I Got a Fake Job at the Academy Chapter 127

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◈ Episode 127 Bretus Holy Kingdom

Bretus Castle is an island nation far from the continent.

In terms of the size of the country, it is a bit smaller than other kingdoms, but there is no country on this continent that ignores Bretus Castle.

“Is it the Holy Knights? The troublesome bastards moved.”

Because their real strength lies in their religion.

The Holy Land of Bretus is the headquarters of the Church of Lumensis, which believes in the god of brilliance.

Since it was a country that performed miracles of God, other countries did not dare to touch Bretus Castle, and did not try to offend them.

‘They’re probably the ones who don’t even move for anything, but the fact that the Holy Knights were dispatched on a large scale this time… … Is it because of the monster of the report party?’

The Holy Kingdom of Bretus has been active under the mission of saving mankind from the past until now.

That’s why they have been removing heresy all over the continent, hunting cryptids, and conducting purification rites.

In a way, the Holy Knights of Bretus are more faithful and pious believers than anyone else, and they are a completely flawless organization that cannot be touched by any group.

‘… … It’s an old saying that’s outdated now.’

It was called that almost hundreds of years ago.

Compared to the past, Bretus Castle is now considerably less powerful.

Excessive blind faith led to fanaticism, and the doctrine was corrupted.

Like the religions that existed in history, the Bretus Castle Kingdom also walked the path of corruption.

‘If the Mage Tower was divided between the old and the new forces with the advent of science, Bretus Castle was weakened due to outdated moves.’

Science has developed, and the world has developed at an astonishing rate.

Now, rich people ride in luxury steam cars rather than carriages pulled by coachmen.

However, nothing has changed in Lumensis from the past.

They committed all kinds of evil, saying that only they could serve mankind.

After the colonial war, it has been more than 50 years since the pacifist movement took place and the countries of each continent signed a treaty to walk pacifist steps.

The only thing that rebelled against it was the Bretus Castle.

He went on a rampage against the sub-species, asking how they would let those wicked cults go unnoticed.

‘Because the holy kingdom defines sub-species as heretical, such as elves, dwarves, and beastmen.’

An extreme doctrine that only humans are the only descendants of God, and therefore only humans should exist in the world.

The one who sincerely believes in and follows it is the Bretus Castle.

‘Still, for the past 20 years, I’ve been calm about solving problems within the country.’

Even in the bloody night that took place in Durmand Kingdom five years ago, Bretus Castle did not step forward.

no. it didn’t come out

‘But the fact that it moved this time.’

You must be saying that you have solved the internal problem you have been suffering from for 20 years.

The dispatch of the Order of the Holy Knights due to the incident that took place in Ledervelk this time would be only the beginning when considering their next steps.

“It’s like those guys who have been quiet for a long time immediately come out after grabbing a pod.”

“It seems that I have been looking for an opportunity like this for a long time.”

“I guess so. It was because I sent out a statement containing the seal of the Holy King and sent the Holy Knights.”

The work was done so quickly that the words of roasting and eating beans with lightning flash came to mind.

To the extent that it is clearly felt that they have been working hard for the past few years.

“It is a little suspicious. Why did the Seongguk, which had been silent for a long time, move?”

Sedina was quite wary, as if she didn’t fully understand why the Bretus Castle was moving.

In the secret society of the Black Dawn, Bretus Castle would be an annoyance by its very existence.

“Maybe it’s because the succession work within the Holy Kingdom is now over.”

“There was a succession to the throne within the Holy Kingdom. Do you even know that fact?”

“… … It is just speculation.”

I wanted to say sorry, so I turned around.

Whatever it was, it didn’t change that the annoying guys started stepping out.

“Sedina. Did you find out everything I asked then?”

“yes? Ah yes.”

I gave her an order the other day.

Investigate Joanna Lovett, a student who is presumed to be Esmeralda.

Sedina replied as if she had been waiting to see if she had faithfully followed my orders.

“Joanna Lovett is one of the Second Order and one of the students who entered this year. Her surname, Lovett, is a fake identity she created in this episode.”

“You know that’s not what I’m curious about.”

“yes. I checked anyway, and Joanna Lovett turned out to be from Durmang Kingdom.”

“The Kingdom of Durman?”

“yes. And that she is a survivor of the Great Fire of Roten.”

Roten Great Fire.

‘I’ve heard of it.’

