I Become a Mafia in the Academy Chapter 229

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Became the Academy Mafia Episode 229

As soon as we arrived at the entrance to Mount Etna, a meeting between each faction began.

Obvious things like who will go in first and who will take care of the rear.

Except for the fire giant, the by-products of the monsters other than the fire giant were each decided to take care of the monsters they defeated. Surprisingly, it was the criminal Jinhyeong who said he would stand at the forefront first.

“We’re trying to take the lead. Does anyone have any objections?”

She spoke first, twisting the back of her hair with her fingers.

“Venice has no objection.”

“me too.”

And at the same time, Luca and I express no objection.

Even though it was a good contract in which the person who did the good deed would benefit, the interest was handed over as is.

It was not that difficult to infer why Venice made that choice.

‘Meat shield.’

The purpose was clearly to use them as ‘canaries in the mine’.

And even if I managed to take care of the by-products differently than expected, it wouldn’t have mattered much.

In the end, the true goal of Venice and the Medici family was the ‘essence of fire’, not a by-product of the dungeon.

It might help you block or control them when they try to escape.

And the reason I agreed was simple.

Not only was my goal not a by-product of the monster, but the benefit of taking the lead was not that great.

“Huh? Concessions are coming faster than expected? thank you?”

She speaks with a gentle smile.

Her intention was probably to take the lead in controlling the ‘criminals’ who did not work together properly.

“Then, between us and Caglione Junior, you have to take the rearguard… … Since we only have so many people, it’s better for us to stand in the rear… … .”

“We act separately as a separate unit.”

“… … yes?”

The guy’s brow furrowed when he heard what I said.

Well, it wasn’t that I couldn’t understand making that kind of expression.

There must have been an order from Medici to control it directly by putting us in the middle.

Criminals are on the front line. In the rear is the Venetian guild.

It was clear that if only the three of us were trapped inside, we wouldn’t be able to do any proper activities and would only have to use tools to help explore the dungeon.

“A separate unit. “For a statement made right before departure, it’s quite embarrassing.”

A guy who is trying his best to stop it somehow.


“What do you think? There are only three of us anyway. “I agree.”

At this moment, the cat mask raises its hand and winks in this direction.

“It’s 2:1. Rest assured. Working as a separate unit does not mean leaving the main unit alone. It’s just that I want to move around a little more freely. Rather, it’s because it’s easier to solve the ‘mission’ given to me this way.”

This was a contractual relationship, not an employment relationship.

Luca closed his eyes at my story and began to think deeply about something.


“… … All right. In that case, Callione Jr. and his colleagues decide to move separately. However, please provide us with solid support until the ‘mission’ begins.”

“Thank you for your understanding.”

Perhaps he decided that it wasn’t a good idea to show off from the start, so he took a step back first.

“Then we will decide who goes in first. “Then, should I go up slowly?”

A cat mask that stretches and stands up first. At this, Luca also stands up and nods her head.

“Then, let’s make sure this raid is successful.”

A guy who shakes his head with determination. He simply smiled in response to that and headed straight to where Michaela and Elena were.

“junior. “Is the meeting over?”

Now, Michaela calls me Junior, as if calling me Callione Junior is getting tiresome.

“As I said when I came here, we move in separate units. Normally, this is a position that requires you to go to a dangerous place and provide support… … “There’s no need to take risks since we don’t know what everyone here is thinking.”

Michaela nods her head at my words.

“You are right, Junior. There’s no way people like that wouldn’t think differently. “If something happens, I will quickly ensure Elena’s safety.”

“Well, I won’t get in your way either!”

“okay. Then let’s get ready quickly. Over there too… … “It looks like they’re about to leave.”

The entrance to Mount Etna. Among the many dungeon entrances, the ‘Temple of Fire’ dungeon has the largest entrance.

The raid parties that had been waiting finally began to enter.

* * *

Unlike the clear sky outside, here, a cloudy gray sky was spreading overhead.

Volcanic ash and flames flying around. And even the withered trees and the earth emitting smoke.

“It’s definitely similar to the place we went in last time.”

Was the experience of already attempting to climb Mount Etna helpful? Elena muttered that as she looked around her in a more relaxed manner than before.

“But the monsters that appear will be on a different level from the ones we saw last time. “This is a sacred place for pagans and a place where ‘the giant’ is located.”

“Oh, yes.”

However, unlike last time, seeing Michaela looking around with a very nervous expression, Elena nodded and naturally took a seat next to her.

And then Luca’s voice came from the air.

-From now on, we are planning to run to the ‘Giant’s Bedroom’ where he is. If you start running from the front, you will run at your own pace, so please be prepared!

As a result, the others began to take their stances one by one and prepare to run forward.

-Elena. Get on it.

In order to run with Elena, Pen also grew in size and carried Elena on top of him.

“thank you. pen.”



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-Hold on tight.

At the same time, the back was freely modified to create stirrups and handles to prevent her from falling.

Is it because the entire body is made of metal? It looks very versatile.

It truly looks like a tier 1 spirit.

With everyone ready to run, each person waits for a signal to come from the air.

A group of monsters are already slowly gathering around.

The moment when everyone is ready to jump out of their seats.


As soon as Luca shouted, a group of about 50 people started running towards the front as fast as they could.


-Don’t miss it!

