I Quit the Hero’s Party Chapter 278

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〈 Episode 278 〉 The Man Who Couldn’t Die (4)

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Ashes to Ashes.

This spell, which is a symbol of the Ash Wizard, has firepower that surpasses even the highest level spells as long as there is enough ash. Since it even uses the remaining mana left after burning, its cost-effectiveness is extremely good.

But now, Raniel casts a spell while neglecting cost-effectiveness. As if the fluttering ash is not enough, it draws on all the mana in the body to increase the firepower of the spell.

The one order that cost me everything.

No matter how undead were reassembled into the warrior’s body, there was no way they could withstand that terrible spell at close range. Kuntel’s extra senses scream.


Before the fist even touches Kuntel’s body begins to melt. While Raniel was half-confident of victory after seeing that, Kuntel made his move.


The movement is surprisingly fast.

Kuntel tears the captured left arm from his body, extends his free right hand and grabs the hilt of the sword with the flesh stuck to it. And then, he swings it like that.

Up, not down.

With a thud, the sword stuck in Raniel’s shoulder soared into the sky. But there is no time to swing the sword again. The spell is already emitting a flash of light, heading towards Kuntel’s black sky.


Kuntel leapt backwards, trampling on the skull of Kariot, who was biting his ankle. He takes a step back from the spell’s range, creating space to swing his sword.

And then, he swung his sword towards the striking flash of light.

Kuntel’s right arm moves, scattering afterimages. Even the reassembled body cannot keep up with the movement, muscles are torn and bones are broken… but Kuntel’s sword (?) does not stop.


Each time the sword is swung, the light splits and the heat fades. Kuntel continued to swing his sword while reading the basis of the spell. If once is not enough, do it ten times, if even that is not enough, do it a hundred times.

A silver-white blade cuts through the flash of light.

This is Kuntel, who stabbed the sword of death with a single blow even though his entire body was torn apart. Even if he was resurrected as an undead, his obsession still remains. Even though he is burning with heat, Kuntel never lets go of his sword.

However, despite that resistance, the flash of light engulfed Kuntel. The heat hit Kuntel’s body, turning the entire area pure white.


Along with the roar, Raniel’s vision also blinked.

When the heat cleared along with the light, Raniel forced his body, which had almost fallen over, to his feet. Because he can’t fall down yet.

That judgment was correct.

As the heat cleared and the surrounding scenery was revealed, Raniel inadvertently lost his breath.


Kuntel is still alive.

Unquenched flames cling to his body, and the heat is streaming down his body… but Kuntel is still standing with both feet on the ground.

The body melting, the left arm falling off, the right arm hanging limp with all the bones broken. However, there was one sword that was not put down until the end. But even that doesn’t last long.


Kuntel dropped his sword.

The body has clearly reached its limits. However, Kuntel’s eyes are still looking at Raniel. Raniel swallowed dryly at that creepy gaze.

‘driving me crazy.’

Even in that state, it is still alive.

Of course, it looks like it might collapse if you touch it, but that’s not just Kuntel’s story. The same was true for Raniel himself.

The burden begins to come to the body that has been ignorantly hit with strengthening spells. My vision is blurry. Even breathing is not easy.

There is no significant difference between Kariot, whose body is regenerating, and Galahal, who is completely exhausted from blocking sword energy.

They have no power left to stop Kuntel.


However, they are not the only ones here.

As the intimidating feeling that oppressed the area disappeared, the knights began to move. Arrows rain down from the watchtower, and knights begin to rush in with spear swords in hand.



Kuntel stamped his foot lightly.

The ground rumbles briefly, but that’s it. This is the moment when a shower of arrows hit Kuntel’s body, and the spear blades fired by the knights threaten to cut off Kuntel’s life.


The ground begins to shake.

The charging knights fall, and the remains of the castle walls shake in all directions.


Galahal hurriedly pulled Raniel’s arm.

At the same time, something erupted from beneath the ground. With the rubble lying everywhere floating in the air and dust flying, Raniel raised his head and saw something rising up.


Raniel burst into laughter in front of the black shadow casting over the area. What her eyes reflect is a snake-like magical beast wearing a jet-black shell.


A demonic beast wearing a jet-black shell, a crustacean.

A familiar that has now become a symbol of some kind of disaster has emerged from beneath the ground. The crustacean opens its mouth and swallows Kuntel.

The knights who attacked Kuntel were caught up in the crustacean’s charge and were turned into pieces of meat. No one can stop the crustacean.

The crustacean that swallowed Kuntel immediately turned and hid itself under the ground.

Boom, boom!

As if to indicate that it all happened in an instant, the debris that had risen into the sky begins to fall one by one. As the ground shook, Raniel lowered his head.

