I Become a Mafia in the Academy Chapter 289

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Became the Academy Mafia Episode 289

One of the facts I learned through numerous cases and statistics.

The black market held on a cruise ship on the Han River had a 50% chance of an intrusion event occurring.

I thought it was a 50/50 chance, but I had no idea that this event would really happen.

And the intruder in this event is… … .

“It’s the Hero Association guys! “Quickly gather your things and retreat!”

Our organization can be said to be the antithesis of the Villain Alliance. It was a hero association.

Quad deuk! bang! Quaaaang!

“and! attack! “It’s an attack~!”

The sound of breaking the ceiling and blocking the entrance still rings in my ears.

The place below has already been a mess for a long time.

However, even though numerous heroes were rushing in to catch them, Peak was just laughing and raising his arms as if he was excited.

The same goes for other villains in VIP. As if this was not the first time this kind of enemy had happened, they quickly and accurately assessed the situation and began to evacuate.

Now, shall I move too? At that time I thought:

“Secret medicine! “Can I submit a request now?!”

One of Dolce Puppet’s dolls, which was busy moving things around, approached and opened its mouth.

“… … “My commission is expensive.”

“I know! This time, I’ll give you one of the items you won and the item you tried to highlight. how is it?”

“It’s not enough.”

“For now, I will accommodate you as best as I can! “I’ll use this as collateral, so help me first!”

And then the guy throws a card representing himself.

Yes, that’s right.

I smiled inwardly as I received it.

Having achieved my goal, I nodded and stood up.

“What should I do?”

Dolce Puppet answers the question as he takes out the dark-colored daggers.

“It doesn’t matter what happens to the other villains. Things come first! “Please escort Peak so that he can be sure to steal it.”

Peak’s escort?

Indeed, I guess it was that kind of contract.

In fact, Peak opened a portal the size of his own body at the top of the auction house stage and swept up Dolce Puppet’s dolls and items while smiling.

“Hahaha! Hahaha! Sweep it in! Sweep everything out!”

“Level 1 alert! “It’s Midsommar’s peak!”

“Everyone be careful!”

Seeing the already precarious appearance of the peak, I immediately got out of my seat and jumped towards the sky.

The person they are targeting is none other than Peak. If you approach it carelessly, you may be killed.

It would be best for me to step in and subdue this place.

The goal is the flares currently floating in the sky to illuminate the entire cruise ship.

“First of all, I need to create a situation that is advantageous to me.”

By activating the black flame of the ‘Abyss Flame Ring’ towards that place, the surrounding area is dyed in darkness.

The light sources are swallowed up by black flames, making a sound as if the wind is going out.

The flashes of light that illuminated the night sky turned dark, and the cruise ship was instantly plunged into darkness.

The heroes begin to panic at the suddenly dark surroundings.

“Flare! “Where did the flare go?”

“People with ignition skills! “At least turn on the light right now!”

When the light disappeared as I had planned, they were unable to approach Peak and began looking for the light to understand the situation.

“I found the car!”

When a hero who finds a flashlight turns on the light and smiles brightly.


I approached back through the shadows and immediately activated the black flame.


He screams and struggles as the black flame swallows his whole body in an instant.

It would hurt a lot, but it was still better than being hit by Peak’s abilities.

After a while, the flashlight he had turned on went off and the interior of the ferry fell into silence.

“Bah, what was that just now?”

“It seems like something sparkled for a moment… … ?”

The second target was the guy emitting flames at the entrance to the auction house and hesitating to enter.


This time, he approached backwards through the shadows and struck the back of his neck, instantly losing consciousness.

The hero falls forward with a thud.


A chilling voice heard among colleagues.

Did you realize it only then?

One of the heroes shouts as loud as he can.

“Don’t turn on the light!! “If you turn on the light, you become a target!”

The other heroes who heard his cry hesitated to move.

That was the end of it.

Peak took advantage of that opportunity to sweep all the remaining items into the portal and then threw his own body into the portal.

A guy who just shows his face and shouts.



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“Secret medicine! All the stuff has been moved! “You run away quickly too!”

“Oh, secret medicine?!”

“A secret drug?!”

My insides start to tremble at the sound of my name coming out of Peak’s mouth.

Since the request I received from the Villain Alliance was fulfilled, I also ran towards the direction of Peak.

“Here! here!”

The guy waving his hand as if telling him to come in quickly.

“No way!”

One person blocked my path and tried to arrest me.

“──Get out of the way.”

A lightning bolt that changed the effect was activated.

As soon as I pass by the guy blocking my path, the surrounding area is covered with pitch-black lightning.



“shit! James!”

Since I controlled my strength appropriately, I should be able to recover after a few days of suffering.

As I watched the heroes running towards the fallen guy on the ground, I also threw myself towards the portal that Peak had opened, and the surrounding scenery changed in an instant.

Cool air and damp walls.

It looked like it was one of the buildings they use in emergencies.

“Damn it. “Where did the information come from this time?”

The Dolce Puppet doll sighs and scratches its head as if it is used to this kind of thing.

“haha! I can’t help it. “Your auctions are always held in places with good accessibility, right?”

“Because it’s much easier to attract customers that way. “I can’t help it.”

“Hmm, that’s it, I’d like you to calculate it soon? White Bee’s honey. “You didn’t forget, right?”

Circling around the woman who was serving as host of the auction, Peak demanded compensation for the incident.

“I know. “Before that, let’s resolve this first.”

The guy said that and turned his head to look at me.

“Amyak, I have one more question to ask you.”

