I Became the Youngest Prince in the Novel Chapter 265

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I became the youngest prince in the novel Chapter 265

Chapter 68: Demon Temple Strategy (2)

“Fortunately, I think I can breathe.”

A low voice came from the suffocating abyss.

It was the angry voice of one of the four great dukes, of whom there were only two left.

“Yes, it was the right time for him to cut off the Suinhae branch. “Now the empire won’t be able to move for a while either.”

In response to the angry words, Acrimosia thought of the agent, Igmaha Leviathan.

A being who suddenly came not long ago and, after confronting their king, immediately turned to the side of the devil.

But that didn’t mean he listened to them.

So I had no idea where it would end up.

Since they had the same power as themselves, it was impossible to control them.

‘I don’t know what he’s thinking.’

However, I was just leaving it alone because it was helpful for now.

“Now we have to use this to push out the other two places as well. “Before the imperial army stirs up any more inside the Demon Station.”

“I know. But before that, how about completely finishing the Suinhae side? I think now is the right time. “There’s the sea behind them, so there’s nowhere for them to escape.”

“hmm… … Surely it could be better that way. In that case, concentrate your troops on the eastern outskirts… … .”

It was when Fury nodded his head at the frantic words and was about to say that.

“There is a message from Mirai An! “I was told that it was urgent so I had to deliver it as quickly as possible!”

One of his subordinates ran towards where they were and shouted.

“What is it about?”

Acrimosia asked him with questioning eyes.

It was Mirae-an who not only said nothing since the last prediction he made a few months ago, but also cut off any communication with them.

‘A guy like that is trying to tell me in such a hurry?’

And the young doubt in those frantic eyes became even deeper as the subordinate continued his words.

“The shadow of eternity covers the source of evil. Mirae-an said this.”

“… … what? What is that… … .”

It was the moment when Acrimosia was about to question his subordinate.

“Grand Duke, this is a big deal!”

Another subordinate demon rushed inside with an even more urgent voice.

“What’s going on with you again?”

“Something happened in the Demon God Temple, Demon God Hall!”

At those words, the two Grand Dukes’ faces began to harden at the same time.

* * *

In the past, people thought that the world they lived in was flat and that there was an infinite cliff at the end.

No, even now, with the development of magic and engineering, many people still knew the world that way, and Million Geoffrey, leader of the Knights of Agnes, was one of those people.


“Huh… … .”

He realized that his perception was wrong.

The world he was currently in outside the atmosphere, that is, looking down from above the sky, was very round.

An infinite, pitch-black sea of ​​darkness spread out alongside him.

The reason why Million was here now with the Knights of Agnes and Evelyn was simple.

The attack on the Demon God Battle that was decided at the top leadership meeting not long ago.

Because this was the starting point for that.

‘Is this really possible? … .’

With that thought, Million thought of this strategy devised by his emperor.

After ascending so high that the eyes of the demons could not reach them, a separate unit moved above the three demon temples and simultaneously fell down in time for the battle that would take place at the inland border.

Originally, it was a truly ridiculous plan.

Even putting aside the shock from the fall, it was impossible to bring the special unit up to the outer atmosphere.

But Emperor Zion achieved it very simply.

Right through the floating city of Adegrippa and the bright dragon Obergia.


A small artificial island that he and the Knights of Agnes are currently standing on.

This island was created to capture the essence of all the floating magical engineering that the dragon and floating city had achieved so far, and was completely protected from gravity and the strange environment outside the sky.

‘It’s not enough to come up with a method like this, but also the drive to implement it right away. It’s truly amazing.’

When Million looked at his emperor with such thoughts, Zion was actually looking at the vast universe above, not the blue, round world.

No, it was correct to say that we were looking at countless stars existing in such a universe.

‘The world I live in now is also one of the many stars visible over there.’

If that is true, it would be like an infinite world unfolding before your eyes.

A normal person would have been sick of it just by realizing that fact, but Shion actually felt a strong desire.

The desire to have the entire world you are looking at in your hands.

‘If we end this war and end the contract with the gods… … .’

Maybe I could satisfy that desire.

at that time,

“I think it’s about time.”

Evelyn, who was looking at the border of the inland area of ​​the Demon Station from the side with a transcendental perspective, chanted in a low voice.

In her eyes, the image of the imperial army just now advancing towards the monsters in the demon area was coming into view.

“Then let’s start here too.”

The moment Shion smiled at him and turned his head downward,



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At the same time as the artificial island turns into powder and scatters,


The new model of the separate unit, which was standing on such an artificial island, began to plunge downward.

* * *

In the four demon temples that existed in the Demon Region, there were demons with special power and status.

They were called Demon Gods, and they were people who stayed within the temple area for their entire lives and devoted everything they had to maintaining the temple.

So, normally it was a very quiet demon temple, but now one of those demon temples was very noisy.

“What on earth is that?”

Not only the demons who muttered like that, but all the demons present in the temple had their eyes turned to the sky.

No, it was correct to say that I was looking at a shooting star falling in a straight line from the sky.

A meteor is approaching the demon temple at an incredible speed.

“attack… … “It’s an attack!!!!”

Accordingly, embarrassed cries came from the mouths of several Demon Gods who finally realized the identity of the shooting star.


