I Became the Youngest Disciple of the Martial God Chapter 413

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Episode 413

As a warrior, Quaven has faced countless threats to his life.

That’s because a battlefield where there is no murderous intent cannot be called a true battlefield.

When Quaven, once a high-ranking warrior, was targeted with murderous intent, his reaction was usually to fight back with no less hostility.

This response was the same this time too.

“…who are you?”

Quaven himself, more than anyone else, could see that there was more than just hostility in the voice he had just let out.

Did you read politeness as something more important than hostility or caution?

Delak shook his head in a somewhat moderate manner.

“My identity is not particularly important to our conversation right now.”

“That… goes against what I was taught.”


“If you are going to take our lives, we must know who you are. That is the only courtesy that can be shared between the killing and the dying.”

“Is it an eastern tradition?”

“… … .”

“First of all, I need to correct one thing you’re mistaken about.”


“I don’t intend to kill everyone here.”

At those words, Quaven realized that the only thing this man had ever said about death was a heterodox.

“Why only foreign races… … ?”

“Because that is the way to stop the Demon King’s descent.”

“D-Demon King? What the-”

“What is happening here at Rahild Workhouse right now.”

Delak cut off Quaven in a calm voice.

“… We don’t have much time to explain all the intricate plots and schemes. I just want you to know that this is a necessary death.”

“… … .”

Is there really such a thing as a necessary death in this world?

Putting such philosophical questions aside, Quaven belatedly focused on the other person’s impression.

An expression that doesn’t match his youthful appearance, a contradictory atmosphere created by his heavy speech and dignity.

Dark skin and distinctive purple eyes.

A person who can kill a thousand-level monster with a single blow, and who prioritizes hunting demons and subjugating religious groups above all else.

A word flashed through Quaven’s mind.

“Iron-blooded… … .”

“… … !”

The low, hoarse voice spread like ripples in all directions.

The same was true of the other race, who were elated with their miraculous victory and confident that they would not cower no matter what their opponents were.

Although they did not know the circumstances surrounding their return, they were determined to fight until their death, no matter who their opponent was.

Such fighting spirit dispersed like fog the moment he realized his opponent’s true identity.

Kurur… … .

Then another earthquake struck, sending debris flying.

Delak, who had been staring blankly at the ceiling, said.

“As I said, we are running out of time. For a smooth execution, the alien races should come to the left. I promise. Those who come willingly will not suffer any pain.”

“… … .”

For a voice that preached death, it was strangely calm and gentle.

Although such speech was different from the Iron Blooded Man they knew, no one suspected his identity.

Because the performance that came with the appearance was so impressive.

The same was true for Stonegan, who had a calm personality.

This rough-tempered rock tribe stood there blankly, conflicted.

The words of the Iron Blood Knight will be the last mercy he will offer them.

If you willingly give up your neck, I will let you go without pain… … .

In other words, if you don’t, it means that you will suffer terribly.

Dare I say, Iron Blood can do that.

Whether or not they forcibly take a life, there is no significant difference in the effort that the Iron Blood Workers put in.

Even if the ants have the will to rebel, there is only a little more inconvenience involved in crushing them to death.



But is there anyone in the world who would willingly give up their neck?

At this moment, all the different races had the same thought.

Could it be because we just fought a life-or-death battle?

The will to survive stirring within them was shining brighter than ever.

However, I couldn’t dare to move recklessly because the oppressive feeling that Delak was radiating was already weighing on all sides.

Without even daring to draw a weapon or think about getting into a fighting stance, the only sound I could hear was the occasional sound of feet dragging on the sandy ground.

“Ugh… … .”

Someone groaned.

It sounded like sobbing.



“How could I survive and then die in such a vain way… … .”



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All I could do was vent my frustrations with such nonsense.

Please reconsider just once.

Is there no other way?

I couldn’t even bring myself to say those words.

In the end, all of the heterodox people present here were prisoners, and most of them were dishonest to me.

No one dared claim innocence in front of the executioner known as Cheolhyeolgong.

At least among the different races, that was the case.

“Can’t you take stock?”

The expedition leader Quaven opened his mouth.

Although his tone was trembling, his pronunciation was clear.

Delak’s eyes, waiting for a voluntary selection, turned to the boar man.


“Yes. Of course, I don’t know what effect their deaths will have on the Demon King or the cult. If you know the cult better than anyone else, then it must be the right way. But… … .”

“… … .”

“But this kind of execution… is so dishonorable for a warrior.”

“Interesting observation. Do you consider the alien race to be human?”

“I don’t know yet. It might just be a fleeting sense of camaraderie that blossomed while we were rolling together on the battlefield where we risked our lives. It’s a futile and empty feeling that will disappear tomorrow.”

“… … .”

Quaven shook his head, speaking cynically.

“But, I have lived my life according to my heart. It is the same now. If I were to hand over their necks to you, I think I would regret it until the day I die.”

“Even if we die together as a result? That would be a meaningless death.”

“I’m sorry, but if I were a weak and calculating person, I wouldn’t have been dragged to the workhouse.”

