I Became the Youngest Disciple of the Martial God Chapter 411

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Episode 411

Stonegan, a member of the rock tribe and a water man from Building 107, felt that the familiar desert landscape felt somewhat unfamiliar today.

Stone’s term of service is approximately 13 years.

It’s strange how a landscape I’ve seen every day for nearly a dozen years now feels distant.

As I looked around, wondering if it was just me, a somewhat calm voice interrupted me.

“What are you looking around so absentmindedly for?”


It was Joret who suddenly touched my shoulder.

A human man who was a close associate of Ailak, the former head of Building 107, and was impatient because he could not catch the alien race.

Naturally, they did not get along well with most other races, and the same was true for the Stonegans, who were relatively mild-mannered.

Actually, that’s why it was strange.

The fact that this man is here today.

“Why are you here?”


“I heard that this expedition was mainly conducted by foreign races. There was no need for you, a human, to come all the way here.”

Then Joret responded nonchalantly.

“You just told me the answer.”

“What does it mean?”

“I was drafted mainly from different races, but I did receive support from the seven races. I came here to establish myself.”

“Didn’t you hear the warning from the acting director? He said there was something fishy about this mission.”

“Whether it’s unpleasant or not, I’ll die if I don’t achieve something. I’ve become a captain. I have to do whatever it takes to get out of the director’s good graces.”

It’s not that I don’t understand Joret’s grumbling, but… … .

Stonegan had a feeling that that wasn’t the only reason.

To begin with, the current director, Luzad, was not the type to dwell on the past, nor was he the type to pile up work and then let it go.

This means that if they had intended to punish Joret, they would have taken action a long time ago.

But if you take the director’s notice out of the equation, Joret’s words weren’t completely unreasonable.

In fact, in addition to the foreign races that were directly ordered to be recruited, many of the seven races expressed their intention to participate in the expedition.

Naturally, a chemical reaction was bound to occur when the seven races and the different races intertwined.

“Why are you dirty Sevens bastards hanging around here?”

One of the orcs from another living quarters gave me a disapproving look and started a fight.

Sevens is a derogatory term used by the foreign race to refer to the seven races. It is similar to how they call the foreign races monsters.

Of course, the hatred between the seven races and the other races was not one-sided.

Even though only the different races were selected, seven races ended up taking up about 30% of this expedition.

Because taking risks is a daily occurrence here, many were suspicious of the punitive force that only selected members of different races.

Even so, it is unusual for the seven races that have always been the majority to become the minority.

It is natural that the chins of the other races are raised higher than usual.

On the other hand, the seven races that had been unable to spread their wings were the inmates of the 107th ward who stepped forward at this moment.

“You guys, don’t worry about other people’s lives.”


“I’m telling you to stop engaging in unnecessary war of nerves since we’re on a mission together.”

“Are you covering for Sevens now?”

“Isn’t that strange? At least in this operation, they are my comrades who I have to trust with my back.”

“Comrade. You’ve completely lost your mind.”

The other races in the living quarters shook their heads in bewilderment. Naturally, the hostility did not subside easily.

The tension that has built up between them is about to collide.

“Over there! Be quiet!”

A loud voice was heard from ahead.

This is the person who will lead this expedition.

Was it ‘Quaven’, the director of Building 103?

Quaven, a wild boar, was famous for his fiery appearance and actual personality.

The other races, who knew of his nature, only then took a step back under the attention of a being who was also their superior.

Even after that, the unkind gazes continued, but the inmates of Ward 107 looked calm.

Because it was confirmed through several weeks of living.

Seven races and two species.

From their basic appearance to their history, habits, lifestyles, and cultures – they are opponents with nothing in common. Harmony with such people is still a distant dream.

However, some degree of cooperation was possible.

That’s enough on the battlefield.

Before long, the punitive force arrived at their destination.

The entrance to a cave leading underground.

As soon as Stonegan stood there, he looked at him with somewhat suspicious eyes and then went to Quaven, the leader of the expedition.

“I have something to say.”

“What is it? A rock.”

“The ground above the cave is unstable.”

Quaven blinked his eyes and tilted his head.

“So what.”

“It’s dangerous for all of these people to go inside. If there’s a fight with the monster lurking inside the cave, or if another monster appears in the meantime and an earthquake occurs-.”

“Wait, wait.”

Quaven said, cutting off Stone’s conversation.



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“Do you know how long that cave has been there?”

“I do not know.”

“At least 50 years.”

Quaven said that, then let out a hot breath as if trying to cool down.

