I Became the Youngest Disciple of the Martial God Chapter 424

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Episode 424

It took some time to find the executioner’s wallet, because no matter how hard I looked, there was nothing that looked like a pocket.

As I was poking around here and there, I happened to take a big look around the execution room… … .

The room wasn’t that big, so it was hard to say it was clean. Still, it didn’t smell musty, as if they had burned some air freshener…

Anyway, in a room where clothes and socks and such were strewn about haphazardly, there was the only space that was neatly organized.


Should I call it a small display case?

Inside the glass-enclosed exhibition hall, there were lights and some pretty cool sculptures on display.

“It’s so incredibly elaborate.”

In fact, they were dolls that were more like models of human bodies than statues.

The quality was so exquisite that even a dwarf craftsman would be amazed, and the variety was also great.

The first floor of the exhibition hall was filled with muscular male models with various types of hair… … .

On the second floor, there are models of women wearing flowing dresses and armor.

On the third floor is a ship of incredible quality.

And on the 4th floor, there was an exhibit that looked exactly like a tank.

In a room that was a mess on all sides, not a speck of dust could be found inside this exhibition hall.

It seems that he took good care of it as if he were taking care of a sacred vessel.

“You have this kind of hobby.”

Since he is a person with many hobbies, this is not unexpected.

I nodded to myself and noticed something lying right in front of the display case.

It was a square pouch that seemed to be made of leather. When I gently opened it, I saw that it contained a hard card, an ID card, and a fairly generous amount of money.

This must be a wallet.

I took the death penalty wallet and tried to straighten my bent back… … .


For a moment, the strength left my legs.

As if I was struck by orthostatic dizziness, my vision suddenly went black.

I was staggering and ended up slamming it into the display case.

“Oh my… … !”

With a loud crash, the display case tilts as if it is about to collapse.

I barely managed to prevent the display case from falling over by hastily extending my hand, but the inside was already a mess.


Looking at the statue lying around in pieces, I thought it was well made.

“I, I don’t know.”

As I was swallowing, a flash of lightning flashed through my head.

“Earth, earthquake.”

Come to think of it, it seems like there was an earthquake just now.

It must have been a very dangerous and scary place. Even a mother-in-law would not have known that an earthquake would strike without any warning… … .

“Earthquake. Yes. It’s an earthquake. It’s all because of the earthquake.”

I kept repeating the same words as if I was singing a song, and soon my eyes met with the statue’s broken face that was rolling around.

It just so happened that she was a girl, and the way she winked with a big smile on her face made her look sad for some reason.

“… … .”

I avoided eye contact, grabbed my wallet, and was about to leave the room… … .


A sudden thought occurred to me, so I sat down on the spot and sat cross-legged. It was painful to keep looking at the display case, so I put it behind my back.

I observed the inside of my body in that state, because the last state I remember was quite serious.

After checking carefully, I found that the condition had not improved much.

Although he has escaped the state of a coffin, it seems like it will take quite some time for him to fully recover.

Of course, the most serious thing was not the physical condition.

‘… My danjeon was destroyed?’

Somehow, when I was trying to raise my internal energy earlier, the condition was a bit strange.

Could the dizziness I just experienced, which I have never experienced before, be a side effect?

“No. It wasn’t dizziness, it was an earthquake.”

He was giggling and talking nonsense to himself, and then his laughter slowly died down.

“… … .”

No matter how much I tried to brag, the feeling of emptiness did not easily go away.

I always thought I had slow recovery times, and there was a reason for that.

A warrior with a broken danjeon cannot control his internal energy… … .

A warrior who cannot control his internal energy is not a warrior.

Even I, who is not easily shaken by most things, sighed at the deep sense of loss at that moment.

An emptiness that only the unmanned can understand.

If my mental strength had been just a little weaker, I might have fallen into a state of possession at this moment.

“…where is the living.”

But this Luan Badniker.

A man who is a corpse without positive thinking… …. I was able to quickly overcome the frustration that was coming.

There were actually some positive points.

