I Got a Fake Job at the Academy Chapter 676

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Episode 676: Those who penetrate, those who protect (4)

The aura on the knight’s sword flashed.

The swordplay performed by the Nightcrawler Knights made Alex’s eyes hurt.

‘this. It’s incredibly sophisticated and practical.’

The Nightcrawler Knights did not let down their guard against Alex.

They thoroughly assumed Alex to be stronger than themselves and had no hesitation in working together accordingly.

Usually, knights were full of pride, so they rarely gave up on it under any circumstances.

But the Nightcrawler Knights were different.

Unlike other knights, they were armed with rationality.

Even if there was only one enemy, he did not let down his guard and strictly performed his assigned role.

Attack, escape, defend, look for an opening.

There was no excessive attack, and perhaps because of that, there was no conflict with other colleagues.

‘The attack itself is so smooth.’

If you block one swordsman’s attack, three swords will come.

If you try to block or avoid it, another attack will come from somewhere else.

As I was being attacked so tightly, like a net that would not allow any gaps, even breathing felt uncomfortable.

‘But if you try to get rid of even one person, the person who attacked will notice and run away like a ghost.’

It’s as if he doesn’t want to be greedy anymore.

The entire knighthood was like a sophisticated machine.

The Knights of Nightcrawler were the cogs that operated that mechanism.

‘I think I know why the Nightcrawler Knights are a bother in the backworld.’

Stellar Siren exerts strong power in a special environment limited to the sea.

If Cold Steel adapts to the harsh environment and the combat power of individual knights is superior.

Nightcrawler’s greatest strength was cooperation.

A fighting method that is armed with rationality and restrains individual emotions solely for the sake of victory.

The fact that the knight carried out this was not only annoying but also horrifying to the person dealing with it.

It was natural for criminals in the underworld to fear the Knights of Nightcrawler.

Their punishment of evil was not due to a sense of justice or any duty, but was closer to labor, like harvesting ripe rice during the harvest season.

Of course, Alex wasn’t embarrassed by that.

‘I’ve already fought enough monsters without any will.’

Elven Kingdom Renard-Tirone.

The Wood Zombies summoned by Bentmin there were like that.

Wood zombies created based on the biological genes of past elf heroes stored in the World Tree were soldiers who were not afraid of death.

Compared to those guys, the Knights of Nightcrawler were quite impressive and threatening, but not to the point of being scary.

‘There is no way that there is no fear that humans should have.’

They are just trying hard to suppress it.

If you just take it out, the crack will spread in no time.

After thinking about it, Alex immediately put it into action.

First of all, a sword flying in front of your nose.

Alex flicked it away.

No matter how much it was thrown in check, it was a blow filled with aura.

The sight of Alex swatting it away like a fly proved that his skill level was far superior.

The knight, who was supposed to draw his sword with the usual repulsion force from striking it, frowned at the strange flow of power he suddenly felt.

‘The sword is being sucked in?’

The sword that lost control did not fly back, but rather changed direction and shot at another comrade.

Of course, this is something that cannot happen in the usual collaboration of the Night Crawler Knights.

Both the knight who stabbed the sword and the knight who almost suffered the attack were embarrassed.

It was Lloyd who stepped forward at that time.

He shouted as he blocked the knight’s sword.

“Don’t panic! “I cover the shortcomings!”

The partnership, which had almost collapsed at Lloyd’s shout, became stronger again.

Alex clicked his tongue inwardly.

As expected, there were people who moved separately in case such a crack occurred.

Like a lubricant that makes gears turn more precisely and prevents them from breaking down.

But Alex didn’t feel too sorry.

“On the contrary, this side would have been disappointed if it had collapsed due to such manipulation.”

Swords imbued with auras flew from a total of five directions towards Alex, who was spitting out sincerity mixed with jokes.

All of them are deadly blows aimed at Alex’s vital points.

Alex lightly spun around on the spot.

