I Become a Mafia in the Academy Chapter 501

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Became the Academy Mafia Episode 501

The sight of the family members appearing like in a movie in the most dangerous situation was enough to make Jinwoo’s eyes turn red.

“Wow, really. really. “This is more touching than I thought.”

For Jin-Woo, who had almost died just a few minutes ago, the appearance of these reinforcements was truly ‘salvation’.

-new… … human… … appear… … .

At that time, the octopus man turned his head and turned towards the group of humans who suddenly appeared.

Except for the hand that was barely holding on to the railing, the guy twirled the weapons in his seven hands and fired a deadly weapon in the direction of the reinforcements.

―Dragon King’s… … event… … Proceeding… … Disruptor… … eliminate… … .

And Eugene, frowning at that sight, opened his mouth.

“Just like the puffer fish, it looks really creepy.”

Eugene had already fought against the Dragon King and mermaid monsters in the East Sea, but the disgust he felt every time he saw them showed no signs of abating.

To begin with, they are monsters that view humans on the ground as prey.

In some ways, it might have been natural.

―Aktobas, be careful. He is a talented person who defeated Fugu with one blow.

He spoke with a frown on his face.

Then the eyes of the octopus called Aktobas draw a half moon.

―Fugu… … Among us… … The weakest… … .

The octopus man, who even removed the leg that was holding onto the railing and held weapons on all eight legs, responded by swinging the weapons around.

―To the Dragon King… … Let’s get to the truth… … Increased offerings… … .

Eugene, who laughed at the sight of the octopus approaching so confidently, glanced at Antonio.

“Is there any need to waste time on such nonsense? Let’s deal with it right away, secure Jinwoo, and leave.”

“yes. young master.”

After hearing Eugene’s words, Antonio took a long step forward.

His expression seemed extremely cold on the outside, but Eugene could already sense the condensed life that had been suppressed beneath it.

Of course, it wasn’t that I didn’t understand.

As a father, how complicated must your feelings be as your son is covered in blood and surrounded by monsters?

The only ones who didn’t run away right away were their family and Eugene in the back. And it was all thanks to Jinwoo, who was looking at him in front.

-Looks strong… … human… … .

“──Shut up.”

Exactly! Antonio’s fingers flick while making a cheerful sound.

At the same time, the steam that had been spewing out from all directions due to the previous battle began to gather in one place.

-this… … case… … .

Then it changed into a tornado-like shape and instantly covered the octopus in front of it.


Antonio’s abilities displayed indoors were nothing short of brutal.

A loud noise resounds as if a blender has been activated, and the octopus’s form begins to be torn apart.

“Hee, hee?!”

“General… … !”

A group of fanatics are stunned at the sight of an octopus being torn apart in an instant before their eyes.

As they were witnessing the terrible tragedy before their eyes, they sat down as if their legs had given out and could only stare blankly at the scene.

There was nothing they could do.

From the beginning, it was clear that the moment I touched it, it would be torn apart like an octopus.

Once again, exactly! A wind blender that disappears with a sound.

All that remained where the octopus originally was was a blue liquid.

‘It’s really absurd. Is this Antonio Vivald’s maximum power?’

And Eugene, who was looking at that scene, let out a laugh in his heart.

Even if the opponent was a B-level monster, I didn’t expect it to be this easy to deal with.

What is a Class B monster? Doesn’t that mean that it’s a monster that only a B-class hero can face?

And a B-class awakened person is the one who receives the minimum treatment no matter what organization he joins, and since he caught a monster of that level with a simple finger snap… … .

“Dukgu, Hushley. “Bring Jinwoo.”

“yes. Don Antonio.”

Antonio, who looked coldly at the octopus that had disappeared before his eyes, leaving behind only a blue liquid, gave an order to his men behind him.

The two people respond by bowing their heads and then walk towards Jinwoo.

It was as if his body had completely stiffened as he suddenly became alone from the group of three, and even when he saw the two figures approaching towards him, he just blinked blankly.

“Thank you for your hard work. young master.”

“When you get home, you should eat first. “You haven’t eaten yet, right?”

“… … “Let’s not eat seafood for a while.”

“ha ha ha! “Of course.”

Jin-Woo, being supported by the two people, slowly walks towards Antonio and Eugene.

The crab was still standing still.

And Eugene realized that this situation itself was not because the opponent had lost his mind, but because Antonio was demonstrating his abilities.

The strange energy that filled the surrounding area was probably Antonio’s ability, ‘Vivalt’.

Antonio was using his teeth to put pressure on the guy.

‘Well, we need someone to reveal information.’

And the reason they kept him alive while pressuring him like this was probably to secure information about the ‘West Sea Dragon King’, the guy who did this.

And just as he thought, the moment Jinwoo moved to a safe place, Antonio’s mouth slowly opened.

“Hey Granchio, tell me everything about the West Sea Dragon King you mentioned earlier. “If you like the answer, I’ll let you live.”

The interrogation begins.



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“Master Bivalt. And Master Caglione, please move to the U-boat first.”

Vivalt’s family members, who knew how he usually interrogated them, recommended Jinwoo and Eugene to move to their seats.

In fact, Jin-Woo was saved, and most of the other parties had lost their will to fight, and the important situation was already over, so there was no reason to stay here.


