I Become a Mafia in the Academy Chapter 200

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Became the Academy Mafia Episode 200

Returning home before the sun fully rose, I looked closely at the jewel that was absorbing light rather than reflecting it.

[Name: Essence of Greater Dark Spirit]

[Grade: Unique]

[Type: Material]

[Description: Originally, it should have been immortal. It is the essence of a dark spirit that returned to nothingness. Just by looking at it, you can feel the endless darkness.]

“I did get it once.”

A top-quality material item imbued with his power. Essence of a superior dark spirit.

In the game, it was an item used as a strengthening material for items.

Of course, there were quite a few other items obtained from this guy’s hideout… … .

‘It was a shame that most of them were items used for traps.’

Other than that, the only things that could be used were things used to strengthen spirits and the sword he used.


“This is enough.”

Although it was neither an elixir nor a weapon, this ‘essence’ was something that would bring me another opportunity.

I walk to my desk and reflect on the events of the remaining first semester.

First of all, the most urgent event is the academy’s final exams.

To be honest, I don’t have much to worry about here. I was able to cover the high school level exam with smart lenses and my experience.

The really important event is this.

“Mid-term evaluation of the club in the first half of the year.”

It was one of the largest events on the academy route to see what achievements the club had achieved over the past semester.

It was an event that all clubs in the production, arts, and economics fields that had a day could easily pass by submitting their work or performance reports… … The problem is that Familia is a ‘military’ type club.

And inevitably, armed forces clubs must prove their performance by demonstrating their skills. And what is being misused there is… … .

-young master. Are you awake?

As breakfast time approached, Alessia came to my room to wake me up.

“I’ll be out soon.”

First, you have to eat rice.

It was a very hungry morning so I had to catch it early in the morning.

* * *

“I did it! You did it! see? Can you see it? “Nyaaaaaaaaa!”

Jinwoo has been making noise and roaring since the afternoon.

Seeing that, Se-ah sighs and shakes her head.

“I don’t know why I like it so much when I barely avoided failing.”

“But Jinwoo put in a lot of effort. “I did all the homework we assigned.”

However, Emperor Yeong looks at this and smiles proudly.

At this, the guy looked even more excited and started dancing in an unknown way.

“Ha, this isn’t the time to be in love like that. “You know that we have a mid-term club evaluation next week, right?”

Se-Ah is the first to talk about the club’s mid-term evaluation.

“It is true that our current level is capable of wiping out most bronze clubs, but… … “Now that we are in the silver club, we must not let our guard down.”

She says that with a worried expression, as if she too has been thinking about things.

Jinwoo blinks as if he is worried about this.

“Hey, don’t be so scared. You have to do it to evaluate the club. Even if I say it with my own mouth… … “We’re not weak, right?”

As Jinwoo said while giggling, our current club could already be said to be a great mid-sized club.

Familia has reached a level where it can be called an association beyond a single club.

The problem is that among all these alliances, we are the only proper combat club.

And if I were an enemy of the Familia, I would definitely take advantage of this and strangle us.

‘There’s no way it’s just going to be normal.’

As Se-Ah said, it was forbidden to let down one’s guard.

“First of all, everyone had a hard time taking the final exam. I’d like to tell everyone to get some rest, but… … As Se-Ah said, there are still clubs left, right? Let’s do our best during the remaining first semester. “It’s vacation soon anyway.”

If there’s a vacation, I’ll be able to take a break from Familia’s work.

With that in mind, I arrived at the Familia club room and tried to prepare for the club’s mid-term evaluation.

[A new message has arrived!]

[Senior Yuli: SD]

An emergency signal came from Yuli.

If I remember correctly, that signal means an S-class crisis (Dangerous.)

Even the shortened version meant that the situation happened suddenly and that he had a hard time dealing with it.

And a guy who can do something like this… … .

“Is this starting soon?”

Ray Pendragon.

It also meant that the guy was moving.

At the same time thinking like that.

“Director Eugene! Eugene is the manager! Rain, emergency! “It’s an emergency!”

“Junior Eugene! Eugene junior!! “Please save us!”

People’s screams can be heard from outside the club room. Jinwoo opens the door to the room to see what’s going on.

“uh? Board game club senior? and… … Manager Seri?”

From a distance, I saw two people running out of breath.

And then there are other people rushing by.

Most of them were faces I knew and were either related to our Familia or participated in club support projects through us.



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“Boss, I think it’s an emergency.”

… … As Jinwoo said. Something was happening.

* * *

“What on earth did they say we did wrong?”

“Look, the people who are keeping us in check are doing this? Uh, what should I do?! The only thing left to do is to ride the WeTube rice cake shopping road… … “It’s a big deal.”

The reason why Familia’s club room was so crowded was very simple.

This was because those who entrusted their safety to us felt their safety was threatened.

“therefore. Let me summarize the situation. All club members here now. “Are you saying there was a club competition?”

People nodding their heads at the same time.

It was not difficult to guess why this division occurred.

“Ray Pendragon. “The student council president made a move.”

It was Emperor Yeong who spoke first.

