I Became the Youngest Disciple of the Martial God Chapter 417

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Episode 417

The leader’s gaze was directed downward.

With the fall of the Dragon God, the instruments and the oppressiveness that flooded in again emphasized the sternness of the prisoners in the workhouse.

Finally, the leader reached down.

I flinched for a moment, because I saw him extend his hand just before that and bring Vulcan down.

[Do not be afraid.]

The leader spoke in a gentle voice.

The outstretched hand was graceful, as if it were placing its hand on the crown of a loyal subject.

At that moment, I actually felt something touching my scalp, and I thought that everyone who had experienced this kind of illusory sensation must have felt it.

[I have no intention of harming you. Rather, I desire your salvation more earnestly than that fallen god. If my intention was massacre from the beginning, I would not have chosen the Rahild Force.]

What kind of medicine are you trying to sell again?

I stood still, staring directly at the back of the leader who was standing there defenseless, and measured the distance between us.

Even if I use the most powerful martial arts I can use right now, such as the Salt First Strike or the Dark Heavenly Fragrance Strike… … .

I didn’t think I could take down that goblin-like guy.

Then what if I just rush in and risk my life?

No matter how you look at it, the only way to overcome this situation is through regression.

The only thing that bothers me is that the other person knows about my regression.

Demon King… … Those damned bastards are monsters who can perceive my regression.

I don’t know the exact reason, but I guess it’s because their souls or whatever are on a level that is several levels higher than mortals.

In that case, regression cannot be the answer either.

If those guys are outside the concept of regression, then even if I go back to the past, there’s a chance that things related to Angshin won’t change.

If that happens, I have no idea how things will turn out.

‘Just bear with it.’

I had a hunch, but I was certain that now was not the time to risk it all, and that we would soon find out.

I calmed the thumping orchestra and waited for my body to recover even a little.

If I had known this would happen, I would have gotten a few more potions from Ludwig.

[I’ll show you something fun.]

The moment the leader smiled softly and whispered, I felt the pressure that had been weighing on my head and shoulders slightly ease.

Those who had been at the bottom of the tower were still kneeling, but now they could at least raise their heads.

The moment they looked up at the sky at the same time, the leader gestured toward the empty space.

Kurur… … .

With the appearance of Vulcan, the scattered clouds gathered again.

Something seemed to be moving beyond the clouds, and soon something amazing happened.

The dark clouds began to illuminate the scene.

It was as if I was peering into a distant place through teleportation, or as if I had used long-distance imaging magic… … .

What the clouds reflected was an advancing great army.

In the center of the army was an enormous elephant, and on its back was a precious-looking tent.

‘What the heck are those guys doing?’

The moment the question arose, the leader opened his mouth.

[Do you know the Golden Duke’s plan?]

The moment I heard the leader’s voice, a chill ran down my spine.

No way this kid-.

[Yeoga guessed that you would not have realized the ugly truth that had occurred in this workhouse. When Yeo was the leader, she planned to bring a god here, or to become a god – and to do so, she needed the blood and flesh of the seven races that were eating away at the continent as sacrifices. However, this plan did not go smoothly, and Yeo delved into the greed of a gold-mad pig.]

The leader laughed quietly.

[That gold-mad pig was greedy, but not foolish. He must have recognized the existence of the doctrine and anticipated that the descent ritual would occur. If he had sufficient determination, none of the two plans of Ruyi would have succeeded at this moment. However, the plans of the doctrine have not been interrupted even slightly in these years. What do you think is the reason?]

“Mr. Leader. Shut your mouth.”

The moment I opened my mouth in a hurry, the leader waved his hand.

Kuung… … !

My knees almost gave out.

It felt like a huge palm was pressing down on my shoulders and back. I had no choice but to immediately close my mouth and clench my molars.


[The Golden Ball knew how to defile consciousness. You must have felt it too. Lately, that disgusting pig has been imprisoning only the heterodox.]

“… … !”

I could feel the aliens beneath the tower stirring.

No matter how sharp my senses were, this was a cognitive ability that should normally be impossible, and I began to think that this might also be the leader’s trick.

Because confusion and agitation are contagious.

