I Got a Fake Job at the Academy Chapter 422

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◈ Episode 422 Dream in Canary (1)

Leslie’s death.

This is the second death of the First Order after Esmeralda.

But the problem is that Ludger was in the Cassar Basin where Leslie died.

Even rumors of some sort began to circulate.

Rudgar Celish contributed to the stabilization of the Cassar Basin and killed Leslie.

From the perspective of the Black Dawn, it was bound to look like a betrayal.

“What is the reaction inside?”

“It’s being cut in half exactly.”

Sedina vomited up the information she had brought.

“There was a division between those who doubted the teacher and those who defended him.”

“What is the gist of each argument?”

“The doubters say you betrayed the Black Dawn by allying with someone. It means that the name Ludgar Celishe would not have risen in prestige at the time of First Order Leslie’s death otherwise.”

“Interesting. What about the other way around?”

“This is the side with a little more context. It means that the teacher did not know about the events taking place in the Cassar Basin.”

Quite an interesting story.

Rudger winked as if to say more.

“I was pretending to be an undercover agent, but the incident happened where I went. And he was bound to die if he didn’t deal with it. Fighting to live is extenuating. That is the gist of their argument.”

Above all, the fact that the Black Dawn was a fiercely competitive organization must have played a part.

It is said that members of the subordinate organization who serve the same First Order have camaraderie for each other, but even that is not perfect.

Even in the event of a stone that grants a wish right away, that is the case.

Didn’t the Second Order covet the position of the First Order and do things on their own?

strong hierarchical order. A place where even greater ambitions wriggle.

There was nothing strange about the First Order dying and killing each other.

The biggest proof was that Zero Order tolerated this part.

“Of course I think I should look at it from the latter point of view, but there are strangely many people who doubt the loyalty of the teacher.”

“Someone is encouraging your intentions behind the scenes.”

“yes. And that’s probably… … .”

“Is it Nikolai?”

Rudger came up with the right answer right away.

In the first place, only the Zero Order and the First Order can exert such influence over the members of the Black Dawn.

There’s no way Zero Order would do that. He’s a complete bystander, and doesn’t care how many of his men die.

Then First Order.

Among them, it was clear that it was Nikolai, a person who had always disliked Rudger.

Nikolai is an executive who is particularly good at information warfare.

Spreading rumors within the organization would be an easy task.

“What would you like to do? I think I need to prove my innocence to calm this atmosphere a bit… … .”

“Ignore it.”

“yes? Ha, but.”

When told to ignore it, Sedina stuttered.

That’s right, those ignorant people dare to doubt Mr. Rudger.

In fact, it was Ludgar who caused the death of the First Order Leslie.

However, Leslie’s death, which was known to the outside world, was due to the appearance of the elemental lord of the earth.

At least that’s what Sedina knew.

However, Nikolai cunningly said that Leslie’s death was orchestrated by Ludger.

It was hard for Sedina to endure the act of distorting the truth and spreading false rumors.

So I told Rudger the news, but Rudger responded indifferently as if nothing had happened.

“No matter what I say, those who won’t believe will continue to doubt. Maybe they expect me to come forward and refute.”

“Shouldn’t you tell the truth even more?”

“I can’t say that Leslie’s death didn’t have my influence anyway. He said to live, but it’s true that I also fought him. Nikolai will cling to that part tenaciously.”

What follows then is a sluggish mud fight.

The opponent wants it and is inducing it.

If so, you could simply ignore it.

Even if the other side motioned for them to come from the mud, they did not even pretend to listen with their hands behind their backs gracefully on top of it.

“You can say whatever you want. He only spreads rumors like that anyway, he can’t do anything to get me out of the organization. Because that authority belongs only to Zero Order.”

“Yeah, but… … .”

“Sedina. I also understand your disassembly. But you have to look more broadly. If Zero Order doesn’t say anything, Nikolai’s argument will eventually lose its power and disappear. It’s something that time will naturally take care of.”

And as far as Rudger knows, Zero Order won’t be held accountable for this.

“What if Zero Order held you accountable?”

Sedina’s face was full of worries, as if that possibility could not be ruled out.

