I Become a Mafia in the Academy Chapter 111

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Became the Academy Mafia Episode 111

An order was given from my father to gather all the leaders who could immediately gather in the conference room.

After quickly changing clothes and arriving at the conference room, I see the executives and my father sitting in their seats with serious expressions.

My location, confirmed by the nameplate placed in front of each seat, was right next to Consiglieri.

I sat down in silence and waited for the rest of the executives to arrive.

Finally, as soon as all the chairs in the conference room were filled, my father opened his mouth.

“──I think everyone has heard the story, but Caglione is currently under attack.”

The father begins his story with an angry voice.


“yes. money.”

“Show me what you have prepared.”

Parnello stands up at his father’s words and turns on the remote control.

At the same time, several photos appeared behind my father.

A photo of a person being brought into the facility wearing a suit.

You can see the familiar badges on their chests.

“This is a photo of people receiving quarantine treatment in the basement of the mansion. Most of them began to feel chills, vomiting, and dizziness during the day, and soon after, blisters began to appear on their skin, and they are now unconscious. And the bigger problem is… … .”

Farnello turns the screen to the next photo.

A very familiar scene unfolded there.

“It’s Area C.”

One of the districts of Caglione created by Asian immigrants.

And it was also a place where I went on patrol with Alessia in the past.

“Currently, in Area C, citizens showing symptoms very similar to these people have begun to appear one after another. So, based on the field agent’s report, the entire area has been quarantined.”

… … The area has already been quarantined?

“Currently, there are a total of two gang members engaged in security maintenance activities in Area C. Mikhail Alessia and Latte. “The two reported that Area C should be completely quarantined and that they would check the situation, but we are unable to contact them.”

Tuk. Tuk. Tuk.

My father, who was quietly listening to the story while tapping his fingers on the table, glances at the executives.

“Anyone who has questions about this situation, an alternative, or a solution is permitted to speak.”

Consiglieri was the first to raise his hand.

“It looks like the problem is caused by a disease. Is that why Area C was quarantined?”

My father nods at this.

“Yes, it is also considered a highly contagious disease. The gang members quarantined underground have received treatment and have regained stability, but there is no telling what will happen to Area C. “Once the situation is resolved, we are planning to call priests and doctors to provide treatment.”

My father’s solution wasn’t wrong.

Caglione donates a huge amount of money to Catholicism every year, so if you speak up first, they will definitely send priests to resolve the situation.

But it would require a large amount of money and a long time.

That’s why I immediately raised my hand after my father finished speaking.

“… … okay. Eugene. “Do you have any questions?”

“──There is. dissolvent.”


When I hear that there is a solution, all the eyes of the people in the conference room turn to me.

“What do you mean, there is a solution?”

In response to my father’s question, I stood up, looked around, and pointed to a photo of Area C where the lights were completely off.

“The cause is clearly Plague, an executive of the Villain Alliance. “Other than his ability, there is no one who can make this phenomenon visible in such a short period of time.”

“… … Plague.”

I never thought this would happen already.

I took out a USB from the cube and handed it to Farnello.

“Please connect me.”

“yes. young master.”

In response, Farnello displayed the data I had prepared on the screen again.

Plague’s face and information appear on the beam projector.

“The villain’s name is Plague. The ability is to transmit pathogens and viruses accumulated in one’s body. “The information about this guy’s abilities was obtained from a personal informant associated with the Villain Alliance, and the reliability of this information is very high.”

Of course it was a lie.

This guy is a sinister and paranoid villain. Therefore, at this time, few people knew for sure about his abilities, and not much was revealed.

But I was one of the people who knew him better than anyone else.

Yeah, at least for the amount of time I played CS.

So, I am unraveling the information I know.

‘Thanks to his tendency, this excuse is also effective.’

Because I didn’t expose myself editorially, there was no one to refute whatever I said.

“The disease he spread has a starting point. Only by dealing with it can we contain and treat it. And as time goes by, his abilities grow and become more powerful. Taking time… … “It’s not good for us.”

After saying that, I looked at my father and continued speaking.

“Send in Caglione’s elite troops right now before the disease spreads further. The Plague must be removed.”

Tuk. Tuk. Tuk. Tuk.

My father thought for a moment, tapping his fingers on the table, then looked up.

“Are you saying that we should send Caglione’s troops to a place infested with disease?”


When I answered firmly, my father stroked his beard and continued talking.

“If we make a mistake, those who go there will also be infected with the disease and may die. Even if it can be solved by capturing the Plague as you said, you can’t force them to die. Even if this issue is resolved, we can’t just throw our members into a place where there may be some aftereffects. Rather──”

What if I go alone?

Hearing my father’s quietly muttered words, the other executives stood up from their seats and looked at my father.



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“What are you talking about, boss!”

“It’s ridiculous that the Don himself went there!”

“We’d rather go!”

“I am absolutely against sending money!”

In response, the father gently raises his hand to silence the others.

Certainly, an awakened person like my father would be able to gain immunity from most diseases by wearing auras.

But that won’t work.

In an emergency situation like this, if the top decision-maker who controls the organization were absent, bigger problems could have arisen.


“I will go.”

I raised my hand and said, as if it was no big deal.

