I Become a Mafia in the Academy Chapter 554

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Became the Academy Mafia Episode 554

Was he sincere when he said he would deal with us with the readiness to kill us? The guys’ momentum has definitely changed.

Living in a way that can be felt in one’s own skin means that we will somehow win here and then eat up our club.

It wasn’t that I didn’t understand.

The moment we win here. In fact, the Hunter Club will be no different from the one under our Familia Club within the academy.

Bringing in outsiders? Just drag us in and that’s enough.

Later on, they bring in all their club members and have a club competition? In that case, all you have to do is spread the word around the neighborhood that not only Bae Gil-su but also the elite of the hunter club was robbed by our first year.

For those who frequently receive external requests, the information that they were defeated by a first-year student would virtually completely destroy the trust they had up until now.

Honestly, even if it was a club competition, I thought there was nothing I couldn’t compete with, considering my ability gets stronger as the number of people increases.

I feel sorry for my father, but I was confident that if I did my best with all my items, abilities, and information, I would somehow win.

In other words, the best they can do in the current situation is to beat us here and keep the Familia at their feet, even if they take the damage.

Even if it causes serious injury or death to the opponent.

However, there were some mistakes they made.

What he was saying was that he was approaching us with the mindset that he could kill us.

Among us, there are people in particular who have strange triggers in that area.

“… … boss. That’s what they say over there. “What should I do?”

Jinwoo Vivalt.

A boy who is already working as a hitman in Caglione.

“Whatever. “They said they would kill them first, so we should go prepared to kill them too, right?”

“… … okay.”

At that moment, the atmosphere surrounding Jinwoo changes and the wind around him becomes sharper.

The guy’s gaze was extremely cold, as if asking where the playfulness had gone.

There is something I have felt while spending a long time at the academy and Caglione with Jinwoo.

That is, Jinwoo consciously hesitates to fight at the academy.

Jinwoo originally learned fighting methods from the Bivalt family.

Naturally, those technologies had no choice but to be precisely technologies for dealing with people effectively and reliably.

Is that why? The image Jinwoo shows at the academy and the image he shows in Caglione are bound to be different.

What can I say about the Jinwoo I saw in Caglione… … .

──Because it was a little more cruel.

I can see Jinwoo’s grip gaining strength.

“I’ll join the joint venture. “Formation D, right?”

Formation D.

Kang Hyeon protects the children in the rear, and Choi Yeon and I. And Jinwoo called the operation an onslaught of attacks by the three of them.

Meanwhile, Se-Ah and Young-Je in the back leave their defense entirely to Kang Hyeon and assist in the attack of the three of us.

In other words, it can be said to be an extreme form of attack.

“Jinwoo. bout. “Can you guess it?”

Choi Yeon asks calmly while holding her sword and looking at the enemies in front of her. In response, Jin-Woo returned the dagger he had been playing with in his hand and said.

“Don’t be surprised. “Because it’s a serious mode.”

If Jinwoo shows up like that… … .

“Go to D. “I am the main player, Choi Yeon provides support, and Jinwoo takes advantage of the gaps.”

After briefly determining each person’s role, I, who is the main focus of the attack, run to the front first.

Auric blue (波浪).

The floor of the dungeon, which was extremely hard, changed into water due to the waves of my aura, creating waves.

I put myself there and run towards the enemy.

One more round here. The Emperor’s voice comes from behind.

At the same time, the speed of moving forward becomes stronger, and the speed combines with my mass to unleash powerful attack power.

“Blue sky and blue sky.”


Black lightning strikes not from the sky, but from my fist.

The goal is Bae Gil-su. However, Richel, the opposing team’s tank, steps forward first and blocks my attack.

“Ugh… … !”

It was a pretty powerful stabbing attack, but is there any lightning resistance? Indeed, he had the tenacity to be considered a top-tier tank in the Academy.

However, there is only resistance to damage, and the unique electric shock effect of the thunderbolt is exerted as is, causing Richelle’s body to freeze.

At that moment, Choi Yeon’s sword was shot sharply from behind me, aiming for Richelle’s neck.

This time, it was a sword that even had an aura surrounding it, and it felt like it was truly determined to cut off one’s head.


“I didn’t know that even our juniors would try to kill us.”

Bae Gil-su fills Richell’s gap and defends Choi Yeon’s sword with a dagger.