Delak sighed.

“I am not advising you. As I said before, you should know the name of the one who is going to kill you. In a similar vein, I also thought you should know at least the reason why you must die.”

“So there is no room for negotiation? Not even a little bit?”

Delak nodded, and Quaven’s conflict grew, but only for a moment.

Quaven looked back, staring at the prisoners who were still alive.

Why is that?

Seven races that are not heterogeneous… … .

Humans, fairies, dwarves, giants, water people, and celestials were looking at him with the same eyes.

The moment he met those eyes, Quavenin’s heart felt lightened and his mind was freed.

“…From now on, as an honorable warrior of the plains, I will make choices that I will not be ashamed of for the rest of my life.”

Quaven, who had declared solemnly, suddenly burst into laughter and continued speaking.

“Well, if you package it like this, it’s simply suicide. So, if you don’t want to die a dog’s death, step back. I swear on my honor that I won’t dare criticize those who step back as cowards.”


On the contrary, as the other races were confused, the sound of weapons being drawn was heard as if in response.

‘Those idiots.’

At least in Quaven’s view, no one was backing down.

It was unexpected, but it was also as expected.

That’s because most people live simply in the first place.

Originally, he would have already died, but he survived thanks to the cooperation with the jingling foreign race.

I think it wouldn’t be a bad idea to just use this place as a grave.

‘Or, since they only killed the other races, maybe they could survive?’

It was then that I was laughing again at the sudden, vile thought that crossed my mind.

Kurur… … !

The cave ceiling seemed to shake more violently than before, and suddenly a loud noise was heard from far away.


“… … !”

The dust that had finally settled began to scatter again. Beyond it, it seemed as if the condensed heat was exploding.

Amid the scorching heat and the dust storm, someone’s silhouette flickered.

The moment Delak, who was watching the situation, waved his hand, the dust all disappeared.

The moment they finally saw the revealed figure, several prisoners reacted noticeably.

“I, I don’t think that’s… … .”


A black-scaled lizardman appeared through the dust.

Delak’s eyes narrowed.

* * *

Is it too late? Is it too late?

I do not know.

I was in a hurry so I hurried, but this damn workhouse needs to be a little bigger.

Besides, we ended up wasting more time finding the cave entrance.

Who would have thought that the entrance would collapse in the meantime?

‘Oh my… My arm.’

I held back the urge to joke.

My body was in shambles, and after going through the 100-day eclipse, my arm, which was already in a mess, got even worse.

I hoped I would never have to use my body any more… … .

With an ominous conviction that it would be difficult, I entered the underground cave.

Prisoners who are dead or seriously injured.

The corpse of a plant-like monster.

And even the Iron Blooded Delak standing in the center.

At first glance, the situation didn’t quite make sense, but… I knew one thing.

Delak has not committed massacre yet.

There were many corpses of prisoners around, but if this gentleman had taken action, they wouldn’t have died in such a mess.

“I, I don’t think that’s… … .”


When I showed up, the prisoners in Unit 107 pretended to know me.

Among the familiar faces, I also saw Leone, who looked like Michael. Now that I think about it, I only recruited from different races. There were actually more than seven races that I thought there would be.

I have a mountain of questions for that guy… … .

It wasn’t a question that should be asked in a place with so many eyes watching.

I tried to pass by the prisoners who greeted me, only giving them a quick glance… … .

One of the men grabbed my shoulder.

“for a moment.”

What is this kid doing now?

At a quick glance, it looked pretty strong.

Judging from the armband he’s wearing on his forearm, he must be the head of another hospital.

“What are you? Why are you approaching the author?”

“My name is Luzad, and I have a rough idea of ​​the situation. Isn’t the Iron Blooded One planning to kill all the xenos here?”

“That’s it, but.”

“Let’s try talking first.”

“Are you saying we can stop that guy by talking to him?”

“Yes. Why? Are you dissatisfied?”

I deliberately responded in a twisted manner, but Su-in shook her head and said.

“That’s not it… but I already tried to talk to him. Unfortunately, he wasn’t someone I could communicate with.”

“… … .”

I looked at Suin again, taking my eyes off her, which had been twisted at those words.

From what I heard, it seemed like this person was taking the side of the other race, which felt a bit strange.

I thought they were a very closed race, but they were surprisingly flexible.

Suin spoke in a low voice.

“I understand now that I’ve talked to him… … No agreement or negotiation will work with that person. The only way is to force him to submit, but there’s no one stronger than him in the empire. That’s why he’s called the Iron-Blooded Duke.”

“I know.”

I, Luan Badnicker, know better than anyone else here that that man is strong.

But so what?

It’s an excuse not to even try to communicate because you can’t communicate.

As you go through life, you will meet many people who don’t understand what you are saying.

I approached Delak.

Although I was physically much bigger than him, this gentleman was standing on top of the monster’s corpse, so he was naturally looking up at me.

He opened his mouth carefully, checking various means.



“Could you please step aside?”


… … ?

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