Elena’s body on top of the pen shakes back and forth due to the sudden acceleration. Elena was embarrassed and fumbled a few times before lowering her body by holding on to the handle.

Meanwhile, there is a loud noise around.

Even though less than 20 seconds had passed since we started, explosions and shouts were already starting to ring out from the front as if announcing a battle.

-Don’t try to pick up anything that’s too far away! If you slow down, everyone will die!

I was worried that the speed would not be slowed down due to the by-products, but fortunately, the mercenaries seem to be working well.

Their systematic targeting is as good as that of most small or medium-sized guilds.

-3 minutes remaining until arrival at the first peak!

Our target is the sixth peak.

The main operation was to head to the ‘Giant’s Bedroom’ through there.

“Elena. “A battle will break out as soon as we arrive at Peak 1, so prepare.”

“Ah yes!”

-10 seconds to reach the peak! 9… … 8… … 2… … One! Mountain dog!

In an instant, they reached the tip of the peak and at the same time, all those who had formed a long formation spread out.

A lake of fire spread out before our eyes.



-Keep it! Grumble, murmur!

Everything swaying there are corrupted fire spirits and monsters like fire drakes.

Okay, so what to do is decided.

-Wipe them all out!

Starting with Luca’s voice, everyone started throwing themselves into the fiery volcano.


“I know it without you saying it.”


As planned in advance, Elena arrives at the peak, gets off the pen, and raises her magic power by leading the way. Michaela also increases her divine power and stays by Elena’s side.

“Then I’ll be back.”

I leave those two alone and take a step forward.

What I need to do is the first gateway to conquer the fire giant. Destroy the ‘well of fire’ that exists on each peak.

[Activate Black Dance’s skill ‘Revelation’!]

[The user enters the shadow.]

Shadows are everywhere in this place where fire is everywhere.

It’s not as good as the Night Mansion, but it’s good enough.

After saving myself the trouble of going through the crowds of people, I fell into the bottom of the sea of ​​shadows and ran straight towards the location of the well, taking out the shotgun inside the cube.

-Kiruk! Grrrr!

A bunch of guys gathered together as if guarding a well.

It seems quite affectionate to protect the spawn location carefully.

“You have to destroy it all at once.”

There is only one chance for a surprise attack.

After moving my shadow a few times, I reached the area near the well. As soon as I got out of the shadows, I soared high and aimed my shotgun at the monsters looking up from below.

[「Blood system ability: Calyone」 is activated.]

“yes. “Everyone should get along well, right?”

A red aura that explodes as soon as everyone around it is recognized as an enemy.

Instead of releasing all of the aura as is, I compressed it.

A dark red lump that gets darker and darker.

You prepare it by inserting the shiny object into the shotgun chamber and pulling the trigger.



At the same time as there was a huge roar like a bomb exploding, the ground shook and volcanic ash began to rise around the area.

A sea of ​​gray smoke engulfing the battlefield in an instant.

This was also the reason why others found ‘Temple of Fire’ difficult.

The more you fight, the more limited your field of vision becomes.



As I land on the ground, I shout out Elena’s name as loud as I can, who must be here somewhere.



Elena’s voice heard from the gray sea.

With this voice as a signal, the magic power around begins to fluctuate.

No, it wasn’t magic power, it was a wind.

The cool winds gathered together one by one and soon became a whirlwind, quickly sweeping the area and taking over.

The Venetian wizards in the back began to sweep all the volcanic ash to the back.

As a result, vision gradually begins to recover. The scene that was visible only after the ash had completely disappeared was a battlefield that had become a melee, like something you would see on a battlefield.

“The well has been destroyed!”

-everyone! Form your formation and move straight to the next peak!

Starting with the cry that the first mission has been completed, the people around them return to their original formation as if attracted by magnetism.

These scenes are also possible because they are veterans who have experienced all kinds of hardships.

-Mercenary casualties: 0!

“Caglione 0.”

-Venice Gyeongsang 1 Keep moving!

Thanks to the successful surprise attack, the well was easily destroyed.

Deciding that further fighting was pointless, we started running straight toward the next peak.

“As expected, Junior. “Is that your real power?”

As the formation gathers again, Michaela comes next to me and asks me a question.

I smiled and answered.

“It’s a secret. By the way, did anything happen?”

“Thanks to Penn for his outstanding performance. “The pen seems like a greater spirit than I thought.”

After hearing her words, I looked at the pen with Elena on it.

In the meantime, the pen’s appearance had changed. The cold appearance from before was now starting to show a red aura through the gaps in the fur.

-it’s good! it’s good! it’s good!

This guy constantly shouts ‘Umai!’ with a voice so excited that he can’t believe how gluttonous he is.

“Do you think this is worth it?!”

And Elena, sitting on top of the pen, was smiling, not even noticing the soot on her face.

“Isn’t it still too early to think like that?”


-30 seconds to reach the second peak! preparation!

“I’ll know it when I see it… … !”

This time, instead of a shotgun, he takes out Tommy and draws the prepared auror into it.

-3… … 2… … One!

A familiar sight seen as soon as you climb to the tip of the peak.

However, if there was something different from before… … .

“Yu, Eugene. What the hell is this… … .”

“This is the real fire temple… … !”

What spread there was a sea of ​​fire so wide that the first peak just looked ridiculous.

It was a red sea.

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