I Quit the Hero’s Party Chapter 486

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A land split by a sword. The sky cut down by a sword. So, in a wilderness where the heavens and earth were covered with traces left by swords, two swordsmen clashed.

The moment the two swords overlapped at the same speed, same posture, and same time line, what rang out was neither a cutting sound nor a creaking sound in space. It wasn’t the sound of one side being pushed, much less the noise of sword energy resonating.


What resonates is a simple noise.

Only the sound of metal clashing with iron, sword against sword, lingered in the wilderness. Kaang, with a noise, the two swords pushed each other away. The two swords were tilted at a similar angle, forming a whistle.

Whistle (互角).

The two swords forming a whistle were tilted once again. They tilted and soared towards each other. The sword strikes and sword attacks soared in strange trajectories and clawed at each other.

Kaaang, kang, kaaaaang!

Every time the swords clashed, the wind blew. Dust was sucked in by the swirling wind and spewed out.


Raniel, who was watching this in a daze, stopped laughing. Kyle, the fact that that guy woke up all of a sudden is surprising… Kyle ran straight to the battlefield and drew his sword.

The opponent who rushed at me with his sword drawn was Ganicalt.

The sword of death, Ganicalt. Without hesitation, Kyle rushed at the opponent who had defeated him several times. And then, as if making fun of his absence over the past few years, Kyle was making out with Gani Kalt.


It was Raniel who tried to intervene in the fight between the two.

However, Raniel, who was watching the two people clashing swords, flopped down in his seat. Because he didn’t feel the need to intervene.


It must be a hindrance. Either way.

Kang, Kaang… Amid the echoing noises, Raniel looked at Ganicalt. He glanced at the sword-wielding disaster, and at the person who had once been a warrior.

Breathing is different. The posture is different. The atmosphere is different.

What Raniel was dealing with was Ganicalt, the sword of death… but what Kyle is dealing with now is the ‘swordsman’ Ganicalt Van Galatric. Raniel, who understood the gap between the two, smiled bitterly.

Before the fight, Ganicalt had said:

It doesn’t matter what is used to defeat him. He said that he was a disaster and that it would be foolish to choose the means to defeat the disaster.

Those words must have been sincere and not a lie.

However, Raniel knew that that was not everything. Just like Gleria Bel Armias, Ganicalt had the best ending he could think of. A hope that he thought was too much for him, but thought, “Maybe.”

Even though I knew what it was.

Raniel could not make that wish come true. He could not give Ganikhalt the best ending. Well, he wasn’t a prosecutor himself. He is the one who can make that dream come true, not him…


Kyle Torben, that guy would be the only one.

Kang, Kang!

Through the noise, Raniel glanced at Kyle.

Because he had challenged Ganicalt several times, he was a warrior, a superman, and he achieved the same feat as Ganicalt, cutting down the demon lord. Because it was Kyle Torben, there was an ending that could be shown.

I swung my sword. He swung and swung again.

Swinging his sword, Ganicalt took his stance. He didn’t need to pose himself as if he was showing, teaching, or asking to be copied, as he had done in the past. Ganikalt took his stance and swung his sword to cut down the enemy in front of him.

The first type of Galatric style, first sight killing.

A rapid sword strike. Kyle countered the approaching sword attack, tearing through space, with exactly the same blow. First-guess meat and second-guess meat. The air exploded as the sword clashed with the sword. The torn space came together and the wind blew.


The two swords, which bounced off each other’s blows, formed a whistle again. As if they knew the other person would do that, the two swordsmen continued the next sword path without the slightest hesitation.

Second expression, Heo Sang-geom.

Third formula, Absolute Sword…

Same technology. Same posture.

No matter what sword Ganikalt used, Kyle responded immediately. He attacked from the front without backing down at all. He didn’t vomit blood, get pushed around, or twist his body and use tricks like he did in the past.

Just counter it with the same sword technique from the front.

Ganicalt, who wields the sword, feels it.

The inspection in front of my eyes has become sharper. I have grown to an extent that cannot be compared to that day. The sword Kyle wields is sharp. Concise. There was no gap.


However, that does not mean that the author’s sword is the same as his own sword. Ganichalt looked. Kyle’s posture changed completely after striking the sword. He changed his posture as if he was going to show off what he had from now on.

With a thud, Kyle hit the ground.

At that moment, countless paths of swords unfolded before Ganikalt’s eyes. In an instant, the number of things increased. There are more things to cut out. The swordsmanship that Kyle was about to display was something Ganicalt did not know about.

Danggeom (亂劍), a net of swords.

It’s the sword of some ghost.

Galatrick style, first sight killing.

It must be the sword of a proud swordsman.

Crossing two completely different sword paths is a sword held by Kyle. Kyle swung his sword, weaving the two sword paths into one. There is only one swing, but there is not just one sword strike.


The moment the rapid sword strike pushed away Ganicalt’s sword, everything in the area, centered on Kyle, stopped for a moment. What comes in right away is a strong wind.


