I Quit the Hero’s Party Chapter 271

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〈 Episode 271 〉 The Holy Knight does not believe in God (1)

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Galahal is by no means a strong warrior.

Not only Kyle, but Galahal is weaker than Destel, who summoned ‘Berger the Cut’, who was called the strongest warrior before Kyle, through the Holy Clothes.

‘I’m not sure when my lifespan was used up…’

The Galahal I remember had a strength slightly below that of a superhuman. However, in this case, there was nothing unfair about Galahal.

“The fact that you are evaluated as lower than a superhuman is partly due to the fact that you have a poor comparison target.”

“Is that so?”

“The subjects of comparison were Kelhalm, Draka, and Uncle Kuntel… It was along those lines.”

The madman, Kelhalm.

Sword Demon, Draka.

Kuntel, the last heir of the Valley of the Sword.

The superhumans that Galahal was compared to were such people. Naturally, superhumans like those three couldn’t be common. They are superhumans who have lived for at least several decades, and at most over a hundred years.

‘Not to mention Uncle Kuntel who withstood the sword of death…’

Kelhalm has a record of delivering a blow against Skebal, the Wizard’s natural enemy, using the Wizard’s method.

‘Draka is…’

About ten years ago, when Draka was in his prime, he even recorded a draw in a head-to-head match with Uncle Kuntel. It is said that in his later years, when his body was damaged by overuse, he did not have the sharpness he had back then…

In any case, regardless of his personality, it was clear that his skills ranked at the top among superhumans.

“The level of superhumans of our generation is exceptionally high. “Uncle Kuntel was almost the strongest of all superhumans.”

If we go back to ancient times and calculate, there is one person who was the strongest superman and warrior… but if that person is left out of the discussion, Uncle Kuntel was a swordsman who could be called the strongest.

This means that if we look at eras other than ancient times, there is no other era where the level of superhumans was this high.

“If you fight against kids who have just become superhumans or have been superhumans less than ten years ago… you would win, right?”

“You think highly of me.”

“I’m not overestimating. Even if you become a superhuman, your growth limit will eventually be broken… and your physical abilities will only increase slightly. “What happens after that is probably important.”

I let out a short breath.

Because what I’m going to say from now on is the main point.

“So, even if I were to use the Holy Grail to turn someone into a superhuman, it would be difficult to completely replace you. “Know that.”

It is nearly impossible to replace Galahal, both from a brute force perspective and from a symbolic perspective. Only after Chloe becomes a hero will we see that possibility.

“···Is that so.”

Galahal laughed bitterly.

“The more I hear about it, the more I want to be on the battlefield. Should we ask the Knight Commander to delay his retirement? “At least a year…”

“Leave it alone.”

I shook my head.

“Uncle Heinkel is a person who makes a decision once he makes it. Also, I think it would be good for you to retire.”

I narrowed my eyes and shot Galahal.

“If you stay, I will destroy your lifespan.”

“I can’t deny it.”


I sighed.

Galahal seemed to have some lingering regret. She seemed particularly worried about her empty seat.

“If it doesn’t work out, I plan on stepping forward, so don’t take it that seriously.”


“Once the kids reach a certain level, I plan to go to the battlefield again. “I’m staying in Aplia because it still needs a lot of my help.”

Two years from now.

Once the children started to fight in earnest, I planned to head to the battlefield from then on.

“But Raniel, you also have time left…”

“Don’t worry. Because it’s a little more than you. Well, I’ll end the gloomy story here.”

I said, “Clap,” and clapped.

“So, is there anything else you’re curious about?”

“I’m curious about something…?”

“Well, what did I do after retirement… or the story of the students I am raising at Aplia. Something like that. “You can ask me anything.”

Galahal touched his chin at my words.

“Well, actually there is one.”

He nodded, asking me to tell him.

Galahal hesitated and looked at me. He looked like he wasn’t sure if it was okay to ask this.

“Actually,” he said.


“I should have asked this question at the beginning, but since the atmosphere was tense, I postponed the question.”


“Can I really ask you anything?”

“Ask me?”

What on earth are you asking for by asking this question?


“huh. What?”

Just as my patience reached its limit, Galahal stretched out his hand and pointed at me.

“What happened to that body?”


‘Such nonsense…’



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I wondered why I didn’t ask.

I slowly raised my hand and wiped my eyes.


I said as if sighing.

“There are so many circumstances here…”

I wanted to just say one sentence and move on, but looking at Galahal’s subtle expression… it seemed difficult to get over it easily. For a while, I had to tell Galahal the story in detail.


“As expected, that’s what happened.”

After hearing the explanation, Galahal nodded.

Raniel was blushing and lowering his head. Explaining the changes in gender and body to others was shameful, even if it meant putting a face to it.

‘Why are you listening so seriously?’

Even more so, if the other person is a former colleague with a serious personality who doesn’t even know it’s a joke. During the conversation, Galahal often asked questions, all of which were difficult to answer.

And, the questions don’t stop even after the story ends.

There is no sign of it ending at all.

“You must have been through a lot. Isn’t it difficult to adapt to your body? Well, I think there must be some difficulties that I don’t know about. For example···.”