“… The cave that had been intact for nearly half a century, why did it collapse when we barged in? Why didn’t we hold a ceremony to completely ruin this operation? A boulder.”

Just as Stonegan was about to say something more, Joret intervened.

“Oh, dear. I’m sorry. This guy is unusually cautious… … Hey, Stonegan. Just come here.”


“But still, but still, come here!”

Joret tried to drag Stonegan away, but his stone body would not budge.

Finally, when Stonegan, who had been hesitating, finally started walking on his own two feet, the two were able to disappear from Quaven’s sight.

Quaven looked at the two with displeasure before turning his gaze to the cave entrance.

The boar-man gave a command.

“Let’s charge in!”

* * *

If we had taken the opinions of the rock tribe there, would anything have changed?

Quaven burst into laughter as he assumed such a ‘what if’.

‘This is bullshit.’

Even if Quaven had an open mind and actively accepted Stonegan’s advice, nothing would have changed.

What can I do with advice?

Contact headquarters and report that the ground we need to invade is unstable, so we want to postpone the subjugation?

It’s just nonsense if you don’t get punished or disciplined.


The monster crouching in the underground cave was at least a commander-level monster.

It looks like a flower, but it is so large that it paralyzes your sense of perspective even when viewed from a distance.

The plant’s petals were as thick as chunks of meat, and thousands of stems swayed in all directions, each as if they had their own agenda.

In the center of the leaf, there were hideous, predator-like teeth, which gave us a clue as to how the creature obtained its nutrients.


“Hey, save me!”

“Kwaaah! Hey, wait a minute!”

Those tied to the plant stems were pulled by tremendous tension.

The stem was so thick and tough that it was hard to believe it was part of a plant, so it was impossible to cut it with the weapon swung while being dragged in an unstable position.

Those who were dragged away in this way were stuffed horribly into the mouth of a man-eating plant.


As the petals feasted on dozens of prisoners, Quaven turned around and shouted.

“Retreat! Retreat!”

At least that monster is not at a level that can be subdued with the force gathered today.

A level where all the prisoners in the living quarters must unite, meticulously plan a strategy, and even receive help from the knights in the headquarters or external mercenaries before they can seek victory.

The retreat of the punitive force, which had been retreating frantically while cutting off the trunk, was soon blocked.

Kurururur… … !

Suddenly, a huge earthquake occurred and landslides began to pour down from the sky.

“Oh, shit! What the hell is this!”

“Catch hold of anything! Don’t get swept away!”

“Hey, save me!”

The punitive force was swept away by the sand current, and those who did not dare to advance could only hold on to their positions.

The earthquake continued without stopping, as if it were completely burying the underground space.

It didn’t feel like it was an emergency, it was actually like that.

Quaven stood there with his double-edged axe planted in the ground, when a random thought occurred to him.

The appearance of monsters is accompanied by earthquakes, and the size of the monsters that appear is also related to the scale of the earthquake… … .

So, how big of a monster is this monster that has been appearing along with the earthquake for so long?

‘What on earth is going on out there?’

After a while the earthquake stopped, and an ominous silence filled the underground space, along with a cough.

The silence was broken by someone’s empty voice.

“T, this can’t be happening… … .”

The only entrance was blocked by debris that had fallen.

Of course, the people here could probably make an entrance by simply digging through the sand.

This is assuming there are no interruptions.

Kwagagagagak… … !

The ground beneath the surface is shaking.

The plant stems are running this way.

Quaven felt a chill down his spine.

The distance from the center of the cave to here must be at least several hundred meters, so how far can this damned stem extend?

‘There is nowhere to run.’

This is the moment when Quaven’s hair turned white.

“Get off the ground! Get on the rocks!”

Those who had been momentarily absent-minded at someone’s shouting followed the words in a hurry.

This was possible because the cave ceiling had just collapsed, sending a fairly large rock crashing down.

Quaven looked and saw a fairy who looked like a parasitic brother commanding the battlefield.

‘That guy is definitely… … .’

Michael, acting director of Building 107.

To be exact, it’s Leone who imitates him.

Quaven also belatedly understood the meaning behind Leone’s order.

With enemies scurrying around beneath the ground and unstable, soft sand, it’s safer to be on relatively solid rock.

It can serve as a shield as well as a ground barrier. The situation is a bit different, but this is the basic way to deal with sandworms in the desert.


Those who climbed up the rock were the first to succeed in cutting the plant stem.

The stem fell onto the sand, spraying a clear sap that seemed out of place.

It was the first achievement made by the punitive force, but it did not improve the situation. It was only barely able to prevent the situation from getting worse.

