I Become a Mafia in the Academy Chapter 31

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I Became the Academy Mafia Episode 31

After morning assembly.

The third day at the academy felt more like a normal school life than other days.

According to Su-Hyeon Ji, the instructor in charge, the third day was to strengthen the mental aspect rather than moving the body, but rather than that, it seemed to just provide time for students to physically rest.

“There is absolutely no good reason for such a situation.”

Why are you letting me rest like this today?

I knew better than anyone else that it was for the class ranking match to be held next Tuesday.

‘Class ranking match.’

It was an event that every student attending Seoul Hero Academy had to attend at least once. It was the day when first-year classes ran through a dungeon and ranked each class.

Since most ranking matches are held on randomly selected days during the first semester, only a very small number of academy officials know what day they take place.

Of course, the reason I knew about this was because I knew through the game that it would happen on the following Tuesday after unconditional admission during this period.

“Giggle. It would be nice if I just sucked on honey every day like today. Isn’t that right, boss?”

Did he even know this when he saw him just sleeping and not doing anything physically? I thought so, but later I realized that he was just that kind of guy.

Do you have good senses, or are you really dull?

“Now, class is starting, so get everything ready.”

The once noisy classroom becomes quiet upon seeing the instructor come in.

Since it had not been long since the academy opened, most of the instructors who came to each class were people I had never seen before.

Of course, I know who I am.

[Name: Park Yunho]

[Affiliation: Korea, Academy]

[Age: 34 years old]

[Specialty: Villain Studies, Fantasy Magic]

[Description: A person who serves as an instructor at Seoul Hero Academy. He is conducting research on villains in modern society and is a hero who has faced numerous villains in the past.]

As written in the character guide, the character named Park Yun-ho appeared in the game as an NPC at the academy who gave information about villains or gave missions.

His slicked-back hair and sharp eyes seem to show how cold and strict he was, but in fact, he was also a person with one of the most heroic values ​​in the academy.

In fact, he was someone who always gave a separate reward to a student at the academy if he succeeded in arresting, subduing, or eliminating a villain.

“My name is Park Yunho. Starting today, I am the instructor who will teach you villain studies. “The Villain Studies class will be held twice a week, but please let us know in advance that it may change at any time depending on the instructor’s schedule.”

Park Yun-ho wrote his name on the smart blackboard located at the front of the classroom, said so, and immediately transferred the data to the smart tablets located at each seat.

“This is the textbook for this semester. “Now that the introduction is over, let’s start class right away.”

Even though it was his first class, Park Yun-ho went straight into class after only giving a brief self-introduction.

At this, exclamations of resentment erupted in the presence of the children, but his expression did not waver at all.

“Today, we will learn about villains from 15p to 30p. The first villain to appear is ‘Bloody Clown’. In Korea, he is a villain called a ‘bloody clown.’ “Does anyone know anything about this guy?”

No one raises their hand when asked by the instructor.

That’s right, the years of activity are from 2012 to 2014.

At that time, most of the children here were babies, so it would have been normal not to know.

“hmm… … yes. There was an admissions assistant in this class, I guess? Han Yu-jin, do you know about ‘Bloody Clown’?”

Suddenly an arrow is headed towards me.

No, I didn’t even raise my hand, but you’re asking me because I’m second in line?

Of course, it wasn’t that I didn’t know about him.

“My real name is Jack Clewood. He is a villain who operated in the United States and has the ability to change his breath into a gas bomb and to change his appearance.”

Instructor Park Yun-ho nodded after hearing my answer.

“Accurate. This guy is a class A villain who used those abilities to fool the American Association. “I’ll send you the photo now.”

A photo arrives through the tablet on the desk.

A man with a white face covered in powder and wearing a comical outfit.

He had the appearance of an absolutely crazy clown.

“In the end, it was American hero Luna Armstrong and Instructor Ji Soo-hyun, who is currently an instructor at our academy, who caught him. After he was arrested, he was sentenced to 235 years in Niflheim, an American prison for awakened people. And, today we will learn about what a ‘villain’ is through this guy.”

… … He was also a villain who soon escaped from prison and came to Korea to take revenge on Ji Soo-hyun, who had captured him.

I remembered this too because it was one of the Academy’s events.

“Okay then, first of all. “Let’s talk about what a ‘villain’ is.”

As he said that, he wrote ‘Villain’ in large letters behind him.

“The cadet in front of you, his name is…” … No Yuun? “What is a villain?”

He is startled when his name is suddenly called and he slowly opens his mouth.

“uh… … “Aren’t they awakened people who commit crimes?”

The instructor nodded after hearing his answer.

“You’re half right. ‘Villain’. A villain is an awakened person who commits crimes. However, the exact definition of ‘villain’ refers to an awakened person registered as a villain in the ‘Hero Association Database’.”

A look of puzzlement appears on the children’s faces after hearing Park Yun-ho’s words.

Only awakened people registered in the database are villains? What does that mean? That feeling.

