I Got a Fake Job at the Academy Chapter 518

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◈ Episode 518: Unconscious Manifestation (1)

“Is that Hans?”

At Sedina’s words, Rudger took a closer look at the monster.

The monster was in the form of a mixture of several beasts.

One arm was huge enough to be enlarged, and at the same time, white hair was sparsely scattered all over the body covered with black fur.

The head was in the shape of a wolf, but with a red horn growing on one side of the head, it was somewhat unbalanced.

I didn’t know it when I saw it from a distance, but when I took apart the elements one by one, they were all familiar.

“… … It really was.”

I immediately understood why Hans had become the way he was.

From the middle layer of Dream Land, the unconscious in the inner human being influences.

To a normal person, such an unconscious would not have a dramatic effect, but Hans was different.

Hans has the factor of a beast.

Until now, I would have suppressed it with my reason, but it was useless in Dreamland.

The instincts of all kinds of beasts dwelling inside.

And what was most powerful than anything else was the wild nature of [The Monster of Jebodang].

Fortunately, it was that it hadn’t reached a serious level of runaway yet.

Every time the monster factor of Jebodang tried to seizure, white hairs sprouting all over Hans’ body were blocking it as if to suppress it.

The factor of the deer spirit that lived in the Kasar Basin was blocking the monster of Jebodang.

‘But that seems like a matter of time now.’

No matter how much Yeongsu’s power was, it couldn’t completely suppress the power of the monster of Jebodang, a being that had been distorted from birth.

Even now.

Perhaps because of being beaten by Ludgar, Hans’s body swelled up more and more.

“Stop, sir. Maybe good?”

If this continues, Hans will no longer be able to return to the past.

The moment it is completely swallowed up by wild nature, the existence of Hans will turn into the monster of Jebodang.

Sedina also felt it instinctively, so she found a way to Rudger.

Believing that Ludger, who had known Hans the longest, would know something.

“It is not that there is no way.”


“okay. Besides, it’s simpler than you think.”

It’s simpler than you think.

After all, Mr. Rudger has a way.

Sedina asked, feeling both relieved and amazed.

“What is that method?”

“You can lose.”

“… … yes?”

Sedina’s pupils narrowed slightly at the words contradicting the serious voice.

“The most effective way to subdue a rebellious beast is to show the power gap.”

Rudger stepped slowly towards Hans.

The power of the spirit and the power of the monster collided with each other, and Hans’ gaze, which had been in pain, turned to Ludger.


Hans, who became a monster, raised his guard by exposing his teeth at Ludger.

Originally, I should have jumped right in and bit it, but strangely, my body didn’t listen.

run away! run away!

The monster questioned the cry that came from somewhere inside his body.

run away? why me? Am I the beast that everyone in the world fears?

All of the least rationality was dotted with confidence that he was the best.

Of course, there was no option to run away.

All the more so if that opponent was the person who arrogantly kicked himself a moment ago.

Where do you say that you are afraid of that unscrupulous human being?

Beast instinct laughed at reason.

Telling you to shut up and just watch, the monster, who had lashed out at his own weak inner self, glared at Ludger with shiny red eyes.

The thought of crushing that tiny human who couldn’t even reach her own thighs made her happy for a while.


The monster couldn’t help but question.

The figure of Ludger approaching him gradually began to grow larger.

The monster, who looked up at his opponent before he knew it, was able to realize.

Rudger didn’t become huge. After that, the figure of something else huge was looking down at us, and I mistook that Ludger had grown up.

A benevolent face made of light looks down this way.

With countless golden arms attached behind his back.

Before long, the huge golden statue raised its hand.

Then, towards this side, I slowly let out that single shot.

Rudgar’s voice rang in the monster’s ears as the entire field of view turned golden.

“do not worry. I won’t kill you.”

* * *

The students who evacuated to a safe place got off the paper bird.

It was an island made up of wide plains.

The surroundings were open, so there seemed to be no chance of being attacked unexpectedly.



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The students who barely survived let out a sigh of relief.

Thanks to Julia, no one was hurt or killed.