[The blood of a foreign race is of no value to the gods, and only results in angering the gods… … The Golden Duke took note of this fact. When the number of foreign prisoners being added decreased, he did not hesitate to frame them. Therefore, Yeo said, “You are pitiful sacrificial lambs.”]

The leader’s voice was filled with anger.

I realized that even such feelings were just the smoke of this abominable being, but what about the alien race below?

First of all, the leader wasn’t lying right now.

It is true that the Golden Prince was an ugly ruler who tried to overcome the crisis at the expense of other races.

So, to the other races… … .

It would feel as if a divine being sympathized with their situation and felt anger on their behalf.

These are people who have lived their entire lives under persecution.

I couldn’t be sure that the other race wouldn’t fall for the leader’s delusions.

[That is their nature. They are reluctant to shed even a single drop of their own blood, but they will find an excuse to massacre thousands of foreigners. How many foreigners have been sacrificed because of that selfish weighing? How many people have been deceived? I can assure you that this has not only happened in the South, nor has it only happened today.]

The scenery beyond the dark clouds changed again.

The landscape now reflected the appearance of different races throughout the empire.



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There is a group of goblins living under the sewers.

He was noticed by the citizens while eating food scraps that had fallen on the floor, and soon the Knights Templar stormed in and subdued him.

There is an orc plowing the field like an animal with a chain around his neck.

The human who appears to be the owner swings his whip in a discontented manner, as if the labor is not satisfactory. Bright red scars are carved into the green skin.

Lizardmen reduced to a spectacle.

After fighting off dozens of wolves with his bare body, he eventually died, and his scales were torn off like crocodile skin and placed on one side of the wall of the palace.

“… … .”

The foreigners watched the whole scene with trembling eyes.

To them, that sight would not simply appear as a landscape beyond the clouds.

For some, it was the past, and for others, it felt like something that would happen in the near future.

[As long as the nameless empire exists, discrimination and persecution will never disappear. Even if you survive here today, do you think your life will get better? No. The place where you are sacrificed will change, but the essence will not change. You will once again continue your life as slaves who fill the bellies of the seven races.]

The atmosphere was changing little by little.

In the eyes of the aliens staring at the leader as if possessed, a thirst that I could not understand surged.

It’s a thirst that only those who have lived their entire lives as members of a different race can understand.

The leader waved his hand, and the scenery returned to normal.

The advancing legions of the Golden Ball.

A large number of soldiers, knights, and cavalry on camels.

The view zoomed in, soon revealing the golden ball inside the tent.

The Golden Prince was drinking wine while watching the leisurely advance of the legions.

[How far do you think it is from Airuga to the workhouse? It wouldn’t have been strange if they had already advanced here. Also, what do you think they will do when they reach the workhouse? Will they save you, the prisoners of a different race, or will they try to kill you? I know the answer, so you can bet.]

“… … .”

[Keep in mind, for them, hunting xenos is on the same level as subjugating demons and killing believers.]

At that moment, the sight of the golden ball picking a grape and putting it in its mouth did not seem human even to me, a human being.

The name the cult leader used to say, ‘Gold-crazy pig’ came to mind.

‘… What a f*cking production.’

Even I, who know the true intentions of the cult leader who is openly causing discord, feel that way, so what about the people of this species who are involved?

I could almost see their bloodshot eyes.

[So, I propose to you.]

The moment the leader reached out, the scenery changed.

Kukukukukuku… … !

Suddenly the axis begins to shake violently.

The advancing legions were caught off guard by the sudden earthquake.

Of course, there was no great confusion as it was not a complete chaos, but since cavalry was also mixed in, it was inevitable that the ranks would break apart.

The collapse of the legion was rapid.

While they were hesitating, the ground split open and the cracks began to swallow up the legion in one breath.

[Oh, no……!]

[The ground is splitting apart! Retreat! Retreat!]

[Where are you telling me to retreat to?! The back is already blocked!]

Only then did the Golden Duke open the curtain in a hurry, look outside, and speak in a shocked voice.

[What the heck is this-.]

The golden ball’s voice was cut off.

Suddenly my vision went dark, and I heard the sound of something being crushed and crushed repeatedly.

Crack, crack, crackle… … .

