I Became the Youngest Disciple of the Martial God Chapter 420

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Episode 420

Once you have made a resolution, it is best to put it into action as quickly as possible. This applies even if it is not a grand resolution to sacrifice one’s life.

… I should sleep for 10 more minutes. I should rest for 5 more minutes. Ah, before that, should I eat first? Or should I wash up first? I have to clean too… … .

… such procrastination dulls the resolutions that have been made with great effort.

The human body is fundamentally structured to pursue comfort and pleasure, and is far from being poisonous.

In such a process, it is inevitable that foolishness will arise.

Actually, I might have had a little more leeway.

At least we have some more time to talk.

I decided not to do that.

I sent Delak away first, then sat on the half-broken chair and stirred the glass of sand alone.

Come to think of it, I think it was said that one of every father’s dreams is to have a drink with his grown son someday.

I don’t think Delak would have such a dream, though…

If we survive this fight and some more time passes, we may be able to see that future.

However, I couldn’t go to my regular bar.

That gentleman must be a bit old. I’m also old-fashioned, so I might get some ridiculous misunderstandings.

The bar owner suddenly blurted out this to me.

– Hey, blondie. I don’t think your little brother is old enough to drink yet, so bring him when he’s a little older.

“Kukuk… … .”

I laughed like a crazy person without any reason.

Because I couldn’t predict what kind of expression Delak would make when the bar owner said that.

Then I decided to stop thinking like this.


I muttered as I looked at the still hazy flames of the body.

“Don’t worry, Vulcan. I keep my promises.”

I remember the conversation I had with Vulcan just before I died.

Vulcan kept his promise perfectly.

That being truly transformed its own existence into flames, giving me the means to turn the tables.

It is a promise between man and man before between God and man.

I have decided to give it my all… … .

When the time came, I got up from my seat.

It’s time to go die.

* * *

In fact, Delak also needs more time to gather his strength and observe his opponent.

Because all strategies basically start with observation.

With that nobleman’s insight, given some time, I think he could find a weak point even in the Demon King.

Luckily, Delak was a master at killing his presence.

Even at this very moment, he must be quietly concentrating his strength in an unseen place.

So my role is… … .

To break the cult leader’s shield and create a fatal gap.

However, the timing of the surprise attack was left entirely to Delak.

Said to Delak.

Never show yourself unless you are sure you can kill her.


My body rose up, breaking the ceiling at the top of the tower.

The moment the leader’s hazy gaze turned to me, I immediately used the pre-deployed technique.

Baekilsik, the 9th Invitation Ceremony.

A life of a snake.

Wow, wow, wow!

He struck down the leader with nine snakes.

But it seemed like this guy hadn’t been playing around for a while, as the membrane surrounding his body felt much tighter than before.

Earlier, when the dragon knocked three times, it cracked, and when he knocked five times, it was completely shattered… … .

Now, even after knocking five times, there was no sign of a crack.

It wasn’t a good development, but it was somewhat expected.

Without hesitation, I unleashed all nine snakes into the attack.

Kushik… … .

After pouring out all the attacks, a thin crack appeared in the barrier, but that was the end.

All the internal energy in my body disappeared.

Because I had spent everything carefully and scraped everything together, I didn’t even have the energy left to demonstrate the most basic martial arts.

The leader looked at me.

‘That must have been your last struggle?’

… is the look on his face that seems to say that.

It’s always fun to break someone’s expectations, especially when it’s an enemy you have to risk your life to kill.

As expected, this guy used up all his internal energy.

-That’s my internal energy.

I chuckled and unleashed another power that was deep within me.

The opening of the evil dan.

The development of the dark sky and moon towards the extreme.

The flames surrounding his entire body turned black, and new energy surged into his body that had been drained of strength.



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The leader, who had been looking at me blankly for a moment, burst into laughter.

[Ahaha… … . That instrument… … . I see. You have already touched the waves of the end!]

Ignoring the leader’s nonsense, I used the first technique again.

Baekilsik, the 9th Invitation Ceremony.

A life of a snake.