“… … uh?”

Eugene’s gaze remained frozen, staring into space.


―Kishit! Kishishishisish! It’s funny how you talk without even knowing your future. Human beings on earth.

The crab, which had been quiet until now, began to tremble and let out a strange laugh.

-Do you really think I was doing this because I was scared of people like you?

“… … what?”

Antonio looks dumbfounded at that sight.

But the crab raised both its claws and shouted, regardless of whether Antonio did it or not.

──If you really wanted to get out alive, you should have gotten out of the sea a long time ago.

It was at the same time.

The ship tilted and rocked even more powerfully than before.

The angle of the ship exceeded 20 degrees, 40 degrees, exceeded 50 degrees, and began to tilt beyond the right angle.

in other words.

-Welcome to our land.


Sea water begins to flow in from all directions with a tremendous roar.

The ship they were on sank.

* * *

‘I thought it would be over sooner than expected… … !’

Since Jinwoo spent a lot of time struggling alone, it seems that what was happening on the ship had already been conveyed to the West Sea Yonggung.

The way to find out was simple. A new system window appears before my eyes right now.

【Hidden Quest】

[Legend of the Deep Sea 2]

[There is a rumor that has been around for a long time among fishermen in the West Sea. It is a country where fish live deep in the West Sea. There is a dragon palace.

Of course, unlike the legends associated with the Dragon Palace, it seems that humans are not treated as anything less than living sacrifices here.

You entered the West Sea Yonggung after your ship was sunk by a giant whale.

Will you be able to see with your own eyes the legend of the deep sea that has been passed down for a long time and liberate the West Sea from the evil hordes of the West Sea Dragon Palace?]

[Goal: Overthrow of the West Sea Dragon Palace or death of the West Sea Dragon King.]

[Reward: Yeouiju of the West Sea Dragon King, enhancement of ‘Attribute: [Dragon King]’]

As the seawater filled the ship and the scenery outside began to break apart in all directions, a huge eye was visible through it.

── ― ─ ── ──!

At the same time, ultra-high frequency sounds can be clearly heard even under water.

Perhaps this is the sound of the whale that sank our boat.

Although the water was flooding in, movement was not uncomfortable due to the effect of ‘Characteristic: [Very friendly with water]’.

-young master! It’s on the top right!

At that moment, an air bubble appeared around me and I heard someone’s voice.

When I turned my head, I saw the people of the Vivalt family gathered inside a huge air bubble not too far away.

It looks like one of the family members brought along this time had a hand in it.

I jumped out of the bubble and, using my familiar swimming skills, quickly moved to the bubble where the Vivalt family was.

“Is everyone okay?”

I brushed back my hair, which was wet from the sea water, and looked around at the people.

Fortunately, it seems that no one was left behind.

“f*cking… … It’s bitter… … !”

The only one.

Jinwoo, who had seawater in his wounds, was twisting his body with a pained expression.

Of course, the Vivalt family, who knew that no awakened person dies as a result of seawater entering their wounds, ignored Jinwoo and simply assessed the surrounding situation.

“everyone… … ! too bad… … !”

But what can we do? It looks like the air bubble we are in is being dragged down by an unknown force.

Of course, if I used Antonio’s power, it might not be that difficult to escape from here as an air bubble.

But still, it wasn’t that difficult to guess why we weren’t escaping now.


The purpose of our coming here was not only to rescue Jinwoo, but also to take bloody revenge on those who kidnapped Jinwoo.

You wouldn’t know it if the other person hadn’t shown up, would it have turned out like this?

Then there was no need to say more.

In other words, there is no reason for us to refuse the Dragon King’s invitation.

Perhaps Antonio is thinking this too?

‘Let’s take a look at the face of this bastard who made my cub’s face look like this.’

“Off… … !”

“You must be in a lot of pain. “I will repay you that much.”

“The young fish lost their heads and killed our master… … !”

“The Master’s Revenge… … I will definitely repay you with blood. Only then will we be able to resolve our master’s grudge… … !”

“Uncles… … I’m not dead yet… … .”

It was perfect as the others were also taking care of Jinwoo’s wounds, who were complaining about being in pain, while also crying out that they would work hard to get revenge.

‘Thanks to you, I will be able to complete this hidden chain quest without difficulty.’

When I first heard that Jinwoo went missing in the West Sea, I thought it would end up like this.

If there is a community among dragon kings, there is no way they wouldn’t know about what we did in the East Sea.

As expected, I thought it was a good idea to go out, even if just for a little while.

If you save Jinwoo and defeat the West Sea Dragon King with Antonio’s help, you will not only complete the linked quest but also easily obtain the West Sea Dragon King’s Yeouiju.

“Hey, I can see it.”

At that time, at the bottom of the West Sea, which Antonio points to, light sources gradually begin to appear beyond the dark, hard-to-see sea water.

“If it’s this far away… … After all, it is our Vivalt family’s territory. How dare you build a structure like this in our district without permission? As a Callione and a Vivalt, I cannot easily pass over.”

“Iknow, right.”

“Master, you are behind me. “I will take care of any obstacles.”

Antonio’s fist clenched.

Antonio’s awesome.

“please. “Antonio.”

I’m already starting to get excited.

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