I Quit the Hero’s Party Chapter 161

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EP.161 Fall, new semester (4)

   There is a wizard named Rania Van Trias.

   Her name began to become known early this year, on a spring day when cherry blossoms were in full bloom.

   “Adopted son of the Trias family.”

   “Lord Rossel’s second disciple.”

   From the beginning, he is different from other wizards. She makes her name known to the world as the adopted daughter of the famous Roselle Van Trias. The world pays attention to her. She has a line of nobles eager to meet her. Reporters wanting to cover the story desperately cried out her name.

   However, she never revealed herself.

   Roselle van Trias was also silent.

   Time passes without anyone seeing her.

   So, when there were only rumors and unfounded speculations about her… she showed herself for the first time. None other than a professor at Aplia Academy.

   Attention is drawn.

   Attention is focused on her.

   And, amidst that interest, the incident occurred.

   Less than a month after taking office as a professor at Aplia Academy, she is assigned private classes. Many magicians are questioning the unprecedented treatment. They complain that it is tarnishing the name of the world of horsemanship, where performance should come first.

   Dean Aaron answers that question.

   He boldly opened Aplia’s door.

   「Public lecture.」

   And, a lecture of just over an hour will be held to dispel all doubts. When the lecture ended, no one doubted her qualifications.

   “Her classes were elegant and full of grace. No matter what wizard was there… even if the gray wizard came, the lecture would have been given a standing ovation. It was a lecture well worth it.”

   “It was beautiful. “It was an infinitely beautiful lecture.”

   “The ultimate in magic. The essence of enlightenment.”

   Numerous articles are pouring in.

   Praise from all kinds of magicians for the one-hour-long lecture adorns the newspapers. It was the moment when the impression of Rania van Trias was formed in the world.

   An elegant, dignified, and mysterious woman.

   A professor who teaches more perfect classes than anyone else.

   ···However, that is only a perception from the ‘outside’. A slightly different story pours out from the mouths of Aplia’s students who lived with her every day.


   This girl, who grew up dreaming only by reading newspapers full of exaggerations, has no way of knowing that fact. The girl gulped, swallowed her dry saliva and lifted her head.

   ‘This is a cafe run by a top-notch alchemist…’


   Today, the girl who took her first steps into Aplia raised her head and looked inside the cafe. This is also a cafe I saw in the newspaper. It is a cafe located inside Aplia… and is said to be enjoyed by Professor Grania.

   ‘The rumor was true…’

   As Chloe thought such nonsense, she glanced in the direction where the protagonist of the rumor was standing.

   “Two drinks of what I always drink.”

   “This isn’t a bar or anything…”

   “Hey, what’s between us? Um, I would like something I always eat and also cake. Allen.”


   A store owner smiling embarrassingly and a professor with gray hair who is kind to the store owner come into view.

   ‘Professor Rania.’

   Chloe looked at Rania intently.

   This is a person I pictured in my head several times while reading the newspaper. You can’t tell how happy he was when he was told that Professor Lee would be in charge of his education.

   ‘···The person I really wanted to meet.’

   It must have been like that.

   Until a few days ago.

   “What are you looking at like that? “What’s strange?”

   “Oh, it’s nothing.”

   While the long-awaited meeting had come true, Chloe could not help but be happy. The reason is simple. That’s because in just a few days, she has become her own person.

   I flinch.

   Every time Rania took a step, Chloe’s shoulders trembled. Rania laughed bitterly at that sight.

   “Is it still like that from last time? “I was mistaken back then.”

   “Ah, ahaha…”

   She clicks and sits down next to me. 

   He then taps Chloe’s shoulder and jokes. Chloe couldn’t even make eye contact and just stared at the table.

   “Do you really think I’m going to beat you?”

   I think so. Very much.

   Although it was said as a joke, it didn’t sound like a joke to Chloe’s ears. Chloe’s complexion turned pale.

   ‘Run away. Run away. Run away?’

   The stars sing of despair.

   Cold sweat runs down my spine.

   Is it because that image stands out so much? Rania continued speaking in a slightly soft voice.

   “You don’t need to be so nervous.”


   “I just came here today to talk. “I have to teach you from now on, so I thought it would be convenient to know this and that.”


   Chloe’s guard softens slightly due to the soft beauty. Chloe hesitantly nodded her head. Rania smiled her eyes and continued her words.

   “If you read that much newspaper, you must have also read about this cafe, right?”

   “Yes, Professor Rania visits often…”

   “The coffee here tastes really good. Once you drink it, you’ll remember it forever. Do you want to drink too?”



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   Rania held out a coffee cup.

