I Quit the Hero’s Party Chapter 527

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Constellations and constellations collided.

Engraved in the colliding constellations is the path they walked, and the lives they lived. In other words, the collision of stars was a collision between life and life.

There is a path I have walked.

There is a belief that cannot be doubted.

There is a point from which you can never back down.

The two stars collided to prove what each believed was right. The bouncing lightning is the fragments of life, and the fluttering starlight is their memories. The landscape began to split around the point where the stars collided.


Cracks appeared in the air like a window splitting.

The landscape is split and providence collapses. Rules, providence, discipline, truth… nothing could interfere between the two at this moment. Even the scales, the original providence surrounding the world, have given up on weighing them.

Thus, outside of providence, or outside of the world.

Against the backdrop of the collapsing night sky, two constellations shone in their own colors. Victory and defeat will not be decided until one star falls. Without the slightest sign of retreat, the two constellations began to crush each other.

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Raniel bled under the split night sky.

The aftermath of stars colliding, the bouncing lightning and starlight, the splitting landscape… Every time those things passed by Raniel’s body, blood flowed. The skin was torn and long blood spurted out.

Raniel is not the only one shedding blood.

Jormun also shed blood.

This is not possible, not even in Jormun, which has so far easily accepted any attack, or even in the clash of stars. He also bled like a human.

Standing here are two wizards who have reached the status of gods, but they are also two humans.

Two wounded, bleeding, shaken humans.

But Jormun never acknowledged his wavering. He did not moan, but braced his shaking body even more. That’s the way he lived his life.

“I will support you, Gletus.”

“I will uphold the discipline you created, the discipline you created with your life. So as not to be shaken by anything. “So that it becomes the strongest foundation that supports the world.”

Become a guardian of discipline.

For her sake, Jormun has lived for tens of thousands of years. Therefore, he considered himself not a human, but a guardian and a god. Because a wavering person will not be able to maintain the rules.

He considered himself a discipline.

I wanted to become a discipline that would never be shaken.

Therefore, the constellations he grasps are straight.

His zodiac sign was infinitely upright, as it represents his life of never breaking or bending himself despite all kinds of adversity and trials.

Cheonri (天理), the law engraved in the sky.

Raniel’s constellation was opposite to that of Jormun. The path we walked was the same, but the destination we reached was a completely different place.


Raniel did not hold back his moans. She frowned as she bled, unable to force her own shaking body to stand up. She just let her sway and stretched her hand a little further in front of her.

“Not everyone can live like you.”

“Isn’t it true that each person has their own path? I am satisfied with my life, but I don’t want to force this path on anyone. “It’s going to be difficult.”

“I wanted to live like you. But you were wrong. I should have lived my life, not like yours. “There must have been a path that suited everyone.”

As she stretched out her hand, she reflected on the path she had walked. Numerous voices passed by my ears. Destel, Galahal, Kyle… Raniel laughed inadvertently as he pondered their voices.

she knows

That you are not perfect.

Now I know that not only myself, but no other human being can be perfect. Everyone is broken, everyone is shaken, and everyone hesitates. No matter how outstanding a superhuman he is, it is no different.

Ganicalt, who seemed like the perfect hero.

Acriel, who seemed to have been a shrewd ruler.

Galahal also seemed like a pure hero without any suffering.

Even they hesitated, wavered, and hesitantly moved forward. Raniel also had a past where she thought she could be perfect, but through her difficult process, she realized that she could not.

“Look at me, Raniel.”

“Does your future self look perfect? I am the end you reached when you tried to move forward perfectly on your own without wavering or hesitation. What do you think?”

“People can’t always move straight. In the end, it shakes and collapses. “Don’t ignore that fact.”

That’s the way it is in the end.

Humans eventually falter. Humans move forward even when they falter. Sometimes by borrowing someone’s hand, sometimes by leaning on someone’s back, humans have moved forward for a long time.

“Even if it shakes.”

“Even if I hesitate.”

“Even if I get lost and wander.”

The words of the most heroic warrior rang in my ears.

“If you go back and forth and reach your destination, wouldn’t that in itself be a wonderful life? At least that’s how I think.”

回 (回) Turn and go back to the origin.

It’s okay to hesitate. It’s okay to shake. Even if you get lost and wander, it is good. As long as those eyes are looking towards the next direction, that person’s life will not be wrong.

Therefore, Raniel’s constellation is not correct.

She admits to being shaken. She embraces bending. However, it does not lose its purpose at any moment. Turning around, her constellation returns to its origin.

Return to heaven, cycle, or return to origin.

Raniel’s eyes narrowed as he stretched out his hand toward the opposite constellation. Because in her eyes, she could see the path to victory. In Raniel’s eyes, she saw the path beyond Joremun and beyond.

Her blue eyes were shiny.

The blue-white rings in the eyes became darker.

At that moment, the balance that was maintained collapsed. The constellation that had come to a halt after colliding began to move forward, pushing away the other. What was advancing was the constellation of Jormun.

At some point, the balance was lost.

Jormun saw his constellation moving forward. In front of the upright constellation of Jormun, the constellation Raniel held in his hand began to bend and become disheveled. Dark red lightning flew out in all directions.

Balance has been lost. The scales begin to tip.

Fragments of the split landscape flew in all directions.



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Along with Raniel’s constellation starting to shake, blood also spurted from Raniel’s body. From the moment his balance was lost, Raniel was pushed backwards. The constellation of Jormun, like a huge wave, hit Raniel.


In front of the upright constellation that had maintained its position for tens of thousands of years, Raniel’s constellation was twisted helplessly. Jormun’s constellation, which never tolerates breaking, was stronger than Raniel’s.