The ground cracked. Dozens or hundreds of sword marks were stamped on the ground in an instant. The swirling dust was cut away, and the protruding rock was broken into small pieces. Ganicalt shed blood as he received the rapid sword attack that came like a net. He laughed as he bled.

different. It’s different.

His sword is mixed in, but that is not his sword. It was a completely different sword perfected by a man named Kyle Torben. Ganicalt took a step forward, tearing apart the sword net. He swung his sword at Kyle.

Kang, Kang, Kang!

Every time sword and sword clash, Ganicalt feels it. The prosecutor in front of us is a person who has reached perfection by following his own path. He resembles himself, but wields a different sword.

‘···iced coffee.’

That’s why the author can say.

Come on. Show your best.

It would be possible to shout out to the prosecutor, Ganicalt van Galatric, that he wants a rematch.



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‘I didn’t want it. I thought this was enough.’

The sword of death, Ganicalt knows.

That you are a disaster. He said that he had committed an unforgivable sin. He knew that to mankind, he was nothing more than an opponent who had to be defeated at all costs.

That’s why the sword of death thought.

If I were to fall at the hands of grown mankind, if I were to die at the hands of mankind who stood in front of me with only their own will and not the stars… that would be a glorious death. He thought that such an ending was enough for him.

The same goes for the warrior, Ganicalt.

He said that he would be satisfied if he, who had turned into a disaster, could fall, if he could die for humanity.

Whether as a hero, a guardian captain, a loyal servant of the queen, or anything else… Ganicalt accepted the end that was destined for him. Falling down as a disaster. I thought that was the best ending given to me.


However, Ganikalt van Galatrik.

The prosecutor, Ganicalt van Galatric, could not accept the outcome that would be given to him. It is inevitable. How can I not be angry? He is a prosecutor. He is a proud swordsman and has lived his life with the sword.

He thought that if he fell, it would be by the sword, and if he died, it would only be while swinging the sword.

So he hoped.

I hope someone will cut me with a sword. However, as a prosecutor, he hoped that he would be killed. That was the only wish that Ganicalt van Galatric had deep within him. It was a wish that I had given up on because it was not going to come true.


The prosecutor, Ganikald van Galatric, looked ahead.

He saw a person crossing swords with him. He had someone there who could give her the ending she wanted.

‘is it.’

A swordsman who makes himself bleed. In front of that person, he was not a disaster, a hero, a hero, or anything else, but was just a swordsman.


Ganicalt laughed.

He was grateful after this year. I was grateful for the reunion that took place. He was grateful to a wizard who pushed and drove him to tear off the demon beast and return him to just a swordsman.

The sword of death swung its sword.

From an insignificant coward to a hero, to a hero, to a powerful enemy, and finally to Kyle Torben, who stood before me as just a swordsman.

Ganicalt swung his sword.

Kyle’s sword grazed Ganicalt’s left arm. Ganicalt’s sword grazed Kyle’s skin. His blood and blood splattered. Through the splashing blood, the two swordsmen read each other’s swords. Maybe, the other person’s life.

The swordsman swung his sword.

The enemy who wields a sword is not a warrior. He wasn’t even a hero. He wasn’t a disaster, he wasn’t anything. He was simply a swordsman who lived his life with a sword.


The same goes for Kyle, who stands up to such a prosecutor.

There was no need for numerous modifiers, nicknames, titles like warrior, or anything else to decorate oneself. To deal with the swordsman in front of you, all you need is a sword to call yourself a swordsman.

The prosecutor swung his sword at the prosecutor.

The sword Kyle was holding no longer glowed.

Kyle caught his breath as he swung the sword that was no longer a star sword. He sharpened his senses more than ever.

Even faster. Even sharper. Even more perfectly.

I straightened my posture. She caught her breath and focused on the path the sword drew. Perhaps, I focused even more on my posture than when dealing with the Demon King. Because she had to show her best to the prosecutor in front of her.

Ganichalt van Galatric.

That proud prosecutor was the person who showed Kyle the path. He admired, hated, and sometimes was disappointed in himself for not being able to reach the author. But those are all just old feelings.

Kyle shook off all of that and reached a new level.

Before I knew it, I was standing in the same position as the prosecutor in front of me, looking at the same scenery. Kyle laughed at that fact. Perhaps it was not only Ganicalt van Galatric who wanted this reunion. The same was true for Kyle.

Look. Ganichalt van Galatric.

The prosecutor who admired you is now standing here.

The coward who ran away from you, hated you, and gave up in shame… is now standing in front of you, making eye contact with you. And now, it is trying to surpass you.

“I believe in human potential.”

“If we continue to the next and the next…someone in the distant future will surpass me. “It will reach places we couldn’t reach.”

Kyle is now free from the constraints of the stars and has regained all his memories. Recalling the past records he had glimpsed that day, Kyle took a step forward.

To overcome, or to prove.

Kyle swung his sword as if shouting that he was the person you dreamed of that day.


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