The example is needlessly realistic.

Unable to bear it anymore, Raniel screamed and stretched out his hand to cover Galahal’s mouth.

“stop. “Stop asking…!”

Since the other person was so serious, Raniel also had to answer seriously… but it wasn’t a very worthwhile thing to do. Because it was a problem she had never faced before.

I understand that you are worried, but it is excessive.

“I know you’re asking because you’re worried, but stop asking. “Why are you worrying about something I’ve never even thought about?”

“Isn’t it strange that you don’t worry when your friend suddenly shows up like that?”

“Well… I understand, so stop asking.”

“If that’s you, then what…”

After the story was concluded, Galahal and Raniel headed to where the knight commander was staying.

“I told Uncle Heinkel in advance. “I have received the Holy Grail and plan to use it on my candidate.”

“You mean the candidate?”

“uh. “Of the people who saw the wall, they selected those who were mentally sound.”

There are not many of them.

From what Raniel heard, there were no more than three people. Because most of them faced the wall and went crazy or had their bodies broken.

“To be honest, I don’t expect a superhuman to emerge.”

Holy Grail (??).

Although it is a miraculous relic, Raniel knows that it is not a simple tool. Because if you put a person facing a wall into the Holy Grail, a superhuman doesn’t pop out.

‘Even Kalt had to go through such an ordeal.’

Kalt, who survived the disaster three times and ultimately caused significant damage to it, was the closest person to being a superhuman.

We had already faced the wall, and there was only one step left to overcome. It is said that he is a person who could become a superman even if he was not the Holy Grail.

Even Kalt had to use nearly four chances to pass the Holy Grail’s trials.

“The ordeal of this Holy Grail is not easy.”

“Is it similar to the Trial of the Hero?”

“In essence, it’s similar. However, if you just listen to the explanation, it may seem more difficult than that.”


Galahal nodded slowly.

“You said candidates were gathering in Kateron Castle, right?”

“yes. Since there are only three of us… someone you or I know could also come.”

“I think the odds of that happening are high.”

Seeing a wall means that the person has reached a certain level. Since he would have made a name for himself on the battlefield, there was a high probability that someone he knew would come.

With such light thoughts, Raniel headed to Kateron Castle, where the candidates were gathered…

“I was waiting.”

There, you encounter a completely unexpected person.

“I was expecting you to come. Who else would come but you? Even if that sympathetic wizard came, the situation would still be quite interesting, but…!”

Pink hair like a wh*re.

Cloudy, green-colored eyes reminiscent of moss-covered river stones. The great sage of the first generation said, “He is a shallow person with no trace of fundamentals.”

Saint Sarah.

Raniel’s expression turned sour in an instant as he faced the confidently smiling saint in front of him. Cold sweat ran down Galahal’s spine as he stood next to Raniel.

“Hey, Rania. Calm down…”

This is the moment when Galahal hurriedly tries to grab Raniel.

It was a little faster for Raniel to reach out his hand than for Galahal to grab Raniel’s shoulder.

“Well, today is different… AAAAAAAAA!”

Raniel ripped Sarah’s hair.


“I came here because I had some business to do??! Do you know that I was the one who wanted to come here? Really, I was afraid that someone might not be the pupil of a virgin wizard, so I just started shaking my head and looking at him…!”

Sarah grunted and combed her tangled hair. Raniel, who was watching this with wide eyes, had prominent veins on his forehead.

“Then why did you come?”

“You said you were going to use that Holy Grail this time? So, of course, the Church of Delohim came to keep an eye on us. That’s a sacred object, right? “It’s also an ancient relic!”

Sarah touched my chest.

The curved robe was engraved with a pattern symbolizing the Delohim Church.

“The Delohim Church has the right and obligation to manage and supervise sacred relics. And, if it’s an ancient relic, then of course it has to be supervised directly by someone of that level.”

“How dare you?”

“Are you asking because you don’t know?”

Sara snorted in response to Raniel’s question.

“She is a saint of the Delohim Church who has been blessed by Delohim and has sworn to love only Delohim.”

Aside from that, you whisper love to Kyle every night, you little wh*re.

Swallowing the curses welling up in his throat, Raniel glanced at the knight commander. It was a look that demanded an explanation. The knight commander handed the document to Raniel, sweating coldly in the bloody atmosphere.

“I didn’t come just for the director. “Because among the candidates visiting here today, there is one who was produced by the Delohim Church.”

Raniel frowned heavily.

“···There is a candidate from the Church of Delohim?”

Among the cowards who save themselves on every important battlefield and only cry out to God when it is really dangerous… is there a candidate who has seen the wall?

For Raniel, this was unbelievable.

After receiving the document, Raniel hurriedly looked at its contents. There were three candidates, and the candidate mentioned by the knight commander was introduced in the first chapter.

Immortality, Kariot.

Raniel tilted his head after confirming the name.


Raniel said, pointing to a document with the name Kariot written on it.

“Isn’t this man a paladin branded as an apostate by the Delohim Church?”

Immortal Kariot.

Originally, the nickname given to Kariot was not immortal.

As far as Raniel remembers, the nickname given to that middle-aged knight was ‘insult’.

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