Leone rolled his eyes and took stock of the situation and shouted.

“This won’t do! The only exit is blocked, and this entire underground space is the monster’s firing range! No matter how many times you cut down its trunk, it’ll never end!”

“Then what do you want to do?”

“Are you asking something so obvious, you little boar? You have to kill the main body!”

Leone said, taking in the battlefield.

“Select those who can fly or step on the broken debris and hit the main body! The rest move around noisily to attract its attention! It’s the one that detects vibrations with its roots that extend below the ground!”


A vein appeared on Leone’s forehead at Quaven’s denial.

“What’s wrong? If you’re going to question the command structure or something in this situation-.”

“That’s not it! We don’t have a cooperative system that can follow your orders!”

Before being imprisoned here, Suin Quaven was a warrior of considerable fame in the Eastern Plains.

Of course, he also has a lot of experience leading battles.

“In order to form a war formation, not a single man can escape! Whether that restraint is mutual trust or fear of superiors! It doesn’t matter! What really matters is what we lack, one way or the other!”

Quaven continued speaking with wide eyes.

“Do you think it’s possible for us to cooperate in this situation? Operations are only possible when there is mutual trust! Right now, we have… … .”

Before he could finish speaking, Quaven felt a tightening sensation around his ankle. It was the stem that had dug into the ground grabbing him.

His entire body was dragged by the tremendous tension. Quaven quickly swung his axe and cut the stem, but as if he had been waiting, other stems wrapped around his arms.


‘Ugh… … .’

All he could do was not let go of the axe due to the tremendous strength of the trunk.

The moment when Quaven’s body is about to be dragged into the mouth of the man-eating plant.

A nearby stone-gane grabbed a plant stem with his bare hands and tore it apart with incredible force.

A startled Quaven took a beating.

“… … .”

“… … ”

For a brief moment, I exchanged glances with the Rock Tribe.

Quaven’s eyes shook with excitement, but Stonegan remained calm.

The Rock Tribe, who had first averted their gaze, rejoined the battlefield. The prisoner’s body was working extremely advantageously in the current battlefield.

Thanks to its heavy weight, it was not subject to being dragged by the stem, and it was resistant to rope-like tightening forces.

“The prisoners here aren’t as stupid as you think.”


“It means that I’m not such a fool that I wouldn’t cooperate even in this situation. If I fail, it’s all over anyway, so I’ll at least put in the minimum amount of trust.”

“… … .”

Leone’s words allowed Quaven to view the battlefield more calmly.

At first glance, it looked like a chaotic battle was unfolding, but upon closer inspection, it seemed that at least some sort of formation had been formed.

“… It’s hard to believe.”

“Even though you saw it with your own two eyes?”

“The ‘minimum belief’ you speak of also required a first step to be established. The gap between the seven races and the alien races is by no means narrow.”

“I was lucky. I had already taken that step a while ago.”

“… … .”

Quaven couldn’t understand the true meaning behind Leone’s words.

It’s not that I wasn’t curious, but… … .

There is no time to ask or answer questions about one’s fortune.


The water warrior took a deep breath.

My chest expanded greatly as I took a deep breath, feeling the air rushing in.

And then Quaven let out a roar.

“From now on-! Those who are confident in their mobility-! We’re going to rip that little bastard’s mouth open-!”

It was just a simple, ignorant shout, but it had quite an effect. Leone also looked at Quaven with slightly surprised eyes.

‘Warcry? This guy was a former Eastern High-level Warrior.’

The warcries of these high-level warriors have the effect of uplifting the mind and body of those who hear them, in addition to the simple function of conveying information to those around them with a loud voice.

Should we make our allies forget their fears and increase the fears of our enemies?

Of course, since the opponent is a plant, it would be difficult to see the second effect… … .

For now, the first effect is enough.

Those who burst out into roaring voices here and there began to advance towards the head of the plant.

Only then did Leone let out a sigh.

At least the worst case scenario of mass death was avoided.

‘…I can faintly feel the instrument.’

The entrance was blocked, but Leone could sense that something unusual was happening outside.

‘What on earth is going on?’

Leone felt annoyed at the current situation where he could not read the thoughts of the cult leader’s pup.

I know I should just admit it at times like this, but it wasn’t easy.

That means that the brain of that dirty bastard is several levels higher than his own.

“… … .”

Then suddenly, Leone sensed a secret that was enough to send a chill down his spine.

It wasn’t because Leone had outstanding intuition.

The one who had been hiding his presence until now revealed himself at this moment.

And Leone knew who this sound belonged to.


Leone’s gaze turned beyond the cave ceiling.

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