I Become a Mafia in the Academy Chapter 567

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I Became the Academy Mafia Episode 567

The expressions of the three people we met in the hallway turned cold, and the atmosphere also became cold.

No one opened their mouths easily.

This was a pretty embarrassing situation for everyone.

‘Why is Michaela here at this hour?’

‘Why is Sir Michaela here at this hour?’

‘Juni── Why is the Magical Rogue here?’

Each person breaks into a cold sweat and begins to think as hard as they can to understand the current situation.

‘what? Did you get lost on the way to the bathroom? No, I think our house is easy to get lost in.’

‘Caglione has already said that she has nothing to do with Magical Rogue, so what should we do about this? Beyond that, didn’t Sir Michaela already say she wasn’t interested in Magical Rogue?

‘… … Did I make a mistake? For some reason, I feel like I’ve encountered a situation I shouldn’t have faced.’

Just before such cold silence filled the entire hallway.

“You weren’t sleeping. Sir Michaela.”

Finally, Farnello spoke first.

“That’s right. Sir Farnello. I was so thirsty that I was about to go drink some water… … “Caglione’s mansion is too large.”

“Speaking of water, if you had rang the bell, the employee would have helped.”

“I think I tried to do it myself because I felt awkward asking others for it. however… … .”

Parnello and Magical Log swallow their saliva at Michaela’s words.

What if Michaela asks why the Magical Log is here?

If you ask where the two of you are headed now?

If you ask, what is the relationship between Caglione and Magical Rogue?

The person whose head seemed most likely to explode was Farnello.

Michaela was a guest from the Vatican.

Didn’t the Vatican headquarters know that she was currently in Caglione, and didn’t the don she served, Vito Caglione, tell her to treat her well as a guest based on his sincere faith?

But in the meantime, the relationship between Calyone and Magical Rogue was discovered. It was clear that if she was left alone here, her Caglione would definitely suffer great damage.

Should it be dealt with quietly? After processing it, turn it over to Magical Rogue? Certainly, that might have been the best option for Caglione.

At that moment, Magical Log, Eugene also felt like his head was going to explode.

For Eugene, who knows the situation in Caglione like Farnello, the current situation is very difficult.

It was his turn to be as careful as possible, as if he said something wrong here, it could cause damage to Caglione.

As expected, when Eugene opened his mouth, thinking that in this situation it would be quicker to avoid all the shame and run away.

“You’re wrong. “I had to secretly come here using magical hypnosis.”

“This is my first time meeting you. “Are you a guest?”



Completely unexpected words came out of Michaela’s mouth.

“It was completely my first time seeing him, so I asked him if he was the same guest as me. “This is the first time you’ve met, right?”

Michaela was the first to cast ‘I didn’t see anything.’

‘Mr Eugene and Sir Farnello. In addition, Calyone told me that she knew nothing about Magical Log. But the fact that two people are together like this… … ‘Eugene is doing something with Caglione.’

Michaela was able to think calmly in this situation.

She knew better than anyone else that no one would suffer if she remained ignorant.

And, Magical Log and Farnello also heard Michaela’s words.

“Ah, yes. “I am a guest of Caglione.”

“Yes. “I don’t know who Magical Rogue is.”

Realizing Michaela’s thoughts, I immediately responded.

I was struck by the word ‘Magical Log’ that suddenly appeared. And Parnello hits the side of the Magical Log.

At that moment, the playfulness hidden deep in her heart was activated, and Michaela raised her eyebrows and opened her mouth.

“Magical log… … ? “I never asked you if you knew Magical Log.”

The Magical Log was startled and jumped up and threw up his hands.

“no. “I just heard that there was a customer who came to the Caglione Mansion looking for a Magical Log.”

“… … okay.”

phew. Did you pass it once like this? When I wanted to.

“A person with such brilliant divine power must definitely be trustworthy.”

Magical Rogue will surprise you once again.

However, there was nothing more to say in a situation where the other person had already said out loud that he would pretend not to know.

“Well then, Sir Farnello.”

“yes? Ah, yes.”

“Could you tell me where the kitchen is?”

It means that I am leaving this place.

Parnello, who immediately understood what she said, nodded and pointed to the other side of the hallway she had walked through.

“Go over there and when you see the stairs, go down… … “You can ask the first user you see.”

“All right. If so, you two can just go. “God’s blessings be with you.”

Michaela said that and lowered her head.

The Magical Log also replies, ‘Also with the spirit of the priest.’ Michaela, smiling as if satisfied with this, looks behind her and walks away.

“Even though he became a villain, his heart for his family. Indeed, you are the one chosen by God.”

So much so that no one can hear it. Muttering very quietly.

* * *

Seriously, I almost got into big trouble.

Did you say that there is absolutely nothing in the world? I never thought I would run into Michaela at this time.



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“… … “We have passed a critical juncture.”

“That’s right. “I never thought I’d run into her here.”

The situation just now was so serious that I had never seen Farnello look so cold.

Even at that moment, I felt for a moment that he was trying to kill me, perhaps because he was trying to find a way to avoid causing harm to Caglione.

Really, I was just grateful to Michaela for pretending not to notice at this moment.

But why is Michaela so nice to Magical Rogue?

no way… … .