‘It’s my victory.’

Jormun stretched the constellation he was holding a little further forward. The farther he moved forward, the more Raniel had to step back.


At the end of the peeling and peeling, all the dark red lightning is pushed out and what is revealed is a miserable human being bleeding and moaning. Looking at Raniel, who did not let go of the constellation until the end, Jormun took what would be his last step.


Stepping forward, he threw out his spear.

In front of the spear blade of the surging constellations, Raniel swung his fist towards the approaching spear blade as if making a final struggle.

Ka, ga-ga-ga-ga-ga-ga-ga-ga-ga-ka!

The constellation’s spear blade and the lightning-covered fist collided.

Lightning bounced wildly, and a strong friction sound rang out for a long time. Naturally, it is Raniel who is pushed out. Even the lightning she wore around her fist came off.

The scattered lightning was buried in the giant constellation carried by Jormun and disappeared. Now, there is no lightning left in her body. Jormun extended his spear blade towards the defenseless Raniel.

This is the moment when the blade of the spear pierces Raniel’s body and decides victory or defeat. At that moment, contrary to Jormun’s expectations, Raniel took a step forward. She snuggled into the arms of her Yormun. There will be no more constellations left, so what?


At that moment, a thunderous voice rang out.

With a sound like lightning, Jormun’s eyes opened wide. Raniel’s constellation, which she thought had disappeared into her own constellation, was the reason why the lightning around her… began to gather together with the thunderbolts.

The dark red lightning that was wandering in the strong current gathered towards Raniel again. The constellations that had been scattered among the constellations of Jormun rushed into Raniel’s fist.

Like ashes gathering together.

The fluttering constellations, the lightning, all of them gathered into Raniel’s fist. Raniel’s constellations are not as straight as Jormun’s. It is not something that never breaks, nor is it something that cannot be shaken.

It breaks, shakes, wanders, and sometimes stops.

But it never stands still forever.

Guided by someone’s steps, someone’s hand gestures, and a small lantern, they gather once again. It shines brightly once again. It is the life of those whom Raniel has seen, and the shape of the path she has pledged to walk.

The gathered starlight shone brighter than before.

The gathered lightning is stronger than before.

While dragging the constellation, Raniel swung his fist towards the blade of Jormun’s spear. The moment their fists collide once again, this time it is not Raniel who is pushed away. Jormun was pushed back. He took a step back.


Jormun saw. Watching gold run through his constellation, which had remained unchanged for tens of thousands of years. Watching your constellation begin to shake. With his eyes wide open, Jormun gripped the constellation a little harder.

Join the cracked area.

Instead of acknowledging that it was broken, a constellation was added.

But there was no way Raniel would let him turn away like that. As Jormun was pushed back, Raniel took one step further. With a crunching sound, the constellation of Jormun began to crumble. The unchanging constellations begin to change.

Jormun’s gaze wavered.

He was busy repairing what was broken and covering up the cracks. Little by little, Jormun was pushed back.

That was Jormun’s defeat.

There was a time when he looked only ahead and ran fast, but now he has stagnated. As he stops to protect what he has built, he is buried in his glorious past.

Sigh, blah blah blah…

so that.


Jormun cannot stop those who move forward, even if they waver, wander, or hesitate.

Quad deud deuk!

The constellation of Jormun was shattered.

The constellation broke apart and fragments flew in all directions. Jormun’s eyes opened wide. His golden eyes shook violently. No, it must never be broken. He stretched out his hand towards the crumbling constellation.

Even though I know it’s something I can’t hold on to, it’s a shame.

And through the fluttering starlight, Raniel took one step forward. With her blood splattered and her eyes wide open, she came upon Jormun, harming the shards of her star. Jormun, who was reaching out towards the shattered constellation, faced Raniel who had come right in front of him.

As time passed slowly, Jormun looked into Raniel’s eyes. Blue eyes different from hers.

“If you feel anxious, look into my eyes.”

“Using the pupils as mirrors, they reflect each other.”

Jormun saw his own eyes reflected in blue eyes. Her own eyes reflected beyond the blue-white ring. Golden dragon eyes. Originally, what was in place in Yongan should have been the upright discipline of three intersecting circles.

“iced coffee···.”

Jormun groaned.

His expression distorted.

It had to be that way. Because I had to face the truth that I had been ignoring. Her own eyes reflected in the blue mirror, and the discipline engraved in her eyes were so different from tens of thousands of years ago.

It is not a discipline that is upright, correct, or exemplary.

Distorted, twisted, broken discipline was there. The platinum rings in his eyes were already very distorted. It was a wrong discipline that she would deplore if she saw it.

‘···is it.’

Jormun laughed bitterly.

‘I was no different from them.’

He faced. He saw himself as being like the gods he loathed. Stop and look at the ugly face of a transcendent person who has lost his original light because he is obsessed with what he has accumulated.

“You all must leave.”

“There is no need for you in the new era. “For humanity to rise again, you are only an obstacle.”

“So get out of there. For the next time.”

The image of himself shouting in front of all gods in the past overlapped with the image of Raniel approaching him now. Jormun squeezed his outstretched hand toward the crumbled star. There was nothing he could grasp.

Immediately afterwards, Raniel’s fist landed in Jormun’s face.

The field of vision was split, and the platinum-colored rings engraved on Jormun’s eyes shattered with a crunching sound. Hoecheon (回天) swallowed Jormun’s body.

Even if it is the law of heaven under a revolving sky, it cannot last forever.

Hoecheon swallowed Cheonri.


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