I Quit the Hero’s Party Chapter 185

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EP.185 Omen (4)

   After a commotion broke out in the lobby, an old man soon entered the top floor of the magic tower. 

   “Woah, it’s here!”

   “Good work.”

   “Yes, yes. Then have a good time…!”

   The wizard who guided the old man to the top floor looked at the old man and bowed at a ninety degree angle, which was very embarrassing for the black magic tower lord.

   ‘How on earth?’

   Until the moment he sent the message from the lobby, he was a wizard who had been saying things like, ‘What should I do with that old man who is talking nonsense?’ In a moment, the wizard is bowing his head in front of the old man. For some reason, he looks scared.

   ···What kind of harmony did you do?

   As I was looking at the old man with such a questioning gaze, the old man spoke harshly.

   “A kid who wasn’t even 50 years old, let alone 100, was talking nonsense without knowing the topic. It seemed like etiquette training was needed, so I did it for him. “Do you have any complaints?”

   A tone of voice that seems to state the obvious.

   Yetual immediately sensed that tone of voice.

   ‘You’re a crazy old man.’

   He seems to be an acquaintance of the gray wizard. Yetu Al shook his head. If you have a long conversation with people who are not in their right mind, you will be the one losing out.

   “···Thank you. So, are you a guest of the Gray Wizard?”

   “If that were an invitation, it would be an invitation. “It was so noisy that I couldn’t ignore it.”

   While answering the question, the old man walked, and his gait was unusual. He looks like an old man well past his 60th birthday, but his movements are like those of a young man.


   This is the moment when the old man takes another step. Yetual unconsciously doubted his own eyes. This was because the person who had just been an old man was now standing in front of him looking middle-aged.

   “It’s Cardi. “This might be more familiar to you.”

   The wrinkles of the old man are smoothed out. 

   The once-white hair is starting to turn black at times. The middle-aged person who appeared like that was someone Yetual also knew.

   “…Aren’t you the owner of the store in the back alley?”

   “yes. “It’s a spherical face.”

   A middle-aged man who sold high-quality magic tools in a back alley.

   And, he is the person who arranged a meeting with Belnoa by informing him of a ‘specific location’.

   “Did you say you were looking for a disciple?”

   “Then, go to the place where the remnants of the twilight remain. “There’s probably one useful kid running around.”

   There Yetual found Belnoa and Chloe.

   At the time, I thought it was just a coincidence… but now that I think about it, there were a lot of strange details. Yetual’s eyes narrowed.

   “What exactly are you?”

   “I don’t think that’s important right now.”

   The middle-aged man takes another step forward, ignoring Yetual’s words. As he passed by Kalt, who was wary of him, the middle-aged man’s appearance changed once again. This time, in the form of a younger man.

   Gray hair and long ears.

   Yellow-gold eyes like those of a beast.

   Is that the original appearance? I still didn’t know. From old to middle-aged, from middle-aged to young again. Yetual laughed as he looked at the person whose race had now changed and had become an elf.


   Anyway, he is a unique person.

   There seemed to be no words that could describe the elf in front of me as well as the gray wizard’s words. Yetual gave up trying to understand the person in front of him anymore.

   “Well, if you need any tools, please let me know. “I think I can prepare some of the ingredients.”

   What can you do when you are caught among monsters?

   I just hope this storm passes quietly.

   Yetual quite sincerely hoped so.


   “…It was worth calling in a hurry.”

   Cardi muttered this after checking Rania’s condition on the bed. He turned his head and looked at Kalt standing next to him.

   “It looks like you brought this guy here, so I’ll just ask.”

   Cardi continued with her arms crossed.

   “■■. ■■. ■■. ■■ lost its ■■. “Is there a language you can understand?”

   “···doesn’t exist.”

   “Then I guess it didn’t appear in front of me. Was there something nearby? “Like an altar or a medium.”

   Kalt shook his head and took something out of his pocket. 

   “There was nothing but a black crystal ball that looked like this. “My senior took out the magic tool that I thought had disappeared in the expansion circuit ‘in a certain way.’”

   “Something must have jumped between the heart and the magic tool.”

   “···Yes, it is as you said.”

   “Would you like to give it to me?”

   Kalt handed the crystal ball to Cardi.

   Cardi turned the crystal ball around and clicked her tongue briefly. The expression became grimly distorted.

   “You screwed it up. “It was a trap from the beginning.”


   “Where did this crystal ball come from? Did you bring it? “Did you push in front of this guy?”

   “Tap,” Cardi’s fingers made a loud noise. Kalt reflexively put his hands on his waist. I could feel the life captured in the elf’s gaze.

