I Got a Fake Job at the Academy Chapter 423

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◈ Episode 423 Dream in Canary (2)

“what? zero order? Are you kidding me?”

Gregorium frowned.

It’s been a while since I was kicked out of the mage tower.

It was said that it came out on its own, but everyone knew that it was not voluntary.

I was in a bad mood, but since I introduced myself with a pseudonym rather than a first name, I wondered if I might be picking this one.

Gregorium wanted to shout loudly.

No matter how much he fell from the Mage Tower, the magic hierarchy he possessed was never to be taken lightly.

“… … .”

But no voice came out.

It was because of the look of the young man pointing his index finger toward his lips and bringing it to his lips.

“Shhh. Even though it is a running carriage, if it is too loud, people will hear it.”

“… … you, what are you?”

Gregorium stammered, barely speaking.

It was after the voice split apart.

No sound came out.

The opponent didn’t put any pressure on him, but his voice was choked up for a moment.

Gregorium looked down at his hands.

His hands were shaking as if he had gout.

I can’t understand why in my head.

The body itself was instinctively engulfed in fear.

As soon as I realized the fear, the man in front of me looked different.

From an unusually handsome young man, he transforms into a dark demon in the darkness of the world.

“Why, why did you approach me?”

“That’s because I made you get kicked out of the Mage Tower.”

“what… … ?”

Gregorium wanted to ask what that meant.

But, rather than arguing about that, it took priority for his eyelids to become heavy.

Gregorium collapsed helplessly in the flood that came like a storm.

His eyes closed and his body slumped to the side.

breathing is still I was just asleep.

However, the sleeping Gregorium looked no different from that of the dead.

That made me even more embarrassed.

The running carriage stopped in a deserted place.

The coachman driving the carriage asked with only a slight turn of his head.

Looking closely, it was young skin without a single wrinkle.

“Are you okay?”

“I am fine.”

“Gregoryum fell into the surface world of Dreamland.”

“okay? It’s as planned.”

The coachman hesitated for a moment.

Zero Order gave permission to such a coachman if he had something to say.

“Do you intend to accept Gregorium as your new executive?”

“The response is that I don’t like it very much. Didn’t Ludgar Celish do that?”

“That man is better than the former John Doe. He even fought against Belcart. Perhaps he is the strongest of all the First Orders in existence.”

“I guess so.”

“At the same time, he is also an incredible person. However, since my skills are real, I think this uncomfortable alliance is fine for now. But Gregorium is not like that.”

He smiled as if Zero Order was having fun.

He waited patiently for the next words, as if to say more.

“I belong to the former Magic Tower, and I know the internal affairs well, but my skills have faded a lot because of my politics rather than my achievements in magic. Even as I got older, my desire only got stronger.”

“Can you tell me that?”

“The consciousness of him who entered the surface world is passed on to me. A person’s consciousness heading to Dreamland reveals their deep inner self.”

“Sure. If you were the one who built our conference hall in the surface world, you would be able to fully understand it.”

“In that sense, Gregorium is not a good fit for the First Order. The imbalance between desire and ability is too great.”

Zero Order laughed heartily as if it were fun.

It was his subordinate’s advice and reprimand at the same time, but he didn’t care.

“You do not have to worry. Gregorium didn’t kick him out for that.”

“Then is there any reason to intervene in the Kuma Tower and dethrone him?”

“I feel like I need to offer a sacrifice.”

At the word sacrifice, the body of the man disguised as a coachman stiffened for a moment.

he asked in a slightly disbelieving tone.

“Did he start waking up again?”


The Zero Order didn’t know what he was called.

At those words, the coachman let out a small exclamation.

Considering that his usual emotional expression was cold as ice, it could be said to be a pretty intense reaction.

“Is the time coming?”

“okay. Even Basara, who was sealed in the capital of the empire, has awakened. Me and Helya move too. It is time for the other apostles to act as well.”



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“So that’s what you wanted to check. Because you need to be a skilled mage to check it out. That’s why I cut the strings of that old man who was in a precarious position just in time.”

“Gregoryum will be our canary. It’s fortunate.”

Saying that, Zero Order glanced outside.

Through the curtains inside the wagon, I could see suspicious people wandering around eagerly, as if looking for someone.

“As soon as he left, he would have disappeared without a trace in order to keep the secrets of the organization. Rather than dying from silence, it is better to treat it a little more usefully.”

I will extract the efficiency.

There was absolutely nothing I could say about people.

But neither Zero Order nor the coachman felt any remorse.

“We will start slowly. Because the eyes of the Kuma Tower can reach this place.”


At the gesture of the coachman, the horses began to move their legs again.

Amidst the sound of clattering hooves, the coachman asked softly.

“Do you think Gregorium will open his eyes?”

“I want you to wake up. now.”

“Three days. This is the average amount of time it takes for a consciousness that has sunk to the depths of Dreamland to re-float. Even after that time has passed, if you still don’t open your eyes… … .”

Instead of the coachman’s timidity, Zero Order nodded and replied.

“It must mean that the most troublesome apostle has been released. In that deep, deep abyss of the unconscious.”

* * *

Aside from the story of Gregorium being kicked out of the Old Magic Tower, nothing else was of great interest.

Most of the events that occurred on the mysterious night.

It was especially because they were talking hard about the elemental lord of the earth that had suddenly appeared.

However, Sedina was not interested in that part.

Ludger and Hans said they needed it, so they gathered information separately, but they didn’t look for it because they were curious.

As the report was about to end, I heard the laughter of students outside the window.

Rudger glanced at the window where the glancing sound came from.

I felt something in the strangely excited voices of the students.

“Everyone looks pretty happy. What happened? I know it’s still until vacation.”

“Oh, haven’t you heard? They said they would hold a ball as the last festival for Seorn before vacation.”


