I Quit the Hero’s Party Chapter 262

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〈 Episode 262 〉 It’s not a blessing, it’s a curse (3)

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Eastern 3rd Front, Haprion.

The front line in charge of the vulgar Destel.

Of course, until Rania came here, she had no intention of heading there. There was nothing good about being involved and it would only make me feel dirty.

“Eastern 3rd Front, Haprion. I think that’s the right place.”

However, now he is clearly talking about the front line that Destel is in charge of. why?

‘I don’t know, shit…’

Rania muttered a curse under her breath.

Once she said it out loud, she couldn’t even understand why she said it. Just looking at her cancer, it wasn’t a rational choice.

It is not a rational, rational choice.

It was just an emotional choice.


Galahal respected Rania’s choice by remaining silent. The knight commander also glanced at Rania with a questioning gaze, but did not say anything more.

Anyway, everyone has their own thoughts.

It was as if he thought so.

Although Rania is grateful for the consideration, she feels a little uncomfortable. The reason is that she can make anything, but it’s not very refreshing. Because she herself understands that this is a choice she made emotionally.

Rania hates Destel.

Not just to the point of dislike, but to the point of almost disgust.

It’s not just Destel. Rania hated all those who made similar choices to Destel. People like Sword Demon and Draka.

‘Those who take sacrifice lightly.’


‘Those bastards who survive because of someone else’s sacrifice and cry out that that sacrifice is worthless.’

Rania hates such people deep in her bones.

Rania was pathologically reluctant to see someone’s sacrifice becoming worthless.

So, he must have been like that back then too.

“Move. “I’ll go.”

The ending of La Tenile Guardian Battle.

The title of servile given to Destel.

After hearing the full story of the incident, Raniel, who was lying in a hospital bed, put on his robe and headed to the battlefield. He did so, dragging his body that could not move very well.

“It’s dangerous, Gray Wizard.”

“The place has already been occupied, and the operation to recapture it will take place later…”

Overcoming the knights who tried to dissuade him, Raniel headed to the occupied Castle Nile. In this way, he single-handedly broke through the demons of the apostates who remained there, and eventually succeeded in recapturing the Old Castle of Latte Nile.

It is said that the crustacean had already left and the number of renegades remaining there was small, but Raniel’s physical condition at the time was also not normal. In the end, Raniel had to suffer serious injuries again.

It wasn’t a rational choice.

It wouldn’t be too late to slowly build up a unit and set up a strategy to recapture it. But Raniel didn’t do that. He pushed ahead with the operation even when he was completely devastated.

“Did you say it was worthless, Destel?”

Because I had to show it.

“Yeah, maybe it’s worthless. We are only humans in the face of disaster, and the battle line maintained by the whims of disaster may be meaningless. “Maybe so.”

Because I had to show it.

“But that doesn’t mean the sacrifice was meaningless.”

“I will save you. “The knights who bought time by not running away just to save you, Galahal’s colleagues who were in charge of the battlefield you fled from, and those who died there.”

“Their sacrifice was not worthless.”

Countless, countless sacrifices.

“Because you are standing here. After all, they succeeded in saving you.”

Abandoned lives.

“Do you know who made it worthless?”

That their sacrifice was not worthless.

Raniel had to show.

Raniel grabbed Destel by the collar and raised his voice.

“It’s you, you bastard.”

Thinking back to the past, Rania frowned.

There are some parts where I feel like I’m disgusting. One of them was the act of making others’ sacrifices worthless.

It can be frustrating.

You can despair in front of a blocked wall.

However, you must not give up in the end.

If your life is sustained by sacrificing the lives of others… you must not give up no matter what. That is Rania’s belief, and it is something of a vice.

‘If you give up, if you run away, everything becomes worthless.’

It’s an evil that was instilled in me when I was young.

Rania clearly remembers when her hometown burned down. This happened at the time when the Holy Knights from the Delohim Church pushed demonic beasts into the village and burned the entire village.

They attempted to stop the demonic beast by abandoning one village.

But the paladins failed.

The flames could not burn all the demon beasts, and when the surviving demon beasts appeared beyond the flames, the paladins fled. Rania clearly saw them running away from the flames.

“Run away!”

“The operation is a failure, step back further.”

“Throw it away!”

A village that is burning down.

Villagers reduced to ashes.



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Breathing blocked by the intense heat.

And, the paladins fleeing beyond the haze.

Death thus became meaningless.

Rania will never forget the scene that was engraved in her eyes at the time. Because she never forgot, Rania despised all actions that made light of sacrifice. She truly hated it.


Rania clicked her tongue briefly.

Galahar watched this in silence.


Let’s talk about the details after we get rid of the fatigue from the trip. It was the moment I left the office, leaving behind the knight commander who had said that.

“Do you want to embarrass Destel?”

Suddenly, Galahal asked me a question.

I briefly snapped my fingers. Galahal and I were enveloped in bluish mana. This was to prevent the voice from leaking out.

Chloe, who was walking behind, just tilted her head and didn’t feel anything wrong. I confirmed it and answered Galahal’s question as a question.

“What are you talking about?”

“It is exactly as I said. Do you want Destel to be humiliated?”

Although the sentence seemed like a sermon at first glance, Galahal’s tone was even. As if the intention was just to ask, nothing more or less.

“···Why do you ask that?”