The orchestra was alive.

In fact, the orchestra was almost destroyed at the last moment, or it seemed like it was completely broken… … .

He is now in good condition, with a strange resilience.



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Of course, there are very few instruments left.

By the way, how can a broken danjeon be restored?

At least, there is no way that I know of.

In times like these, it would be right to ask the most knowledgeable of the human body and martial arts, the third brother-in-law, or the one with the most knowledge.

‘I guess I’ll have to meet the third death row inmate first.’

I was about to really step out, but then I saw my clothes in front of the door.

“… Oh my.”

It felt unfamiliar, and I even changed my clothes.

Was the third death penalty a hardship?

Probably so.

Because the feeling of the clothes he was wearing was similar to the third death row inmate’s usual attire.

It had good elasticity and high sweat absorption, making it highly practical. In addition, since it was basically black in color, it had the advantage of being less noticeable even if it got dirty.

The downside is that it’s a bit flimsy?

First of all, there are three white lines drawn along the arms and legs.

I looked at myself in the mirror for a moment and ran my hand through my hair.

“Hey, what the heck! Who said you were so handsome?”

… … .

I tried to act crazy for a bit, but the idiot in the mirror didn’t respond at all.

I finished my rant and opened the door.

Then, what came into view was a staircase, and looking at the structure, it seemed like the place I was in was underground.

It’s not completely underground, it’s semi-basement.

As I started climbing the stairs, a rather cool breeze greeted me, making my body shiver.

Is it because I’m in the desert that I’m less sensitive to the cold?

Or is it because the first salt water evaporation has disappeared, and the heat that filled his body has disappeared?

The latter is probably the bigger reason.

‘Hey, shit.’

Positive mind. Positive mind.

After climbing the dirty stairs, I finally came outside… … .

“… … .”

For the first time in a long time, a feeling of absurdity filled my head.

“…Where on earth is this place?”

Because the scenery I saw was more unfamiliar than I had imagined.

* * *

An iron cart, the first I’d ever seen, passed me by, belching acrid smoke.

It was running by itself without any guidance, and its shape felt more like a miniature version of a train I had seen in the past than a carriage.

I took a deep breath and waved the smoke away with my hand.

It was an absurd situation, but on the other hand, I thought it was as expected.

When I opened my eyes, there was a strange nutritional supplement stuck in my arm, and an unknown mechanical device rolling around the room…

So, it seems that the place I opened my eyes to is a completely different place, neither my world nor Yeongsan.

‘Looking at the situation, it seems like the regression has failed, and when I opened my eyes, I was in a completely different world.’

What the hell is happening to me right now… … .

I came out curiously, but I sighed deeply.

Still, it seems like it’s not the afterlife, so that’s a relief.

Just as the saying goes that it’s better to roll in dog sh*t than to live in this world, I didn’t want to die yet.

By the way, how do I get to a place like ‘PC room’?

As I was standing blankly in the middle of the road, I felt like someone was watching me.

Just then, I noticed two people who looked about my age.

They were whispering and glancing this way, so I thought it was a good opportunity and narrowed the distance.



When I spoke to him briefly, the boy was startled.

Fortunately, it seems like we can communicate.

If you can’t even communicate, then oh well.

“Do you know where the PC room is?”

“… PC room? What’s the name?”


I stood there dumbfounded as if I had been hit, then said:

“I’m not sure about that… … .”

Judging from the tone of speech, it seems that PC room does not refer to a specific place, but rather is a general term for several spaces.

As I stood there with a blank expression, the girl on my right spoke.

“Would you like me to tell you where the nearest PC room is?”

“Ah. Then thank you.”

“Did you hear that? Hey. Search it quickly.”

“No. Why should I… … .”

The boy grumbled, took a chunk of metal out of his pocket and wiggled his fingers.

It’s strange. It looks like something rolling around in a death house.

I knew it was something special, but it seemed to have a map function as well.

Meanwhile, the other side spoke to me.

“Are you learning by any chance?”