The nine snakes that rose up with explosive momentum were, even when viewed again, more like dragons than snakes. This is true even when considering that they were black flames.

At this point, wouldn’t it be okay to just call it Nine Dragon Days?

In fact, this sounds better as a herbivore name.

‘Okay. I’ve decided that from today onwards I’ll be a nine-year-old girl.’

I finished changing my name on the spot, then knocked on the leader’s curtain with nine dragons.

When the dragon roared twice, the leader’s curtain shattered into pieces.

For a moment, the leader’s entire body seemed to be riddled with gaps.


Not yet.

That appearance may not be exactly a trick, but this degree of loophole is not enough.

Delak, who is probably watching the situation from somewhere, will probably think the same as me.

I continued the attack.

The nine dragons, each with their own agenda, persistently attacked the leader’s weak points.

Wow, wow, wow!

The dragon ate the leader’s head, bit off his neck, and pierced his chest.

Just as the guy was about to disperse like fog, the remaining six dragons even burned away the smoke.


A loud voice, either screaming or joy, rang out loudly.

The leader opened his mouth as if dancing on black flames.

[Not yet! It’s still far from enough!]

Coincidentally, the leader’s shouts coincided with my thoughts.

The life of a nine-year-old dragon, which unfolded as a dark and bitter play, was a bit more persistent.

Even after performing a single attack, it did not disappear and took on the appearance of an evil dragon that would bite its opponent until they died.

Of course, in the process, I am constantly sucking up to my instrument.

The instruments I had diligently collected without ever using them were exponentially consumed in the process of burning, regenerating, and then burning the leader’s body again.

Soon I felt a hot sensation in my nose along with dizziness.

The coffee broke out.


I need to push a little harder, a little harder.

At that moment, the cult leader, who had been repeatedly disappearing and disappearing like smoke, reached out his hand toward me while his body was opaque.


Then the poison inside began to run wild.

Due to the excruciating pain that felt like his limbs were being torn apart, he momentarily lost concentration and three of the nine dragons were destroyed.

Then I felt an unpleasant pressure behind me, and before I knew it, pale hands had sprouted and were crawling up my entire body.

The feeling of having no forearms and the palms cut off at the wrists, squeezing against my skin all over my body was horrible.

It felt like a bug the size of my palm was trying to get into my body.

“Haaah… … .”

Something escaped my lips, either a sigh or a groan.

I decided to forget.

I tried to ignore the unpleasant sensation in my palm and focused my attention on the remaining six dragons.

Now I didn’t believe in myself.

Trusting in the last dragon armor left behind by Vulcan.

I trusted Delak, who had not yet appeared, to gauge the optimal timing.

Even in the midst of all this, the pain inside my body would wash over me like a huge wave, making me lose focus at times.

Each time this happened, the number of dragons decreased by one.

From the Six Dragons to the Five Dragons, from the Five Dragons to the Three Dragons.

And I finally ended up confronting the cult leader with only one dragon left.


This dragon also pierced the cult leader’s abdomen for the last time, then flew into the sky and disappeared.

[… … .]

The leader seemed to be grinning as he looked like he was covered in wounds.

Strangely, looking at that sight, I felt happy and smiled.


I know this isn’t enough.

The leader still has one option.

Coincidentally, I still have one more move left.

The Danjeon is broken, and the band is also broken… … .

Now all that remains of my body is the archetype of my most unique power.

I exploded with my innate energy.

[… … !]

The leader was shaken for the first time.

Even this guy, who is not a human, seems to know what it means to explode his innate energy.

The dying embers quickly grew in size.

Even though I had consumed all nine dragons, there was actually one more dragon left.

I turned into a fire dragon and arrived right in front of the leader’s nose in an instant.


The volume I wrote, although I didn’t write it with any particular intention, caused a fire like a hundred-day eclipse and got stuck in the cult leader’s abdomen.

The leader’s jaw dropped, and something like fog flowed out from his mouth.

‘That’s a joke.’

I took back the book I had chuckled at, only to find that my finger bones were completely shattered and in a horrible state.

I tried to clench my fist, but I lost all feeling and had a hard time opening it.

