I Got a Fake Job at the Academy Chapter 695

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Episode 695: The Temple of Chaos (1)

Black waves spread in all directions.

Ambella Burke, who was fighting with Priestess Sophia, clicked her tongue as she saw the wolves approaching very close.

I thought it would be okay because the Cryptid army that had stopped was rising again, but it wasn’t like that at all when I saw them baring their teeth in this direction.

“I couldn’t feel this secure when I was an ally, but when I face an enemy, it’s even more terrifying.”

Ambella swung her sword and cut down dozens of wolves with a single blow.

Sophia also shot out countless spears of light and eliminated the wolves.

Due to the sudden invasion of Cryptids, the two reached a tacit agreement.

If we fight among ourselves here, we’ll both die, so let’s deal with that first.

But Sophia soon turned her head to one side and flew away with wings of light.

“Hey you bastard! “Are you going alone?”

Ambella, who was left behind, opened one eye and shouted, but her voice did not reach the person who was already far away.

“Holy shit.”

Ambella swung her sword wide and created a large clearing around her.

Everything caught in it, including the wolf, was torn apart.

“I guess it’s hard to get away with this.”

The cryptids have already surrounded themselves.

Ambella knows that there will be no end to how much they kill.

He will probably be the one to die if he continues this endless war of attrition.

Ambella took off the mask on her face, took out a cigar and put it in her mouth.

I sighed as I realized belatedly that I had no means of lighting the fire.

“ha. “I thought I’d at least hit one on the way to the end.”

The wolves, who had been wary of Ambella for a moment, rushed at the same time as if they had shouted a signal to each other.

Damn it.

Ambella puffed out the cigar in her mouth and held the sword with both hands.

“Why don’t you come and check it out!”

You will definitely be defeated. But no fool gives up the fight just because he knows that.

At that moment, when I promised myself that I would struggle until the end, the pack of wolves burst into flames and a series of large explosions occurred.

“This. Magic cannon?”

A blue meteor rained from the sky and swept away a pack of wolves.

Ambella’s eyes turned to the sky.

A large battleship appeared beyond the dark clouds.

“I’m here to save you!”

On the ship were Monarch mercenaries and Dream School wizards.

They moored the boat above Ambella’s head and dropped anchor.

Churrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! thud!

Ambella grumbled as she looked at the anchor that had fallen next to her.

“I told you to leave it if you didn’t know it, but you came to rescue me.”

Even though he said that, his face was full of a smile that couldn’t be hidden.

The flames emitted from the magic cannon swept away the cryptids.

When Ambella boarded the anchor, the Golden Monarch confirmed this and raised the anchor line.

The Cryptids who saw the anchor rising thought they were missing their prey and rushed at Ambella through the fire of the magic cannon.

Fortunately, the teeth of the stampeding wolves did not reach the anchor.

Ambella looked down at the flames and clicked her tongue.

“damn. “If you had enough fire like this, you wouldn’t have thrown away the last cigarette.”

Ambella, who boarded the Golden Monarch safely, expressed gratitude to the people who saved her.

“thanks. Thanks to you, I survived. Besides, where is their leader? “That bold little girl.”

“Captain, you are currently fighting the enemy.”

Ambella realized from the determination in the vice-captain’s voice that Caroline was not fighting an ordinary opponent.


Ambella naturally treated the mercenary group and stood at the center of the ship.

“What are you doing? “It’s not moving.”

“yes? What are you trying to do… … .”

“What do you do?”

Ambella responded as if she was asking something obvious.

“You guys have to go find the leader.”

No one reacted negatively or was surprised by those words.

Rather, there was a subtle, yet glimmering light in their eyes, as if they had hoped that someone would say these words.

It seemed like Caroline had been ordered not to get involved in the fight.

“You bastards. do not worry. “If that bold little girl insists on it, she’ll say I did it.”

“thank you.”

“What is gratitude? “I owe you my life, so I have to pay it back with this.”

Ambella took a bite of a cigar, as was her habit, and realized she had smoked it all.

At that time, the vice-captain of the mercenaries approached her and offered her a cigarette.

“Would you like one?”

