I Became the Youngest Disciple of the Martial God Chapter 425

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Episode 425

While I was thinking about it, the owner continued speaking.

“Are you a foreigner?”

“Yeah, right?”

For now, I swallowed my words and replied, causing the owner to let out a deep sigh.


Then he glared at me with his unkind eyes.

“Sir, this wasn’t your intention from the beginning, was it?”

Then, a woman who appeared to be the owner’s wife slapped the owner’s arm and said.

“You too! It looks like you came for a homestay or something, but why are you embarrassing people like that?”

“But you speak Korean really well.”

“You must have received some early education!”

At this point I opened my mouth.

That’s because I somehow felt that keeping my mouth shut and mumbling wasn’t a good idea.

“I’m not used to the money here yet, so I thought this would be enough to pay for it. Sorry.”

“That’s possible! Why, $1,000 is a huge amount of money in America. You could mistake 1,000 won for 1,000 dollars!”

“Did you have a $1,000 bill… … ?”


The owner, who had been hit in the arm again, spoke with an embarrassed face.

“Do you have a guardian?”

“I’m nearby. I’ll get you right away. If we continue like this, it might be a bit much, so I’ll leave my wallet here before I go.”

“Why are you going that far… … .”

While saying that, he held out his hand and handed over the wallet to the executioner.

The owner who received the wallet paused and asked me.

“Can I check inside for a moment?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Let me see… Okay? There’s a card here. Can’t I just use this?”

How do you plan on using the card?

I mumbled with an expressionless face.


“Have you exceeded your limit? Let me scratch it first.”

And then, as I swiped at some strange mechanical device, a hard voice clearly said, ‘Payment complete.’

“Can it be done?”

“Oh my, I caught the wrong person! I’m sorry, young man! Be careful!”

“Oh, yes.”

I took back my wallet with my cards in it and felt a bit dazed.

I don’t know what’s going on, but I guess it’s resolved?

‘… I ate well, Death Penalty.’

I thanked the executioner in my heart and then left the stall.

* * *

Although there were some unexpected events, everything was resolved well and we were able to fill our bellies.

I wandered through the map in my memory, looking for the first PC room, and finally arrived.

So the first place that this Luan Badniker set foot in was a PC room… … .

From my point of view, it was a very strange place.

In the dark place, only artificial lights flickered, and since there were no windows, it was difficult to tell day from night.

The space was packed with desks and chairs, and people were sitting in front of metal boxes on the desks with half-absent-minded looks on their faces.

‘It looks like a drug den.’

That’s the moment.

“f*ck! Why aren’t you coming? If this gang comes, I’ll definitely beat them!”

I was startled by the thunderous shout… … .

And I was even more surprised when I saw the owner of the voice.

Because the person sitting in front of the metal box was a little boy who looked to be around ten years old at most.

What should I say about the expression on the face of the little boy spitting out curses?

It was so distorted that it was as if he was seeing his parents’ enemy right before his eyes.

“I’m gonna lose again because of that f*cking kid. What the heck! It’s a promotion match! This sucks! Seriously! f*ck!”

“Ugh… … .”

I ended up covering my mouth.

From the mouth of the little boy who should still have retained his innocence, thick curses came out like those of a mercenary who had been in a battlefield for more than ten years.

I was never the soft-spoken type, though.

It was the first time I saw a child use such vulgar language so brazenly.

The important thing is that there wasn’t just one kid like that.


“How did your parents teach you to throw Timo in the 5th pick? Don’t you think about the composition?”

“AAAAAHHHH! It broke again! This f*cking game, I told you there’s definitely probability manipulation!”

“… … .”

I was getting dizzy and couldn’t stand being in this space any longer.

It was hard to believe that there was a third death row in this chaotic cave.

– Baek No-kwang! Your disciple has returned! He will destroy Yeongsan!



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– Baek No-kwang! I am an inevitable being!

– Baek No-kwang! I’ve definitely become stronger. I’m equal to you or stronger than you!