   Chloe makes eye contact with Rania. Because she was sitting by the window, the sunlight streaming in illuminated the two of them. Rania’s gray hair sparkles in the warm sunlight.

   Silky gray hair flowing down.

   Lake-like bluish eyes and pure white skin.

   It’s an appearance that attracts attention whenever you see it. It seems like a very good-natured person who relaxes boundaries. It is similar to what is commonly said to be an impression of trust. Chloe nodded without thinking.


   Chloe accepted the coffee cup offered by Rania.

   I can feel the warmth running through my palms.

   “Let’s drink and talk.”

   Rania puts her coffee cup to her mouth first.

   It’s an elegant touch. It is an elegant gesture. Chloe looked at that figure blankly, as if possessed by something.

   ‘···An appearance that can rival that of an elf.’

   At first glance, an article I saw in a newspaper comes to mind.

   As she encounters it in reality and the things in the article turn out to be false one by one… Chloe is convinced that the praise for her looks is real.


   The coffee was delicious.

   Savoring the fragrant scent of coffee, Chloe relaxes. She thinks that in some way she may have been prejudiced.

   ‘I don’t have to run away…?’

   Even the stars are silent in the face of pure favor.

   Chloe sipped her coffee without realizing what was hidden on the back of the favor.

   “Is it delicious?”

   “Yes, yes…”

   …Maybe I’m a better person than I thought?

   The first impression was the worst, but wasn’t he so kind? Maybe I was bad at deciding everything based on first impressions.

   “Come on, eat this too.”

   Chloe relaxes as she looks at the cake in front of her.

   So easy.


   ‘If anyone saw it, they’d think they were really trying to eat it.’

   I smiled bitterly and sipped my coffee.

   Why was he so scared? It felt like the first time I met Lark. I couldn’t understand why everyone who met me behaved that way.

   ‘It’s not like I approached you with bad intentions.’

   I only approach them out of pure goodwill and for their growth. Feeling afraid of that… It was quite sad for me.

   But that’s all a thing of the past.

   ‘Because I realize it now.’

   The teacher said that no matter how good your intentions are, you should not just expect the other person to understand your sincerity.

   “That’s why it has to be packaged.”

   “Constantly think about how you will appear to others. Pamper yourself to look better. Be careful when choosing language.”

   “That is the ‘basic’.”

   Let your opponent let down his guard.

   So that the other person listens to what I say.

   To recognize me as a ‘good person’.

   “Anyway, I’m telling you to try your best. “Raniel.”

   Try hard. Master said so.

   If you’re following that advice, it may seem like you’re cheating, but whatever. It’s not like I’m doing anything bad.

   ‘I’m just telling the kids to do well.’

   So I paid some attention.

   As you can see the effect…

   “I think I was a little nervous.”


   “Yes, I think I misunderstood just based on first impressions… I’m sorry.”

   “This can be happen. “How about coffee?”

   “The coffee is really delicious! “It’s the same with cake…”

   “Okay, eat slowly.”

   It was quite excellent.

   I nodded with a soft smile.

   ‘As expected, there is nothing wrong with what Master said.’

   The tension was relieved.

   The prey voluntarily exposed the nape of its neck. There was no reason not to aim for it. I gathered mana into my fingertips. Just so little that it’s not noticeable.

   ‘The quality to be given is… control.’

   This is a method that my teacher used on me in the past.

   ‘You did it this way, I guess?’

   Tracing back memories of that time, I held the mana in my fingers. Then he quickly touched the back of Chloe’s neck.


   Chloe frowned.

   She covered the back of my head and looked around. However, there is no way there is something around. I said calmly, sipping my coffee.

   “what’s the matter?”

   “No, maybe I was bitten by an insect…”

   She muttered, rubbing the back of my neck.

   I observed her reaction in silence. Mana was injected to temporarily block the flow. With this, I planned to figure out her qualities.

   Talent and qualities as a wizard.

   There are different opinions about it, but the most basic thing is mana. How much mana is innate? How well is the passageway for circulating mana?

   The way to judge it is simple.

   All you have to do is forcefully block it once.

   It was a tool that could only be used when the difference between the magician’s skills was enormous… but no matter how much of a warrior he was, this child was still a beginner who had just entered the magic world.

   ‘There’s nothing I can’t deal with, even a beginner.’

   “Umm, ummm…”

   Chloe sighed.

   She pressed my chest tightly, as if something was pressing on my stomach. Her brows narrowed.


   I narrow my eyes and check the flow of mana flowing through her body. I figured out the overall picture focusing on the part I was blocking.


   My eyes narrowed a little more.

   It was beyond my imagination. The passages throughout the body are clean. It has a perfect shape.

   ‘The blessing of the stars is definitely good.’

