I Got a Fake Job at the Academy Chapter 132

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◈ Episode 132 Elisa Willow

Elisa’s smiling face gradually grew serious as she read Ludger’s class materials.

As if possessed by something, she picked up a pen, brought a suitable piece of paper nearby, and began writing down mathematical formulas.

In an instant, the paper was filled with dense letters.

Elisa instinctively found another piece of paper and waved her hand.

Wilford, who had been watching the scene, immediately removed the papers still piled up so that they would not disturb her.

It was because if I left it like this, it seemed that Elisa would use the paperwork that had not yet been paid as a notebook.

‘It must take a long time.’

Elisa is now in concentration mode. Elisa, who has entered that state, cannot react even if someone dances next to her.

Because she was a magician before becoming president.

Wilford shook his head.

She seemed to be having a hard time these days, so she brought Ludger’s class materials, but judging from her current state, the afternoon work must be postponed to tomorrow.

‘It’s more surprising than that. It’s been hard to see the president concentrate like that lately.’

Elisha had looked at other teachers’ class materials before, but they only aroused momentary interest and did not give much inspiration.

She had reached too high a level to be eager and happy about anything.

However, since she recently solved the first test questions given by Ludgar Celish, she has changed, albeit slightly.

The others didn’t seem to know yet, but Wilford, who had been serving Elisa for a long time, knew.

Elisa, who has always been busy, has recently gained energy and has more time to spare.

It was all thanks to the new teacher who came in this time.

‘Even so, it’s class material enough to arouse the lady’s interest. I knew he was an unusual man from the first meeting, but he was more amazing than I thought.’

As a former knight, Wilford did not know much about magic.

However, because of his years of experience and the things he saw over his shoulder while assisting Elisa, he was confident that his eyesight for evaluating magic was on par with that of quite a few wizards.

Even in Wilford’s view, Ludger’s class materials were of a fairly high standard.

However, judging from Elisha’s reaction, it must have been more than he expected.

‘This is true. Is it because I’m old too? My eyesight isn’t what it used to be.’

Still, the young lady was happy, so that was enough, Wilford thought, and kept quiet.

* * *

square square.

Only the sound of the pen nib crossing the paper echoed quietly in the president’s office.

It was three hours later when Elisha finally got her hands on the pen.

“oh. Look at my mind.”

After checking the clock on the wall, Elisa realized, albeit belatedly, that she had abandoned her work and was too preoccupied with magic.

However, rather than regretting it, I was filled with a sense of refreshment from rolling my head for the first time in a long time.

“Are you done?”

“ah. sorry. Did I procrastinate too much?”

Wilford shook his head with a kind smile.

“it’s okay. On the contrary, seeing that you look a little relieved makes me look better.”

“It’s especially like this these days. I don’t think it was like this before.”

“Don’t you think it’s a good change? Even the president needs time to catch his breath.”

“Yes, what. anyway… … I also feel very grateful to Mr. Rudger.”

Elisa stared proudly at the magic circle she created based on Ludger’s class materials.

It’s a magic circle that doesn’t draw circles.

Even putting numbers into figures to express power was quite surprising.

‘It’s not that the square magic circle is completely impossible. It’s actually something that has been tried many times in the past.’

However, there was never a single time in her memory that it worked properly.

Wizards did not invest much in anything other than the circle when dealing with the magic circle.

In order to get the proper effect, you have to go through countless trials and errors, but that’s because it didn’t produce satisfactory results compared to the investment you made.

As a result, it became established that the magic circle naturally draws a circle.

Because it is the most optimized and the most popular.

development is.

It disappeared like that.

‘But this is the finished product that people who went through all kinds of trial and error back then might have finally reached.’

How the hell did Mr. Ludgar Celish find this out?

The only thing that comes to mind right now is the idea that Rudger is the owner of a really great talent.

no. In the first place, there was no right answer other than that.

‘It’s really great. The source code is the same, and the magic square is also the same. I would have been able to seize all the wealth and honor just by entering the Mage Tower or the imperial family.’

Why did a person of this level come as Seorn’s teacher?

It’s not that Ceorn’s name is lacking, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t more prestigious positions than Ceorn.

From Elisa’s point of view, Rudger was someone who could occupy a place anywhere.

‘I wonder if the reason I came here is because I wanted to work as a teacher that much.’

Just looking at how he taught his students such valuable material.

There is no way that you can easily give others the path you have pioneered.

Everyone is bound to be selfish, and even if they do something, they want a corresponding reward.

‘It would be normal for a fallen noble to risk his or her life more for personal success, but he didn’t. Mr. Rudger is… … .’

She was also proud of being in a position to sacrifice herself for the sake of her students.

As president, he said he was doing his best in Seorn, so he was satisfied.

That’s why Elisa became ashamed of herself the more she compared herself to Ludger.

‘What did I do if I said it was for Ceorn or for the students?’



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I thought that it was okay to be rewarded for working hard, and that I should be praised because I was in a position of sacrifice.

What an arrogant thought it was.

In the end, isn’t she really no different from a human who is obsessed with herself for the sake of others, not for others?

‘I’m still lacking.’


Elisa sighed and her eyes returned to her strength.

There is no point in thinking and realizing alone in a daze.

What matters is practice in the end. Isn’t it the basis of development to show what we have decided through action?

Even if it’s just one step, let’s take a step.

After making that resolution, Elisa immediately took out a document from the drawer of her desk and wrote her name on it.


“I will ask you a favor. Please pass this notice to the teachers.”

“What official letter are you talking about?”