– Baek No-kwang! Come out and have a chat with me!

Thinking back, it wasn’t that unbelievable.

In any case, the third death penalty was the only one whose mind could not be restored even by the Master’s iron fist.

I checked that there was no third death row in the first PC room and moved to the next location.

In these simple guesses without any basis or reasoning, my luck isn’t that good…

Even in the second and third PC rooms, I was not able to meet the third death row inmate again.

‘This is a mess.’

I told you to hurry, but you’re already quite late.

I had a fleeting thought, “Did I eat the rice for nothing?”… … .

If I had wandered around hungry without filling my stomach, I would have definitely collapsed from hunger.

If you collapse like that, you’ll just slowly die on the street, like a sick and tired cat.

Poor Luan Badnicker… … .

The third death row inmate probably didn’t want his cute youngest to die like that, so there was nothing he could do. Anyway, that’s how it is.

And finally the fourth PC room… … .

This PC room was uniquely located in the basement, and I had a strange feeling even before I entered.

I approached the stairs, feeling a presence or premonition that was difficult to explain clearly… … .

There was someone standing in front of the entrance.

He’s a pretty bad-looking muscle man.

He looks at me askance with a cigarette in his mouth.

“… … .”

I narrowed my eyes.

Without even having to use a face-palm, I realized at a glance that my opponent was a strong opponent with a decent fighting ability.

‘Security, something like that?’

Anyway, I have not committed any sin and have nothing to be ashamed of, so I try to pass the rice cake stand and go up the stairs.

This guy suddenly stopped me.



“Do you have a membership?”

“… … .”

What kind of membership is this?

I’ve been to three PC rooms before, but none of them asked for anything like that.

So it’s one of two things.

First of all, this guy is picking on me for no reason… … .

Second, this PC room is a somewhat special place compared to other places.

Of course, the latter is more likely, but I said with a calm face.

“There isn’t any.”

“Then get out.”

“That’s a bit… …. I think someone who’s a member sent me on an errand. I’ll just go in for a bit and come out.”

“Are you a member? What’s your name?”

“That’s a bit hard to reveal.”

I fundamentally respect the death penalty.

What I mean is, the third death row inmate has a complex about his name, so he basically doesn’t like his name to be revealed.

Because of that, Nana Arang and Sa-hyeong were often called the third death row sisters… … .

The second son and the third brother were often called the third son.

Only Baek No-kwang did not hesitate to call the third death penalty’s name, which must have been the reason why the third death penalty was particularly affectionate to the Master.

In the end, it ended with the executioner’s face being beaten so much that it swelled up.

‘It was a special case during Seren’s time, so there was nothing I could do… … .’

Anyway, the old man who heard what I said openly sneered.

“I knew it. Do you know how many people like you come here every day?”

“… … .”

“Get out while I’m talking nicely to you. Next time I see you, I’ll beat you up.”

You speak so beautifully.

I glanced at the stick.

It certainly seemed like he had the skills to speak frankly, but… … .

Even for me, who had lost my danjeon and was physically weak, it wasn’t that threatening.

While I was wondering if it might be faster to just beat him up, I kept asking questions.

“How can I get that membership?”

“There’s no point in telling you that much.”

“You’re so heartless. Is it because you’re bald?”

“What is a dog?”

Anyway, the more the rice cakes came out like this, the more certain I became that there would be a third death row in this PC room.

Anyway, unlike the street vendor earlier, this guy was openly hostile, so it was much easier for me to deal with him.

I simply got to the point.

“I don’t have a membership, but I’ll try to get in somehow. I’ll just check without causing any trouble, so get out of the way.”

“Yeah… … . Actually, I realized it at first sight. You’re not the kind of guy who can be talked out of it-.”

While the rice cake was setting the mood, I approached the back of the guy and struck the back of his neck with the edge of my hand.