The guy showed off his skills by blocking a sword containing Choi Yeon’s power with one arm. Choi Yeon’s attack is amazing considering that it is difficult for even the country to stop it… … .


As a result, Bae Gil-soo’s right arm holding the dagger became empty, and Jin-woo, aiming for the gap, stepped upward and at the same time kicked the ceiling and rushed toward Bae Gil-soo’s neck.

“Tsk… … !”

At this, Bae Gil-su hurriedly turned around as if he had not expected Jin-woo to break through.

“why. “You guys started first, right?”

It’s already too late to defend yourself.

Just before the blade touches the guy’s neck, accompanied by Jinwoo’s cool voice.


One of the remaining hunter club members threw himself and blocked Bae Gil-su.



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Bae Gil-su collapses and narrowly avoids Jin-woo’s sword.

Even in that situation, the guy aimed the crossbow in his left hand and fired towards Jinwoo until the end. Jinwoo easily avoided this by bending his head.

“… … “It’s a shame.”

Jinwoo clicks his tongue as if he is truly disappointed.

Even if I had seen it, I thought it was a surprise attack aimed at precise timing, but I was so focused on Richelle and Bae Gil-su that I couldn’t pay any attention to the other one.

If so, you should pay attention now.


When the Auror was loaded and the ground was struck with force, the guys who tried to stand up from their fallen places slipped and fell.

In the meantime, Choi Yeon runs towards the two people who are still on the floor, pulling out her sword.

Jinwoo and I also run to the two who are still lying down.

Choi Yeon and I are Bae Gil-su. Jin-Woo rushes in, aiming for the remaining one.


Richell, who was standing upright as if he had succeeded in resisting the wave, rushed forward and swung his rapier at Choi Yeon.

Avoid the first blow.

Next, naturally, Choi Yeon moves her upper body. I attack, aiming for the lower body.

Richelle somehow blocks both attacks with her rapier and knees.

A small gap like that. Bae Gil-su did not miss the opportunity.

The crossbow of the guy holding the center of his body is pointing in this direction.


A cheerful sound caused by the elasticity of the string rang out, and we thought a bolt was flying towards us, but it split into six pieces in an instant.

Multi shot.

It was a skill installed on the crossbow used by Bae Gil-su.

“… … !”

Choi Yeon steps back and succeeds in hitting two bolts. However, the remaining third grazed his side shallowly, leaving a red gash.

Three bolts flew at me as well, but unlike the swordsman Choi Yeon, I am a martial artist who strengthens the body. The outfit is even equipped with a disparter.

The bolts were defended by surrounding the Disparter with an aura.

There was a huge impact on my chest, right shoulder, and left thigh, but there was only slight stiffness and the damage was enough to withstand.

He rushed towards Bae Gil-su and slammed his fist towards his head.


A crater slightly larger than my fist appears next to Bae Gil-su’s head, which avoids my fist by rolling awkwardly on the floor.

“How on earth did you get this defense?”

As if he didn’t expect that the bolt wouldn’t work, he stabbed the dagger straight at the empty side.


“If you’re going to pierce my clothes, you should have at least brought a weapon from mythology… … !”

The weapon it possessed was of too poor quality to pierce the Disparter, which was strengthened with the Dragon’s Heart, Yeouiju, and Hephaestus’ Chain.

Well, that doesn’t mean his weapon isn’t good. If I were to compare it among the weapons I have… … Is the Tommy gun similar to this guy’s weapon?

But, that’s not enough.

This means that the Disparter is also a powerful piece of equipment.


The second punch hits the guy in the face.

I thought I hit it properly, but the touch didn’t feel as big as I thought.

My attack did not work properly on the guy whose defense was strengthened due to the ‘Green Forest Hunter Mark’.

When he was about to strike a second blow.

“My fist is quite spicy… … !”

He kicked my upper body, pushed me away, and aimed the crossbow at my face.

“If it’s a face, it’ll work!”

Taang──! A bolt fired with a sound.

Even the fired bolt splits into six shots at close range.

Since the crossbow was fired right in front of my nose, it seemed difficult for me to avoid it.



The bolts disappear as they are blocked by the purple curtain that forms in front of my face.

Se-Ah, who was behind me, activated a barrier spell in front of me.

At the same time, a familiar voice comes from overhead.

“──Don’t pull the trigger on someone else’s boss’s head. “You damn senior bastard.”