At this, eyes are focused on me again.

“Are you saying you want to go? Eugene?”

“yes. money. “I will go.”

“It is impossible. Didn’t you just say that? “How could I send you there?”

“We have already prepared all measures.”

“… … what?”

──Knock ──Knock

At the same time, a knocking sound was heard from outside the conference room, and a moment later, Han Seojun, carrying a box full of boxes, entered the conference room and placed the boxes on the table where we were.

“The item you mentioned. I brought everything. young master.”

“Good job. “Please stay out.”

“yes. then.”

Leaving Han Seojun outside, I opened the box, took out an ‘item’ and showed it to my father.

“… … that?”

“It’s a gas mask.”

A gas mask that covers only the lower part of the pipe.

It was a secret weapon I had prepared to prepare for such a situation.

“Are you sure you’re going to head to Area C, trusting only with a gas mask? “As you know, if what you say is true, diseases related to supernatural abilities cannot be completely prevented with such items, right?”

As my father said, diseases caused by this ability could not be prevented with ordinary gas masks or masks.

It is effective, but it cannot be completely defended.

For this reason, Plague’s biochemical terrorism has always been an object of fear in games as a newbie cutter.


If this were there, the story would be different.

“It is a product made by fertilizing charcoal made from cedar wood and then turning it into activated carbon and putting it in a filter. “With this, you can be completely free from Plague’s abilities.”

This is a combination recipe I discovered while playing the game, and it was an item created to counter Plague, which almost certainly appears.

An item called a ‘simple disease immunity mask’.

It was an item I created out of anger after playing all kinds of concepts and finding Plague, and it was an item that helped me make a name for myself in the CS community.

[Title: Making an item because of Playgroup.]

[Author: Darkness of the Back World]

[No, these days, I’m playing Pants, but I’m walking around naked, and when I get involved in Plague, I get lost, so I made an item like a dog. I don’t understand why they made the setting that diseases created with special abilities cannot be prevented with masks.

I think I stayed up all night for 5 days looking for the recipe to make this, but I’m sharing it because I want at least one more person to kill Plague.

「Cedar Charcoal + Priest’s Consecration + Gas Mask」

It’s really effective. Complete immunity to most diseases and respiratory toxins.

The downside is that it has to be replaced because it is a filter system. However, the cost-effectiveness is good, so let’s try making our C-gallums too.]

[ㅇㅇ: Huh? They give you immunity to diseases and poisons? Then it is cost-effective.]

[Cooking King Assassination King: kekekeke Schweitzer of Seagal appears kekekeke]

[ㅇㅇ: I just tried making it. Is this cost-effective? If you are completely immune to respiratory poisons and diseases with this ingredient, you can eat it for nothing lol]

[Hot Dog Cool Dog: You must be so mad that you are creating items hahaha Even the reason is to kill more Plagues haha ​​No, that’s why you killed Plagues?]

[└Backworld black fever: Strangled to death with a pants rubber band.]

[└Hot Dog Cool Dog: Is he crazy? It was really pants play. LOL]

[└ㅇㅇ: ㄹㅇ Look at the level of madness of this guy hahaha]

[└ㅇㅇ: Pants Man hahaha]

At the time, it was also called ‘CS Schweitzer’ in the CS community. It was so praised that it was called the ‘CS Medicine Award’.

The effect of the product was clear.

I wondered if this would be made in real life, but I was glad it turned out like a game.

“… … “When on earth did you start preparing things like this?”

After touching the gas mask a few times, my father seemed to realize that it was something that could not be made in a short time.

“I saw the Plague guy upload a video declaring war, and I started preparing from then on. “I’m sorry for not telling you in advance.”

Anyway, I never imagined that he would do something like this.

A biochemical terrorism targeting not another organization or another district, but the Caglione district.

It’s a shame because I remembered his personality from my gaming days and prepared in advance for him to do something strange, otherwise it would have been a really big problem.

“no. “I’m sorry, but rather it’s our fault for being complacent and letting our guard down.”

The father stands up, picks up the mask in the box, and begins to examine it.

“So, how many are there?”

“Time was tight, so we could only make 50 units.”

“Do you have any plans to go in?”

“Seeing as no abnormal symptoms are occurring anywhere except Area C, I believe that there is either Plague himself or something spreading the disease in Area C. “I think I’ll remove that first.”

The members of the organization said to be isolated underground must have been influenced by going out with their father to catch Plague.

If you look at that alone, it’s probably Area C.

There was a high possibility that the culprit behind this incident was there.

“… … “I really want to go.”


To be precise, I thought there was no one better suited for this job than me.

If we wanted to save those in Area C, we had to go right now.

“… … okay.”

Did he read my earnest heart? My father handed me the gas mask he was holding in his hand and looked at the executives around him.

“I will fully delegate this matter to Eugene Han Caglione. “Does anyone have any objections?”

“””doesn’t exist.”””

“Unanimously. “The person in charge of this matter will be Eugene Han Caglione.”

Tuk. My father said and placed his hand on my shoulder.

“Take care.”

I didn’t want to worry my father, who was looking at me with worried eyes, so I smiled and answered.

“I’ll be back.”

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