At the same time, the sword containing his gray aura rotated, drawing a large circle around it.

Aurors flying from five directions began to be sucked into the gray circle.

As if riding a fast current, the Aurors, drawn by a huge force of gravity, came together and shot in exactly one direction.

This is towards Lloyd, who is in charge of the role of lubricant.


Lloyd looked embarrassed behind his glasses, but raised the sword imbued with Aura to block the incoming Aura.


Lloyd’s body flew backwards with a huge impact.

It wasn’t just the combined attacks of five knights simultaneously, it was further strengthened by Alex.



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Even if Lloyd took on the role of Terrina’s lieutenant, it was a force that would be difficult to block.

Of course, Lloyd had a gap, and Alex tried to target Lloyd’s gap with his sword.


A great sword that approached very close by deceiving one’s own feelings.

As if he knew this would happen, Alex gently rotated the sword he was about to throw and swung it towards the great sword.

The trajectory was so natural that it seemed like it was aimed at this great sword from the beginning.


The sword imbued with aura collided and sparks flew.

The impact was so strong that even the Knights of Night Crawler took more than ten steps back.

The only person standing still was Alex.

And it was Terry or Ryan Howl who stood facing him.

“It would be a shame if the core power source of the mechanical device was missing.”

Alex said that while looking at Terina.

Lubricant that makes sophisticated mechanical devices and parts run.

More important than all that was the core, the power source that made the machine itself move.

“That swordsmanship.”

Terina, holding the Giant Killer, frowned when she saw Alex’s swordsmanship a moment ago.

Swordsmanship using the flow of power that Alex demonstrated.

It was clearly the Tempest used by Luthus Wardot.

“How on earth did you do it?”

“why. Are you excited that I’m using this? “You could have been taught by that guy.”

“It’s not something you can learn just because someone teaches you.”

“hmm. That’s right. In fact, he is not the type to teach his swordsmanship to others.”

Alex smiled mischievously, revealing his healthy teeth.

“So I just stole it.”

Before Terina could ask what that meant, her sword felt a strong pull, as if it was being pulled by something.

It’s a momentary, but minor change that can cause your posture to collapse.

Alex’s sword squeezed through the gap and aimed at her heart, but Terina skillfully regained control in the flow of power and swung the Giant Killer wide, shaking Alex off.

“How much do you think I have dealt with that swordsmanship? “I am fully aware of the destruction law.”

“That’s amazing. “It’s hard to believe that this much manpower can be overcome with simple force.”

Alex stabbed the floor with his sword.

It was just a light poking action, but the result was not like that.


The ground began to twist in a swirling shape, as if it were a twist.

All members of the Night Crawler Knights were staggered.

The plan was to create a gap here by destroying the terrain itself.


Terina raised the Giant Killer and swung it with all her might.

The great sword struck the ground as if splitting the world, and the enormous force split the earth in two.

The power of the vortex that Alex unleashed also suddenly stopped in the middle.

The ground cracked due to the huge impact, and fragments flew into the rainwater.

Terina’s eyes followed Alex’s figure.

‘does not exist?’

I couldn’t see him standing where he was supposed to be.

“Are you looking for me?”

The voice came from right behind me.

Alex, who had been hiding among the large ground debris flying in the air, appeared.

Terina quickly rotated her body and swung her sword, but nothing caught.

Only the precious fragments are cut off by the Giant Killer and disappear.

Terina’s gaze looked back, forth, left, and right, then turned upward.

Debris floating in the sky.

Alex stepped on the fragment as if defying gravity and was looking up in this direction.

Like a bat hanging from the ceiling.

Terina took a stance to swing her sword again, but her body stumbled slightly due to the collapsing ground.

‘Are you really aiming for this?’

In order to wield a greatsword like the Giant Killer, of course you needed strength to back it up.

In particular, in order to perform this type of swordsmanship, one had to firmly step on the ground with both legs.