Did you recognize it right away from the hand movements?

Ambella smiled and shook her head at that quick-witted look.

“no. it’s okay. “Why not give it a try now?”



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* * *


Surna stuck out her tongue after seeing the Galaharad Fortress take off.

“I had no idea it would become this spectacular.”

“I am rising with the power of God, so I should do at least this much.”

“But that too.”

Casey would be the only person here who doesn’t know how amazing the existence of God is.

As an apostle, Surna had served the gods and witnessed their power since the distant past, and Ludger saw the power of Noxanna in Dreamland, and even borrowed the power of the gods himself when fighting Patricio.

If it were the power of God, it would not be strange for a castle this large to be revealed entirely from the ground and made to float in the sky.

Above all, the divine power contained in the relic was not one.

Since the gods who contributed their power to create this world worked together to create it, the emergence of the castle now was only a small part of the power of the relic.


It was said that the rise of Galaharad Fortress was only the beginning.

“What on earth are you trying to do with this castle?”

Casey asked impatiently.

No matter how you look at what Ludger was trying to do, the scale of it was extraordinary.

So much so that I believe it will destroy the world.

‘I don’t think this man, who may seem cold on the outside but is soft on the inside, will destroy the world.’

Casey didn’t think Ludger was the devil who would destroy the world.

Rather, in her view, Salesin was closer to the devil.

A man who brainwashes people at will, bends them to his will, and covers the entire continent with phones.

It was very vicious that it was only for his own ambition and power.

That’s why I was even more curious about what Ludger was trying to do.

In order to fight against Salesin, this fortress flew up and was not of an ordinary scale.

But Casey’s worries did not last that long.


A huge shock that covers the entire Galaharad Fortress.

This was not the kind of tremor that occurs when a castle flies into the sky.

Rather, it was closer to something external hitting the flying castle.

A blow that could shake a castle this large.

“Who on earth would do something like this… … .”

Casey couldn’t finish his sentence.

Her cold, frozen expression clearly told me who the other person was.

A chill blew in from afar on the wind.

It was a very familiar coldness.


Casey could feel it instinctively.

Water and ice are, after all, just a little different.

Casey, who is sensitive to water, realized that what had pierced the castle was a huge iceberg.

“My sister is here.”

Marias Selmore.

She had been brainwashed by the church and ended up reaching the castle.

Casey was about to ask Ludger if it might be a good idea without realizing it.

It was Casey’s role to fight Marias.

Only she could stop Marias now.

Marias was a family member that Casey hated but loved.

“… … “I’ll go and see.”

“Casey! “I’ll go too!”

Casey stopped Betty from following her.

“Betty. “This fight is dangerous no matter how you are.”

“I’m Casey’s assistant!”

“okay. Jo Soo-ji. So, I hope you stay here and help others.”

Casey spoke calmly, but the usual playfulness was nowhere to be found in his voice.

Betty seemed to have felt it as well and bit her lip.

“… … all right. “I have to come back safely?”

“of course.”

Casey gave Ludger a last glance.

Okay then.

Ludger nodded slightly towards Casey.

There was no cheering to encourage them or even words of encouragement to fight together.

But strangely, with just that brief action, Casey felt his fear disappear.

“Then let’s go.”

* * *

“hmm. “It’s annoying.”

Marias, who defeated Velaruna and Vierano Dentis, continued to move.

There was no one to stop her as she radiated cold air.

Even the plants that Sedina had worked hard to improve were frozen like beautiful sculptures where Marias passed.

As Marias moved, he saw the Galaharad Fortress floating in the sky.

“It’s higher than I thought.”

Marias shook her head as if troubled.

However, contrary to her voice, ice began to gather around her and create something.

The ice that gathered together eventually took the shape of a large spear.

Marias naturally climbed onto the window.

“Then, let’s go meet my cute little sister.”

Marias snapped his fingers, and a spear was fired.

In fact, in terms of size, it was closer to a piece cut out of the peak of a rugged northern mountain range than to a spear.

A spear large enough to be called an iceberg was launched as if defying the laws of physics and reached Galaharad Fortress.


“Everyone avoid it!”