“It wasn’t a rational choice. And, Rania, you seem to think so too.”

I kept my mouth shut.

Galahal did not remain silent.

“I don’t think it was meant to be humiliating. “I don’t think it’s my intention to repay the insult Raniel received… I just don’t like it, do I?”


“That’s Destel’s way.”

I glanced at Galahal.

Galahal smiled bitterly and continued.

“Do you know why Destel came to be called a vulture?”

“I know.”

“Then, I guess you know what I did that day.”

Of course I know.

I nodded slightly.

“···You mean you beat Destel until he died?”

“haha. I guess the rumors were exaggerated. “I actually punched her in the face two or three times.”

“I think there are enough fans.”

“Yes, I acted too emotionally at that time.”

It was emotional, Galahal said.

“It’s not that I don’t understand Destel’s feelings at the time. That’s what I feel every time. “I wonder if everything is worthless, and does my existence have any meaning?”

It was a voice full of bitterness.

“However, I couldn’t bear to say that in front of the knights. I didn’t like it. “I guess I should just say that I didn’t like it.”

“…Because the life thrown away becomes worthless.”

“yes. “The knights who lost their lives at that time felt like the deaths of my comrades were an insult.”

“I understand.”

I nodded.

I just didn’t like it. I wanted to say that that was wrong, that wasn’t right. Even if I could understand the same method as Destel, I didn’t want to do it.


This is stubbornness and is nothing more than a trick.

“It’s a hit.”

“I’m also stubborn.”


“I think it’s the stubbornness a hero needs.”

It is a stubbornness that someone must have.

I glanced at Chloe in silence.

If Chloe becomes a hero.

What if I stand on the battlefield in the future?

I wanted to become a warrior closer to Galahal than to Destel. So, it may be that Destel chose the place to stay.


“···The choice is yours.”

I patted Chloe on the head.

Ultimately, it was up to you to choose what kind of being you would become. Chloe just looked at me with her eyes wide open.

“Professor Rania?”


“Do you have anything to say?”


While thinking about what to say, I spoke quietly.

“Let’s do our best, let’s do our best.”


The night was deep.

Chloe tossed and turned because she couldn’t sleep. Right now, I’m staying in Kateron Castle today, but there’s no way I’ll be staying here tomorrow either.

Starting tomorrow, we will have to go to battle.

Although I was prepared, it was inevitable that my bed would be disturbed. Chloe eventually got out of bed and walked out of the room. The hallways of the old castle were quiet.

Chloe walked down the hallway with the intention of going for a walk.

Although she encountered knights from time to time, the knights who knew that Chloe was a guest only lightly warned her about places she should not go and did not send Chloe back to her room.

Chloe continued walking.

Then, without hesitation, I went up the stairs.

The watchtower of Kateron Castle and its panoramic view come into view. Chloe let out a long sigh as she glanced at the burning torches under the night sky.


“The view is good here.”

“Kyaaaaah… Eup!”

As soon as she sighed, a voice came from behind her, causing Chloe to scream in horror. The screams didn’t last long. Because a mysterious entity covered Chloe’s mouth.

“Eup, eup…!”

“If someone sees it, they’ll think it’s being eaten. What kind of bastard in Kateron Castle would mess with the knight commander’s guest? don’t worry. He’s not that brave. “In fact, it’s the opposite.”

“Uh, uhm…?”

The mysterious being lowered the hand that covered Chloe’s mouth. Then he took off his hood, which he had been wearing deeply. The man’s gray hair swayed under the moon.


“Hey, it’s been a while. “There’s no one who comes from outside and doesn’t call me ‘Bigul’.”

Destel burst out laughing and took a step back.

“I heard someone went up to the watchtower I was managing, so I looked and saw who it was, and it turned out that he was a candidate for the next hero. “What’s happening here this late at night?”

“···Well, my thoughts aren’t organized well.”

“Did you say you haven’t even been apprenticed yet?”

“Yes, I haven’t been through the test yet…”

“It’s definitely complicated. “When I first came to the battlefield, I had a hard time sleeping at night.”

Huh, Destel let out a short breath.

“Did you say her name was Chloe?”

“Yes, Destel.”

“I heard a rumor. “I guess it’s Seongryu(??), but anyway, you have a unique constitution. You are also born with that type.”

“The type you were born with…?”

“uh. A natural type.”

Destel rested his chin and looked down at the watchtower.

Underneath the watchtower, knights standing guard were walking around holding torches. Destel continued, pointing at them.

“They are people who have to accept someone else’s sacrifice and continue to survive. “If you don’t have the courage to die, until you die.”


“Even if you don’t like it, you will find out. “Because that’s the blessing you received.”

It was a tired voice.

Destel, who was looking down, turned his head. Soon, Destel dragged a chair from the watchtower and placed it in front of Chloe.

“Shall we talk for a moment?”

The impression is quite different from the person I saw during the day.

Chloe thought for a moment, then nodded.

“I have no intention of saying a lot of negative things to you, who is just becoming a warrior. It’s wonderful to be just and ideal. “It would be better if it comes with strength.”

Destel said, leaning against the watchtower.

“That’s just what I want to say.”

He raised his finger.

Tick, tidik, and the starlight blinked at his fingertips. It is a soft starlight… different from Chloe’s brilliant starlight.

“This starlight is not just a blessing.”

He blurted out.

“It’s a curse, not a blessing. This.”

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