   “Say it. “Before I doubt any more.”

   “···The Hound brought it. They say it was found in an underground waterway. “It appeared overnight.”

   “That guy must be the culprit.”

   ···A criminal?

   “This is a magic tool created from the beginning to target this guy. “The purpose couldn’t be clearer.”



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   Cardi said, touching the crystal ball.

   “This is a magic tool that has the property of stimulating nearby ■■. “It stimulated the contaminant elements lodged in this guy’s heart and temporarily overloaded it.”

   Klik, Kkiririk.

   The circuit is still spinning making a loud noise. Cardi continued his explanation while glancing at the circuit engraved on Rania’s chest.

   “However, this is probably not the true function of the magic tool. With a structure like this… it would be something that attracts, not stimulates. “The role is to attract and collect.”

   “···That means.”

   “It means that it is a magic tool that has been repurposed to attack this guy.”

   Kalt closed his mouth.

   So does this mean that he delivered a trap that was designed to kill you?

   “Looking at your expression, it seems like you understand the situation.”

   “So, what should I do?”

   “Actually, this guy won’t be a big problem.”

   Cardi flapped the robe she was wearing.

   He took out five or six test tubes from a pouch on his belt and held them between his fingers.

   “It looks like they managed to take emergency measures even though the inside was completely destroyed. I overloaded the circuit and increased the speed. “It will be hard on his body, but if we leave him like this, he will come to his senses in about 10 days.”

   This is not something I would do in my right mind.

   He mumbled and shook his head.

   “I’ll just have to do what I can…”

   Pop, he unscrews the cap.

   Then, dexterously, he held the test tube with both hands and began mixing the drugs. He continued, shaking the test tube between his index and middle fingers.

   “All we can do is give it a neutralizer and help it recover from its shattered body.” 

   Even if the magic tower lord rushed at me, I didn’t notice it.

   “Moreover, if the overload of the circuit continues for a long time, all the organs will be cooked, so we need to find a solution for that. “Simply shortening the time with a neutralizer won’t be enough.”

   Kalt lost his breath at the sight of the elf accurately assessing the situation and coming up with a countermeasure. He was an extraordinary person. Perhaps even more so than his own predecessor.

   “There’s the magic tower owner.”

   The elf who was mixing the medicine turned his head. The animal-like yellow eyes turned towards the Black Tower Master. Black Top Lord, who had been watching Cardi mix her medication, was shocked and her shoulders shook.


   “cooling water. Heat resistance stone. Intermediate or higher resistance stone. Potions useful for replenishing magical power. “Bring whatever you have.”

   Cardi pointed at Rania with his chin.

   “This guy will pay all the money. “Shouldn’t we just keep him alive and see?”

   “···Let’s do that.”

   Yetual nodded obediently, unable to say, ‘Who are you to give me orders?’ He immediately began contacting each level of the Magic Tower.

   “And a hunting dog.”

   “I’m listening.”

   “This guy’s condition will improve over time. The problem is, what kind of incident would be necessary to push this guy into a trap?”

   Cardi’s eyes were sharp.

   “The opponent knows the identity of the Gray Wizard. ■■ I also know about this guy, which only a very few people know about. However, the main goal is not to kill the Gray Wizard.”


   “The aim is different.”

   He said.

   “Exclusion of the gray wizard. This is just a condition. And now that condition has been fulfilled.”


   “Something happens. “I don’t know what it is, but it means something is happening that has a higher priority than the removal of the Gray Wizard.”

   Kalt also understood what was being said.

   He took out a magic tool from his belt. Cardi’s eyes narrowed as she looked at the magic tool that Kalt had taken out. All magic tools were broken.

   “…I guess it’s already too late.”

   That’s the moment Cardi muttered.


   The magic tower shook. The windows of the Magic Tower shook, and the scenery of the royal capital outside the window shook greatly, even if only for a moment. An aftershock swept through the royal capital.

   This is not the aftermath of targeting the Magic Tower.

   The place where the aftermath began was not the Magic Tower.

   Cardi, who was shaking the test tube, Kalt, who was trying to establish communication while holding a magic tool, and Yetual, who was contacting the hierarchy to procure supplies, everyone stopped their actions for an instant.

   Stopping, they look out the window.

   “···What is that?”

   Yetual is perplexed.


   Kalt gritted his teeth.


   Cardi frowned silently.

   All their eyes are focused on one place.

   Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak.

   It’s a huge twist.

   Even from a distance, it looks as if space itself is distorted. Sludge flows down from the distorted space.

   center of torsion.

   It wasn’t difficult to guess its location.

   “···Aplia Academy.”

   Aplia was covered in darkness.