“… … ?”

“Or are you a model? I think I saw you on Instagram!”


“Really? Oh. So are your parents celebrities? What is your father’s name?”

“… … .”

Strangely, my mouth, which usually chatters ceaselessly, did not open easily.

After that, whenever I heard direct comments like, “I’m handsome” or “I think I’ll become a fan,” my face would get hot for no reason.

As I was desperately waiting to escape the unexpected onslaught of enemies, a boy who had finished his search approached me like a savior and opened his mouth.

“There are about five nearby… … .”

“Can you teach me everything?”

“Yes. For now, this is where we are.”

Still, the shape of the map didn’t differ much, so I just glanced at it and nodded.

I forcibly pushed away the girl who insisted on showing me around and decided to look around the places I had roughly memorized in my head, one by one.

Then I ran into a pretty serious problem.

Gulp… … .


My stomach is churning.

Even if some unknown nutrient mass had been injected into his body, it was inevitable that his stomach would be empty since he had been unconscious for quite some time.

As I was walking down the street, gently touching my stomach, I caught the smell of delicious food.

I saw a street vendor.

When it comes to street stalls, you usually shouldn’t expect much in terms of taste or quality.

The quality of those foods didn’t look that bad.

First of all, the smell itself is passable.

At first glance, it looks like it’s been heavily seasoned with bad seasoning, but in reality, it’s hard to say it’s not tasty.

I headed towards the street stall as if possessed.


There wasn’t really a menu or anything… … .

Looking around, it seems like they have a system where you eat first and then pay later.

It’ll cost you a lot of money, but it’s normal for elders to buy food for their cute youngest siblings.

I started eating by taking the skewers out of the warm soup.


It’s delicious.

I was wondering what it was, but it seemed to be made by mincing or pounding fish. The broth was made by boiling crab or radish.

As I sat there and finished a few, the owner smiled and said,

“Bachelor, have some soup too.”

And they poured the soup into a paper cup, so I drank that too, gulping it down.

After eating the skewers, I also ate something chewy like marshmallows, dipped in red sauce… … .

I heard that dipping fried food in this sauce is delicious, so I tried that.


it’s good.

The slightly spicy seasoning really took care of the rich taste of fried food. Isn’t this the kind of situation where they say a good match is made?

Above all, the taste of the food was, on average, incredibly stimulating.

Normally, if you eat this kind of food after having had your stomach empty for a long time, your stomach will turn over… … .

My intestines were quite strong, so it didn’t really matter.

As I was standing there and stuffing the food into my stomach, the store owners, who appeared to be a married couple, looked at me with satisfaction.

“Oh my. What a blessing it is to eat.”

“He looks slim, but he’s a big eater.”

You can’t help but look at it with satisfaction as sales are increasing rapidly.

Since I finished a lot of food by myself, they gave me a lot of things I didn’t order, saying it was service.

Since I’m the type of guy who basically never turns down anything given to me, I nodded and continued eating.

I was enjoying a long-awaited prey when, at one point, I suddenly came to my senses and stopped eating.

No matter what, I couldn’t spend all the money on the third death penalty.

“Ate it all?”

“Yes. It’s a good restaurant. How much is it?”

“Yeah. Let’s see… … . Fifteen pieces of fish cake, four servings of tteokbokki, and fried food… … .”

The owner, who had been counting for a moment, smiled and said.

“It’s forty-seven thousand won.”

“… … .”

I don’t know about the currency of this world.

The moment I heard the story, I knew something was wrong.

I paused for a moment, then took out my wallet. I took out a single bill and held it out.

“Is this not enough?”

“… … .”

Then, the expression on the owner’s face, who had been smiling warmly as if looking at his own son, quickly hardened.



“These days, you can only buy one fish cake for a thousand won.”


I knew it.

It looked like a promissory note with 1,000 written on it, so I thought it was about 1,000 silver.

I guess that wasn’t the case at all.

‘… What should I do with this?’

I felt a chill down my spine at the crisis I had never experienced before.

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