straight ahead. 

   At the end of the line of sight is a wizard. Skebal sees the magic rising over the wizard’s body.

   It’s gray.

   A wizard approaches, dragging ashes.


   The abominable gray color once again blocks the way.


   Ancient Lich Skevall.

   This legendary ancient magician knows how to deal with warriors. The famous warriors he buried on the battlefield will be able to form mountains and seas.

   ‘It’s not difficult to deal with a warrior.’

   It is true that it is a dangerous enemy if you approach it. However, Skebal did not let the warriors approach in the first place.

   Turn the ground upside down.

   Line up the spells and set a trap.

   No matter how good a warrior he is, he cannot break through the dozens of spells laid down by Skebal on his own.

   ‘In the first place, the warrior’s resistance is not high.’

   Resistance to spells cannot be increased by training the body. Unless they have a ‘special’ body like a warrior, the resistance of warriors in front of Skebal is like a sheet of paper.

   ‘We cut down orders coming from outside and respond again.’

   But what about the spell that holds you inside?

   Unlike ourselves, who have given up our bodies, the human body is limited by many factors.

   You can’t live without a heart.

   If you open your eyes, you cannot see.

   Skebal also knew how to deal with warriors. Except for Ganicalt, the sword of death, there was no warrior who could defeat Skebal 1:1.

   ‘···Of course, that will happen.’

   Skebal waved his hand.



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   The order is completed in an instant.


   Bababababaak! Bone fragments bounce from the land. 

   A protruding bone spear blocks the way.


   The ground sinks. Trees are uprooted. The ground itself is reconstructed to be inaccessible.


   The reconstructed ground turns into a swamp. I can’t even make a proper leap. If you do this, the warrior will no longer be able to approach you.

   That is, if the opponent is a pure warrior.

   However, the opponent is not a warrior.

   A wizard like yourself.


   Thump, gray light hits the ground. As soon as she sets foot on the surface of the swamp, her spells that she has stocked up are released one after another.


   The land returns to its original state. The swamp is burned and hardened from the moment you step on it.

   What about bone spears?

   Just by swinging your fist, the gray color collapses with a loud noise. I can’t hold on to it even for a second.

   Allow access again.

   Skebal stretches out his hand as he sees the gray light approaching before his eyes. He unleashes a spell that buries countless warriors.


   A spell made of mana is trying to grab my heart.

   Gray sees through the spell and stretches out his hand. He grabs Skebal’s grip and breaks it.

   The order is disrupted.

   Every bone screams.

   We make up the order again, from the beginning.

   Meanwhile, Skebal’s protective shield creaks from the rain of blows. Cracks are starting to appear.

   ‘···The law of dealing with warriors does not work.’

   This is because the opponent is a wizard like himself.

   ···How to deal with a wizard?

   There is nothing more ridiculous than asking Skebal that question. Of course I know. He knows better than anyone else.

   hijack the circuit

   A compatible spell, it cancels out the spell.

   I put into practice what I knew.

   Skebal’s black eyes flash. I read the circuit of the spell cast by the gray light fluttering before my eyes.

   Grab the flow of mana.

   Trying to rob


   However, what the hand grasps is empty space.

   Nothing was caught.


   Once again, the shock rattles Skebal’s skull.

   ‘You can’t rob it.’

   The spell appears even before the robbery. There is no room for extortion in that process. The process of manifesting that spell is very unique.

   Do not draw a circuit.

   It does not infuse mana into the circuit.

   I just take out the finished product.

   Just as a swordsman draws a sword from his belt or a martial artist swings his fist, he casts spells as if they were part of his body.

   ···Then, what about offsetting it with a compatible spell?

   Skebal looks ahead.

   The fist swings. The spell contained in the approaching fist, distorting the surroundings, is simple.



   Because it’s a basic, simple order.


   There is no order that can be said to be compatible.

   The shock causes the body to float in the air. The subsequent shock throws my body to the ground again. Suddenly, a hand comes into view.


   The skull is captured. Gray begins to run, leaving Skebal’s skull on the ground. The dirt bounces up. Skebal stretches out his arms.


   Before that, the spell explodes.

   In the end, the crushed arm hovers in the air. Gray was still running and casting spells one after another.

   Bang, bang, bang.

   The shock continues to shake my body. At the same time, my vision also shakes. My arm was creaking, several ribs were broken, and I was rolling around on the floor.