“Ha, aha…”

A smile escaped her lips.

That laughter doesn’t last long. She muttered, biting her lip.

“Are you playing with it…?”

My tightly bitten lip burst and blood flowed.



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Raniel gritted his teeth and raised himself up, making a sound. Raising his body, which had reached its limit, Raniel stretched out his hand into the air.


An empty scale comes to mind.

Staring at the hole dug by the crustacean, Raniel stretched his senses to their limits. If a crustacean appears, there is a high probability that an apostate will also appear.

If that happens, the only one who can buy time is yourself. Although his breathing was a little shaky for a moment, Raniel eventually regained his resolve.

A few more seconds passed like that.

The vibrations that had been shaking the ground had completely stopped. There was no sign of the apostate until the end. Only after confirming that point did Ran El wave his hand and remove his scale.


Raniel silently let his arms go limp.

Raniel turned his head and looked around. Remnants of a collapsed castle wall. The corpses of knights who died after being cut down by Kuntel. The meat pieces left over from the crustacean.

Wherever you look, there are only corpses.


Galahal called her name quietly.

Raniel does not answer the call. Gritting her teeth, she walked towards the knights trapped in the rubble. To save the knights who are still alive.

“Rania, rest. here is···.”

“Let go.”


“It’s okay, let it go.”

Galahal frowned.

Blood continues to flow from Raniel’s gaping shoulder. If he does not receive emergency treatment immediately, he may die from excessive bleeding.

This is the moment when Galahal, who decided that he had to stop by force, tried to grab Raniel’s arm. Before that, Raniel’s body collapsed.


Just before she fell to the ground, Galahal picked Rania up. Her limp body was as hot as a piece of red-hot iron.


“Treatment is over.”

“···Are you okay?”

“I just exhausted my mana to the bottom. “I don’t know how on earth you roll your body or how you put this much stress on your body.”

Sarah sighed.

“I poured out as much sacred magic as I could, so it will wake up fine in just one day.”

“The shoulders…”


Sarah interrupted Galahal.

“I’m not called a saint for nothing, am I?”

Even if the arm is torn off, it can be easily put back together as long as the cross section is clean. She added, pointing to Rania who had lost her mind.

“In the first place, I don’t think this injury is the problem.”

“yes? “What is that…”


Sarah narrowed her eyes.

“It’s Raniel, right?”


Galahal was silent.

Sarah sighed and stroked her hair. She glanced at Rania lying on her bed with mixed eyes.

“It’s no use trying to fool around. “You know this, and Raniel is the only one who has such a terrible thing in his heart in the first place.”

Sarada, who was once in charge of Raniel’s treatment.

Since he was the one who regularly suppressed the curse that Raniel had in his body, there was no way he could not have noticed.

“I thought it was impossible.”

Sarah let out a laugh.

“Now that it’s like this, it’s worth hiding your identity. This is ridiculous. “This is why you acted like you knew everything about Kyle…”

Sarah, who was muttering to herself, soon let out a long sigh. This is because I wonder if there is any point in talking to someone who has fainted.

‘This is why he throws such a fit when I hear him hit his tail.’

After knowing the facts, everything makes sense.

The fact that she reacted so strongly to me, and the fact that she looked at me like she was looking at a bug… all made sense if the girl in front of me was Raniel.

‘I wish I could at least start a rumor.’

Sarah clicked her tongue and said, “Tsk.”

Sara now even feels pity for Raniel, who is still fighting and fighting on his own even though he has reached that point.

‘A dying body, not much life left.’

We are using it up on the bloody battlefield.

Sarah couldn’t understand what on earth was driving that wizard to such an extent.

‘I don’t even want to understand in the first place.’

This is why Remia gave up.

It was Raniel that the noble elf had in mind before Kyle, but Remia eventually fell out of love with Raniel’s lofty ideals.

“What a pathetic man.”

Sighing, Sarah placed her palm on Rania’s chest. Her starlight blooms, and the curse that was strangling Rania’s heart subsides a little.


“Yes, Sarah.”

“I don’t plan on spreading rumors, and I don’t want to pretend to know anything, so I’ll just pretend I didn’t hear it.”

I don’t want to be tangled up with Raniel anymore.

Sarah said that as if drawing a line and smiled mischievously at Galahal.

“What good would it be to get involved with a colleague? It just gets soggy for no reason. “I hate messy relationships.”

“Then for Raniel…”

“They say he didn’t notice and just took a double bath before leaving. “In that arrogant wizard’s head, I’m probably just a fanatic, so you wouldn’t even suspect that, right?”

“You can just come up with a decent excuse,” Sarah muttered, waving her hand.

“I didn’t see anything, I didn’t recognize anything. “I don’t even plan on telling Kyle.”