This time, I had no choice but to kick out the chairman.



The leader gasped again, letting out a breath. In return for seeing that sight, his left hand also began to rot away and turn black.

Now that I think about it, it doesn’t seem like it was just my left arm that was rotting away.

I soon realized that most of my body had turned black. It was because of the poison the cult leader had planted in me.

The energy of the entire body is distorted, and the bones are torn due to excessive eating.

Although it would have been impossible to even move a finger, I was still able to move.

It must be thanks to Vulcan’s dragon armor.

I then attacked with both legs, elbowed him down, and bumped his shoulders.

With his vision blurring, he made one last leap and then headbutted the leader’s pale face.

[… … !]

The moment the focus disappeared from the leader’s eyes, I shouted inwardly.


At that moment, Delak appeared from the shadow of the cult leader.

There was no wavering or hesitation in Delak’s murderous expression.

Those sharp eyes were focused only on the enemy that needed to be killed.

Michael in his hand was showing contradictory colors, as if he was black and white or surrounded by darkness.

It didn’t seem to contain any special power, and it had a rather strange shape.

The leader, who seemed to have sensed something, looked surprised in a way he had never shown before and swung his tattered right arm at Delak.

Then, a powerful sound soared from an unknown source, and an enormous tensile force poured down on Delak.

Kwaaaa …

The entire tower shook as if it were going to collapse.

A violent earthquake occurred, as if the entire world, not just the continent, was shaking.

Even the black sun floating in the sky has cracks.

I was swept away by the aftermath and thrown out of the tower again. It was my second fall today.



Even the sound was faint.

When I blinked once, Delak had already passed the leader.

How much power is contained in a single sword?

Suddenly, Delak was seen kneeling on one knee, drenched in sweat, panting for breath.

[… … !]

Dozens and hundreds of hands sprouted from the cult leader’s frozen body with his arms outstretched and began to grope his body madly.

[Ahh, ahhh, ahhhhhh… … !]

The confused voice turned into a scream and roared loudly.

The voice, which sounded like a sigh as I listened, suddenly stopped at one moment.

Kurrururur… … !

At that moment, the tower began to collapse, and cracks appeared in the black sun in the sky.

[… The grand plan of Yeo-ui will be postponed again.]

As I was falling, I couldn’t see the leader.

Even in the midst of all this, this guy’s voice continued.

[But I won’t be impatient.]

The instrument gradually fades.

The Demon King who had filled all directions – his presence as a spirit began to disappear.

[You, savor today’s victory.]

At that moment, my fall ended.

* * *

I don’t know if it’s day or night.

My eyes seem to be open, but my vision is so blurry that I can’t see anything.

Even in the midst of all this, I could tell that I was alone.

When I first fell from the tower, Vulcan was next to me, but now there was no one next to me.

Knock, knock… … .

The flames that had been flickering like embers have completely disappeared.

The only feeling I had left was a faint warmth.

As if the warmth was the last bit of life force, I felt the energy in my body disappearing.

It’s been a long time since I’ve been in a state of near death.

What really matters is from now on.

In a hazy state of consciousness, I asked him questioningly.

‘Gosh… you son of a bitch.’

Your master is going to die.

Are you going to leave it like this?

[-yeong, mountain protection, hair, dong.]

At that moment, a voice was heard as if it had been waiting.

I was momentarily delighted, but immediately felt uneasy.

The atmosphere was somehow different than usual.

[Trigger, dong dong dong, ha, haha, haha, ha.]

This inorganic voice was suddenly interrupted and mixed with noise.

[ha ha ha…….]

[Beginning, starting …

As if something was broken, a crazy sound started repeating in my ear.


[Sir, the mountain’s Ga■-chijik-ga is not activated.]

What on earth is going on here?

I briefly thought about such negative reality and then started swearing.

Because the result was obvious.

Gambling failure.

“… plague.”

Cool, blood poured out.

A hazy consciousness and a body that is gradually cooling down.

A sense of death I felt once in the distant past.

In my fading consciousness, I muttered, laughing in vain.

“If I do this, I’ll go out… … .”

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