I Got a Fake Job at the Academy Chapter 611

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◈ Episode 611: God of Mechanical Devices (1)

From the two feet standing firmly on the ground to the tip of the head.

The god of mechanical devices lived up to his name, with his entire body covered in metal.

He gathered the surrounding metal together and wrapped it around his body like armor.

The armor didn’t look like it had been forced together from parts that didn’t fit together.

Rather, it boasted a smooth fuselage that made you wonder how that was possible.

A smooth, streamlined body with no visible cracks or misalignments.

Worn on the face was a round, smooth visor helmet.

It was a near-futuristic design that I had never seen before.


The steel cocoon surrounding my body spread out to the left and right.

The cocoon, which was divided into left and right halves, was again divided into halves up and down, taking the shape of a giant arm.

‘A mechanical arm?’

The mechanical arm with sharp fingers looked like a well-made model, like a sleek mannequin.

A mechanical god standing still in his seat, and four giant mechanical arms floating above his head.

The dark brown and golden mechanical god stared at Ludger.

The moment Ludger met the gaze felt through the invisible pitch black helmet, he felt pain rising in his head.

‘what… … .’


The headache came and went like a tide, along with the sound of my heart beating.

Ludger’s eyes fluttered for a moment.

‘The triple sealing technique lasted just a moment, but it shook violently.’

The moment you encounter the god of mechanical devices, the voice of god responds to it.

That means, that guy was really created using Relic… … It was safe to say that it possessed the majesty of a god, befitting its name.


Light was created above the head of the mechanical god and formed a ring.

Golden halo.

One of the four mechanical arms gathered around the halo moved.

A light movement with no warning or anything.

However, Ludger immersed himself in the shadows in an act that was almost instinctive.

Immediately after, a huge slash passed through the space where Ludger had disappeared.


The door to the passageway where Ludger entered was cracked and then completely shattered.

The result was too much to consider as a simple swing of an arm.


Mechanical devices were broken, hydraulic steam was spewing out from all over, and pure white smoke filled the surrounding area.

Ludger’s magic was fired, aiming at the God of Mechanical Devices from the obscured view.

A steel sword made of compressed high-mass metal.

The surrounding metal was scraped together, compressed to its maximum value, and then fired.

Although it is the size of an ordinary long sword, its weight must be measured in tons.

It was shot almost ejected under the influence of magnetic force.

It was an attack with tremendous physical power, but it did not work on the god of mechanical devices.

Another mechanical arm hovering above the head of the God of Mechanical Devices moved.

As the arm snapped its fingers, the flying sword suddenly stopped.

The mass accelerated and flew, but I could not feel any resistance or force at all as it stopped.

With a click of the finger again, the sword rotated halfway in place, changed direction, and shot out beyond the steam.

I thought I had defeated Ludger who attacked like this, but what came back was much more magic than that.

A pile of fire poured out of thin air.

As one of the mechanical arms raised its hand to stop the flames, ice sprouted from the floor and grabbed hold of the god of mechanism’s ankles.

One arm made a strange wave on its palm and then landed on the floor.

Then the floor became so hot that all the ice melted.


Huge rock bullets flew through the steam from both sides. The remaining two arms caught the flying rock with both hands and broke it with their grip.

At that moment, light arose.

The intense flash that was fired was stronger and thicker than when it first attacked.

Now that each of the four arms had an opening to block the magic, it was a deadly attack aimed at Shinro, the heart of the main body.

The God of Mechanical Devices took the attack while standing still.


The high-temperature laser penetrated his chest and began to push away the god of mechanical devices.

Even though the attack should have blown a hole in the original, the God of Mechanical Devices withstood the attack.

As I gave strength to my body, which was slowly starting to push, I stopped, stepped forward with my legs, and began to walk slowly forward.

One of the mechanical arms clenched its fist and shot out like a missile past the laser vapor.


A shock wave spread along with a huge noise, and all the surrounding water vapor was washed away.

The entrance to the central reactor was destroyed.

However, Ludger’s blood stains were nowhere to be seen.

“this. “Did he run away because he was so shocked by the majesty of the god?”