With that cry, a huge hemispherical shield began to surround the entire Demon Temple.

Such a shield had incredible strength, enough to block even 9th level super-high level magic, but Tukwaaaaaaaaaaa!

The moment it hit the meteor, it shattered and exploded like a glass cabinet without being able to hold on for a single moment.

A meteor hits the ground outside the Demon Temple and creates a terrifying light and explosion.

Soon, where the light and explosion disappeared,

“The whole army.”

Evelyn was raising her sword wrapped in brilliant light to her eyes, and behind her stood the Knights of Agnes, who were lined up and spreading a terrifying force.

“From now on, we will clear a path to the central temple.”


As soon as Evelyn finished speaking, the new forms of all the knights, including her, were shot straight ahead.

“Everyone, stop those humans!”

Demonic coffins pop out from inside to stop them.

Soon after,


A terrible clash began between them.

Countless sword lights cut through the atmosphere and even space, and the products of strange magical energy blocking them.


Is it really Evelyn Agnes, who is called the most powerful in the seven heavens, and the Knights of Agnes, who are said to be the strongest in the empire?

“Never stop.”

Within the realm of the temple, the Demon Gods who could display the same power as the highest level demons also began to gradually be pushed out, unable to properly confront them.


A victory that suddenly tilts and a path that begins to open.

However, the young light did not disappear from the eyes of the demonic officers dealing with Evelyn and the Agnes Knights.

No, there were demons who even smiled leisurely.

“Is this really all there is? Then you will never be able to reach the central temple.”

Of course there was a reason.

“The moment you attacked this place, the fact was already conveyed to the abyss. “The Grand Dukes must be moving by now.”

If we hold out just a little longer, one of the archdukes will reach this place and at that moment, the situation will be completely reversed.

“In other words, you have no chance of winning.”



Evelyn’s eyes were extremely peaceful as she responded to the demon priest’s words.

No, not only she, but none of the knights who were pushing the Demon Gods were shaken.

As if he had been expecting this situation.

“But I have never answered yes to the question that this is all.”

“… … what?”

It was a moment when the eyes of the demon gods were filled with doubt at Evelyn’s words.


A sound that seemed to tear the world apart came from the sky once again.

At the same time, the heads of the Demon Gods were lifted upward.

Soon, a meteor falling towards the temple caught their eyes once again.

Although it was smaller than before, the meteor was scattering something more ominous and foreign.

“no way… … .”

The eyes of the Demon Gods looking at the shooting star begin to shake mercilessly.

“Well, sometimes it’s not a bad idea to act as bait.”

The moment Evelyn, who was looking at them, smiled slightly and said, Kwaaaaaaaa!

A meteor struck the central temple, which was empty due to demonic crowns popping out to stop Evelyn and the Agnes Knights.

“Oh, no, that place…” … Stop it! “Everyone go back and stop it!”

The demon who seemed to be the leader of the demon priests shouted at him, but Evelyn and Million were not the ones to leave it at that.

“You’re turning your back on us. “That’s quite insulting.”


With those words, hundreds of silver sword lights erupted from Million and simultaneously cut down dozens of Demon Gods around them.

A space that splits apart along with it.

“Kaaaa! “You damn bastards!”

At that moment, a cry like the howl of an animal came from the mouths of the Demon Gods who had no choice but to turn around again.

The second skirmish between the detachment and the demons began.

* * *

The remains of a temple destroyed by a meteor.

‘Did it fall exactly in the center? ‘You’re lucky.’

Shion slowly got up from there, looked around and thought.

In Zion’s eyes, a huge dark red sphere was coming from a little distance in front of him, pulsing like a heart.

‘Demon core.’

A piece that can be said to be the core of the core, dispersing and maintaining demon energy throughout the demon area, including the demon temple here.

If we could just destroy that demon core, a significant portion of the demon territory could be turned into land where ordinary creatures could live.

at that time,

“Where did you come in here!!”

With a loud shout, the space split and two beings jumped out of it.

Demons that look similar to human elders and have two large horns on their foreheads.

These were the high priests who were in charge of the entire demon temple here.

“How dare you damage the demon god’s sanctuary and even set your dirty feet on it! “That sin will have to be paid for with death!”

The moment the shout ends,

thud! thud! thud! thud!

The magic core seemed to beat even faster, and dozens of dark red lines burst out from it and connected to the high priests.

At the same time, the space within the temple becomes distorted, and within it, the laws of the world begin to become distorted and reestablished.


The atmosphere screamed and fell and the demon energy of the priests rapidly increased.

“May the demon god’s blessing dwell here!”

The rank of the high priests soaring in an instant was beyond imagination to the point where it could be compared to the great dukes of previous generations.

‘That… … .’

They were not where Zion’s eyes were directed.

The resonance occurring between them and the Demon Core.

No, precisely, it was a phenomenon that was occurring due to such resonance.

Time that changes irregularly with the laws of the world being reestablished.

Zion had already experienced similar phenomena several times.

That was when ‘Kronos’ Five Questions’ were activated.

‘Could it be that the power contained in the magic core was related to time?’

At the corner of Zion’s mouth, whose eyes lit up with that thought,

‘Maybe I can get to 8 stars much faster than I thought.’

The moment a dark arc is drawn,


The brightness inside the temple began to decrease rapidly.


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