The priests and paladins of the Holy Kingdom who were flying after the Galaharad Fortress had to hastily retreat to avoid being caught in its trajectory.

An undisturbed iceberg pierced the fortress at an angle.

Marias quickly entered the castle and slowly walked down the ice.

Every time she took a step, a platform of ice appeared and disappeared in the air.

After landing inside Galaharad Fortress, Marias pondered where to move, but then changed her mind.

As if that side felt the presence of this side.

Marias also felt the presence of the other person.

“Oh my goodness.”

A satisfied smile appeared on her face.

Soon, a person arrived at the scene, leading huge waves with the fresh smell of water in the air.

“You meet in a place like this. Casey.”


Casey looked at Marias with complicated eyes.

To be exact, a pure white ring floating above her head.

“But it looks like you can have a normal conversation. “I thought you were going to act like a doll just because you were brainwashed.”

“Brainwashing? Of course I know.”

Marias responded as if it was no big deal and that she was aware that she had been brainwashed.

“what? “You know?”

“It seems that it is impossible to completely control the mind of someone who is a color wizard, no matter how much brainwashing he does.”

“But why… … .”

“The influence of domination is only small, but it cannot be said to be non-existent. “I am sober, but at the same time, I have no choice but to follow orders.”

In other words, Marias was acting like a puppet with a sober mind.

Casey clenched his fists.

Even though she didn’t get along well with her sister, she was still her family.

Casey felt endless anger at the fact that her sister was being manipulated by Salesin.

“Even if I tell you to stop here, you won’t quit, right?”

“It is correct to say that it cannot be done exactly that way.”

Marias’ voice was still relaxed and soft.

Rather, he even felt a sense of pride toward Casey, who had blocked him.

But regardless of those feelings, the solution Marias had to take was simple.

“Casey. As her older sister, I will warn you. “She’s going to have to give it her all.”

So so so so so.

A coldness formed around Marias and everything began to freeze.

“I don’t want to kill my brother with my own hands.”

“I didn’t stand in front of you with the intention of dying either, did I?”

A large wave rose around Casey and threatened to swallow Marias.

“huh. “I’m glad you’ve made up your mind.”

Marias smiled in satisfaction at Casey’s bold answer and instantly froze the waves.

The frozen waves stopped in place as if time had stopped.

Marias looked at the waves and snapped his fingers.


The ice waves changed. It was completely turned into ice and turned into a huge giant.

A giant holding a large ice halberd in one hand rushed towards Casey.

Soldiers made of water appeared around Casey and confronted the giant.

However, as soon as the soldiers touched the giant’s body, they froze from the cold.

It didn’t take long for the water soldier to turn to ice and turn his hostility towards Casey.

Casey trapped the ice soldiers rushing towards the station in a water prison and squeezed them out with enormous pressure.

The hexagonal molecular structure of ice changes into water when great pressure is applied.

Taking advantage of this, Casey tried to increase the amount of weapons he could wield by melting the soldiers again and replacing them with water.

But in the spreading cold, the water turned to ice faster.

‘It’s hard as expected!’

Casey blocked the flying ice spear with a curtain of water.

The ice spear-studded curtain froze, and in turn revealed its thorns towards Casey.

It wasn’t a very good feeling to witness your power being eroded by the other person’s in real time.

But I didn’t feel like I was going to lose for sure.

Is it thanks to Ludger’s advice? My head started tickling and I felt like I knew something.

But it didn’t give an answer right away. Casey needed time.

However, Marias, who had been brainwashed, seemed to have no intention of showing such mercy.

Icicles formed from the ceiling and fell towards Casey.

Casey, who was distracted for a moment, tried to move his body, but his ankle got caught in the ice.


I was so focused on enlightenment that I let my guard down. It shouldn’t have happened, but it was too late to realize it.

What Casey saw at that desperate moment.

Red flames had engulfed the icicle.


Casey looked back.

A being made of fire stood there as if protecting Casey.

Pascha, the spirit of fire.

When Ludger sent Casey away, he secretly attached it to her.

“really. “It hurts my pride.”

Casey grinned while muttering that.

I already received help, so I planned to make sure of it.


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