“There’s a method I’ve been thinking of, too.”


Instead of answering, Ludger raised his magic as if he would show it through action.

The mana inside the body wriggled and gathered on the right palm, and soon took on the form of an element.

Hard and heavy, but in the form of smooth and well-groomed steel.

Seeing the steel cube floating in the air, Sedina widened her eyes.

“That, that… … .”

“This is Leslie’s original metal magic. steel cube. Leslie uses these to combine magic from various metals.”



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Sedina’s mouth hung open.

I haven’t seen it myself, but I’ve heard of it.

First Order Leslie was said to be a master of metal magic.

The metal magic he uses is different from other crude metal magic.

It is more standardized and sophisticated, and even very elegant.

The magic that allowed him to claim the name of a master.

This metal cube was only his original magic.

However, Rudger was presenting the same thing now.

“What did you do?”

“I fought and clashed, watched and analyzed.”

“… … yes?”

what does that mean now

Sedina didn’t understand what she was hearing for a moment.

“Is that possible?”

what is magic

It is said that mana is used as a raw material, but isn’t it a highly complex and multifaceted study?

Simply watching someone else make fire and making it doesn’t make it the same.

In that simple-looking process, the flow of magical power, the composition of the magic formula, the order of its composition, and the subtle control of power, etc.

It is a truly complex process.

That’s why you can’t follow it just by looking at it.

No one knows what’s inside just by looking at a gift box.

And it’s not like you can realize it just by bumping into it yourself.

If that were the case, all the wizards would have been overflowing with fighting maniacs aiming their wands at each other.

Perhaps sensing Sedina’s bewildered gaze, Ludger spoke in a calm tone.

“It doesn’t mean I followed it perfectly.”

Rudger said that and rotated the cube in his hand.

A cube the size of an adult’s fist, upon closer inspection, was a collection of smaller cubes.

“It is impossible to completely copy the opponent’s magic. What I did was nothing more than an imitation.”

“Imitation, you say?”

“Yes. What I see, hear, and feel is reinterpreted and used in my own way. In fact, this steel cube is far short of comparison to Leslie’s.”

Rudger thought of Leslie, or Belkat Benmark’s steel cube.

He even used magnetic magic using metal and electric current, and through that, he adjusted the vast amount of metal and used it freely.

Even though it was used in a way that burns life, it was supposed to be stronger than usual.

Even if it wasn’t for that, Belkart’s magic itself couldn’t be underestimated.

Rudgar was inspired by his magic, so he implemented it in his own way.

All of the magic he used was like that.

All of them were reconstructed in their own way through inspiration, memory, knowledge, and information obtained from somewhere.

“Isn’t that great too?”

“I don’t know that much.”

Rudger knows someone who uses the same magic just by looking at it.

Although he is not actually a person, he is a hierarchical being that exists only in legends in this world.

Being a Ludger who grew up under such a teacher, he had no realization that his ability was so outstanding.

“No matter what, if you show this kind of magic in moderation, the suspicious gaze will disappear on its own.”

Ludgar uses Leslie’s reading magic?

There’s no way Leslie, who is deeply loyal to the Zero Order, taught her magic to a traitor.

Naturally, most people would think that Rudger had some sort of collaboration with Leslie.

“Not everyone will believe it.”

“Everything is not what I want. But I can bring this stream, which is exactly divided in half, to one side. That’s enough. You don’t need to pay any more attention to it.”

When Rudger said that, Sedina didn’t argue any further.

Rather, Leslie’s magic shown by Ludgar made her feel anew.

‘As expected, the teacher is amazing!’

To show such indifferent behavior that others would be anxious to show off.

So I didn’t know that it might look even more amazing.

“Any other news?”

“Ah, there is. It is related to the Kuma Tower.”

“Tell me.”

“It is said that after the incident that occurred this time in the mysterious night, the position of the Kuma Tower has been greatly shaken.”

That was pretty good news.

Of course, Rudger already knew this would happen.


“In the old Mage Tower, Gregorium, who was in charge of the mysterious night at the time, was expelled from the Mage Tower.”