“···Is that so.”

“What should I do by increasing my years of experience?”

Even if Raniel doesn’t have the will to do that, I don’t know if Kyle will either. Kyle is already interested in that girl. It may not happen, but even if it is just a possibility, we cannot ignore it.

‘What if it increases further?’

If you have more friends with the huge advantage of being friends from your hometown, the situation will only become more tiring.

Two women next to Kyle are enough.

Adding one more thing will only prolong the unsatisfactory night. With that thought in mind, Sarah turned her head one last time and glanced at Raniel.


It’s still the same, you.

Sighing and laughing, Sarah walked away. Because she had more critical patients left.

Immortal Kariot.

Naturally, a power that escapes providence, such as immortality, cannot be achieved without any cost.

I would have to cling to that undignified man for 37 hours. Sarah let out a long sigh, already feeling her annoyance rising.


It was only after a full day had passed since the incident that I was able to open my eyes. If you come out with a heavy body, you will see knights clearing away the debris.

“Ah, Miss Rania.”

The knights’ eyes on me changed slightly, but I didn’t have time to worry about that. How many people died and how serious was the damage? I asked a few questions and got some answers.

The damage was not light.

It is said that the number of knights was reduced to a minimum by blocking Kuntel, but it seems that more knights than expected were swept away.

I looked at the hole the crustacean had dug into. The hole extended from Kateron Castle to a distant plain.

‘The undead came by underground waterways, and the crustaceans came by digging into the ground.’

The area around Kateron Castle is lined with traps, including several layers of barriers and interception spells. Even if it was a crustacean, there was no way it could break through all the spells.

It was probably cut down by an undead wearing Uncle Kuntel’s skin. Whether it’s a barrier or a trap, it’s difficult to have any meaning in front of a swordsman.


I let out a long sigh.

That’s right. Really, it was damn right.

‘What on earth is the purpose?’

I couldn’t figure out why he came here alone and what his purpose was. In the end, the apostate did not appear until the end. I had no idea what that f*cking lunatic was planning.

As I was sighing and ruffling my hair, a knight approached me.

“This is what the knight commander told me to deliver to Lady Rania…”

What he brought with him was a knife.

I frowned. This was a sword held by an undead. A sword that looks surprisingly similar to the sword used by Uncle Kuntel when he was alive.

“It was nearby.”

“Why are you doing this to me?”

“Commander Heinkel said it was right for Lady Rania to keep it.”

I nodded slowly and accepted the knife.

The knife I received was quite heavy. The blade, which had not become dull even in the melee, flashed sharply under the sunlight.

* * *

Two days have passed since the attack.

The next two days were busy with cleaning up, and I spent the time participating in the work of re-engraving the broken barriers and trap circuits of Kateron Castle.

“Wow, I lived and died. really.”

On the second day, Cariot stood up from his hospital bed.

The payment made in advance for 37 seconds of high-speed playback will be received over 37 hours. In the past, I had seen several high-ranking priests cling to me and heal me… but it seems there was no need for that this time.

“Do you think I’m going to die?”

Because there was a saint by his side who could do what even hundreds of people, let alone dozens of high priests, could do. Sara’s eyes widened as she stood next to Kariot.

“How long have you been dead? Really, how long has it been since I used my divine power this much…”

“well. “If I were to guess, I probably died 50 more times…”

“For 37 seconds?”

“Because the opponent is the opponent.”

Sarah shook her head as if she was fed up.

I glanced at Sarah in silence. I was told that it was Sarah who healed me when I was lying down. Galahal said Sarah didn’t know my identity…

‘There’s no way I wouldn’t know.’

There is no way Sarah doesn’t know about the curse that has settled in my heart. Because it was Sarah who once treated me. Sarah seemed to be aware of my gaze and turned her head to look at me.

“What are you looking at so intently?”

“Thank you for treating me.”

“therapy? “Me?”

Sarah snorted.

“You just kept pouring holy water? “What can I do using sacred arts on an atheist?”

Are you crazy?

I sighed and shook my head. Well, it’s not like her arm was torn off, it’s just that she got cut with a knife. It shouldn’t be difficult for that bitch.

“Okay, thank you anyway. “The holy water must be expensive.”

“I just need to know.”

I waved my hand to shake Sarah off and stood in front of Cariot. Kariot, who had received plenty of Sarah’s sacred arts, even looked healthier than a few days ago.

“Are you feeling okay?”

“I’m fine. “Thanks to our saintly lady.”

Cariot tapped the saint’s shoulder and turned her head to look at me.

“The ordeal continues. “Because I came here to challenge that.”

He said with a bright smile.

“I think it will work now.”

That was right.

That night, Cariot passed the ordeal of the Holy Grail.

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