A huge fire broke out in Roteng, a beautiful town famous in the Kingdom of Durman, and everything was burned.

It was an event that caused so much damage that there were almost no survivors, and the cause of the fire is still unknown.

Even though it happened more than 10 years ago, it was famous enough to rank among the greatest disasters in history.

‘But Joanna Lovett is a survivor of the Great Rotene Fire?’

The moment I heard the word great fire, I remembered the fire spirit I had seen that day.

A fire hatred that cannot be regarded as a normal spirit, possessing endless malice towards humans.

I immediately thought that the great fire might have something to do with this guy.

“Once I found out, that’s it. I need some time to check more… … .”

“Do you know how many survivors of the Rotheng fire?”

“There are three in total, including Joanna Second Order.”



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Even if it is a village rather than a city, the number of people staying is in the thousands.

However, the fact that there were only three survivors was an incident that could not be understood by common sense.

It was definitely dubious.

“Do you know where the other two survivors are?”

“Well, one has been confirmed, but the other is unknown.”

“Then who is the one sure thing?”

“A young man named Pierre. He must be older now, over 30.”

“What were you doing?”

“I am a painter. It is said that the beautiful scenery of Roteng Village was nice to see, so he stayed there and painted.”

Are you angry

Well, it may not be a particularly important person, but I was interested in hearing that he was a survivor of the Roteng fire.

But there was just one thing that stuck.

Who is the last one survivor who has not yet been identified?

“Do you have any further questions?”

“This is enough. It was hard to check.”

“Oh, no. I just did what you were told to do.”

Sedina’s sullen face turned bright as if she was so happy for my compliment.

“Sedina. Isn’t the work itself difficult?”


“Other teachers say they basically have at least three teaching assistants.”

But Sedina alone does more than half of my work.

Seeing that the other teaching assistants are also making noises of pain every day rather than dying, Sedina must be quite tired, although she doesn’t show it on the outside.

I recruited this one for the sake of pampering, but I was stabbed in my heart because it seemed like I was overworking this little and slender girl.

Besides, she is in charge of all kinds of information, so she must be much busier.

“I think it would be better to hire a few more assistants… … .”


Sedina cried out in a fit.

“Me, I’m not tired or tired! I can sleep less than two hours a night if it can help Mr. Rudger.”

“… … It’s good to get a good night’s sleep.”

“Or am I not trusting you? Is it because I didn’t live up to your expectations?”

Suddenly, her voice was watery, and she lowered her head and clenched her fists.

The sight overwhelmed me with bewilderment.

I thought it would be difficult, so I tried to make it a little easier, but I didn’t know that the person in question would react so drastically.

Favor is not accepted as favor.

I had felt it before, but mentally she seemed like someone who was driven to the edge of a precipice.

“… … i get it. I’ll pretend I didn’t say anything earlier.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. Sedina Rosshen. I have no complaints about your work. On the contrary, I am very satisfied.”


Sedina, whose eyes were slightly reddened, stared at me with a moving expression.

His face, which seemed like a person falling apart just a moment ago, changed in an instant, making him look like a manic-depressive patient.

“It was just a word I brought out with the intention of reducing the burden a little because you seemed to be doing too much work.”

“Oh, no. I’m really fine yes. really.”

“I know when you say that. I will not bring up this subject any longer.”

Come to think of it, he was far from an ordinary person.

Despite bearing the name of the Roshen family, he is also affiliated with the Black Dawn.

I’ve been taking him with me because I have excellent abilities, but I don’t think I can leave him unknown forever.

“egg plant. It’s class time soon.”

“Ah, yes!”

I grabbed my coat and left the classroom.

Sedina hurriedly caught up behind me.

* * *

The students waiting for class chatted noisily about the incident that had happened in Ledervelk the other day.

The appearance of the monster of Jebodang, which was called the king of nightmares, was enough to interest not only students but also teachers.

It was even said that the werewolf appearing in Seorn that day may have been a precursor to the appearance of the monster of Jebodang.

‘Certainly, everyone seems to care a lot.’

Erendir, who was sitting quietly in his seat, listened to the other students.

Most of them were talking about the people who happened at the Kunst auction house.

The monster of the report party.

Recalling the sight of that terrible monster, Erendir trembled without realizing it.

‘I was able to escape safely without getting hurt in that situation. It was a lucky thing.’

