I Become a Mafia in the Academy Chapter 331

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Became the Academy Mafia Episode 331

After finishing organizing the current situation, Haru and I headed to the ramen restaurant that the kids had sent us a message about.

“This… … “It’s a familiar scent.”


A rich, savory, yet unfamiliar oily smell. Still, it was a smell that made people hungry.

“Let’s go in. “I see the Familia and Senior Yuli inside.”

As Haru entered the ramen restaurant, the children looked at us and waved their hands.

“ah! boss! “You’re not late, are you?”

“Mr. Eugene! We just ordered it too, so it will come out similar! “Please order quickly!”

Fortunately, it seemed like it wasn’t too late.

I waved to everyone and tried to get to the table where the kids were gathered.

Then suddenly a day stands in my way.

“In Japan, it is rude to sit down before the host shows you to your seat. “When an employee comes, if you tell them you have company, they will guide you.”

… … Do you even have such etiquette?

After a while. As Haru said, the store employee approached us and asked how many people there were, and Haru said

In fluent Japanese, he pointed to the children and told them that they were part of the group.

Then the waiter bowed his head and guided us to our seats.

“ruler! “Please choose Yujin and Haru quickly!”

“hmm… … .”

As I sat down, Seha handed me the menu.

Well, what should I eat?

As I was quietly looking at the menu, Haru spoke first.

“I will have tonkotsu ramen.”

“me too.”

Of course, when you don’t know what to eat, the rule is to eat what the person next to you tells you to eat.

If Haru ordered it, it was sure to be delicious.

“Then why did you come here?”

There were dozens of ramen restaurants I saw on the way here, and there was even a famous maker shop next door in Korea.

Nevertheless, I was curious as to why I had come all the way here.

“Oh, I looked at the ratings on Gogol’s map, and this one was the highest? “I don’t know about anything else, but a restaurant with a rating of 4.3 or higher is a truly delicious restaurant.”

This ramen restaurant must have been chosen by Jinwoo, as he waves his smartphone and smiles confidently.

Then Haru nods and agrees.

“This place definitely has the thickest soup around, and it’s less smelly. Since the noodles are not fully cooked, they do not become soggy even if you eat them slowly. The biggest advantage is… … “They give you a lot of char siu.”

Haru, who is serious about cooking and eating, would say this… … .

After hearing that story, even I, who had never been impressed, began to look forward to it.

After a while, the ramen that the children ordered first started coming out one by one.

“and. “It kills the smell.”

“Would you like to eat first, junior?”


Exclamations are already coming from behind.

Fortunately, ramen appeared in front of us soon after.

The smell of white soup and steamed pork bones.

“thank you for this food.”

Take out the chopsticks in front of you and slowly lift the noodles and put them in your mouth.

Then, the spicy yet savory aroma and savory taste fill your mouth.

This is a great ramen restaurant.

My first meal at a Japanese restaurant was a huge success.

* * *

After eating all the ramen, I was spending some time wandering around the streets of Tenjin.


I was able to see a notification that a text message had arrived through the smart lens.

When I check the alarm and open the window, a message from Cormorant, who is in charge of the security team for this school trip, comes to mind.

[Currently confirming the movement of Silent Snipers in Kitakyushu.]

[I will raise the level of caution one level. Please keep this in mind, Master.]

… … Is it Kitakyushu?

In fact, it can be said to be the next city.

It also meant that we did not know what kind of situation might occur in the future.

“Junior? What’s going on?”

Is it because I stopped in place for a moment? Yuli, who was ahead with Haru, calls out to me and approaches me.

“no. “I was thinking about something for a moment.”

“hmm? “What’s going on?”

“It looks like there is a silent sniper in Kitakyushu right now. “I think it would be better to move with a little caution.”

“… … okay? It’s definitely a 1-2 hour drive from Kitakyushu. how will we do it? Shall we go back to the hotel now?”

When she spoke as if she was worried, I shook my head and said,

“It’s probably still okay. “There are still people around, and I haven’t found any information that he’s targeting me.”

“okay? If that’s the case, then it doesn’t matter──”

At that time, Yuli suddenly stopped speaking and stretched out her hand in the direction of the children.

At the same time, a bright red magic circle unfolds next to the children, forming a huge barrier.



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“… … senior?”

As soon as the magical power was activated, I saw her eyes turn bright red and realized the situation.


Something collided with Yuli’s magic circle and began scattering red flashes around.

Yuli, with her keen sense of life and senses, was the one who sensed the surprise attack on the children and made the first move.


As the situation unfolded, I immediately began to take control of it.

“I’ll scan it!”

While Yuli’s barrier is holding up, she begins to check the entire field by dispersing magical energy around the area.

Yeongje assisted her in controlling her magical power, and Jinwoo and Kanghyeon were also alert to the surroundings with their respective weapons drawn in preparation for an emergency.

“Junior Se-ah! “Check the 3 o’clock position!”


She calculates the trajectory of the bullet that hit the magic circle and shouts to Se-Ah.

But Se-Ah frowns and shouts.

“There are too many people!”

“Follow the flow of magical power!”

“I can’t even feel the flow of magical power! “It looks like they’re using an item that hides magical power!”