“yes. It is a party held by Seorn itself, and it is said to be a traditional event that has been going on for quite some time.”

“Ah, that’s right. understood.”

Rudger also realized at first glance that such a thing existed.

It was because I didn’t pay much attention to it.

The season is now fully into summer.

The prom was an event to present good memories to the students one last time before the vacation began.

“That’s why you’re so happy.”

“Because they are students. We like to wear pretty clothes at the ball and dance and laugh and have fun with each other.”

Sedina talks like it’s someone else’s business.

Even though they were the same age, Sedina didn’t think much of it because she had lived a life far from this kind of prom in the first place.

But being uninterested and gathering information are two different things.

“There are various events planned like a prom, and there are also free gifts.”

“Students seem to really like it.”

“yes. In addition, there is a conferment ceremony where the most beautiful person is given a prize, so the enthusiasm of the female students is high.”

It is a gathering of men and women who are pretty and well-dressed at a banquet hall.

When that kind of atmosphere is formed, there will be people who naturally make eye contact.

Seorn’s prom was also a regular event that produced the most couples in a year.

“It has nothing to do with me anyway.”

With so many things to take care of, it was a waste to even pay attention to something like a prom.

Rudgar got up from his seat.

It was time for class to begin soon.

When I left the office and walked down the hallway, I saw a few students passing by.

Everyone is excited and full of anticipation for the future.

His heart was so great that some of the children who would normally have avoided Rudger greeted him with a smile.

‘This is true.’

It was the same during the magic festival, but the magical power of the festival was very subtle.

It was the same until Rudger entered the lecture hall and stood on the podium.

Normally, the students would be as quiet as if they were dead, or they would be polite, but now they didn’t stop talking.

The atmosphere in the classroom itself is heating up.

“Are you here to play?”

Rudger said with magic in his voice.

That one word covered the entire classroom.

It wasn’t a loud ringing sound, but a feeling of finely vibrating through the skin and all over the body.

The students then shut their mouths.

However, the momentum that was still running rampant inside could not be easily calmed.

But, that was enough for now.

“It’s not that I don’t understand excitement, but at least distinguish the time and situation and go wild.”

The students turned sullen in an instant.

Of course, some did not. In Julia’s case, it was because she hadn’t expected this kind of prom in the first place.

At that moment, someone raised a hand.

Rudger’s gaze went straight to the student who raised his hand.

“what. Aidan.”

Aidan raised his hand with twinkling eyes.

The expression on the students’ faces in the classroom was suddenly engulfed in anxiety.

no way. wouldn’t it? It won’t be. But what about that Aidan?

The gaze that dissuaded him from doing it and at the same time gave up that he could not help it.

Some even looked forward to it, telling them to just commit it.

Rudger was dumbfounded by that appearance.

Guy Aidan, how do you usually behave and all the reactions around you are like that?

Even more absurd was the question Aidan uttered.

“Aren’t you going to the ball, sir?”

Some of the students rolled their eyes and put on a look of disdain.

It was the same with Tacey, and Leo, who was sitting next to him, lowered his head with a sigh as if his bones were hurting.

This side seemed to have already given up.

“Aidan. What do you mean by that?”

“Uh, so it’s a prom soon, right? That’s why I was wondering if Mr. Rudger would also attend.”


“I heard that not only the students but everyone else is attending?”

A voice asking questions out of curiosity.

It’s more dizzy in that it’s not just decorated, but it came out with a sincere thought.

Especially when you look at those clear eyes.

While sticking out their tongues at Aidan’s actions, the students at the same time stared at Ludger with curious anticipation.

What happened already happened, and I couldn’t help but wonder.

“Everyone wonders who your partner is.”


Rudger frowned.

But I immediately understood what Aidan was talking about.

A partner would mean someone you would dance with at a ball.

At Aidan’s question, the students gathered up their courage and opened their mouths.

“that’s right. We are also curious.”

“Who are you going to work with?”

When the quiet students opened their mouths at the same time, the classroom became noisy again.

As a rule, students’ interests had no choice but to do so, and once the water was opened, it was difficult to stop the flow.

Of course, it wasn’t for Rudger.


Rudger rang out a sound filled with magical powers again.

The chatter of the students was washed away like a wave.

The students widened their eyes in amazement.

Controlling the atmosphere with the resonance of the magical power of a single word.

It was truly magical control that had reached a divine level.

“Pay attention in class.”

Rudger started the lecture regardless of the students’ reactions.

* * *

“Miss Rudger. Do you have a partner?”

Lunch with fellow teachers after a long time.

Merilda popped a question out of nowhere.

“It’s about the prom.”

“Isn’t everyone noisy because of that?”

“Isn’t there an option not to attend?”

“We are newly appointed this time. Now you have settled down, but even so, do you really need to attend this event? The president will tell you that too.”

Rudger was going to say he couldn’t go because he was busy as the head of the planning department.

On the contrary, the reaction that came to mind was, “Shouldn’t I show my face even more in such a place?”

“I haven’t thought about it yet.”

Rather than a clear refusal, I decided to speak a little more euphemistically.

There is no need to decide the answer here.

“Then what about Ms. Selina? Selina-sensei also needed a partner just in time.”

“Now, wait a minute! Miss Merilda!”

Selina glared at Merilda, startled.

Even so, he looked sideways at Rudger with a slightly reddened face.

“Is Selina attending too?”

It was Merilda who answered the question instead.

“Sure. He says he’s thinking about getting a new dress for that.”

“That, why are you saying that!”


Unexpectedly, Rudger’s reaction was the other way around.

“Everyone is frantic about getting a custom dress to look good for a contest.”

a custom dress

Rudger was curiously intrigued.

To be precise, it was the smell of business.

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