I Quit the Hero’s Party Chapter 489

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Black blood flowed.

The black blood dripped down and soaked into the ground. Under the sky split in half and on top of the cracked and thrown away land, Ganicalt laughed. He smiled and let out a long breath.


He let out a breath and put down his sword.

The huge greatsword fell diagonally into the ground with a clang sound. This is Ganicalt, who has never once laid down his sword in front of an enemy. This is Ganicalt Van Galatric, who called for holding and swinging the sword until the very end, until the moment of death.

Then he put down his sword.

It’s not that I missed it. He put down his sword of his own volition. It means that this long and short sword fight has come to an end, and at the same time…

“It is my defeat.”

It meant he had admitted his defeat.

Death caught up with him.

Ganicalt’s body began to collapse.

My body, swept away by the reverse heaven, crumbled to pieces.

The things that made up Ganichalt, the sword of death, began to fall off one by one. The bones of the demonic beast that were crudely intertwined crumbled into powder. Bones, black slurry, everything that supported him flowed out.


Between the falling things, Ganicalt felt a sword stuck in his heart. A blow delivered by Kyle, who rushed to the very end. Ganicalt pondered that blow.

There is no trick to countering this blow.

It was not a mysterious trajectory, nor was it a powerful sword-like blow.

It was just a simple sword strike.

A simple and unadorned blow. A strike that is faithful to the basics of the sword. Ganicalt laughed at the fact that the final blow that decided the game was the basic sword. The basics, that is what Ganicalt Van Galatric values ​​most.

“It’s a beautiful strike.”

Ganicalt said.

“Great job, Kyle Torben.”

It is an extension of a conversation we had once.

That day, in the north, Ganicalt praised the swordsman who had struck him. Although he had not yet reached the same level as himself, he encouraged the prosecutor who faced the challenge.

I think you can reach it.

I told you to move forward.

Now that time has passed and the rematch has taken place, Ganicalt opens his mouth and talks about what happens next that day. He smiled as he looked at the prosecutor who had caught up with him… and had barely passed him. With a crunch, his helmet crumbled.

“It’s your victory.”

What was revealed from the helmet was a human face.

The face was distorted by the shadow, but not even the shadow could cover the light contained in the eyes. Now that he was facing the oldest warrior, Kyle put down his sword and slowly stepped back.

Ganicalt, unable to stand any longer due to his broken body, fell to his knees.

He knelt down and looked at the black blood pooling beneath him. The things that made up the person who was a disaster were turning into blood and oozing out. Ganicalt slowly closed his eyes, looking at the sediment that seemed to flow endlessly. He looked back at the path he had taken.

···I held a sword and lived as a sword.

I met my teacher at the foot of a mountain valley.

The teacher was a skilled swordsman, but lost his arm during the war and was unable to swing the sword. He was wasting his days drinking, but it was when Ganikalt showed off his swordsmanship, even if only slightly, that he picked up a sword instead of a bottle.

he said

“You will never be able to escape from the shadow of the sword. “Your talent will make you that way.”

“So, live by the sword. Become a sword and run through the world. Sharpen yourself. Sharply.”

I learned a lot from him.

He lost the arm that used to swing the sword, so he couldn’t demonstrate properly, but he did teach him the tricks of the sword. He told me what to put on my sword, what he wanted to reach but couldn’t.

“Find the owner.”

“A master who can teach you what you should embrace and what you should aim for.”

Saying so, the teacher faced death.

Leaving his teacher’s tomb behind, Ganicalt set out on a journey to find his master. During his travels, he encountered many people and eventually came face to face with Him.

“First, watch.”

“Protect the wall you destroyed with your own hands. “Let’s start from there.”

Acriel Clen Arcadia.

With her as his master, Ganicalt protected the castle walls. He defended humanity from waves of enemies and swung his sword for humanity. In the process, he was able to realize what to put in his sword and how to live.

“Sir, may I ask you one question?”

And, that day.

“Did you find the meaning to put into the sword?”

「···I found it.」

“Do you have faith?”

“I have it.”

Ganichalt chose.

“is it. It had meaning.”

Ganicalt made a promise as he looked at the end of his master’s army, which he could not protect. What should I swing my sword for? He decided where he should head. He set out on a long, long journey with his companions who had the same goal.

I learned a lot.

I have seen many things.

I gained and lost a lot.

At the end of the long journey, Ganicalt made another choice. What he sought to embody in his own sword was protection, and it was his belief to be the protector of humanity. That is why he sacrificed himself to protect humanity until the end.

“We make a deal.”

It became such a disaster.

A lot of time has passed.

committed many sins

I endured a long, long time while holding on to my wavering faith, wavering pride, and corrosive spirit. He was no longer a warrior, a protector, or a hero. He was just such a disaster that he had to fall. Therefore, Ganicalt just endured for a long time, waiting for the destruction that would one day come upon him.



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“I am Kyle Torben.”


“That day’s rematch.”

What awaited at the end was not destruction.

The end of his career as a prosecutor was waiting for him. He could not help but laugh at the declaration of a swordsman who pointed a sword at him. He is defeated by the sword of his junior who came after him and meets his death. Because I thought there was no ending worse than this.

Even if you can’t die as a human.

As a prosecutor, I could have died.

He is the one who tried to live with one sword.

How could one not be satisfied if the ending given at the end is to be defeated by the sword and die as a swordsman? There can be no worse ending than this.

···Live by the sword, die by the sword.