Nikolai shrugged as if he was happy to see that.



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The god of machinery turned to look at Nikolai.

Nikolai’s image was reflected above the inorganic helmet that showed no emotion at all.

However, he soon turned his head as if he was not interested, retrieved the mechanical arm he had pointed out, and floated to his seat.

The halo overhead became much clearer and larger than before.


As soon as the Halo’s light became stronger, the God of Mechanical Devices ascended to the sky at incredible speed.

A sight that should truly be called ascension.

Central Reactor’s ceiling did not stop the God of Mechanical Devices.

The god of machinery soared from the center of the island to the top with his bare body, and eventually soared high into the air on the third floor.

The destruction that occurred as it passed created an aftereffect.

Quaaaang! bang!

Explosions occurred everywhere, steam pipelines broke, steam spewed out, and all kinds of parts couldn’t withstand the pressure and flew out in all directions.

It was an instant that the administration of half of the area on the third floor of Isla Machina was paralyzed.

Steam was released throughout the underground waterway, and the manhole cover rose high into the sky.

A steam car passing by on the street was hit by it and broke in half or exploded.


Run away!

Ordinary citizens passing by were screaming and panicking, and the security police were at a loss as to what to do.

The God of Mechanical Devices, who created all those scenes, looked down at the chaotic scene while floating in the air, just like his name suggests.

At that moment, a large figure flew out and hurled a fist at the God of Mechanical Devices.


A mechanical arm that moved automatically blocked the fist.

… … ?

The God of Mechanical Devices stared at the man who attacked, Huiron, as if he were puzzled.

The moment Hwiron met that inorganic gaze, he felt a shiver run down his spine.


A smile that could not be hidden appeared on his lips.

“A very scary monster has appeared.”

The mechanical arm moved.

The moment I clenched my fist, the air around me vibrated.

Facing the enormous power contained within, Hwiron also clenched his fist and thrust it out as if facing it.


Force versus force colliding in the air.

The winner was a force made of machines.

Huiron’s large body fell like a meteor and crashed into the ground.

The solid ground was broken apart as if it had been cut by a huge rake.

Whiron was only able to stop after destroying several houses.

“Okay. It’s so hard and strong. “I never thought I would be defeated in a head-on confrontation.”

As Hwiron tried to get up, he looked down at the pain he felt in his right arm.

The fist that collided with had been shattered by the previous blow.

After seeing the broken bones and bleeding fist, Hwiron revealed his pure white teeth.

“Ah, this feeling of my muscles being torn. “It’s been a really long time.”

Shadows gathered next to Huiron, and Ludger suddenly rose from the floor.

“Hey, I’m surprised.”

“Is your arm okay?”

“Oh, you mean this? “If you apply some saliva on this, it will get better quickly.”

As if this wasn’t an exaggeration, Huiron actually applied his own saliva and placed it on the wound.

What was even more surprising was that the wound was healing at a truly remarkable rate.

“It is a method of quickly recovering from injuries by increasing metabolism to the limit and activating regenerative cells in the body.”

It was a very unreasonable magic, but Ludger decided to do it now.

Because the situation outside right now wasn’t very good to point this out.

“More than that, teacher, what is that guy outside?”

“This is an experiment created by Nikolai. “He called it the God of Mechanical Devices.”

“That’s a very arrogant name. Well, I think the fist is quite spicy.”

At that time, the mansion where the two people were talking was shaking and shaking.

It wasn’t just this building.

Everything in the surrounding area began to vibrate violently.

The two realized that this was the work of a mechanical god.

The moment I wondered what on earth they were going to do, the mansion where the two people were suddenly appeared in the air.


Hwiron let out an exclamation full of astonishment.

It wasn’t just the house where the two people stayed. All the surrounding buildings began to float into the air.

Most of the buildings on Isla Machina are made of metal.

In particular, from the third floor, which was considered middle class, the building itself contained much more iron than ordinary brick or concrete.

The god of machinery began manipulating all the metal in the surrounding area with his will.


“Do, run away!”

The house wasn’t the only thing floating in the air.