“Before we saw the club’s mid-term evaluation. It’s clear that they’re trying to weaken our club’s power. Otherwise, there would be no way they would have selected only the clubs that had a contract with our club and held a club competition.”

It’s probably just as the Young Emperor said. He could only be seen as having used malicious techniques.

“That’s funny, is this how you get revenge for picking on me last time?”

Still, they gave me a commendation, but I had no idea they would throw a job bomb like this.

“First of all, seniors, please calm down. As per the contract, we will participate in your club competition as a representative.”

First, I calmed down the club leaders who were in trouble and stood up. I then counted the number of clubs that were here.

“Are there five clubs in total?”

‘Recipe Development Club’

‘Board Game Club’

‘Indoor Fishing Club’

‘Tarot Club’

‘Patissier Club’

They are all clubs with almost no fighting ability.

The important thing is that we cannot all fight for these five clubs.

Because there are places where time overlaps cleverly.

But that doesn’t mean we don’t have a perfect solution.

“If it was a club match, the level of the opponent would be much lower. Se-ah, quickly go to the cafe and ask Latte for information on these guys. “If it’s my order, it will be ready right away.”

“Ah, yes!”

According to my prediction, there was a high possibility that this ploy was not an attempt to win, but rather a ploy to take away our power.

In other words, it would be natural for us to win against other clubs, but that means we could fall into another trap he prepared.

After a while.

Se-Ah, who hurriedly returned to the club room, handed me a wad of paper filled with something written on it.

“Latte wants me to give you this.”

“thank you.”

After all, we are Familia’s intelligence agents.

All the information you need right now is organized here.

And the contents… … .

“As expected.”

The opposing clubs involved in this incident are all classified as weak clubs.

Of course, compared to the production workers or hobby clubs gathered here, their power was stronger, but compared to the students properly preparing to become active heroes, it was much weaker.

As expected, the guys didn’t seem to have entered the club match with the intention of winning.

In other words, the student council proposed compensation that would surpass the defeat in the club competition.

“If this continues, it will be easier than I thought, right?”

It was clear that the current student council lacked information about us.

Well, the only activities our club has been doing recently have been gathering together to drink tea and train muscles, so I wonder if there is anything to investigate… … In the first place, the children in our club grew through mentor classes rather than becoming stronger through club activities.

The most important thing was that the growth of our club members was beyond imagination.

“First of all, could everyone please go back for a moment. I thought I’d talk about alternatives to this incident with the members of ‘Familia’. “This is for security purposes, so please understand.”

Even so, it was a bit too much to talk about our plans in front of so many people, so we sent most of them to their respective club rooms.

So, the four members of our ‘Familia’ remained.

“hi. late.”

No, all five people gathered together, including Choi Yeon, who had just arrived.

“So boss. “Is there some good plan that led you to send everyone else away like that?”

Among the children gathered in the manager’s office, Jinwoo was the first to open his mouth.

“Looking at the information the boss showed me, it seemed like a bunch of really insignificant people had come rushing in. “How can we just submerge them one by one in the club war?”

“Would the student council just sit there and watch that? “It’s obvious that they will use that as an excuse and then impose all kinds of sanctions on us.”

Youngje nods his head at Se-Ah’s words.

“It’s just as Se-ah said. If we do something pointless here, it is no different from showing our weakness. “Something different is needed.”

A unique method.

“That’s exactly what I wanted to say. A unique method. “That’s what came to mind.”

At my words, all the other children’s eyes turn to me.

“What? Just overwhelmingly defeat them one by one?”

“Would you say that, Mr. Eugene? “It could be better to print it with money and bring it back to us.”

“No matter what, the manager can’t do that. “It would be better if the manager goes around alone and destroys everything.”

… … What do I look like in their eyes?

“Because with Eugene, anything is possible. “He might be worried.”

Even Choi Yeon contributes.

To be honest, it’s not that I haven’t thought about the way the children spoke… … But I didn’t really think about doing it.


“I’ll just say it first. “This is our opportunity.”


Everyone looks at my face with a puzzled expression.

I continued speaking while smiling at them.

“We haven’t had any results since we started the club.”

“uh… … ? No, you are doing support business, right? “Isn’t it actually the best in school?”

“It’s internal and financial. “To be precise, it refers to our rank.”

“ah! And it turns out we haven’t had a ranking match since our all-out war!”

Se-ah is surprised and claps her hands as if she has made a new discovery.

Yes. A system that enters the martial arts club. That is the school ranking.

“It couldn’t be helped. As soon as I started, I was promoted to silver, experienced major events, and was busy running various businesses. But it’s clear that we need results.”

That was not enough for us. Whether voluntarily or unwillingly.

“This thing that seems like a crisis is actually an opportunity. Because you have to deal with five clubs at once. “Maybe this is an operation you’ll like too?”

“… … “A strategy we might like?”

Choi Yeon tilts her head at this.

I looked at the other children, including Choi Yeon, and decided to tell them what the ‘unconventional Jeonggong method’ was.

“One each. Let’s take charge of one club and wipe it out.”

“i love it.”

look. You said I would like it, right?

So-called. ‘Lu Bu’s Five Operations’.

games, guitars,

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