No magic response? Since it couldn’t have happened unless you were using a regular gun, I thought about a guy who could do something like this.

“… … Silent Sniper?”

But he said he was definitely in Kitakyushu, so who on earth is attacking us now?

For now, we decided to solve the situation at hand first.

“Jinwoo! Kanghyeon! First, go into the building with the other kids! Because you never know when a sniper attack might come from a different direction! The Young Emperor is on constant alert with a shield as he moves! “Contact the instructor right away!”

The Young Emperor answered my cry.

“okay! Then, first of all, to the instructor——Instructor?!”

Emperor Yeong suddenly fixes his gaze on one place.

When I also turned my head towards that place, I saw Ji Soo-hyun scratching her head coming out of what appeared to be a pachinko parlor.

She, too, must not have known that something like this was happening, as she dropped the cigarette stuck in her mouth and looked in this direction.

The shape of her mouth moving slowly.

If we were to read that shape… … .

‘this. Run. you. mi. Lol.’

However, after immediately understanding the situation, she begins to move.

She was the first to teleport to us, grabbed the children entering the building, and moved them to another location.

The location is probably a hotel.

After a brief flash, she reappeared in an instant and checked the situation with Yuli, whose eyes were stained red.

“hey. “How did this happen?”

“Children were shot. “I think it’s a silent sniper.”

“what? Is this what that bastard did? Why is he targeting the children and not you?”

“I’m curious about that too.”

Unfortunately, because bombs were scattered in the city center, it was impossible to determine his location.

“senior. “How about now?”

“I can feel them still watching us.”

Haven’t you run away yet?

“Instructor. “Can you give me his coordinates?”

“It’s impossible. That bastard has the ability to avoid magic detection… … uh?”

At that time, she blinks her eyes as if she is surprised.

“I think I found it. “The bastard who did this.”


“Wait a moment.”

She tapped my shoulder and then disappeared. When Yuli and I were embarrassed by that sight.


She teleported in front of us again and threw a man in the middle.

“Ha, you damn bastard. He was wearing a tarp on the roof of a nearby building? plaguy.”

This guy is dawdling, unable to come to his senses as he must have been beaten several times before he came.

Meanwhile, what caught my eye was… … Not only was there no scar on the guy’s face, but he couldn’t feel any real magical energy.

“… … “This is fake, right?”

“Yes, it’s fake. “Is there any way that a real cub could be captured so easily?”

If so, it could also explain why the magic power was not captured. Because it was the action of a man without magical powers to begin with.

I glanced at the gun that fell on the ground as he was brought here.

An ordinary sniper rifle with a silencer that looks nothing special. It was surprising that even the weapons were ordinary.

“senior. “Didn’t we almost break through the shield earlier?”

First, I ask Yuli, who had put up her shield.

First of all, if it was a bullet, she wouldn’t have been able to properly hurt us, so her ability wouldn’t have activated.

However, judging from the fact that her ability was activated, that sniping just now could be enough of a threat to us.

The sniper is also ordinary. Guns are also ordinary.

So what’s left… … .

“warhead. “They played a trick on the warhead.”

Yuli, who had walked to the place where the magic circle had been spread out just moments ago, gritted her teeth as she picked up the warhead that had fallen to the ground.

“It’s a bullet filled with a curse. “The kind that slowly erodes the mind and drives a person crazy just by coming into contact with the body.”

She completely destroys the warhead with her fingers.

“… … “It’s really evil.”

She looks at the crumbs falling on the floor, as if she is disgusted by that vicious method.

“So, are you okay, senior? just now. “You touched a warhead.”


Yuli hears me and raises her head to look at me.

“A curse of this magnitude is nothing to me. Thank you for your concern?”

Certainly, considering her blood, I thought that an ordinary curse might be nothing.

In the first place, she was a person who lived her whole life with the curse of ‘Rodman’s blood’.

Meanwhile, Ji Soo-hyun, who was crouching in place and seeking information from the sniper, stood up and frowned.

“Damn it. “Maybe it’s because he’s an insane kid, so it’s hard to get information from him.”

Perhaps he had touched it with his bare hands when he was loading the ammunition, but the writhing guy who was lying on the floor was smiling brightly even though his face was swollen and completely ruined in various places.

“What is certain is that this bastard is no ordinary copycat. The damned bullet that Yuli destroyed a little while ago. “I’ve seen it before.”

“In the past, ramen… … .”

Ji Soo-hyun nods at Yuli’s words.

“Silent Sniper. “The only one who uses such vicious bullets is that stupid bastard.”

“As expected, this incident involves more than just an impersonator.”

“And this means that he is targeting a student at our academy, a child other than you. Ha, really. “It’s been a while since I’ve been on vacation, but now the asshole shows up again?”

I felt like I knew why adults hated that kid so much.

… … Damn you bastard.



“That sniper. “Can you lend it to me for a moment?”

“Why did the sniper… … “You can’t believe it?”

“This is our specialty when it comes to extracting information.”

Aren’t they the personnel of Caglione brought in to prepare for this situation?

“Please leave it to me.”

It was time to prove that Caglione was a group of talented people who could make even a madman say, ‘I am a normal person.’

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