After a long period of unpleasant noises, the newly emerged scene was a place that had been turned into a mess.

The sudden crack annihilated the Golden Duke and her army as they advanced toward the workhouse.

Ironically, at the site of the unprecedented massacre, not a single body was left behind, and only a lonely wind blew.

[Would you not become believers in Yeo-ui?]

The cult leader who killed thousands of people with a single gesture spoke in a strange tone.

[Slaves of discrimination and persecution. There has never been a god for you. The 13 dragon kings who once looked down on you have all been forgotten or disappeared, and the traces of the nine spirit gods have become even more distant. Not to mention the 72 gods and five kings who only looked down on the empire.]

[Yeo is different. I will punish those who discriminate against you and persecute you. Yeo will become your wrath. I will kill and destroy all the rotten people of the empire, and establish a new law on their blood and flesh. In this way, the roles of the seven races and the alien races in the recreated world will change.]



And only the heterodox race regained their physical freedom.

While they were bewildered by their sudden freedom, the leader smiled and said,

[The first proof of being reborn as a believer of Yeo-ui is through your revenge. Kill and eliminate the trash in front of you.]

“… … !”

[You should not be ashamed of harming the defenseless, for this is what the Seven Races have always done to you. How reasonable this is compared to the crimes they have committed over the centuries.]

The tone of guilt fading away was like a hallucinogen that paralyzed thoughts.

A special environment where life and death are at stake, a battlefield.

Persecution of different races as previously shown.

The leisurely appearance of the Golden Ball, which contrasted with that appearance, and the overwhelming force that killed her legion in one breath.

As soon as I decided that I couldn’t let him talk any longer, I forced myself to shake off the pressure.


I felt like my right shoulder was dislocated, but I ignored it and continued on.

I immediately closed the distance between me and the leader and raised my internal energy.

I knew it wouldn’t work, but since I had no choice but to use something, my arms naturally spread out in a 100-day eclipse.

The leader spoke without even looking back.

[Be quiet. I have no intention of harming you.]


“… … !”

The moment I bounced off the invisible barrier, my body was swept away by a strangely large reaction and flew all the way to the back of the tower.

As I was falling to the ground, I instinctively tried to unleash Crowtaker’s power, but then suddenly changed my mind and simply surrendered to the fall.

I saw a single flash of light shooting out to the top of the tower, as if to replace me.

[… … !]

The leader was startled and only then looked back, but it was too late.

The being that rushed in at lightning speed reached the leader’s nose in the blink of an eye, then instantly destroyed the invisible barrier that I had been unable to break.


The blade, which had not lost any of its strength even after breaking the barrier, eventually cut off the cult leader’s right arm.


The leader let out a panicked voice for the first time, but it didn’t seem like the attack was working.

As expected, the severed arm disappeared like fog and a new arm grew out immediately.

[This is how we met again.]

“Didn’t you think that would happen?”

Delak responded indifferently and then swung his sword again.

In an instant, a tremendous sword wind blew from the top of the tower, and a battle that I could hardly watch unfolded.

Meanwhile, I had managed to land on the ground, but I misstepped and ended up face-first in the sand.

He spat out the coarse sand and let out a hollow laugh.

I couldn’t even properly land from a height of a few dozen stories… … I realized once again that my body’s current condition is serious.

I kept my face down and controlled my breathing without even thinking about getting up for a moment.

Then suddenly I felt a faint presence on the right… … .

[… … ]

The place where it fell was right next to Vulcan.

I said, realizing that the fire of the Fire Dragon God, though faint, had not yet gone out.

“Are you still alive?”


But Vulcan’s voice was faint, as if it would cut off at any moment.

Is there a lifespan for believers?

Anyway, I instinctively felt that Vulcan’s end was near.

We watched the battle unfold on the rooftop, both of us battered and bruised.

Then Vulcan said:

[You… I have a proposal… … .]

“What a coincidence. I just had something to tell you.”

Vulcan laughed and said,

[… I plan to deal a blow to that disgusting being. However, I cannot guarantee his life.]

“… … .”

[I hope you can die with this Vulcan.]

“Ah- good.”

I said with a big laugh.

“It’s what I do best.”

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