Because the ground was now breaking and collapsing, Terina’s sword was not able to apply proper force.

That’s exactly what Alex was aiming for.

Now is the right time, as there is no chance for other knights to interfere due to the collapsing ground.

Alex’s movements, kicking away at the crumbling debris, were as free as a bird with wings.

Eventually, the moment Alex’s sword was aimed at Terina’s neck, a dagger flew from afar and struck Alex’s sword.


In the flames bouncing in the air, Alex saw a dagger flying away after being struck by a sword.

It was a dagger with a familiar design.

Alex’s eyes looked beyond the dagger at a woman glaring at him.

Enya and Alex’s gazes tangled in midair.

It was only a split second, but that gap was more than enough time for Terina.

Terina immediately took a stance and swung her sword again at Alex.

A sword of immense power.

The wind pressure from swinging the sword was enough to turn nearby fragments into powder and scatter them.

With the aurors mixed in, its power was like a natural disaster.

Of course, Alex had already created enough distance and retreated.

It was obvious that if the surprise attack failed, there would be a counterattack.

“Hmm. “It’s not good.”

Alex lightly dusted off the dust on his clothes.

I ended up wasting the opportunity I barely had in vain.

“You were distracted.”

“Well, it’s something that can’t be helped.”

Alex smiled and adjusted his sword.

This time, unlike before, I tried to compete from the front.

Terina frowned at that sight.

No matter how much you learned by stealing the Tempest, you’re going to go head-to-head with someone who holds the Giant Killer?

Terina’s doubts changed the moment she saw Alex’s weapon.

“Do you think only you possess the Gladius Arts?”

The appearance of the sword Alex was holding had changed.

The great sword that Terina is holding is identical in appearance to the Giant Killer.

And the posture that Alex took while holding the sword was the same as that of Terina.

It’s like looking into a mirror.

“To become a master penman, of course you have to use good tools.”

Gladius Arts.

[copy cat].

* * *

Pantos grabbed the harpoon.

The tendons on the forearm holding the handle of the harpoon sprouted like earthworms and wriggled.

Even though it was just like that, the surrounding atmosphere was shaking and rumbling.

It was natural that the water, which was up to my thighs, was shaking accordingly.

Stella Siren’s leader, Yohan, felt a chill run down his spine at the sight.

When was it? There was a time when I felt a similar sense of crisis.

When you were an immature 7-year-old child, when you jumped into the sea and encountered a huge great white shark?

Or when he flirted with Terina’s friend, Elisa Willow, and was hit with a 6th degree magic spell?

When you had a big fight with Director Luthers recently?

It was all a life-threatening event in Johan Okeas’ life.

A new thing has just been added to that risk list.


The sea splits.

Although it is a similar field created through aurors, its properties are similar to the sea.

Even though it was an environment that was truly an instinctive threat to the beast people, Pantos paid no heed.

The impact of his harpoon split the sea into left and right as if by a miracle.

Flying through the gap is a harpoon with a huge anchor chain attached.

However, Reinhardt, who was waiting, hit the flying harpoon instead.


The harpoon’s power was so strong that Reinhardt was pushed back even though he struck it with a sword full of aura.

It was Pantos who jumped high and caught the harpoon as it bounced into the air.

Pantos retrieved the harpoon and instead spun the anchor attached to the other side of the chain like a windmill and threw it at Johan.

It looks like a meteorite is falling.

“No, are they really beastmen?”

Yohan muttered in an incredulous voice and flew away to avoid the flying anchor.

* * *

Around the time the fight intensified in the first inspection city.

The remaining forces of the Holy Crusade passed the first checkpoint city and headed towards the citadel of Galaharad.

While the Imperial Knights took the time, I planned to finish off the Demon King as quickly as possible.

But they had no choice but to stop when they saw the huge tree in front of them.

“Why is this in front of the castle… … .”

A tree soaring high into the sky.

It resembled the World Tree that I had only heard about.


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