I Become a Mafia in the Academy Chapter 570

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I Became the Academy Mafia Episode 570

Although he didn’t seem to be aware of that fact yet, Michaela and Bear Gryllz’s education went more smoothly than expected.

Not only did Bear Grylls’ unique charisma play a role in attracting students, but Michaela’s skills as a teacher to knight candidates at the Vatican also played a role.

Of course, the children also seemed to be interested in the martial arts of the Vatican, which they experienced for the first time in their lives.

Just like that, the commotion that took place at the academy as Michaela’s temporary instructor ended with the children’s satisfied faces.

Just one person. Except for Jinwoo.

“… … “I still feel like my bones are pounding.”

After lunch, we were sitting in the club room talking. Jinwoo suddenly grabbed his head and fell onto his sofa.

“Why are you whining that it still hurts? “I heard that Michaela was able to wear not only heels but also a ‘blessing’ without any injuries?”

And Se-ah clicks her tongue as if she doesn’t like Jin-woo like that.

Then Jinwoo stood up and shouted as if he was truly aggrieved.

“Is it because you really don’t like Michaela? “It really feels like each shot is being hit by a cannon!”

Ah, that feeling. I know.

Even if there is healing, the ‘invisible scars’ left behind by the pain persist.

I also really sympathized with the area where I was hit when fighting Michaela because it still feels like a buzzing sound from time to time.

But the opponent is Jinwoo.

There was no need to listen carefully to what was being said.

“Jinwoo. “The punishment is too severe.”

“To the boss! too bad!”

At that time, the door opened and Michaela, who had finished eating with the instructors, entered the Familia club room with a satisfied expression on her face.

“As expected, this is the Familia Club, the headquarters of Eugene and his friends’ club. “It’s gorgeous.”

As soon as she enters, she is impressed by the clean and sophisticated design.

“Ah, Michaela. “How was your meal with the others?”

Normally, she would have eaten with us, but the rumor that she was a chauffeur from the Vatican must have spread among the faculty, so she was invited to a meal by other instructors, including the president. And she also wanted to talk to the academy’s instructors, so she willingly introduced me.

And looking at that satisfied expression… … .

“yes. We had so many helpful conversations.”

It seemed like he had quite a lot of income.

“I’m glad. “So you decided to help other classes in the afternoon too?”

“That’s right. First of all, I am the one-day instructor at the academy today. “I plan to do my best for today.”

“okay? Well then, rest here for lunch time. “It’s always open to my friends.”

Saying that, I look at Jin-Woo and Se-Ah arguing again.

“what! Do you think it would hurt if I got hit by you?”

“Did you see it right and talk about it? Do you really want to get hit?!”

“Hit it! “That’s right, the wizard’s fist is jiaaaa!!”

“What does a wizard’s fist taste like?!”

“Do you have magic power?”

“For a wizard, magic power is the body itself, chasha!”

hmm… … Why are they doing that?

I tried to speak politely, but those two guys ruined the mood.

When I was wondering what to do with this.

“The academy is really peaceful.”

Michaela burst into laughter as she saw that and opened her mouth.

It seemed like it was a joke between friends.

“uh… … yes?”


“I can’t do it. “Come out to the sparring room!”

“Now the assassin position is a one-on-one match against a wizard?!”

“I am a true egalitarian who does not discriminate between wizards and assassins!”

“This is a crazy person! really!”

… … It’s peaceful.

It was then.

──Bang! The door to the Familia opens with a sound.

“Eugene. “Where is Eugene?”

A face I haven’t seen in a long time. Yuli came into the Familia clubroom with a very serious expression.

“… … Senior Yuli?”

A man who has been so busy lately that he can’t even show his face properly, what is happening here all of a sudden?

The other children also stop fighting and look at her when she suddenly appears.

But she doesn’t care at all whether there are those gazes or not, and opens her mouth as she looks at me.

“Junior! “We’re in big trouble!”

“Big deal… … “This?”

Suddenly a big deal at this time?

“… … “The Pendragon family has finally gone crazy.”

It seemed like something was more serious than I thought.

* * *

Ray Pendragon.

He was the president of the academy’s student council and was called a living power.

You may think that he is a powerless president as he is not close to graduating, but since this academy is also part of the hero society, the influence of the Pendragon family cannot be easily ignored.

Most past presidents of the Academy came from the Pendragon family or their collateral families, and Ray Pendragon was the one who achieved the best grades of all time and won a position on the student council on his own.



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They even said that he had most of the records before I appeared.

However, he fell into a trap set by Yuli and I and fell into a serious slump recently.

Not only did he not come to the academy and go back to his home to recuperate, but he practically neglected whatever Yuli did.

However, it seems that Ray Pendragon has returned today.

──Not alone, but leading the people of his family.

“… … therefore. Here in the Pendragon family. “Are you saying you decided to send a member of another family to the Seoul Hero Academy?”

We went into the manager’s office, where there were no other children, and talked.

“That’s the information I got. I guess that’s because Ray Pendragon was actually shot down by us and couldn’t fulfill his role as chairman. “It seems like it was quite a shame in the Pendragon family.”