Of course, it was Rudger’s help that everyone was safe.

“Mr. Rudger… … .”

“You sacrificed yourself to save us.”

In the minds of the students, the image of Ludger running towards the monster never left.

Ludger’s appearance against the giant monster with golden flames was even majestic.

The magic certainly looked amazing at first glance, but no matter how rude it was, there was no way it could stand against such a monster.

“You’re not dead, are you?”

“Don’t say anything insecure!”

Because the most trustworthy person had disappeared, the atmosphere quickly sank into a gloomy atmosphere.

Seeing this, Selina felt frustrated as if her heart would break.

She was no less shocked by Ludgar’s disappearance, too.

But the reason he didn’t show it was because he was the only adult the students could lean on.

‘If I show a weak side here, the students will have a harder time. Let’s do our best too.’

I repeated that to myself, but the worry that bubbled up in my heart did not disappear.

It was then that a lump of black cotton appeared in front of Selina’s eyes.


Esmeralda, the spirit of darkness, rubbed Selina’s cheek with her soft body as if cheering her up.

Seeing him struggling, Selina let out a small laugh.

“Thank you for your concern. It gave me strength.”

Esmeralda shuddered and disappeared again.

Strangely, it felt like Esmeralda helping herself was a bigger source of support than anything anyone else said.

‘Interesting. It’s like being healed from the depths of your soul.’

Besides, since this is Dreamland, other spirits cannot be summoned to come out, but Esmeralda appeared as naturally as she originally did.

‘Are all the spirits of darkness like that? I’ll have to ask Mr. Ludgar later.’

Selina didn’t think Rudgar was dead.

Clearly, the situation is serious.

But strangely, I was convinced that Rudger would not die under any circumstances and would be alive.

“Everyone pay attention! Now is not the time to be here!”

Selina encouraged the depressed students.

It must have been difficult alone, but it was surprisingly Julia Plumheart who helped Selina.

“Student Julia… … .”

“As long as I got help, I have to do something too.”

Julia said it was nothing, and brought out a trump card she had thought of to attract attention.

“Are you all going to sit around like that? Why don’t you start adjusting to this world at such a time?”

Adapting to this world

The students asked with eyes that it was possible.

“Listen. This is Dreamland. As much as the physical laws of reality do not work, the manifestation of magic is also different from reality. The same goes for the giant paper bird I made to carry you guys.”

The important thing here is your own imagination.

If you knew how to handle it properly, you could use magic that you couldn’t unfold in real life.

A place where even a three-year-old child can become a great wizard if he chooses.

Dreamland was such a place.

At those words, a spark lit up in the empty eyes of the students.

Even if the situation is hopeless, they are the ones who eventually walk the path of magic.

The topic of new magic in a new environment was a temptation that was hard to pass on to the students.

“Uh, then me too?”

“Is it really possible?”

The students were fascinated by Julia’s explanation.

There’s nothing more enchanting than being able to do things you can’t do in real life.

It didn’t seem like it would be easy to understand in words, so Julia gave a simple example.

“For example, to fly in the sky, you have to use flight magic. Or, it sprays mana or floats itself with telekinesis magic. But you don’t have to do that here.”


White wings spread behind Julia’s back.


The students shed admiration at the beautiful sight.

Julia, who originally had a mysterious atmosphere, became even more beautiful when she wore white wings.

“Did you see it?”

Julia said, stroking her wings with her hands.

She didn’t stop there, flapping her wings and even floating in the air.

“like this. In Dreamland, you can make wings and fly without floating magic.”

“I want to try it too!”

A curious student exclaimed excitedly.

“Wouldn’t that be easy?”

“I have to try it though!”

The male student closed his eyes tightly as if thinking of something in his head and exercised his imagination.

i am a bird i have wings

Then, to my surprise, a change took place.

“What is this!”

The student’s mouth turned into a yellow beak.

Efforts to make wings had turned colorless and in a strange direction.

Some students burst into laughter at the ridiculous appearance.

The heavy atmosphere was ventilated more lightly.

Julia shook her head.

