I Got a Fake Job at the Academy Chapter 146

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◈ Episode 146 Chrollo Febius (2)

Chrollo Febius broke into a cold sweat as he looked at the man in front of him.

At first, he thought he was an assassin who was targeting him.

In fact, in broad daylight like this, there was no way that a bold person would do such a thing in Ceorn, but Crollo, driven to the edge of the cliff, couldn’t think of anything other than that.

That’s why I fired a preemptive strike before I was hit first.

However, it was he himself who was suppressed.

I was defeated in the blink of an eye without being able to resist like a rebel.

‘What the heck is that?’

Still, it was a car that I thought I was confident in magic.

Wasn’t he the one who even fired the magic first?

In the wizard’s fight, the preemptive strike was the most important thing.

but got stuck so easily.

What about the attack after that?

This time I didn’t block it, I just dodged it.

I definitely thought it was a wizard, but the movement was like watching a black beast roaming the jungle in the middle of the night.

Even before the opponent spoke to him, Crolo saw a vision of a huge predator.

It was only when he regained his senses that he realized that it was an illusion he had seen, and only then was he able to see the intruder’s real face.

A black-haired beauty with sharp eyes.

The man, who introduced himself as a new teacher, brought a chair and sat down.

Then he said let’s talk

Crollo was dumbfounded.

“What is the story! get out. Get out now! I know where this is… … !”

I have nothing to talk about with him. There was not even a handful of sand in Crollo now.

You never know when the monster will suddenly appear.

The terrible devil who burned everything he had built might burn him to death any minute, so let’s talk about it?

Crollo, whose mind was driven to the limit, had no energy to care about anything else.

Recognizing the situation, Rudger glanced around.

Inside the messy room. It was all traces of Crawlo’s beating and crushing in a fit of fear and obsessive compulsive disorder.

“You will regret it if you don’t.”

“Kuk-kuk. regret? In front of whom do you dare to speak such absurd things! I am Chrollo Febius! Duke Febius!”

Rudger closed his eyes and sighed.

Bloodshot eyes, sunken cheeks, and the smell of alcohol wafting from his mouth every time he shouted.

I wasn’t in a state of being taunted by saying nice things.

After making his decision, Rudger got up from his chair.

“If you know, get out of here right now… … !”


Rudger grabbed Crollo’s collar with his right hand and forced him to his feet.

“I think there was a misunderstanding in my words.”

“What, what are you doing!”

“I didn’t ask if I should talk to you. I just said ‘no’. Can’t you see the difference?”

Crow struggled to get his hands off his collar somehow, but Ludger was unmoved.

‘What magician’s grip… … !’

There is only one right hand on the other side and both hands on this side, but it doesn’t budge, as if a steel core was inserted into it.

He didn’t even strengthen his body with magical powers.

It was then that Ludger’s voice reached Crollo’s ears.

“Chrollo Febius. You managed to brazenly survive even after causing the great fire in Roten.”

“you you… … !”

Crollo widened his eyes, as if he hadn’t expected that story to come out here.

“who are you. Seo, could it be that the devil sent you to kill me?”

“If that demon sent… … .”

Rudger slammed Crollo, who was holding him by the collar, to the floor.


Crawlo coughed dryly from the impact on his back and crouched down.

“You died a little while ago.”

“Cool! So, what the hell… … ?”

“I’ve been investigating several cases recently, and something strange has happened.”

Having come this far anyway, it is impossible to approach while wearing a teacher’s mask.

Rather, it was necessary to go out stronger and more shamelessly.

“The Fall of the House of Phevius after the Great Fire of Roten. Didn’t all the elders, including the previous head of the family, burn alive as punishment from God?”

“Well, how could you do that… … .”

“It’s too early to be surprised. In order to live after that, the people of the family were scattered, but they all died.”

Crow kept his mouth shut.

He pretended not to, but his body was trembling like an aspen tree.

“The cause of death was all burnt to death. After such an ever-increasing number of victims, the Fabius family is now gone.”