It was Jinwoo who teleported above our heads using SeAh’s magic.

Jinwoo’s hands were covered in large and small afterimages, as if he had already finished the other one, and they were stained so red that it was impossible to tell whether it was his own blood or the enemy’s blood.

But the guy doesn’t seem to care at all, and cuts off Bae Gil-su’s head with the bridge of his nose with the dagger dripping blood.

Okay—! The attack hit Bae Gil-su’s head with a sound.

But the buff still remains.

It wasn’t enough to finish him off.

The guy frowned, grabbed Jinwoo’s leg, and pulled with all his might, causing Jinwoo to fall.

“You damn bastards… … !”

Then, a voice came from behind me.

“Eugene. cover.”

As soon as I hear Choi Yeon’s voice, my body moves reflexively.

He turned his body and punched Richelle’s sword with all his might as she tried to stab Choi Yeon with her rapier.


“Damn… … !”

Richelle’s expression distorts when the strike aimed at Choi Yeon, who was about to use a big technique, is blocked by me.

After holding the rapier with the Midas gloved hand. Hit the side with all your might.


The rapier was split in half by my attack.

“My weapon… … !”

Richelle is shocked to see her weapon split in two in an instant.

Not missing the opportunity, I grab the guy by the collar and throw him down on the ground with all my might.


You can hear the sound of air escaping from the lungs.

But this level of damage will not be enough.

He stomps on her as she lies down on the floor, making it impossible for her to get up, and then immediately aims at her with ‘Billy the Kid’s Shotgun’, which he took out from the cube.


“Let’s see how many shots this can last.”

Bang──! Bang──! Bang──! Bang──! Bang──!

He poured all his aura into the shotgun with all his might and pulled the trigger towards her at a speed similar to that of rapid fire.

Fire continuously until the muzzle turns red.

Finally, when I saw that she had stopped squirming, I stopped pulling the trigger and let out the breath I had been holding in concentration.

“Gaebyeokgeom (open door sword).”

Choi Yeon’s shout resonates throughout the dungeon.

Ka ga ga ga ga ga-ga-ga-ga-!!

A vertical beam of pure white light hits Bae Gil-soo’s hand, which was holding Jin-woo’s leg.


Although it didn’t go as far as amputation, the wound looked quite deep.

Jin-Woo, who saw the guy screaming from a serious fatal wound, reached out his hand with difficulty. I caught the dagger that flew far away and stabbed it into the left side of the guy’s neck.

Choi Yeon also immediately runs forward and inserts the sword, which is still emitting white steam, into the right side of the guy’s neck.

As a result, the guy was surrounded by sharp blue blades on both sides of his neck.

So, I took a step towards the guy who was in a situation where he couldn’t move, and this time I also placed my foot on his body and pinned him down. Then he pointed the muzzle of the shotgun, which was still emitting a musty scent, at the guy.

“Well, you are the last. “Bae Gil-su.”

Then, the guy raised his eyes and shouted, seeming to have finally understood the situation.

“Now, wait! Calm down. “You are already in the situation.”

at that time.

Sweet─. With a sound, Jinwoo’s dagger is roughly thrown into the guy’s mouth.

“──Our boss is talking. Shut up. “You bastard.”

The guy suddenly couldn’t say anything with a dagger sticking into his mouth.

─! ─! ─! ─!

The mouth of the guy with the dagger in his mouth is shaking.

“Remember, Bae Gil-su.”

Looking down at that guy coldly, I slowly put my finger on the trigger.

“You made only one mistake.”

─! ─! ─! ─! ─! ─! ─! ─! ─!

Then the tremors got faster.

Regardless, as the aura is slowly injected into the chamber, the chamber of the shotgun begins to turn red.

“Without fear. “It was aimed at our Familia.”

Eugene Living as a Caglionero, the Caglione family’s family lore is deeply embedded in my mind.

‘Caglione does not spare the wolves that prey on her family.’

For me, ‘Familia’ has long since taken on another meaning of family.

In that case, wouldn’t it be right to be fair and follow the Caglione family’s advice?

“Richelle survived a total of five shots, I wonder how long you will survive.”

“Hey! “No!”

“Please, I hope I can hold out better than your subordinates.”

“Ehal! Ehal ugh! Ehal! Ehaaaal!!”

── Triggered.

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