Gregorium’s nickname.

Rudger remembered the old man’s face full of desire.

I remembered the words he had uttered in a menacing voice, telling me to wait and see before leaving.

But in the end, he couldn’t keep his word after returning to the Mage Tower.

In the old magic tower, in order to somehow revive their tarnished image, they put the blame on Gregorium and kicked him out.

“Surprisingly. I’m going to cut off your tail.”

“It seems that he endured considerable blood loss in the Kuma Tower.”

“Originally, they would have stood up and defended themselves as members of my family, but did they change their minds?”

Rudger says it’s funny and puts on his arm.

The Kuma Tower made a big decision to kick out Gregorium.

Even if he is not an elder, he is a person who is equivalent to him.

A result that contradicts the behavior of the Kuma Tower, which was brazenly embraced unless it was a dizzying event.

Was it that urgent, or was it the result of another internal faction fight?

It didn’t seem too bad to watch it.

* * *

“Damn it!”

Gregorium shook his beard and vented his anger.

His personal laboratory and office were already a mess of anger.

He beat them all down, but Gregorium’s anger did not subside.

“You can kick me out so easily, who devoted so much to the Mage Tower? What have I done so far!”

After the incident in the mysterious night, the elder of the Mage Tower expelled him under the pretext of ruining the image of the old Mage Tower.

It wasn’t just honesty or a change of position.

Literally, Gregorium fell from the exorcism tower like a doll with a thread cut off.

It was truly an unprecedented super-precipitation.

For Gregory, this was absurd.

He has been involved for decades and has made many achievements.

In addition, he maintained close friendships with many people in the Magic Tower.

Even if you commit serial killings with a little bit of lies, the Mage Tower warns you not to do that in the future.

But you kicked yourself out so blatantly?

‘If someone like me is kicked out, it was decided at the council of elders. Then it means that the majority agreed.’

It was hard to believe that even though some of the elders were not on good terms, the majority agreed to expel him.

At this point, I wondered if there was some other conspiracy lurking.

In fact, there was something suspicious.

When his expulsion was decided, Gregorium contacted the elder he was close with through a personal line.

I misled him with emotion, asking why he could throw himself away so easily.

However, the other person seemed to be very reluctant to answer differently from his usual friendly attitude.

‘What the hell is there?’

Whatever it was, Gregorium was no longer the wizard of the Old Magic Tower.

The unsavory incident that occurred on the mysterious night was eventually transferred to Gregorium’s personal responsibility.

“Dirty bastards. Okay, let’s see how well you do.”

Gregorium left his office.

The wizards of the old mage tower, who were walking around the corridor, pretended not to see him and passed by.

Normally, they would have been frozen and lowered their heads, but it was the complete opposite.

Gregorium silently gritted his teeth in response and came out of the building.

Looking back, I saw the figure of the Kuma Tower towering high enough to pierce the sky.

When I first saw this scene when I was young, my heart beat hotter than anything else, but now it just looks cold.

Gregoryum looked up at the top of the Kuma Tower with a complicated face, then trudged along.

“In reverse.”

I climbed into the prepared wagon and gave a brief command to the coachman.

The carriage started. It is said that the new city of Ledervelk is pulled by a horse-shaped golem, but there was no such thing in the base of the Old Horse Tower.

In the home of the old magic tower, where magic engineering is not considered magic, the carriage is directly pulled by horses.

It’s ironic when you think of the words of the luxury men that the mage tower leads the flow of the world.

Thinking so, Gregorium frowned as he looked at the scenery outside.

The road the wagon was heading to now was not a station to anyone’s eyes.

“hey. where the heck now… … .”

Just as he was about to argue with the coachman, Gregorium noticed that someone was sitting in the seat opposite him.


Gregorium stared at his opponent in disbelief.

It obviously didn’t exist, but when I came to my senses, it was in front of it.

Are you dreaming right now? Or hallucinations?

“Nice to meet you.”

The handsome black-haired young man opened his mouth.

He was like a mirage.

“Who, who are you?”

“I don’t know the name.”

The young man smiled softly.

“Call it zero order comfortably.”

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