“no. no… … .”

“Ah, there isn’t even one left. Because the last survivor of Febius and the family head are alive and well here. But how far will it go?”

“You, what are you… … .”

Crollo then realized that Ludger was no ordinary teacher.



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Rudger sat back in his chair and slightly loosened the collar that was tight around his neck.

“Are you aware of our intelligence now?”

“Who, who are you?”

“You don’t need to know. Chrollo Febius.”

“yes yes!”

Crollo, pushed by Ludger’s momentum, responded politely.

“They’re being chased by a scary guy.”

“No, that’s right.”

Crollo approached Ludger with a low profile.

He felt it instinctively. He said that a rope of salvation had come down to him who was trembling not knowing when death would come.

It was only now that he realized that his life was at stake.

The fact that the name of the Duke of Febius, which he held until now, was really useless.

“Ah, the devil. A fire demon is coming to kill me. Even then, at the banquet hall, that devil!”

“As expected.”

The reason Quasimodo appeared at the banquet that day was because Krollo was also there.

Until then, Crollo hadn’t thought much of it, but the moment he faced Quasimodo, he realized the seriousness of the situation and was living like a dead man.

Ludger finally realized Esmeralda’s true purpose.

‘Esmeralda’s purpose was really revenge.’

The reason she entered Ceorn was to kill the man in front of her.

But why not kill him right away?

Her movements were quite cautious, given that she had been disturbed.

Rudger came to a conclusion.

‘They’re trying to kill me by slowly drying them.’

It is the prey that is left unkilled until the end.

It’s a ploy to make you feel all the pain you’ve been through for a long time.

‘When you drive slowly to the edge of a cliff, and the other person is mentally and physically pushed to their limits.’

Then the final revenge is complete.

If he had been observing this situation from the perspective of a third party without being directly involved in it, Ludger would not have particularly complained about the action.

However, Ludgar became deeply involved with the Black Dawn.

If Esmeralda is left here, his life will be in danger.

I have no intention of mentioning justice or morality in someone’s revenge.

Because he wasn’t such a proud person.

I just have to go out because I can’t help it in order to live.

“So who is that opponent?”

“Sa, opponent?”

“That fiery demon that is coming to kill you. You asked what her name was and what her physical characteristics were.”

“That, her name is that… … I don’t remember, I don’t.”


Ludgar glared at Crollo with a look that said, “What are all these guys?”

You mean you can’t even remember the name of the person who’s coming to kill you right now?

Still, a woman who once whispered love that she would take advantage of?

‘Should I just let it die?’

While Ludger was seriously thinking inwardly, Crawler also felt something and hurriedly grabbed Ludger’s crotch.

“Oh no! I can remember! Oh no! I can remember!”

“The name aside. What other specific elements are there?”

“that… … Being pretty and having black hair.”


“I am probably in my mid-twenties now… … .”

mid 20’s?

Rudger recalled the image of Joanna Lovett.

As she infiltrated as a student, Joanna Lovett’s appearance was not much different from the students around her.

It’s a bit mature, but can you see it as someone in their mid-twenties?

‘no. Considering that wizards and knights look younger than their actual age, there’s nothing wrong with that.’

Ludgar stared at Crollo, begging him to say more.

Crollo opened his mouth and hurriedly changed the subject, as if he had nothing more to express.

“That, more than that, where did you come from… … . Are you a member of the Empire’s secret service?”

The Imperial Security Service was so famous that even Kroll knew it.

The Nightcrawler Knights, an order belonging to the Security Bureau, were called criminals’ nightmares.

In addition, one of the subordinate investigation agencies, Shadow Fang, was an elite team composed of wizards and mercenaries.

If you belong to such a secret agency, there must be at least one proof plaque, Crollo thought and asked.

Did you come all the way here and try this side?

Rudger sighed inwardly. He was moderately intimidating, and I thought he would blow everything if he threatened, but even if he was rotten, he had a clever side, perhaps a nobleman.