“Just imagining it doesn’t make it easy. Did you subconsciously think of a bird? That’s why the characteristics of a bird are transferred to the body.”

“Uh, how are you going?”

“If you looked in the mirror a lot, you would remember your true self well, right?”

It was quite poignant, but helpful advice.

The male student with the beak of a bird happily touched his lips that had returned to their original state.

“it’s a shame. I thought it would.”

“If it were easier said than done, everyone would be free in Dreamland. Rather, it makes no sense for Mr. Rudger.”

Even with that golden statue.

Isn’t it far beyond the level that can be created simply by imagination?

It didn’t make sense no matter how many times she thought about it, but Julia decided to agree.

And at the same time, since Rudger showed such ability, he believed that he would be alive and not die.

He fell down with the Island Swallower, but strangely, if it was Rudger, he seemed to be fine.

‘Still, I can’t stand this situation for long.’

Julia looked up.

Now that I’ve come down quite a bit, if I keep going like this, I might reach the middle of the middle layer.

I thought it would be okay if I stayed still, but the reality was not so easy.

‘Just as soon as the old man’s voice stopped, the Island Devourer attacked us. That’s obviously strange.’

Island swallowers eat islands as their staple food.

In addition, it was known that it did not even show itself in the upper middle class.

It wasn’t enough that such a guy suddenly appeared, he was openly aiming for this.

I couldn’t erase the artificial feeling.

Julia had a vague sense of what the opponent’s purpose was.

‘They’re trying to send us down.’

No, I’m not sending it, but rather, I’m inviting you to come.

Even now, others don’t feel it, but Julia could see it.

upper middle layer.

That the islands floating on the highest point are breaking apart one by one.

That means one thing.

It was said that those who flowed from the upper floors to the middle floors would immediately fall down there.

He wouldn’t die, but if he went down to the middle without going through the upper middle.

What is the difference between dying and dying?

‘If it’s to overcome that.’

As Ludger said, we had to be prepared.

The determination to fight against the gigantic malice that lurks below.

* * *

“Do you think we’re in trouble?”

Aidan said as he perched on top of a rocky mountain.

Climbing up to a fairly high place, I looked around and the scenery was spectacular.

Countless islands floating in the sky.

What kind of English language is this?

“Did you know that now?”

“Still, you didn’t know.”

“I fell down because of an earthquake, did you think we could go to a better place?”

Aidan scratched his head shyly as Leo, who was standing next to him, made a sharp point.

Aidan wasn’t the only one here.

Tacey and Iona.

And some students with dejected faces were together.

If there was one person who caught my attention, it was Flora Lumos, one of Ludgar’s seniors.

“Ph, Flora. Maybe we’re good now?!”

“Calm down Cheryl. It’s useless to make a fuss here.”

Flora, who had calmed down her best friend Cheryl’s fuss, surveyed the islands with a sharp gaze.

“Senior Flora.”

“you… … .”

Flora narrowed her eyes as she saw Aidan approaching her.

Flora also knew about Aidan.

Even though he is a student in the same class, he left a deep impression because he showed a very unique appearance.

“What is it?”

“I think we should talk about it.”

“with me? There are a lot of other guys, why not?”

“Because the other friends don’t seem to be able to afford that.”

Flora glanced at the students whose souls seemed to have been drained and sighed.

“… … That’s right.”

“Besides, the senior is the most trustworthy here.”

“So, what do you want to say?”

“Anyway, we seem to have been shipwrecked in a strange place, right? So I think we need to work together and move together.”

When I said to move, Cheryl, who was next to me, asked.

“why? Wouldn’t it be better to just stay here? The teachers will come to rescue you.”

“Uh, that’s it… … .”

Aidan pointed to one side with his finger.

“Something over there keeps looking at us.”


Flora’s and Cheryl’s gazes focused in the direction Aidan’s fingers were pointing.

However, on the rocky ridge side, only small rocks were visible.

Cheryl asked, puzzled.

“What are you talking about? Do you want to play a joke on this situation?”

“No Cheryl. That kid is right.”

Flora stared at the rocks.

“There is something.”

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