Everything made of metal began to float and rotate around the God of Mechanical Devices.

Broken down cars, destroyed pipes, giant transmission towers, etc.

It was an output you couldn’t believe even when you saw it with your own eyes.

“If we leave it like this, the entire island will collapse.”

“teacher. Still, wouldn’t it be possible for the two of us to buy time?”

“Let’s make it three.”

Then another voice intervened.

Ludger and Hwiron looked back to where the sound came from.

Loteron, who had taken off his mask, was standing on the window sill.

“ok? who are you?”

“That’s me. Loteron.”


Huiron was startled because it was his first time seeing the face behind Loteron’s mask.

“What a surprise! “I never would have guessed that Loteron wore a mask to hide his cat ears!”

“I don’t have cat ears, but I have tiger blood.”

“In the grand scheme of things, aren’t they both cats?”

“… … “Shouldn’t you be surprised that I’m a beastman?”

“Beast people? Well, that could happen. “I thought I covered my face because it was ugly.”

Hwiron was not surprised to learn that Loteron was a beastman.

At that bold response, Loteron relaxed his shoulders as if he was worried for no reason.

“It’s more of a problem than that. “What on earth is that monster?”

As I escaped from the New Magic Tower, I suddenly felt a huge wave of power nearby.

So, when I flew in at high speed, I saw a mechanical being floating in the air and lifting up all the metal around it.

Roteron caught the scent of Ludger and Whiron with the beastman’s sense of smell and came here, but he still didn’t understand what was going on.

Ludger briefly explained the situation to Loteron.

“God of machinery… … It’s truly an arrogant name. But just looking at the majesty he is showing now, I can understand.”

Just by simply existing still, the surrounding metals are sensitive and react.

I couldn’t imagine what would happen the moment that thing wielded its power properly.

It must be stopped.

The three people reached a dramatic compromise on the spot.

I don’t know where Nikolai ran away, but dealing with that thing was a priority.

Otherwise, Isla Machina could have been destroyed.

The moment the three people made up their minds, a huge force destroyed the house they were staying in.


One of the giant mechanical arms of the God of Mechanical Devices had come flying out.

Everything my fist touched, including steel and concrete, was pulverized.

It took only an instant for the house where the three people were staying to turn to dust.

However, the three people had already safely escaped outside.

“Let’s get together again!”

Whiron burst out laughing and rushed towards the God of Mechanical Devices.

Hwiron’s whole body was engulfed in blue magic, as if it were engulfed in flames.

Huiron’s form became blurred and turned into a giant arrow, shooting towards the God of Mechanical Devices.

The God of Mechanical Devices raised one of his mechanical arms and blocked Hyron’s attack.

“Tsk! “This won’t break through!”

When Huiron competed against the mechanical arm, another arm aimed at Huiron.

An arm with a sharp blade swung horizontally towards Hwiron’s waist.

An attack that is difficult for Hwiron, who is competing with one arm, to react to.

What stopped it instead was a translucent soul wearing armor.

The soul of a warrior whose size was comparable to that of Hyron blocked the arm swinging as if cutting into pieces with a shield as big as his own.

The God of Mechanical Devices tried to move the remaining two arms, but before he knew it, a large spirit appeared above his head and held onto both arms tightly.

It was Loteron’s magic.

It was only for a moment, but Ludger, who was looking for an opening, rushed towards the unmoving mechanical god.

‘Opponing with magic from a distance does not work due to the difference in output.’

If so, it ends close.

Ludger changed the shadows on both arms into the form of a beast and swung them towards the God of Mechanical Devices.

What you’re aiming for is the guy’s head.

The moment he was about to blow his head off, the God of Mechanical Devices turned to look at Ludger.


The moment the eye light flashed inside the visor helmet, Ludger was thrown far away by the huge impact.


Ludger, who had barely settled down, had doubts about the attack from earlier.

I did not understand how the attack, which took place without warning, occurred.

But there was no time to wonder about that.

The god of machinery moved his main hand for the first time and extended it towards Ludger.

Metal debris floating in the air rained down on Ludger like a meteorite.

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