The dwarf’s eyes rolled back in an instant and he fell down. He was a big guy, so if he fell down wrong, he could have been seriously injured.

I caught the falling collar and stopped it from falling, then helped it to the wall.

In this way, Luan Badnicker is a man who is kind even to his enemies.

I just passed the rice cake stand and went down the stairs to the basement.

“Cough… … .”

As soon as I opened the door, a pungent smoke greeted me, and when I smelled it, I realized it was the smoke from a burning cigarette.

I tried to blow away the smoke by waving my hands, but it was so thick that it had no effect.

“Hey, this kid just plays games like a savage? If you take his clothes off, he’s a corpse.”

“Yeah. No. It’s skill.”

“12 consecutive losses… I’m going to die… I’m just going to die… … . Trash like me doesn’t deserve to live… … .”

“It’s going to bounce back… It’s going to bounce back… My grandfather appeared in my dream… … So today, I’m definitely going to bounce back… … .”

“When will the jjaggaechi come out? It’s been a while since I ordered it!”

“… … .”

The overall atmosphere wasn’t much different from the PC rooms I’d been to, except for the smoke.

I narrowed my eyes slightly.

Why is that?

There was a metal box, and the people sitting in front of it looked pitiful, but… … .

Somehow, none of the members seemed like ordinary people.

Are you asking if he is a strong person who would make even me nervous? Well, that’s not necessarily the case.

“You little punk… … !”

At that moment, the rice cake reappeared with a thumping sound.

I was a little surprised, because I didn’t expect him to come to his senses so soon.

I don’t really have any particular circumstances in mind, so it probably means that he’s either tougher than I thought or that I’m incredibly weak right now.

While I was surprised, the guy who ran towards me with brisk strides and threw his fist at me without warning.

‘Oh my.’

You’re throwing away your money.

This time, the moment I tried to respond a little more strongly… … .

“Dolsoe, be quiet.”

A muffled voice came from the counter. It was a voice that was cracking with fatigue.

At that moment, the eyes of the thief who had been flashing murderous intent suddenly stabilized, and fear filled his place.

“Hello, boss?”

“… … .”

I suddenly saw the man who appeared, the CEO.

I was a little surprised.

There was hardly any sign of life at the counter, because someone was sitting there.

In fact, it was closer to lying down than sitting.

He was a man with a crumpled appearance, almost slumped in a soft chair with a back that reclined all the way down.

The man, who had an overall dirty impression, appeared to be sleeping with an eye mask on, and spoke in that state.

“If you’re a gatekeeper, you should just guard the gate. Why did you come in here and make a fuss? Can’t you see that the customers are displeased?”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry-.”

“Stop making a fuss and just go away.”

“Yes, yes… … !”

At those words, the rice cake called Dolsoe suddenly left.

Only then did the gazes that had been focused on disappear one by one, and the PC room returned to its usual appearance.


As I stood there for a moment, the man who was called the boss opened his mouth.

“You little brat. This PC room is membership-only and is not currently accepting new members. Even if there were a membership period, you wouldn’t be able to meet the requirements.”

“What are the conditions?”

“Say something.”

The man, still lying there with his blindfold on, licked his lips.

He looked like he was going to fall asleep again at any moment, so I spoke quickly.

“Okay. Then can we just check if there’s anyone here looking for this?”

“Who are you looking for?”

“Uh… First of all, he’s a man. He’s a bit big. He looks similar to me, but he’s probably purple, and he’ll have some facial hair on his face. And he’ll probably have his hair tied up.”

I said, assuming a pose with my hair tied up at the back.

“Like this?”


At those words, the man took off his sleep mask and got up from his seat.

And then he stretched and groaned, and only then did he look at me.

“Hoo… … .”

There was an interesting look in his blue eyes. The man spoke with a grin.

“Aesongi. Are you perhaps one of the disciples selected by Baekga?”

“Are you a Baekga guy?”

“Yes. I mean Baek No-kwang.”

I looked at the man with surprised eyes.

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