“… … ?”

“Are you planning on joining the Villain Alliance?”

Finally, the words she had been waiting for came out of her mouth.

The reason why I took on the secret identity and the biggest reason why I helped her at this auction house. It was not only to obtain auction items, but also to sneak into their gap.

However, in my memory, Amyak was not a character who easily responded to such requests.

In other words, I have to bounce back as much as possible and create a situation that is advantageous to me.


“I know that you have only been active as a mercenary until now. “But didn’t you show yourself because you had a change of heart?”

It seems that the secret agent, who had been hiding until now, finally revealed himself because he thought it was to contact the Villain Alliance.

“A person of your caliber could give you a position as an executive in the Villain Alliance. Of course, you have to get the consent of other executives through a meeting. how is it?”

Peak nods his head eagerly at Dolce Puppet’s words.

“I also agree with it. A secret drug is enough to give you an executive position. “Do you want to be friends?”


“I refuse.”

I turned down all their offers.

“why? “You’re giving me an executive position?”

Dolce Puppet asks with a frown on his face as if he doesn’t understand.

I answered that question firmly.

“It’s just annoying to belong somewhere.”

Because it just can’t end like this.

How much has Amyak paid so far? The price needs to be raised even more.

Of course, that doesn’t mean you can just throw it away. Instead, I decided to spread one more bait.

“… … Instead, let me introduce you to a person.”

“huh? “The person Amyak introduces?”

I took out a file that I had previously placed in the cube and showed them.

Written there is detailed information about a villain.

“This… … ?”

Dolce Puppet’s eyes widen as he receives the file.

“Magical Log. “This is someone I learned about through a recent request.”

While being pushed around by the Villain Alliance through a secret plan, a new alt-character is infiltrated into them.

It’s called a double contract operation.

But this guy frowns while looking at the photo.

“… … I’ve heard about this guy. He’s the guy who robbed Pendragon’s mansion, right? But isn’t he just a petty thief? “I haven’t heard that it’s particularly strong.”

As expected, it looks like you only know one and don’t know the other.

“This is the guy who won the battle with Galahad. He will be helpful.”

“… … what? “If you are Galahad, is he the bastard raised by the Pendragon family?”

I nodded my head to his question. Then, Peak raises a question as if it’s strange.

“But secret medicine! How did you get to know this strange looking guy? “We didn’t have any information about him.”

Yeah, I expected that to be asked. The countermeasures against this were also perfect.

“… … “He tried to rob my hideout.”


“Secret medicine, your hideout?!”

A thief who tried to rob a secret drug hideout whose identity was unknown.

Is there a greater impact than this?

For them, ‘Magical Rogue’ needed to be recognized as a formidable force.

The two people actually made blank expressions as if they were dumbfounded after hearing what I said.

“That’s definitely… … Well, he’s crazy.”

“I thought he was crazy when I saw the outfit he was wearing, but is he a total idiot? Dolce Puppet! I like this guy! “It’s a recommendation from a secret drug, not from another guy, right?”

At this rate, I’ve given them all the information I need to give them.

I held out my hand to Dolce Puppet.

“Then, pay the compensation slowly.”

The item that was agreed to be received after escorting Peak to prevent the items from being stolen is one of the items that will be up for auction.

Dolce Puppet sighed at my words and pointed to the items scattered on the floor.

“… … Okay, take it. “If it weren’t for you, these items would have been confiscated by the Hero Association anyway.”

After listening to her, I looked at the items one by one.

Let’s see. This… … It’s valuable, but I don’t really have any use for it. This is something I can’t use. This is something I like better… … hmm?

At that time, there was one piece of equipment that caught my eye.

An ordinary brass cross that appears to have no special features.

“This… … .”

“hmm? that? It’s just like an amulet filled with divine power, but can you really choose with that? Even if it were just other items, wouldn’t it be better than that?”

This is a talisman. Surely you don’t know about this stuff?

I nodded, quietly putting it in my pocket.

“… … “This is enough.”

“You really are an unknown person. “Is that really all you need?”

He nodded and played with the brass cross in his hand.

If my prediction is correct, I will definitely have to use it in the future.

To my firm answer, Dolce Puppet replied, ‘Well, I guess so.’ and handed me a piece of paper.

“And please give me this.”

“… … What is this?”

“It’s a request. “These guys took advantage of the chaos at today’s auction to steal items.”

After listening to her words and looking at the documents, I found information about the people who participated in today’s auction and the items they brought with them.

“Because they need punishment. “It’s similar to the original request.”

“Have you checked all of this?”

“Because my eyes are everywhere.”

Indeed, did you check everything with other dolls?


“… … “Leave this to him.”

“You mean him?”

“Magical log. “He would be better suited for this kind of work than I would be.”

“You believe that much?”

“Because he is a talented person. “Shouldn’t you find out your skills at least once anyway?”

And wouldn’t the Villain Alliance properly recognize me if I handle this kind of work?

“… … I’ll do as you say first. But, is this real?”

“What do you mean?”

“To call the Magical Rogue, you have to shoot a heart-shaped light from the roof of the building towards the clouds. “What kind of calling method is this?”

hmm? Is that strange?

I think it’s full of romance.

Apparently, Dolce Puppet didn’t think so.

“Well then, I’ll just go.”

Anyway, all of today’s goals were achieved.

We obtained all the materials to strengthen the green belt, created a link with the Villain Alliance, and even completed preparations for Magical Rogue’s debut.

‘Well, it’s very informative.’

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