“You must have fallen in love with the divine power of this body.”



If he treats me this well, wouldn’t he be in love with the energy emanating from the Holy Relic that the Magical Rogue possesses?

“As expected, I am a Magical Rogue. A man with many sins… … .”

Farnello just looked at me like I was a strange person.

… … I don’t understand this.

After going through one crisis, we finally arrived at Vito Caglione’s study.

When Parnello knocked, a heavy voice came from inside, and Parnello turned the doorknob and beckoned me.

“Please come in.”

“Thank you.”

What I felt every time I met my father through Magical Log was that the atmosphere was different.

Eugene Han A friendly atmosphere greets me when I come as a Caglione, but when I come as a Magical Rogue, I feel an overwhelming sense of pressure.

It was clear that this was probably what my father was like.

“You arrived later than expected. Magical Log.”

“… … There are many people looking for me from all over the world. The reward is. Are you ready?”

The reason I came to visit my father this time was because of the compensation I had agreed to receive for expunging my information in Japan.

“Well then, I’m ready. “I think you’ll probably be satisfied too.”

Vito Caglione said and pointed to the box on his desk.

“Let me check.”

Only after hearing those words did I take a step back and open the box in front of me.

“… … This!”

“No matter how I am, it was quite difficult to get something like that. That means you did a good job.”

As Vito Caglione said, the reward he prepared was beyond my imagination.

[New item discovered!]

[Name: Auriel’s Knuckles]

[Grade: Relic]

[Type: Knuckle]

[Description: Flame of God. A knuckle containing the power of Auriel. Due to the divine power felt in the knuckles, the wearer is safe from any disease and is safe from the touch of evil.]


[One. Angel of the Earth: His knuckles, which govern the earth, greatly increase physical defense in proportion to the user’s divine power when worn.

[2. Sacred Equipment: Attack power correction value is added in proportion to the user’s karma.]

[3. Angel’s Equipment: Equipment that contains the power of an archangel. Protects the user from curses, diseases, and debuffs.]

a. This equipment has been blessed by angels. Luck increases significantly.

b. This equipment, filled with the divine power of an angel, heals the user’s wounds on its own.

c. This equipment used by angels amplifies the user’s divine power.

[4. Holy Power Explosion: This equipment can condense and explode the user’s holy power, which has a divine effect.]

[5. Angelization (天使化): This equipment contains the power of an angel once a month. Allows the user to use angelic powers. When transformed into an angel, the user’s overall abilities increase significantly.]

Clerics, among them, equipment that is close to the final level of the Monk class.

An angel item that is said to be difficult to obtain even if you pay hundreds of millions of dollars was right in front of me.

“… … “Are you really going to give me this?”

“I thought this would suit you best, didn’t I?”

How could it not be so?

“No, I really like it. “Honestly, I’m worried about whether I can accept something like this.”

Items called angel weapons are rare even in the Vatican. It is safe to say that this item goes beyond a relic.

Of course, there was a restriction that only divine power users could use it, but didn’t I already have all the equipment that was not restricted by that restriction?

“What is the real reason for giving such an item? Honestly, I think it’s undeserved compared to what I’ve done.”

However, this was the part that bothered me.

As good as it is, I suddenly feel suspicious about giving this item away.

Just by giving Michaela this weapon right now, Michaela would probably not only be treated as a proud hero in the Vatican, but could also become the highest-ranking knight under the Vatican’s Pope.

But handing over something like that?

“What are your real intentions?”

Vito Caglione chuckles and replies as if my words were no big deal.

“Because it’s a dangerous item for Caglione to hold.”

“… … what?”

“I found this item by chance a long time ago, but there was no proper way to dispose of it. I had to wear it to see if it was meant to protect people, but it turned out to be an ordinary knuckle, and even so, it was too precious an item to give to someone else. “If you sell it, it’s obvious that the Vatican will intervene, and if you have it, there are too many people looking for it, right?”

“… … So, give it to me?”

“I thought you could be trusted. Sir Michaela says you are a righteous person who does what is right. And, didn’t you really carry out my request thoroughly?

“Honestly, the reason for giving something like this is not trustworthy.”

“… … Above all, my eyes. “He wanted to believe that you were a good person.”


“The reason I was able to get to this point was because of my strength, but also because of my insight into people… … And this time, those eyes are on you.”

I couldn’t say anything about that.

I don’t know if someone else says, ‘I think you’re a good guy,’ but isn’t the person speaking to them the other person?

Emperor of the underworld.

The head of the Caglione family.

A man who leads his family and devours the underworld.

Don Vito Caglione.

It’s his insight.

“… … “Then I have nothing to say.”

“Do you understand? ha ha ha! Thank goodness. It’s no different from entrusting the handling of goods to you… … .”

Vito Caglione stands up, picks up the box and places it on my hand.

“It also means that I’m asking you to take care of me in the future, so don’t feel too burdened. “Please continue to treat me well, Magical Rogue.”

“… … I’ll give you my business card. “Future contact will be made through here.”

Eugene If I return to Caglione, I will definitely be filial to my father.

The next day after receiving such a generous reward.




“junior. “Can I take a tour of the academy?”

Suddenly Michaela came to the academy.

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