   ‘It never ends.’

   I can’t catch the flow.

   Skebal protected the Life Vessel inside the skull as much as possible. If you have this, your bones can regenerate.

   Take a look.

   However, I guess even that will not last long.



   With a loud noise, Skebal’s body hits the floor and bounces up. Gray catches it again and throws it on the floor.

   Sigh, blah blah blah!

   The barrier protecting the skull continues to crack.

   Skebal weaves a spell while the barrier holds. He fired a spell. However, the opponent is also a wizard like himself.

   It is offset by a spell of compatibility.

   Capture the spell and shoot it down.

   Things that are slow just turn their heads and twist their bodies to avoid them.

   Even in the meantime, his hand is still holding Skebal’s skull. The finger digs into the gap between the barriers.

   Geek, Geek, Geek.

   The barrier is about to tear.


   Skebal burst out laughing.

   ‘does not exist.’

   I can’t think of any way to deal with it.

   I know how to deal with warriors.

   I also know how to deal with wizards.


   Skebal could not find a way to deal with that battle mage who combined the two.

   So what should we do?

   Skebal assesses the situation.

   ‘Anyway, I can’t return from here alive.’

   I am confident in him.

   ‘It doesn’t matter if I die.’

   Losing a life vessel is a big loss. However, if you are going to lose it anyway, you should spend it as efficiently as possible.


   Skebal is also a wizard.

   A wizard always pursues efficiency. Skebal’s bones crack. Black sediment flows down.


   In the old water, the gray light puts its grip.

   Kick the body with your foot.

   Skebal continued speaking while floating in the air.


   -The price is.

   “My lifespan.”

   -Tell me what you wish, wizard.

   Skebal’s eyes sparkle.


   “The spell is manifested using the saturated mana that abounds here. “I want waves that will swallow up this forest.”

   -Measure the price.

   Skebal’s lifespan appears on the scales.

   Measure the amount. 90% of life expectancy has reached the scales.


   A wizard is a being who deals with the stars.

   As needed, the wizard places anything on the scale.

   Even your own lifespan.



   I stopped moving for a moment.

   This is because I saw something spreading around Skebal’s body. Although it was only for a moment, starlight was visible.


   Mana condenses around Skebal’s body. It didn’t take long to realize where a large amount of mana came from.

   ‘Fountain of Mana.’

   Mana exists in a saturated state around here.

   I don’t know how to handle this mana. It’s not just me. Even if it was Skebal, you wouldn’t know.

   However, just because you don’t know doesn’t mean there’s no way to deal with it.

   ‘Trading using scales.’

   I don’t know how much it will cost. I estimated the cost in my head.

   ‘Lifespan, if I use it… about a year.’

   If you only use it for a year, you can do more than just Skebal. However, I know the side effects of putting lifespan on the scale.

   ‘It’s a good idea to do that again.’

   One such experience is enough.


   I look ahead without saying a word.

   A black barrier is condensing around Skebal. It takes the shape of a black hemisphere.

   If that explodes.

   ‘···First of all, Aplia will fly away.’

   Even taking into account the royal capital’s defense barrier, it will definitely fly as far as Aplia, which is a short distance away.

   This means that it must be stopped.

   I narrowed my eyes and looked at the black sphere that had swallowed Skebal.

   Read the flow of mana.

   Calculate the strength and direction of the spell. 

   Anything is possible with the stars. However, there is no way that the by-product of a transaction will always be perfect.

   “That’s right.”

   As expected, the gap exists.

   A gap in the order caught my eye.

   I walked towards Skebal. With each step, gray mana scatters.


   I stretched out my hand and placed my palm on the barrier. The palm that touches the barrier burns with a crackling sound. I pushed my palm a little further.

   “Anyway, it’s such a disadvantage.”

   The fight against the Demon Lord’s army is always like this.

   Fighting with these guys who always hide something one by one is extremely tiring.

   “Someone gave up his life once and then lived tormented for years…”

   These demon bastards sacrifice their lives as self-destructors. Still, it doesn’t lag behind. Those who put everything aside, whether life or body, sacrifice their bodies and put their lifespans on the scales.

   “When I think about it, it’s so f*cking unfair.”

   Still, what can I do?

   I’m not going to be a lich, I’ll just have to do it. I smiled bitterly and pointed my finger.

   Chii Iik.