It was all thanks to Casey Selmore. Of course, there was help from Betty and Enya.

After escaping safely, the servants and her maids appeared and made a fuss about whether she was injured or not.

Even though he was grateful for their concerns, Erendir had that thought in his heart.

‘If I tell the story of what I’ve been through to other classmates… … .’

Maybe this moment is an opportunity for her to emerge as a superstar in this classroom?

Erendir has long dreamed of living in the academy.

Dating friends in the peaceful academy grounds, laughing hahahaha and celebrating youth.

It was a simple dream that Erendir had while living under her sister’s persecution for a long time.

she imagined.

The work of fighting (?) against the monster of Jebodang.

If she begins to unravel an experience story like one of these heroic tales, wouldn’t the classmates’ eyes toward her change?

If this was the case, the students who were frightened by the older sister’s shadow as the first princess might be interested in her.

‘Did you really see the monster yourself?’

‘Ohhhh! amazing! After all, she’s the princess!’

‘Actually, I’ve longed for Princess Erendir since before!’

Students praising her with shining eyes.

Just imagining the scene makes the corners of your mouth go up slightly.

‘But you have to be patient. It’s not at all sophisticated to say this with my own mouth.’

Erendir’s last conscience held his mouth open.

Here, with his mouth, ‘Hey, I was at the scene at the time. Would you like to listen?’

A year ago, when she was a freshman, she casually talked to other students just to be friendly with them and made the atmosphere go bad. It was a trauma for her.

Still sometimes, whenever I lay down on the bed, I would kick the blanket with my foot whenever I remembered the embarrassed gaze that stared at me at that time.

She had no choice but to be cautious, as she had vowed never to repeat the mistakes of the past this time.

‘I just need someone to talk to me.’

If someone really gave me a slight push on my back, I was so confident that I couldn’t win.

But no one approached Erendir.

Occasionally I gave her a bit of a puzzled look at her fidgeting like a person in need of something, but that was all.

Erendir became impatient.

Then class starts.

‘no! Not yet. I still have Line!’

She looked at the empty seat next to her.

The first friend I made properly after coming to Seorn. Although they have a senior-junior relationship, Erendir sincerely thought of Line as her friend.

Since Line was also in an isolated situation like herself, Erendir regarded Line as a soul mate because there were parts of her that they could sympathize with.

“senior. hello.”

Just in time, Lyne arrived.

Line greeted him while sitting next to Erendir, who was now his fixed seat.

“Uh, yes. okay. How have you been?”

“yes. How have you been?”

Line nodded her head and slowly tidied up the textbooks she had brought.

Erendir stared intently at that figure.

‘Line! Come on, talk to me! hurry!’

He gazed at Line with such strong will, but contrary to her wishes, Line was engrossed in preparing for class.

Erendir, who was worse off, opened his mouth.

“Kuh, kuhm. Line’s junior? Did you do anything special?”

“yes? no. I just prepared and reviewed as usual, and looked for a part-time job.”


Erendir smiled awkwardly and carefully spoke his rhyme.

“hmm. I mean, this time… … Did you go to the auction house?”

“yes? Ah yes. It was.”



“It did.”

“… … ? yes. It was.”

“huh. It was… … .”

Erendir realized something was wrong with Line’s reaction.

If you sent out a signal like this, isn’t it time for a response?

It was as if she had no idea of ​​the gossip going on around her.

‘Oh, please… … .’

Erendir asked cautiously just in case.

“Hey, junior Lyne. Have you read the newspaper today?”

“A newspaper? no.”

“Uh, um. Did you hear the rumors then? Everyone is talking right now.”

“A rumor? I don’t really have anyone to talk to, and I don’t care about other people’s stories, so I’m not good at that… … .”


Erendir realized.

That this naive girl in front of her was not interested in the gossip around her because she had no friends like herself.

Line put her index finger to her lips and pondered something.

“Ugh. Come to think of it, unlike usual, the atmosphere is chaotic. What happened recently?”

“… … uh, yes what. there was huh.”

The moment I thought that I couldn’t give up yet.

“Everyone take your seats.”

The door to the classroom opened and Mr. Rudger entered.

Erendir had no choice but to give up the ‘dream of becoming a celebrity in class’ operation while shedding tears in his heart.

Standing on top of the podium, Rudger stood upright as always without wavering and opened his mouth.

“The first test results are out.”

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