   A miracle from heaven resides in the human body. Indeed, there was no doubt that this child was a hero. The passage is like a perfect work of art.

   The passage is perfect.

   What was left was the total amount of mana.

   I saw my mana blocking a corner of the passage. Gray mana is blocking the passage. However, that doesn’t last long either.

   Tick, tidik.

   The gray color is fading away.

   Like a dam cracking, a stream of platinum-colored water leaks out through the crumbling gray. The water stream becomes thicker little by little.


   The platinum-colored mana swallows up my mana. It is something that cannot be expressed in mana. It’s starlight. Starlight flows through this girl’s body.

   “Um, uhm.”

   Chloe let out a short breath as if she felt refreshed. I cracked her fingers as I looked at her.

   There is definitely talent.

   The qualities are also outstanding.

   So how far will it reach?

   How long can you last?

   ‘I’m curious.’

   This is something that needs to be clearly addressed. If you know the limitations, you will be able to operate more efficiently… and learn.

   “Cluck, kek!”

   “are you okay?”

   Chloe, whose mana was blocked, cleared her throat.

   I pretended to pat her on the back and blocked Mana a little harder.

   “Did you eat it too hastily? “I’m a little upset…”

   “So, eat slowly.”

   Chloe pretended to gag.

   Yet, it steadily clears the blocked passage. I stuck my tongue out at the process that took place unconsciously.

   ‘Can you hold on to this?’

   Then this.

   “Kek, kehek!”

   ···Can you hold on to this too?

   “Cough, ugh…”

   I repeated the experiment until Chloe was limp on the table. The results of the experiment were significant. Indeed, this child’s qualities were beyond what I imagined.

   ‘If this is enough…’

   It’s okay to go a little rougher than planned.

   I patted Chloe on the back and said.

   “Are you okay?”

   “Yeah… I think it’s okay now. “Thank you for the pat on the back…”

   Recovery is also fast.

   “If it’s hard to talk about it now, should we do it again later?”

   “···may I?”

   “Yes, because today is not the only day.”

   I said with a bright smile.

   “We’ll see each other often from now on, so it’s okay. See you again.”

   “Professor Rania…”

   Chloe looked at me with a slightly moved look. I didn’t feel any need to correct that illusion. I waved his hand and saw Chloe off.

   He was a child with a promising future.

   Very much.


   “Professor Rania, you were very kind. You seem so kind. “I think I misunderstood.”

   “Are you crazy?”

   Belnoir looked at Chloe with a shocked expression.

   Chloe tilted her head as if she didn’t understand.

   “···Are you crazy? suddenly?”

   “Or even hallucination magic… No, there’s no way that kind of spell would work on you…”

   “···What’s wrong with you all of a sudden?”

   Chloe glanced at Belnoir with a suspicious look. She didn’t know why Belnoa did that.

   “You also bought me a cake. “They even packed some bread for me to eat when I go to the dormitory.”

   “···Professor Rania?”


   “You haven’t met someone else, have you?”

   “That’s because I said no.”

   Chloe shook her head, chewing on her bread.

   Belnoir, his childhood friend, was sometimes too suspicious. This is Belnoa, who rarely trusts people. Since Belnoa had been like this more than once, Chloe listened to Belnoa with one ear and let it go with the other.

   “Anyway, I heard you’re dueling.”

   “···It happened that way.”

   “Your opponent is Prince Lark?”

   “It’s a bit awkward when you call me Confucius, but it’s him.”

   A battle for the chief of the combat magic department.

   It is a duel that heats up Aplia. Even while sitting in the lobby of the Central Academic Building and talking, several students were glancing at Belnoa.

   “···You don’t like that kind of thing, do you?”

   Chloe tilted her head and asked a question.

   The Belnoir she knew didn’t really like formal duels like this. Even when she became a disciple of the Black Magic Tower, she had several mock battles with the wizards of the Black Magic Tower… but Belnoa used to take those mock battles nervously.

   There is nothing practical about it.

   It’s just a formal battle.

   This kind of thing doesn’t suit you.

   This is Belnoa, who was grumbling in front of Chloe.

   “…I don’t like it.”

   “By the way.”

   So, Chloe was a little puzzled about the current situation. She pointed to Belnoa’s hand. More precisely, the shadow dagger he was preparing earlier.

   “Why are you preparing so hard?”

   “I think I have to work hard.”

   “They said they didn’t like it.”

   “Still, it’s polite to him.”

   Chloe smiled at the answer.

   “···I guess we’re pretty close?”


   “Can you introduce me later?”

   “Think about it.”

   It seems that this childhood friend who had no social skills has made a new friend. Chloe smiled brightly at that fact.

   It was a story about the night two days before the duel.

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