   The gap in the barrier is damaged, and the finger digs into the black mass. When I pushed half of his arm into the barrier, it was only then that I was caught by his fingertips.


   Skebal’s skull.

   While holding it, I tightened my fingers. Hold your right arm with your left hand, which is not pushed into the barrier. I lifted my foot and placed my chin on the barrier.

   “I’ve been feeling a bit depressed lately because I realized that I’m in a class that doesn’t have any fundamentals.”

   A baseless class.

   To put it bluntly, it is true that a battle mage has no fundamentals. If I had intended to make it a class in the first place, it would have been established more neatly.

   ‘Anyway, they put me in a class without even saying anything and it’s a damn thing.’

   Shouldn’t we be in charge of the founder’s permission?

   Anyway, even though I am the founder of Battle Mage…

   “f*ck, I’m a Wizard.”

   I am a wizard.

   A fundamental class that first comes to mind when thinking of a wizard, whose main focus is attribute magic.

   “People need to have some fundamentals.”

   While saying that, he pushed his finger into Skebal’s eye socket. The barrier protecting the skull was already cracked due to accumulated damage.


   The barrier is shattered and the thumb and middle finger dig into the skull. I put my finger on my skull and opened my mouth.

   “So, I want to end it fundamentally.”


   No new ashes are created. The ashes that I have been scattering while running are gathering. It wraps around its arms, and along its fingers, the ash enters between Skebal’s eye sockets.

   ‘A lot of people are mistaken.’

   I was a wizard from the beginning.

   A wizard so full of fundamentals that even the gray magic tower contains the flame-type signature magic I created.

   The reason why I ran while scattering the remnants of mana.

   That was it for this one order.



   Small sparks flew from inside Skeval’s skull.

   Tick, tiddididdik.

   The spark burns after eating the remnants of my mana applied inside the skull. A spark catches the ashes. Burning.


   Eventually, the spark becomes a flame.

   The fiercely burning flames flick their tongues like snakes. The skull can no longer contain the fire. Flames flow from between Skebal’s eye sockets.

   Crack, crack, crack!

   The overflowing flames devour the mana that Skebal had condensed. Increase its size further. The flame that started from a small spark turns into a fire and engulfs the black barrier.

   Ride, ride, ride!

   Flames don’t burn my skin.

   What fire consumes is mana. The fire burns with mana as firewood. I pulled out the hand that had been inserted into the barrier.

   Throw in!

   Following my fingertips, flames escape.

   The flames are attached to the middle finger and thumb. Looking at the fire like a fuse, I raise my hand.

   Bring your thumb and middle finger together.

   Finger stocked with Ash and Ignite.

   Rub those two fingers together.

   The order completed in this way takes on a completely different aspect from before.

   Taaak, snap your fingers.

   The completed spell emits light.

   Ashes to Ashes.

   There was a flash of light.


   Some say.

   For a moment, in front of the ancient lich Skevall, the wizard was denied his life. 

   Indeed, it is so. 

   In front of magicians who have lived for hundreds of years, what countless magicians have dedicated their lives to building is nothing more than a sand tower.

   However, there is a wizard here.

   The wizard does not walk the same path as others. The foundation is different. She dismisses someone’s hundreds of years as a single moment. 

   The world does not call such people geniuses.


   Skebal sees the monster in front of him.

   My eyes shake as the heat burns my head. Over her scenery shaking with her heat, Skebal looks at her.

   She snaps her fingers.

   The spell is delivered using the flame as a fuse.

   There is no need to read the order being delivered.

   Only the results are clear.

   Ashes to Ashes.

   A flash of light flashes.

   The fire that was burning slowly explodes in an instant. It releases explosive heat and cooks Skebal’s skull.

   Flames reach the Life Vessel.

   As his brain grows warm in the heat, the ancient lich thinks.


   Those two letters alone fill my mind.


   The ancient lich feels it.

   Hundreds of years of being denied.

   “···f*cking gray.”

   Flames engulfed Skebal.

   A word from the author (author review)

I wrote an entire episode as a battle scene.

It’s 8,000 characters long, including spaces!

I wonder if there was a way to make it look a little better…

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading it 😀

*The price of Libra is relative.

Skebal has multiple lives. Even if Skebal increases the lifespan on the scale, it is expensive… but it is not more expensive than if Raniel sacrifices his life.

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