   The stars shine brightly.

   Because it shines, it creates a shadow.

   The bigger the light, the bigger the shadow becomes.

   “Aplia is the cradle of stars.”

   It is a phrase used to describe the capital’s best magic academy, but it is not a simple modifier. In fact, there are many people in Aplia who are related to stars. They are people with talents that only appear once in hundreds of years.

   “A place where stars gather.”

   Starlight and starlight resonate.

   Resonance creates even greater light.

   “”so that.””

   If there is a place where you need shade.

   “『It must be here.』”

   There is a magician who has longed for shade his entire life.

   He stands at the center of the cradle of stars. He stretches his hands towards the sky. He reveals his true self as he looks towards where the stars will be.

   Pop, pop, pop.

   The human bones become distorted.

   The body falls apart and the skin tears.

   The one who tore through the human skin and revealed himself was an ancient lich shrouded in black fog.

   “iced coffee.”

   He opens his arms and looks at the sky.

   A black crystal ball rises into the air between the thin ribs. It is the result of a lifetime of research. Looking at it, the ancient lich recites a spell.


   The crystal ball resonates with the crystal ball.

   The crystal spheres placed in various parts of Aplia begin to resonate. At their center are three crystal spheres.

   One is for a child loved by the stars.

   Two, to the child chosen by the stars.

   Three, to those who read the context of the stars.

   The crystal spheres near those blessed by the star shine brightly. It stimulates the starlight they have. A huge starlight floods in that engulfs the black crystal ball.


   The loved one.

   『More, more!』

   The chosen one.

   『More, more brilliant light!』

   The one watching.

   『Light, more brilliant light!』

   The three star lights resonate.

   Waves of light flood. The platinum-colored starlight soars endlessly. The providence that forms the foundation of this world begins to reveal itself.


   Where light follows, shadows also appear.

   Squeak, squeak. Geek.

   A shadow is cast beneath the light.

   『Please come.』

   It is a being that escapes providence.

   It is a being that should not be understood.

   It is a being that cannot be understood.

   It is something that should not exist.

   It is a being that fundamentally denies providence.

   『My king.』

   It is a part of a demon who has lost the right to be king.

   The shadow is a sphere, the sphere is in the shape of a hand, and the hand extends towards the light again. Because it is a being born to devour light, it craves light.


   Grabbing the starlight, swallowing it up, pulling it down. To the mire, to a bottom darker than darkness. He begins to pull the star down to the same place as himself.

   Boom, boom. Coooooo!

   Light explodes. The shadow swallows the explosion.

   Light leaks out from the shadows again.

   Light and shadow begin to mix together.

   “AA AA AA!”

   The ancient lich is amazed at the arrival of the king. Laughter filled with joy rings out. Where shadow and light mix, there is truth.

   The shadow will devour the medium of light.

   The medium of light will become the medium of shadow.

   An event that has been repeated many times in history is recreated here. It has been repeated several times in history, but each time it fails, it leads to success. That is your role.

   Gradually, suddenly.

   The ancient lich Skevall moves his fingers.

   In an instant, crystal balls float one after another over Aplia, which is enveloped in darkness. It uses shadow as a medium to create a barrier that traps Aplia.

   There should be no intruders.

   Even the gray wizard was successful in dealing with it.

   The plan was perfect and there were no variables.

   “You’re not an apostate this time.”

   No, maybe one.

   “It’s a shame.”

   Darkness has arrived in Aplia.

   A man walks across Aplia, where everyone is immersed in nightmares and filled with silence. Straight towards disaster. Without hesitation.

   One step, another step. 

   Skebal turned his head back at the sound of footsteps getting closer.


   A mere human was standing there. 

   The human is straightening his back and raising his head to look at the king. Skebal’s dark eyes flashed at that arrogant appearance.

   『Bow your head, it is in front of him.』

   “That can’t be possible.”

   『A mere human…』

   “Because I am only human.”

   He stops walking.

   “Because I decided to live as a human, because I swore to my hometown that was reduced to ashes that day a hundred years ago.”

   He rubs the back of his neck.

   The sound of something being loose is heard.

   “Because I endured my eternal life to keep that oath.”

   A human being who has lived in madness for a hundred years.

   “I judge right here and now.”

   The madman, Kelhalm.

   “Now is the moment to keep your oath.”

   A madman and an ancient lich face each other.

   A moment of silence.

   Immediately after, dozens of circuits lit up simultaneously, as if breaking the silence.

   In an instant, the completed circuit emits light. Blue mana and muddy black mana mix together.


   A loud noise hit Aplia.

   A word from the author (author review)

It was packed generously!

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