That was the moment when Ganicalt was about to end his life. Ganicalt slowly opened his closed eyes at the sound he heard from somewhere. What can be seen in his eyes as he lowers his head is the blood still flowing.

Blood dripping with a thud.

However… the blood was not pitch black.

The dripping blood was red. Red blood runs down her left arm. As if all the black blood had been spilled, what was now flowing was red human blood. Ganicalt’s eyes narrowed.


The purified water that flowed from his body was a fragment of the shadow, a part of the overflowing demon that Ganicalt had to embrace that day. That enormous malice wouldn’t run out after just shedding this much blood, right?

But, strangely enough.

He no longer felt the shadow that had taken root in his soul. Her mind was clearer than ever. Until the very end, he thought it was a burden he had to bear, but now he couldn’t feel it at all.


Ganicalt raised his head.

When you raise your head, what you see in front of you is the swordsman who defeated you. He smiled and winked. He looked back. Ganicalt slowly moved his gaze towards where Kyle was looking.


There was someone there, staggering towards him. This person has gray hair that resembles my colleague. The person behind the contract stopped in front of Ganikalt.

“It seems like it was effective.”

Raniel van Trias.

She smiled faintly and pointed to the black blood pooled under the garnicalt. If you look closely, you can see dark red lightning flashing there.


Ganicalt laughed.

Lightning that bounces is called reverse lightning. It was the lightning that Raniel had struck into Ganicalt’s body several times during the battle. What the backlight burns is both starlight and shadow.

···The lightning that failed to defeat the swordsman, Ganicalt Van Galatric. However, that lightning burned down the sword of death, one of the four plagues. He finally returned to being human after being swallowed up in the shadows. Ganicalt, who realized that fact, looked at Huin who stopped in front of him.

“···Was this the purpose?”

Raniel shook his head at his question.

“I didn’t just aim for this. My goal was to surpass you and go beyond… This is the promise I made with that guy.”

Old water being burned by dark red lightning.

Ganicalt Van Galatric returned to human form.

Raniel smiled while looking at them all.

“Cardi van Armiel. Your colleague asked for it.”


“I ask you to be freed.”

The burden you had to carry.

The shade you had to embrace.

The role of disaster given to you.

“Free from all that, so that the heroes of the past can die as just humans. That was Cardi’s request…”

Raniel slowly exhaled.

I straightened my messy clothes and straightened my posture. It was the same for Kyle, who was standing next to Raniel, and Kalt, who had staggered to get here.

“It’s my choice too.”

Raniel opened his mouth.

“You were defeated as a disaster and as a swordsman. But… let me tell you that as a hero and warrior you were never defeated.”

She said.

“Your sacrifice that day was not in vain.”

As a later person.

“Because of your sacrifice, humanity was not exterminated that day. Although we had to come a long way… humanity still managed to reach this point. Even just a stone’s throw away from the scene you saw that day.”

As a representative of humanity.

“And now, I’m going to surpass you and head forward. To achieve the dream you couldn’t achieve that day.”

To the first warrior.

“So, it’s your win.”

The last hero spoke.

“Because I, we are the witnesses.”

With those last words, Raniel, Kalt, and Kyle paid their respects to the hero in front of them in their own way. As if it were the greatest tribute to the heroes of the past who sacrificed everything to save humanity.

Ganikalt laughed at that sight.

···As a disaster, I was defeated by the hero. As a prosecutor, I was defeated by the prosecutor. However, the latter in front of me was saying that he, the hero, was never defeated.

“···You’re a bold junior.”

“I have to have this level of spirit to surpass you.”

Ganicalt laughed bitterly.

He said while facing Raniel.

“Beyond me, there is the devil.”

“I know.”

“It is the final test that humanity must overcome, and the wall that must be overcome to reach the goal you desire.”

Raniel flinched and trembled briefly.

She glanced at Ganichalt as if asking if he knew. Ganikalt just smiled lightly at that gaze.

“You told me that you would go places that we could not reach that day.”


“You can guess where that is. Just eradicating the shadow from this world won’t get you to the future you want.”

We should move on from where we stopped.

And, the location of that place…

“It must be there.”

Ganicalt looked up at the sky.

Raniel nodded and slowly extended his hand towards Ganicalt. He opened his closed fists. Blooming from her outstretched palms is the answer she has found.


This is what the apostate also saw in the end.

Ganicalt laughed as he looked at the fragment of the answer Raniel found. Although Ganicalt was ignorant of magic, he could guess what it was.

“That’s your answer.”

Or, it might be the answer humanity presents to heaven.

Ganicalt, who was kneeling, slowly stood up. Every time I moved, my body crumbled, and the crumbled body was blown by the wind across the wilderness.

Regardless, Ganikalt stood up. He stood with both feet on the ground. Then, as his red blood dripped, he raised his left arm and pointed behind himself.

The place his twisted finger points to is beyond the wilderness. A place where death is silent, a place next to Gehete. A place where the final ordeal that humanity must overcome awaits. Ganicalt said, pointing to Arcadia, the Temple of Shadow.

“Go ahead.”

The oldest warrior said.

“Please take care of my master.”

A queen’s sharpest sword spoke.


All flesh collapsed. With his body falling into dust and scattering, he opened his mouth for the last time.

“Thank you for all your efforts.”

The human, Ganicalt van Galatric, made his will.

He was smiling when he made his last words.

···I held a sword and lived as a sword.

Lived by the sword, died by the sword.

One human being who lived by the sword was able to smile at the end of his life. More comfortable and lighter than ever.


The wind that blew wrapped around Ganichalt. There was only one sword stuck where he was standing.


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