“If you don’t have anything to prove your identity… … .”

When Crollo tried to ask with a slightly suspicious look, Ludger pulled an object out of his inside pocket and showed it.

Plated in black, it was a dog tag.

“That, that… … .”

“Is this enough?”

Crollo shook his head, saying no.

Plaques exist in many organizations to prove their identity, but only one uses a black dog tag.

‘Military! That’s a very secret unit!’

Ludgar clicked his tongue inwardly when he saw that Crollo had completely dispelled his suspicions.

‘It was good that I kept it in case I didn’t know.’

The dog tag of Team Black Ops.

This dog tag was one of the things he took with him in the past.

If Crollo had more detailed knowledge in this area, he could have looked at the dog tag and wondered.

Because the Black Ops team on that dog tag no longer exists.

The halfway knowledge I knew vaguely became poison.

“Yeah, too!”

So it must have been.

Crollo pulled out a piece of paper he had been crumpling in his inside pocket.


“That, that demon sent to me… … It is a letter.”

That he was hiding something like this even when his own life was at stake?

Is it clever or stupid?

Still, it’s nice to be able to show it once.

Upon receiving the letter, Ludger saw the words written inside and his eyes lit up.

‘This is not a bad harvest.’

The letter contained short, elegant lines written in ink.

[The last day of the festival. I will find you.]

Rudger stroked his chin.

‘The writing itself was written without unnecessity. But in that restrained attitude, you can see an indelible hatred.’

If nothing else, finding out when Esmeralda will move was quite encouraging.

If this was an open warning, she would definitely move on the last day of the festival as written here.

Looking at the starting point of his actions so far, he won’t suddenly go crazy and run amok.

Rudgar took his eyes off the letter and stared at Crollo with a half-open gaze.

Crollo forcibly curled up the corners of his mouth and laughed.

“Uh, how are you? If this is still helpful… … .”

“This alone is not enough.”

“yes yes?”

Rudger threw the letter on the floor.

At that action, Crollo’s face was stained with despair.

“The festival is being prepared right now. And the festival of Seorn, the duration of the magic festival is five days.”

Five days until the festival opens.

And the festival is held for 5 days.

Crollo had only 10 days left.

“Are you saying that you have to deal with someone who does that monster in 10 days?”

“That, that… … ! If you ask Ceorn for help!”

“Stupid bastard. What do you think will change if you inform the president? Then, did the other people who died so far die because they were stupid?”

I had to stop at least notifying the president.

no. Even if I did, I shouldn’t have let this side get involved.

However, looking at Crollo’s condition now, it was a plan to expose all of this side’s true identity.

Fortunately, Crollo now believes in this side like a stone.

use that part.

“Well, then maybe I’m good?”

“Wait for now.”

“yes?! what the heck… … .”

“The opponent announced the date. On the contrary, it is safe to do anything before that date. Because he won’t touch it.”

“Well, in the meantime, prepare… … .”

“But don’t you think that the other person can spy on you secretly in the meantime?”

Crollo shut his mouth at Ludger’s point.

“If you go wild and spread rumors here and there, I wonder if the other person will be patient enough to wait until the appointment date.”

“Then what should I do?”

“Stay still. As if nothing had happened. like it’s nothing no. Rather, it would be better to pretend to be fine.”

Esmeralda wanted Crollo to fall into despair and be devastated.

Rather, it was Ludgar’s calculation that if he remained intact, Esmeralda would be even more angry that things did not go according to plan.

“Doing nothing. That is your role.”

Rudger thoroughly intended to use the Crawlo to eat.

* * *

The remaining five days of preparation flew by like lightning, and the time for the festival arrived in Seorn.

The wide front gate, which normally should have been firmly closed, was wide open, and several wagons lined up to enter Seorn through it.

Many people wandered around the quiet site, and barracks were built here and there, and students gathered in twos and threes.

A festival in Seorn with history and tradition.

It was the opening day of <The Magic Festival>.

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