Park Yun-ho also seems to have sensed this atmosphere and continues speaking.

“Let’s look at the easiest example. Vito Caglione, the former refugee area previously located in Incheon and the current ruler of the foreign area. “Is he a villain?”

… … My father’s name suddenly appears here?

Certainly, Vito Caglione, the father of this body, was one of the world’s leading awakened people who did not belong to the Hero Association. However, the world did not call him a villain.

“he is… … “I don’t think he’s a villain.”

“Why? If what you say is true, doesn’t Vito Caglione operate as a mafia in the territory of the Republic of Korea and control the world’s underworld? “Then he’s a villain, right?”

“that… … According to what I learned, after the chaos caused by his presence, discipline was established in the world and the crime rate decreased significantly.”

Park Yun-ho snaps his fingers, as if he liked Noh Yu-un’s answer.

“Okay, that’s it. Although I am not a fan of Caglione, his existence has become a thing of order. That’s why the association decided to define ‘villain’ this way. “We will call the awakened people registered in the database ‘villains’ because they have caused great damage internationally and socially.”

Park Yun-ho knocked on the blackboard until it made a thumping sound.



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As he puts down the marker pen and snaps his fingers, the shape of the classroom begins to change.

Park Yun-ho used magic to overlay the illusion he created on the classroom scene.

The lighting begins to change into a colorful appearance.

The lectern where Park Yun-ho is standing turns into a dining bar, and nearby, people can be seen toasting with bottles of alcohol, and lovers wearing colorful clothes and kissing passionately can also be seen.

However, there is something strange… … The point was that all the people who came into this place did not move, as if time had stopped.

“This is a place where the scene of the party where Bloody Clown was last caught was reconstructed using my abilities. “The match rate is 99%, which means they are completely similar.”

And he smiled brightly and said to us.

“Let me ask you a question here. “The cadet who guesses correctly first will be awarded 1 store point, so please do your best.”

When children hear the word ‘store,’ their eyes sparkle.

A very rare point that can be exchanged for equipment or elixirs owned by the academy at the academy’s store.

In my case, I also received attitude points from Incheon branch manager Kang Seung-tae some time ago, so if I received them again this time, I would get a total of 2 points.

“One of these people is ‘Bloody Clown.’ Who exactly is it? “All the evidence needed for reasoning is already out there, so if you think hard enough, you’ll be able to find it quickly.”

The children who heard his problem begin to murmur.

How can we find the Bloody Clown among these people who almost fill the classroom?

Even though he changes his appearance, he only reveals his identity right before he commits a terrorist attack.

The guy inside must have changed his appearance.

In other words, the difficulty level was too high.

… … That’s what the other kids were probably thinking by now.

I was the first to raise my hand and Park Yunho pointed at me.

“Yes, Cadet Han Yujin there. “Tell me.”


The problem that Park Yun-ho asked now was an event that occurred in the game and required reasoning and concentration.

And above all, I was someone who had already cleared this event.

“Over there, the man standing alone in the corner is ‘Bloody Clown.’”

I said that, pointing to a man standing quietly in the corner of the classroom.

“Hoo, why do you think that?”

After hearing my answer, Park Yunho asked with a puzzled expression.

“The Bloody Clown’s ‘breath’ is very similar to a gas bomb. “According to the contents of the book the instructor sent me, it says that he is not able to control his abilities even on a regular basis.”

I said that and the people surrounding the room.

He said while looking at the smokers.

“As you can see, since it is a party place in the United States, most people are enjoying the party with the beginning of the year in their mouths. What if he sighs in the meantime? A catastrophe would have occurred that would have involved him as well. Therefore, I expected ‘Bloody Clown’ to be the author furthest away from the danger of fire.”

Park Yun-ho raises his eyes after hearing my explanation.

“Is that the end?”

“… … “To give an additional explanation, I guessed that it was a subspace artifact after seeing the white powder on the loose clothes and shoes that could be used to hide the clown costume, and the bag that could not be seen inside even though it was open.”

match. match. match.

The illusion that had filled the classroom disappeared and applause rang out.

“That’s great. As you said, ‘Bloody Clown’ was said to have avoided fire to the extreme before causing terrorism due to being unable to control his abilities. “So that you can pick up the store after class.”

“thank you.”

Now there are 2 stores?

As I remember, each usable potion was worth 3 points, so I thought I made quite a big profit.

“As Cadet Han Yu-jin just said, he made numerous mistakes that could be considered a ‘villain.’ But even though they committed so many terrorist attacks, it wasn’t easy to catch them. why? This is because the information that could be used to guess the ‘villain’ was not systematized.”

Taking the marker in his hand again, he draws an X on the word ‘villain’ written on the blackboard.

“And what you will learn from me in the future… … These are the villains’ habits and characteristics, and their weaknesses. Please, please take care of me in the future.”

… … Oh, if I say I know all that, I guess I’ll get a penalty point, right?

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