As far as I know, the investment the Pendragon family made in Ray was significant.

However, with a guy like that having lost all his investments and just going into a corner of the house and crying, of course he couldn’t just sit still.

“So, you made that decision? Sending Pendragon’s direct and collateral descendants to the Seoul Hero Academy?”

“These guys are the ones who will get away with that. “In the first place, how much did Ray Pendragon make to her family while serving as student council president?”

This ‘Seoul Hero Academy’ is famous for producing many strong heroes around the world.

Of course, it was clear that the chairman of this place would not only send the Pendragon family’s support to those who already showed potential to make things for his family, but would also use the connections of his seniors.

“The Pendragon family also acknowledged it. “The academy’s utility value is very outstanding.”

“So, is Ray Pendragon back at the academy now?”

“… … that’s right. I don’t know how I was able to recover, but my skin felt more plump than before I left. “He’s probably finished calculating how much of his power has been transferred to me by now.”

That guy wasn’t stupid, he just underestimated his opponent too much.

“How about comparing it to before?”

“I got 40%. “Pendragon is 60%.”

Still, Yuli wasn’t playing during that time.

He diligently took charge of the affairs of the student council, and as vice president, he personally prepared a large event called the ‘Academy Fall Sports Festival’ while Ray Pendragon was away.

“Still, the other person can’t be careless.”

“that’s right. There were so many clubs that took money from the Pendragon family and made a living… … ! “Perhaps he who returns to the Academy will once again begin preparations for the transfer of power for the new Pendragons who will come to the Academy.”

Hereditary succession of student positions at the Academy.

It was a method that no one in the academy had succeeded in yet, but Ray Pendragon set out to create his own academy with only that in mind.

A diet of the fittest.

Weeding out the weak.

An academy led by outstanding heroes.

This method works because it is the ‘Seoul Hero Academy’ that tolerates as long as you have the ability.

In fact, he proved his abilities and became the backbone of the student council from his second year to his third year.

Yuli’s goal was to create an academy that would be freer from such hereditary succession and provide many opportunities to many juniors.

In the first place, she was one of those who grew up under the fearful family name of ‘Rodman’ and was not given proper opportunities by those around her.

“It is nonsense to say that there is someone who is outstanding and should not give others a chance. “I will definitely stop Ray Pendragon.”

That’s why she joined the student council, and that’s why she took on the position of vice president.

“Then what do you plan to do from now on? You came to me because you had a plan, right? “Please join us.”

“… … yes. “You are the best among the academy juniors I know.”

“Are you planning on preventing the Pendragon guys from entering the academy? In that case, we can put pressure on ourselves with the power of our senior family, right?”

Easiest way. But how to borrow the power of the family, not our own.

Yuli shook her head at my words and said.

“No, but they also legitimately go through the transfer and admission process and enter the academy. I have no intention of taking away their ‘opportunity’. “What I’m aiming for is to prevent the hereditary succession of ‘confirmed’ power.”

“So what?”

“… … Over the next half term, we will try to wrest away as much of Ray Pendragon’s remaining power as possible. And, the next student council will be elected fairly. “That’s my goal.”

Her goal is to prevent others from appointing a member of the Pendragon family to the position of chairman just by looking at Ray Pendragon’s name, and to ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to become chairman.

“What do you need to do that?”

“success. “Overwhelming success.”

An event at the Academy that she prepared to host on her own, without the name of the president.

One of the premier events of the second half of the Academy, focusing on people from outside the Academy, within the Academy, and from around the world.

Academy fall sports day.

“We will make the ‘Autumn Sports Day’ a success. If this event, which was prepared without a chairman, is successful, internal and external figures will naturally turn their attention to me, not the chairman. The faculty and students who participated in the event will recognize my abilities. “I thought to myself, ‘Actually, there was a chairman, but he had only one person.’”

What he expected was probably to transfer the value of the name ‘Pendragon’ to the family, what he had achieved so far, and the remaining powers to the newly arrived Pendragons.

Our goal was to significantly reduce that amount of power.

“So, what should I do?”

Yuli and I were working for each other’s benefit at the academy.

Yuli moves without hesitation for my benefit.

I move without hesitation for Yuli’s benefit.

Our relationship could already be called ‘partner’, and considering that she had moved for me so far, of course I also had to move for her ‘trust’.

Because Caglione never betrayed someone who had placed her trust in me.

No matter how difficult it may be to ask.

Yuli answered my question.

“Do what you do best.”

“… … yes?”

“At this sports day, enthuse people, excite them, and focus their attention. “You’re usually good at that kind of thing, right?”

That means.

“The idea is to show others an unforgettable academy sports day.”

“Can you do it?”

It’s a sports day that people won’t forget… … .

“It won’t be difficult.”

It already overlaps with what I originally wanted to do.

“Just trust me. senior.”

I will definitely reward you for the ‘trust’ you have shown me so far.

“Maybe people won’t even remember the name Pendragon.”

I. Because I was planning on making it that way.

And so, the academy’s fall sports day began.

games, guitars,

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