“I want to change my academic schedule. Originally, I was planning to hold the <Magic Festival>, the festival of Seorn, held at the end of the semester right after the second test.”

The <Magic Festival> is a traditional festival that has been with Seorn for a long time.

Originally, the festival, which was still far from being held, was intended to be accelerated by Elisa’s authority.

“Are you all right?”

“In turbulent times like these days, holding a festival like this is more helpful. Other than that, I’m sure there will be people who object, but that should be fine. I will take care of everything.”

When he said it with a definite answer, Wilford didn’t ask Elisha any more.

“All right. Let’s send an official notice right away.”

“yes. please.”

* * *

Rudger, who was reviewing class materials in the teacher’s office, tilted his head when he saw an official document that suddenly came down.

“You’re advancing the magic festival?”

“If it is a magic festival, it is a traditional festival in Seorn. It seems that the president is trying to open the festival earlier than usual.”

At Sedina’s words, Rudger suddenly asked why? I was about to say that.

The atmosphere in Ledervelk hadn’t been good lately, and that atmosphere was contagious to Ceorn as well.

It was not a bad choice to open the festival early and refresh the atmosphere.

However, I thought it was unexpected because it happened so suddenly without any prior discussion.

At least the president he knew wasn’t the kind of person who did things spontaneously.

‘Well, does it really matter?’

Even if the festival is open, it has nothing to do with it. Rather, it became more comfortable when the number of days of class was reduced.

‘The number of class days is tight, but thanks to the magic square you taught me, there shouldn’t be any problems. At this rate, getting bonuses is also a piece of cake.’

Rudger felt better for no reason when he thought of the amount of incentive pay from Ceorn.

Since he had also solved the excellent material called the magic square, the evaluation scores of the students who were about to come would have already been obtained.

However, when I remembered that there were still a lot of things to be done, my excited heart calmed down.

A festival is a festival, and he still hasn’t decided what to do with First Order Esmeralda.

‘It’s a big burden to remove it in advance. The identity of the First Order has not been revealed, but if you assassinate him, the Black Dawn will notice the traitor’s existence.’

And the prime suspect will be himself, the First Order.

We already know how they deal with traitors.

That’s why I had to be more careful.

‘This side is moving when Esmeralda is active in earnest. If you use her hand so that her identity is subtly revealed, the three Orns will take care of it. It’s not difficult.’

The only problem was when Esmeralda would move.

At least the First Order wouldn’t do it spontaneously.

‘I’ll see the opportunity. The moment when you can be the most active.’

Esmeralda summoned the highest level fire spirit when a large group of people gathered before.

Judging from her experience at the time, Esmeralda’s next chance to make a move was as good as predetermined.

‘It seems like the right board was laid just in time.’

Ludger stared intently at the official document with <Magic Festival> written on it.

Reason and intuition whispered at the same time.

——Esmeralda will definitely move during the festival.

But information was lacking.

There was a part that was strangely intrusive when I was sure of something and judged and went into action.

‘The Great Fire of Roten.’

Rudger remembered that she was a survivor of the Great Fire.

Besides that, there are two more survivors.

A few puzzle pieces that hadn’t yet been put together remained there.

‘Everything has to be perfect. In order to reduce the variable, I need to visit Roteng as soon as possible.’

As I was thinking that, I heard a knock on the classroom door.

“Come in.”

As soon as Rudger’s words fell out, the door opened cautiously.

And the one with her hair sticking out was her bobbed ash gray hair.

“Oh, hello.”

“Is it Rinne? Did you come to get the framework?”


Rene came into the office and spotted Sedina and nodded lightly to say hello.

Of course, Sedina pretended not to know her greeting and concentrated on organizing the paperwork.

“Come closer.”

“Ah yes.”

As Linene came closer, Rudger lifted his palm and floated the framework over it.

The pure white framework made of innumerable lines of magical power itself looked like a crystal made of magic.

“Put your hand here.”

As Rudger had instructed, he brought his palm to the framework, and the framework glowed softly and penetrated into Line’s palm.

“Uh, is it over?”

“okay. Remember the composition of that magic formula made of magical power. You’ll need it later to put the rest of the pieces together. I won’t let you know if I come back later saying I forgot, so remember it.”

“Ah yes.”

Line looked at her right hand and opened and closed her fist. Contrary to what she expected, her process itself had no sense of futility.

She vowed not to forget the magic of the framework that permeated her body through her palms.

“I’m done with my business, so let’s go.”

“Ah, that Mr. Rudger.”


“That’s me… … .”

Line was about to say something but met Rudger’s eyes and shut his mouth.

“Oh, no. it’s nothing.”

In the end, the words that came out of my lips were only evasive words.

She immediately left Ludger’s office as if running away.

* * *

‘ah. In the end, I couldn’t ask.’

Rene, who was trudging through the hallway after leaving the teachers’ room, kept looking back in regret.

But even if she went back now, she didn’t have the courage to ask Rudger, so she decided to postpone the opportunity to another time.

There was also an assistant inside, so it might have been better not to ask now.


“ah. senior.”

Line ran into Erendir who was passing by just in time.

“Hmmmm. Is it a coincidence? Where are you going now? Would you like to have dinner together?”

Saying that, Erendir stared at Line with a strangely expectant gaze.

In fact, she was the car she was looking for.

Erendir, who couldn’t eat with his juniors recently, needed healing.

Erendir’s expectations were mercilessly shattered by Line’s words.

“Oh, sorry. senior. I have an appointment for dinner tonight.”

“… … huh?”

Erendir’s face changed as if he had been hit hard in the back of the head by a hammer.

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